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Show MEDICAL. J. M. & F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Oror Cider Bro'i Mtuio Emporium. .1 W. F.ANDERSON, M.D. H. . RICKAniiS, M.D. Office, for the present, at their respective residences in the 13th and 17th Wards. qS DR. GROVES, Omci 2nd South St., Salt Uk City. Three doors Woet of Revere House, half a block Eajt of the Elephant Store. ornci U00B3 raoM a a.x. to 5 p.m. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., rUYSIUIAN AXDSUKGEON, OfTcru his professional services to the people of Salt Lake City, Residence at ilivar Roberts brick house, opposite St. Mark's Church. J ) 0. C. OR MS BY, M. D. l-HYSICIAN. SUKOKON AND DKUGUIST, DltlGHAn CITY. UTAH. HOTELS, ETC, TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. T1IE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This Honse is centrally and pleasantly Io- . oatod, well furnished, and haa acoomraoda-tions acoomraoda-tions for 10 fcueata. TUB PROPRIETOR ia now preparing to build large additions to his Hotel, whish when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment ' in the UOfKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ON K BLOCK BAST OK THEATRE, HALT LAKE OITY. Terms$3.00 er day. Bosrdwllh. oiiL roonil $1:4.00 per week. Bntlis free to gueiti. J.C.LITTLK, junit Proprietor. STOCK BOARD, (Formerly Raid's,) TVt I TNT STHE33T, Two doors south of Wells, Fargo , Co'a. Uur Bar ia furnished Willi oil thul ran ho tumid Id nny lirat-class saloon. Attentive and polite bor-kecpers to attend upon all who mij favor us with a call. ZABRISKIE & CO. r n TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Bide EAST TEMPLE ST11KET, ROOMS 1IY THE SINGLE NI(1HT, WKBKLY OR MONTHLY, TAYLOH & CUTLKK, Fropriolora. Wo have rcntod our RESTAURAST to MoB9rS.CiL.A13K GOOUMAS. Washington House Aliij-tl Hotitli fStreot, 8 A L T I, A K 1Z CITY Ilnnrd and Lodging, per Week Sti 50 Day Hoard " 0 00 French Spring Beds " 54 00 Beda, per Nlglit - - 3 MtRll - " FASHION CHOP HOUSE, iNoxtdoorto White House), DUIn Street, Suit Lake City. Conducted in first-claes Ficnch style, at inoder.ile prices. NICHOLAS DEllNMRDIS. f 1 1 Proprietor. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the European Plan, is now opon and iisui'iliod with every delicacy of the ii'iion. Meal at all hours, Oysters in every style. Supper Parties tupplied on hurl notice. Term i tot ult the Umci. UI.ADK & (U)ODMA, jl'1 Proprietors. Sierra Hotel and Restamanl, Knit ldc Commercial atrcct. Menliierved in thoWst stylo. Rooms fur-ni.-hod uud uufumiehed. 1 IS Wm. (iKKH, Proprietor. New Commercial Mm Rooms,1 Commercial Street, Opposite (.for man liakory, t?alt Lake City C. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor. O V K N ALL N 1 ti 11 T. lug llrt)., Ml ct. per MR hi , and SI. 50 to J.OO pev V(tk. MurI Komita, 7,lv. pr r Iglil, ami to 41.50 per Wciki UT.AII HOTliL, .Main Street, 0(U)KN. The only Jirst-dass Buuse in the Vxty. Omnibus to and from all train. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, J IT Proprietor. CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. P. Fuller, Proprietor. To the Publio This honse is now refitted an t opn for traveler .it reduced rate. lizard nnd Lodging, by week, jl.UXX Meali, 50o. Bla, 75c. Maali at all boon. 03Q LEGAL JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOHNE Y-AT-LA W, Sa.lt Lak City, Utah. OEce Ovpr First National Eank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East atrea, between outh and 1st South streets. a20 TH03. FITCil. GEO. I. WH1TXEV. