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Show LAVA IS RICH FERTILIZER Discovery of Chemist Means the Work of Excavating Herculaneum Will Be Completed. Hume - III. h an have been the trciiMiirrn fiom llcrrtilititcuni exciivn-tlonn, exciivn-tlonn, work there wan never siillxfy-Itig siillxfy-Itig to nrrhenl.iKlMtN becaune the people who built on the old site and cnll.il the plncv Kclliii did not winh lo bother Willi dlKKera nlul drove them oft by pulling in.blblil prices on the land. Now the trenioirca will be unearthed, unearth-ed, by order of the Italian government, govern-ment, w'hutover may happen to Itesl-iiii Itesl-iiii In the process. A Zurich chemist has been nnnlyx-Ing nnnlyx-Ing the luvn that niirrounds and partly part-ly rovers llerculuneuiii. He tlnds that It rontnlns a heavy perrpiitaKe of caustic potash, which may be extracted extract-ed In paying quantltlea and furnish enough fertilizer to satisfy the entire Italian demand. Having become ronvlurod of the value of the discovery, the government govern-ment has asserted Its right of eminent emi-nent domain In a decree that all lots over the site of llerriilnneum muat be nold without reservation as to the treasure underneath. I'uder this decree prohibitive prices will not be tolerated and the Zurich chemlst'a discovery, besldea being of lmn.cii.-e value to Italian agriculture, will prove of world-wide Interest In the xplorntloii of a site long reputed lo bi of greater blxtoilu value Ikuu Hint of I'ompell. |