Show CALL FOR democratic convention the territorial democratic contral central committee of utah mail hereby request their follow fellow democrats in ilia several counties of the territory to select delegates to meet in convention ven tion at the city liall hall in suit salt lake city on saturday june 1872 at 2 1 I M mi for ibo purpose of selecting delegates to represent utah U tali in tile the national democratic I 1 e or convention of july oth fid 1873 1872 in ili balti baltimore also to choose a permanent central committee commit tco for dortho tile territory and to trail transact fact bucu buch other business as way may bo be decao doemel proper we suggest eliat each county solid the iho fall following ming of delegates iz r salt lalio lake bounty county ou nty 10 19 awa 6 wasatch Wa iteli 1 I 1 brummit 3 utah 10 davis 7 juall juab 3 morgan 2 Snoop ete 7 cochic tl and pluto 2 rich 1 cox box elder 6 millard 4 heaver deaver 3 iron 4 wa 1 I 1 kane kanca 2 weber ft S and that the county convention be litlo at tho the several county seats on oil saturday tho the ati 1 of june at 2 wei 0 ck pm II 11 I 1 D I 1 jo Johi 11 11 6 oil E I 1 51 31 barnum lei LCM E ditc t ju aw goldon golden I 1 will ll 11 in L caffi p mittic litt CC SALT BALT laxy CITY may lay 21 1872 |