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Show SCIENTIFIC TRAINING IMPORTANT FACTOR Maw Young Man After Cnursve la Asrtculturel Colleae Made ltia Improvement on Vatther'a Farm. The value of thorough training, and th gtowth of respect for theoretical knowledge based on demonstrated facta Is well Illustrated In a recently recorded Instance of a former a aon who look n college course In agriculture, agricul-ture, s.iys I'uclllc t'nlturlan. When be lln. shed hla studies he told his father fa-ther lie proposed trying nut what ha had learned In a position offered hltn, "Why do you wnnl to go away? Why not take our farm?" "I am willing to, If I can have full charge and do Just what rplease." This presented a trial to tho fatbe-, for be waa the most successful farmer In the community, and didn't want to let go, but be was a wise man, and 'is suit), "All right; go nbuiid." The young uiuti took over the management, man-agement, ills lather reported Ibe re-suit re-suit lo a friend. "The first thing he did was to hitch threo horses to the plow. bud never ilotin It, nor beard of It, but I saw rlk'ht nwuy It wus the thing to do. 'I hen he took much more trouble lu getting strong und clean seed than ever 1 tin tl done, and the result wss that the first year his crops were. fur hi Iter t Ii it ii mine over were. The next year they were butter yet Our neighbors begun to copy his ways, and now the tanners round here get Inly thousand dollars a year itioro out of the ground than they did butur my boy went to college." And yet there ure human moles who say wo are suffering irotu too touch educutlon. |