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Show Watering Greenhouae Planta. I For tha khI, lance of tin mi who ara I tnexparla-nccd In plant cultural It mny I be aigtcd it-.it 11.1 greenhouae plant I ahould becoina quite dry ut Ihn rooti -. ie a,,., ni li. iolier. r ll plain doea tint nctuiilly attffer It connn to a aland-a' aland-a' 111 aa- anon aa the natta can no longer draw- up ninatuie: therefore there la a dlatltict losK of tlma, a ca-rtaln amount nf Ihe growing seamin being lott. Thla fact la ao well rocu;tilzci by market grow-eia that a man In ah ircn will be aaii,iiiiil a'lt t.st ativ fault raiher ihun that of neglect (ul watering. tiunlon-lug tiunlon-lug lllii'tiniti'd. |