Show 10 CLINES r on G COS jt J OUSE str el nel en ith th A sali t tri C 0 it I 1 I 1 N NIE nae U T aa 11 ij constantly 0 on v T i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL brocenes Uro cenes aliz ZT C 0 37 L SJ tobacco and cigars AND PRODUCE prompt attention given to orders by mail air CO coa WHOLESALE G grocers r 0 C e r s AND U onlin i q s 10 a in c I 1 i a ut s agents for brewer be bemis mis LAGER BEER AND ALE f dealers in giitl vuey LIQUORS CIGARS baconi dian shoulders ec CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ST c sfa HORSE AND SIULE SHOES blacksmiths aud builders nails aw i special inducement offered to ci C v aoa i J ag G we STANLEY and bretal retal 1111 teft ler in Cro groceries ceries 40 4 provisions liquors cigars tobacco etc JUST ale KEStl VEfA 4 61 jr I 1 PA TS IR is fv s s u IP xa r L Y X or of goods gooda dfora tile ibo MARKET wo respectfully invite all 11 carlies to examine our ericc before lc lil a i 1 by mill mail for Pro mylly field r i cash paid for country produce office nil and sore in fit the chirick blocki cornor corner avelt orthe post ofeleo ST J JW W GUTHRIE j and ancl retail dealer la GROCERIES PRODUCE AND provisions at corlitt beim cou 21 anil and 4 1 streets all 11 linds or of F fancy ancy and family groceries Outfit mg r goods AND COUNTRY PIlO DUCr on hand CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE nutter inal taut intili 4 NJ IZ orders by mall or at telegraph promptly prowl cly attend cato d to several thousand thou siDd and a lot of tough rough lum lam her on oa hand ol 01 tf lf miscellaneous JUST ISSUED eaps of poly polygamy abny in ill utah dy by ur mrs T L B U STEN of salt lake city by this intensely book Is 18 the only culy revala tion of THE INNER LIFE OF THE MORMONS el ever publio lied pages paper t cloth bound 1 SO 50 for sale nalo by all iba i RUM AIT x varl y v TO THE unfortunate NEW IESt NEW EUTE jr dr gibbons dispensary NO ajo corner tf t f commercial san francisco incisco un cisco pr private I 1 entrance on co commercial mul ortal street kotab limbed in 1834 for the its treatment arr of sexual and disease such stich as 1 l Onor rhea meet 8 ile ture Sp hilts in all its otene forms forma seminal weakness impotent Imp impotency acta skin di dirakis of bearr and ulcerated legs etc treated 11 iN las has the plea pleasure Fure of announcing that ho a to Is n turned front from tho ilia principal hospitals of etrope and has bas resumed practice the boctor has spared time nor money lo in set betsui kill bactor 0 out u t do new remedies and bas d with increased d illic videa for 10 lo aljo of human buman rg seminal weakness z I 1 emission em leaion la Is the conaci consequence nonce of self abuse this sol solitary gitary vica or depraved indulgence lot in coed by the tha youth of if both sexes to au act almost au unlimited limited extent client producing with unerring certainty tile tho train of morbid unless by scientific medical measures lz iz sallow cou countenance n cenance te nance dark riots under tho eyes pain in iho be head 1 tinkling 11 ll antho la tho earn cars notes lilo alle ru ramling of ivet or aalt DR of chariot mica locio about tho ito loins weakness of tho the limbs inaba confuted confused vision munt blunt td intellect loaa 1088 of in ap aft log strangers a dislike to form now new acquaint alcos ancos a to chun of memory emory ai Ilai ald arlona cru about the face fabo heeti hectic furred tongue foetid breath brent li concha con night sweats aud and frequently lamury py it if relief lie b not obtained should apply either in person or by letter odd and havo have a onto curo effected by lla his rew aud and modo mode of treating this disease which not or tails falls in effecting a anick aud and radical onto cured at homo persons at fr a df di BLinco stAnca may ito ha cured curca atheme at homo bi y addressing ft a letter inter to dr gibbon at lung a ting case 1 of limo lima the disease haa continued and nd have bavo me ditino promptly free from dabag nd to tiny imy part of ilia country