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Show TURNIPCROP" TO TURN UNDER Nothing Grown Thut Furnltha bo Chvuply und Abnntluntty So L.ttrirtt Amount of llumuo Tktj ri'UHim 1 utlvntul. Ihu Kr ii.it it Msrntji uu an unllmiti'ij t,nilt uit? tl'ut lu my kimuli ilK" (Ihti Ih not a nop grown thut f ui uiw.n'i. un tlnai ly ubuiiUiiutly utid lu uu hIiuH ii time no larn ft MtiuutHy of htiiiniH ir u('fi-( (linn croft. Wlillo I 'II urge quantities "f tin in, they aro always uowri hh a liuinui crop und oflvn turn out to bo tt momy crop by j ItHpuHliiK of tin-in tu tti uiurki't. 1 1 tlml Hi lu bo ButfHfactory that on my 1 .mall fur in, loiinlntliiK of about liU uircn, tvcry avullnhl acrn In Ihu luU Kuuuiiitr or fall in howu to titrrilpH of dirten-ut vurluticH and Hoinotliitt h mmlt-t .'lover sued It mixed In, wrltub a corrvMtiondein of the AktIi ult urlm It umut.u.c occur (hut an unc peeled ly largo crop U ruined whort-uuDe whort-uuDe In lookt-d for. The puttl fall, ow-Mirt ow-Mirt t'j un early and vury Ueatructlvw j front which ou-uiivd in our vlclulty,; hundreds of acrea of corn went almost entirely destroyed tuber crops, such as late beans, lomn.oes und vines of all descriptions, suffered likewise. In our own case ten acrea of cow pens and soy benns wet killed outright. The sowing of this eotlr field to turnips In time and long before be-fore the killing frost occurred produced pro-duced a truly wonderful crop. Th result I look for next year. This field with Ita heavy crop of cowiea vines, supplemented with several ton of decayed turnips an acre, will not only make an Ideal field for growing vegelablea, but will grow a large crop of any kind at a comparatively small outlay for enriching th- soil. The course I have followi J in growing something besides weeds on the soil has been a source of a great deal of satisfaction In maintaining soli fertility fer-tility und la one of th secret of raising rais-ing good vegetables. |