Show Ai XA V OF united tance s PASSED AT TUB hc ailon of he ariit coheres i NO 51 As ACT to amend section second act of august thirtieth eighteen hundred and fifty two in relation to alie nn 1 exportation of imported goods and in bond through certain borla porla in the state of texas be it enacted by tho senate and house of representatives of alio united stiles ot america in congress assembled tint section second of the act of august thirtieth hundred and lilly two entitled an net authorizing impelled gooda ware and merchandise merchandize dize entered and bonded fur nrc coining in to be exported by certain routes to ports and in mexico bo so amended that imported merchandise duly entered and bonded at a port united states and withdrawn from ouie in accor dinco with existing law for exportation for san anso del borte and chihuahua in motrico Mo irico shall rass through indindoli Indi alie port of entry fur iho district of salum in alio llio state of texas andor such regulations as alio secretary of tho treasury shall prescribe as well as through alio port in said district as required by said section april 30 1872 xo C As ACT to amend an net entitled an net to authorize the construction of a bridga across the missouri liver at or near st jo eaph missouri march filah eighteen hundred and seventy tuo lie it enacted by iho senate and the ulusc iho united states of america in congress that tho first section of alio llio hicl entitled an act to the construction of a bridge across alio llio missouri raier at or near st mi aurl approved march fifth eighteen hundred and tivo be and alic annio is hereby EO erasto asto read as follows section lo 10 lawful for 1110 kt joseph Cum sany a for 11 der alic corporation davs or alic stale of maouri Mi ouri or its aligns la construct con a bridga across alio llio river nl or near st joseph missouri and to alny on and ncr nid for alio inoru connection of anny abil all laru anro now or inay bo constructed to iho missouri river at or neair st joseph or to tho river on alio llio of the same nerist nei joseph and build erect and by on and over sal bridgi w ays for ascii as vehicles of all li fiilds and ar the and to provida ays fur boot and to keep up maintain and enid bridga for tho purpose aforesaid and that when said bridge is con nil trains of all railroads tannin at said river and on tho opposite sido at or near st joseph missouri bo allowed to cross said bridge for rca compensation to be made to alio earne under the limitations and conditions herroder her coder ormed iho own bridge may also chargo and receive or bolls lolls for the transit over iho eaid bridge of all wagons vehicle animals and foot gers sec 2 that tho fifth of the act of which this is amendatory be and il hereby amended so as to read us follows 5 that alio st bridge building company after tho of this net not have tho light to iho charter which eaid corn anny now holds by from the st joseph nod denver city railroad company aud which was granted to said last named company ly virtue of nn act of congress approved july hundred and seventy to any other company person or parsons pr sons nor ball said bridga building torn pany bo permitted under lh said charter so obtained ns aforesaid from alio st joseph and aun ver city company to construct any other bridge than iho ono now being constructed ted at st joseph missouri provided however tafil dithing in this section contained prevent tho said bridge building company from mortgaging said charter and franchises held by it by assignment from iho laid railroad company with tho bridga con or to bo constructed in the manner and for abo purposes in and for hili the taid bridga building company i or may lio authorized by or under the laws of the state to mortgage its property approved mayl na 53 AN ACT the duty on tea cotrue be it enacted by alio llio and bouso of of the united stales of america in congress that on and niter the first day of july licit ten and coffeo bo placed on the free lit and no further import duties ahall bo collected upon abo samo and nil tea and coffeo which may bo in tho public stores or ben tied on farat day of july bo subject to no duty upon abo entry thereof for consumption and all tea and remaining in bonded warehouses on laid birtt daiy diy of july which the dalies hall havo been paid bo to a alfund of tho duties paid approve i may 1 1872 |