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORXKYS-AT-L A W , Firt South Street. J) SALT LAKE CITY. IJ. HI. MORGAN, Commissioner for llali Territory. ; m CALIFORNIA STREET. bas vbascibco. fe3 SS. -V. M -V T T , ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, No. .V First South Street, Salt Lnko City. Utah. 1). C O O P 10 K, ATTOliNEY AND COUNSELLOR, Ofllce Kxcliauge and Reading Koomu, ii-atalrs. iu2S 61LT Laex CITY. CASH FOR MINES I Enquire of SlflTH 11. ULA1R, Atternry-at-Law and Mining Agent, oppicr : Over 07 KiiuLatr Blw-k, with C. U. Hawlcy. P. 0. Box l&i. dlfl P. L. WILLIA1I3, I.E GEAND YOCKQ WILLIAMS & YOUNQ, ATTORNEYS - A T-UW, Office, hnlf a-block south of Thoatre, Salt Lnko City. jl2 GEORGE C. BATES, A TT OR N E Y-A T-LA W. C. MYRON II AW LEY, Attorncy-at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Court and .territorial Librarian. J. W. HASItIN!?. Ofiiec in ICiuiball's blook, near U.S. Mar-jll Mar-jll Baal's oince. WM. P. APPLEBY, A.tloi'iicy-at-Law, HAVING provided himseir with suitable iJiunkd, is itrei'arod to draw up Declaratory Statemeitta of Applicants Appli-cants lor Deeda to City Lota. Oflico-Eaat.Tcmplo Street, first door north of Coiuuiorco Building. dia JOHN U. MILNER. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW , 1'iovo City, Utah. Collections inftdo in tholst and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Liistric!?. Special ntlentnn given to Minmj cases. Ollico at roii'Jeuco, Cotro St. Provo City, Warner Earll, F. M. Smith. EAULL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LA H K CITY, East Temple Stroot, one door south ot sCU Hod bo's Storo DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y-A T - L A W, Salt Lnlte City, Utah. Ollico west sido of East Temple Street. E-pooial aiiuutton given to Mining htt-gatiun. htt-gatiun. Wm. 11AYUON, (Ijit JuJu0 f O'ftrict Court, Nevada,! ATT 0 R N E Y-A T-L AW, Room No.?. EiietTeuiplo Street, over First National Lank. nl . UJ. HAK-iNTJlVl, ATTOUNE Y-AT-LAAY, UOico, lviniball'a Block, S, L. City. Special attention siven to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Sales or Litigations in Alining Claims and Hoal Estuto. Collections mado or business done in any part ol loo Unitod Swtod by Association of roliiibleAtlorueys. dl" 0. II. Uompstcad. M. tfirkpa trick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorueya-nt-LaWj Maii Stroot, opposite Wolls, Fargo It Co., SALT I.AKR RTT Y, Z. SNOW. E. D. HOGE. SXOV At llOGE, Lttorneya and Coaiuoiora at Law Suit Lak City, Ulab. uai.o at Snow's cOruer, lit East Street, Ju6 NOTICE. THE law partnership heretofore existing 1 between Thomas Fitch and S. A. Mann is this day dissolved. FITCH i MANN. Salt Lake City, February 2d, 1S72. t3 a WOTARiESPUBLICL "aTsTgould & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 9f MiniuR Ueeda, AureonionU and Bonds (or Deeds. MorU.tcos. Powers of Altnrnoy. Leasee. Conir-cts and other inatrumontaol writiim drawii with accuracy and dispatoh. a-flllnluR Compaulca Incorporated Incorpora-ted under tUe 1,rwi of I' tali. C. A. GOULD, and COMMISSIONS ')K DEEDS for New York, Jhaohusctts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Obio, UUuoi9, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyotuing, ilontana, Nevada, Calilbrnia, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East Timplr. xSV., Writs, Fargo t- f 't., Lake City. mj.1 . Wm. Ci.WToy. S. J. .InSAsaos, Notary Public, Lonvoyancor. CLAYTON TjONASSQN 1AV etrict attention to the collection ol money in all parta ot tho world. They a'jo draw or acknowledge all kinds of iu.-lrumeuts in wriuiu"- Siirrlrtl attention pi vpn 1o ttie druwinR of Ilia :tnd Tcalniiicniory Uovn-meitt. Uovn-meitt. Lo.in-i net,ti.i:o l. Mino.i, Houses and Uc.il L-t.Uo i.d all kiniis bought, .-oil or lej-JC 1. 