with fm full 1 and plain directions for or use by inclosing omIng 15 in cur currency renor lu in a registered letter through tho the I rost oat dflia or through wells bargo co A fio of rn will bo be forwarded forwar jod led by ex cx press to bar any part of the iho union re to ons v to the boctor ya ill please sato balo the name of the P e r they see BCD this Rd vertic went in all bione tione strictly confidential DR J r gibson st aia 2 ly box 1957 san CalE orala ZI L 4 T ir t it t AO aa are arc endorsed indorsed Indor sed and prescribed by daoro rhy than aisy other tonic or stimulant now in use they etro A SURE 1 for fever and ague B I 1 Ilou and all dig dia orders arising arlei jig from causes caneca are arc highly as tin an antl anti dyspeptic and in cases to as so aa appetizer and and in caes caa a of general they have haro lever l in a single instance filled let in aro aro ancira uia most happy biily results result they art am particularly r 10 FEMALES the abo body the allu dand and gaung tone toco and elasticity to the ml h 10 lo system tho the HOME are compounded alth ith the hit greatest Crea test care aud and no topic stimulant las ever been to the public 60 clr TAST Fand i iho same time tigue ao marty many re rc medical agents in do dorsch r sed by the ho medical fracci anity as a lie best known to tho the I 1 1 I coats litle litt 0 o to give them hem a fr fir wul aul an and 1 evory every family should d havo a gottle bottle we wc al ak art ry one nolo to read lead the following follow ng c front from many diany of cf the iho aoa eminent I 1 lo in the I 1 ST louis baly 1870 jauet A CO As you have coin to the mcd roe salon the receipt of the ho homo flomo bitters Dit tera it cannot therefore to lo its as a secret or patent mca medicine cInc no patent having been taken for il wo we haro bare the ho form ila for making the he homo and aay the fie combi nation natian Is one of rare excel lonco alt all the articles used in its composition are tho the i best of the class cass to s which hach the belong being highly tonic S laut thomida tho mode of 0 I 1 them Is strictly in accordance accardi cco with the rules of pharmacy baving them seen effect in our practice WO we lal talo lalo O pe pleasure asuro 1 in recommending them to all persons peron desirous doal rous of coking dit terean lots as being tte tle best acl toole tonic and stimulant now offered to tho the public L cn ca if U D r G roaten M U D alried U rico cir M 1 D C GErri cit il D U M D 0 A WASE wane 11 II V 1 J C WHIlE nILL il D E F A M D dr C V r 8 6 G MOSER mb b W A M D F U S manise 1 AriK ST loris ions sio no oct S JACKSON co I 1 havo have examined tho the formal formula for making tile iho nomo stomach bitters and need them in the iho spital tor for tho the lat four I 1 consider them the iho most meet Talu Llo allo tonic aud alm and 6 stimulant blaut now dow in use L I 1 ELCHER Sr ST alcuis july 6 1870 JAs A JACKSON co bating baling exam rnea the formus from A which litch our cel stomach bitters Bil tora etc prepared and livigi 1 11 tle M method ica of combining the diT orcut ingredients gred gradients lents we can safely recommend them as the lio best beat tonic with which wo we ar are 0 O acquainted from arom the iho great care with which they aro arc compounded and from the choice mater lils which enter into them we hava no doubt that dial they wl wM improve prove as they do serve to bo be the iho most popular tonic ami atud in use ue yours years T J M 1 I D T 0 COMSTOCK 11 X D we ITO cheerfully cheer tolly concur with every word contained contained in tho the above testimonial JOHN SI D JOUN SI it D buas vast anz st D joan T M 1 D G SWA S WA I 1 it M D r 0 riu m r D NATI oct 13 10 1370 W B D easse dy CY co bemo baters Bli BP goott abrec ablo able to your conr request I 1 leavo havo the of the ion some stomach bitters Bitt cro and rod nuil the ilia remedies it contains such as are in general use by tho the I 1 medical profession they are very scientifically and IleAR ARtly anil and as 89 stimulating tonics