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Show SHARK TOWS BOAT IN FIGHT Sea Monster Speared by Fishermen Drags Craft In Water In Effort to Escape. New York A shark of the elephant species, suld to be the largest ever caught uli.ug the Jersey const, Is on exhibition In a Ixmg lliunrh shop. It Is I'J feet long and weighs 1,000 pounds It wus cnptiir.-d off Iiug llrnii, h by u fishing crew after a vh Ions buttle. ll Is of Hie unit! cntlng variety, which has a reputation for coiiibiiilvo-ness. coiiibiiilvo-ness. un.l was fi-uHtliig In a school of iimckcii-l when the Axhcriu.-n speared him. For n half hour the monster towed th.ir bout around before he was siih.liied with books mid prongs. The presence of Hie slu.'k has In-ninliliileil In-ninliliileil many of Hut balhers along llio Jen. y cousl, who leur that It may be the forerunner of many oiheis. |