will bo be found essentially adapted as corroborants to lo the treatment of low or debilitated tinges of the iho system arli ing from impaired digestion or from inal rious diseases dr J L L A jamesj 11 II D H R 8 wann rt C T 6 1 at trox 31 D 1 W T TALlA SI 51 D 8 P r boner MD M D J J SI D 0 S aloson crr SI U D J 11 II cikut ar M D G IV Ei cinn M 31 1 P W it 11 D 1 0 A lorient loii EnT st 11 chicago sept 30 1870 3 L wo we bao examined the formula torn nil of tile the celebrated stomach battem ond and find it to lo bo 10 composed of articles that thai aro the best tonics used by the medical and ono one of tho the best buters bitters we kenw of now cow in use ago very reppert fully II 11 8 HAUS SI 1 n IS sto mon toor sf D J D 1 SID MD G A maravin Miris MAra vrn rn S bandre BAns rE sr sf D for sale by nil all dbrig A 1 grocers JAS A JACKSON CO props 1 A s ael 2 d copt GROCERIES ETC V Is is f ff 4 1 WHOLESALE WHOLE SALt AND RETAIL II 11 ocE wiLes J h ti y t 1 A S l S art frt 1 C EN en A L U VI I 1 V K CALR Uv ir I 1 I 1 xa 1 1 1 1 l m t f L 11 r C S t stock aock cy fly f ly IT AN deis aw 1 ivi ft self at rates ahm any other iier HOUR i 1 IT S L L COLUMN THE lym buring D there will bo be found so la lumc STOCK or winess liquors and 6 cigars 13 afa AT S L southeast South caeL corner comer or of montana and fifth streets jhc ot ol tile 31 W Is M 3 C MI Is invited to this establishment WHISKIES pictures I 1 years alil virginia rye hourgil Ho uroil i houllion llou Hous ibon lion ers hilria Ciati tile IIo urbon otar faone du do tit lit in a id i d cihir I villel blile 10 koi 1 I 1 borlon on ll allty ty G ain I 1 IN S ann I 1 a ra batt jalin I 1 A n I 1 n c U S tt n n A b in apt it II BRANDIES churill C lilt nip V P HI jun robin rob I 1 it 4 A co mixed SHERRY V II 11 A to CO 10 00 D it PORT P D co guady ap CHAMPAGNE P cat caffe cc I Cr Crogg rigg N cabinet Cab luct claus A co california california WINES AVINES ENGLISH ALE CASE GOODS PORTER CIDER BITTERS G 8 CIGARS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3 L abbs Tb bs y toda Suir tc ij I 1 PACIFIC RAILROAD the great r PLATTE VALLEY ROUTE 0 Is I 1 now running dlly daily trains irin f J connection conne cuon with the central iscyle railroad and all rall rail route to 0 i and nd taj lb PACIFIC COASTS to san francisco r in less lhnn four day 1 tl 4 1 Aro Arold klIng log tho the dAti didra gerg of cf tin the IM h direct communication made it at 0 C 3 ilal M AHA MI A with wit ana ct avo ito IM island nna and and SL RL joseph and nd couil boua oil ell bluffs flail roade and blisso url river line of packets to ud bud from all principal eastern bud uj southern louthera lout bera clues X i sap a fiket CLASS HOTELS AND HOUSES at convenient points on oa the a pullmans palate sleeping and deavil room cars cara accompany all trains ty 44 for ratas on freight to Mon tins sweetwater mines and dd other points point apply tp te 11 general Genc ril agent omaha T K F SICKLES goul sapt id C W SIE ArZ amet goa supt bupt IRAN 1 HAS CIS COLTON COLTO beul ticket agent olila chicago vestern railway omaha nil Clil ciji nic oli old ling ilna ril fast nud sure sore CorEt tUon the PULLMAN PALACE DINING A N D SLEEPING CA CARS NS OMAHA AND CHICAGO to tao dally daily traps in ID PACIFIC malo eur at t Cb caco co lil 0 lt tho EASTERN AND S SOUTHERN ROAH ROADS aai aturo tickets and 11 lit II f CO gri gard to freight t ob tallied of DATTO 0 CALDER CALBI k agents salt lalo city or ol of agipita of rai 1 pacific floal IA 4 wj D STRONG agent council blues elecia omett 11 r STANWOOD 0 L rl ma gent akl areu arflin gead bupt ii ChIc chicado ajo myatt 11 chicago gilmer Salis burys GE AND EXP EXPRESS RESS MI aliffi F anon c 0 IR r INTS sr to VIRGINIA CITY HELENA and FORT BENTON MONTANA CARRYING TUE THE MAIL 4 UP I 1 T 1 D STATES AND AIND wells fargo it co s express daily for I W cukr d carlene coric tt th coch leave lc hl d fort r bouton to montana t 0 1 the C passenger trains liola both A 1 ayo I Hll roil macii ca 1 good goi lit and an TIM HENDERSON HENDER SOr I 1 |