1 ikiii -pot 1 1 on ltd Pn vt ne rail Ip Pnnei-a i.f pvoiv diwrirtion drawn in sti let a wot dilute wi;h the laws of Ul ah- OK Fit' K -Fonrtli door aoiitli of G"ll.t K l OKIM . T TWOS. DAV1E5?, United States Mineral Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Olli -o No.lj Taylor' Hctcl, Salt Lake City LOST SOME TIME in the latter part of November Novem-ber or early in December U't. probably on First SouHi ;trect. between the Episcopal Church and Filth East street, I.adv's fl'atch attached to a (tiiilemaii's Heavy Link (.old Chain. The Chiin is valued by the lo,er beyont ita intrin-ic worth, and a liberal reward wiL bo paid to the iinJtr. Appiy at this Ouc. 1 10 BANKERS, Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akcrs ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., BAA'KJSRS, 58, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lake City. j!3 Bank of Deseret, Succeaaor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Temple and First Sooth Street SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - 100,000. ! BRTGHAM TOFNG. President, 1 I H. S. ELDREDGE. Vice Pre. ; WM. H. HOOPF.lt, ; WM. JENNINGS. Directors. JOHN SHAitP, FEltAMOKZ LITTLE, US. HILLS, Cashier, - - J Deal in UULD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANTS. COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, c. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. u WELLS, FARGO & CQ Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Draft on ,iirope, and all the principal prin-cipal cUiet of the United Statee. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Eaat Temple St., Seat Laki City, THEO. y. TRACT. Agent. mil SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and novel in Sewing Machines. They are the latost improved an 1 lightest running shuttle machines in the world. Beautiful ana oompaot iu model and unoxcollod in material and finish. They sew everything from laoe 10 beaver oloth in the most perfect manner. Every variety ofHemailng, Felling, Q,ulltlng, Cording, Ruffling, j Piping, Tablng, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., caally pei formed. i Straight Aeedle. No Cog-wheels. ; NO VIBRATING SPRINGS., j Every Machine Warranted as Represented. Salesroom on Flrat South Street Salt Lake City, oppoalte the New Ueat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, juylS Aet. O. IP. JFL. JFL. Fchniary 8th, 1873. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO. Leave Kii Kast. i Arrive from East 4 iipui, 7 taoi ..Ban Fran- 8.30pm f- 31 pm 4 ;i6 " 7 35 " ..Oakland .. 8.00 " 1 30 " 4 1U " I 7 60 " ..ao Joae- 8.3Q " 2 10 " 6 36 " 8 35 - ;37Ni;w j 7.05 " 12 45 5 48 ill 60 H ..Stockton. .) 4.07 " j 9 07 " It) 46 " 1 45 pm Jacramonto. 2 20pml 7 15am Arrive from Weal Loavo goinR West SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND OC DEN. Leave going BiL-t J Arrive from E.ut 'i no pro .Sacramento. '1 w pm , 6 16 " ...Coirax... 10 !i b 13 45 am ...Reno 2 10 " 0 10 " Wlnnemnccm 4 IS pm 12 00 m BaideMuant 1 26 " 4 4(ipmL...lk'.... a 45am 8 SO anil ..0((den.. 1 20prr Arilve from Wel Uave go'iiE We-t Kxplanatlon. For trains running "from" San Francisco, take the left hand columns and read downwards, down-wards, or "Eastward." For trains running "towards" San Frm-ci?co. Frm-ci?co. takotho right hand columns and read upwards or "Westward." 'Sundays excepted. taundays only. A. N. TOW N K, P. H WWMAN, Qea.8npt 0d. Pfc- (rr anil Ttckat Igt Administrator's Mice. HAVING been appointed by the Probato Court ol Salt Lake county. Administrator Adminis-trator of tho estate of Bradford Leonard, deceased, notioe is hereby given to all persons per-sons indebted to said estate to como forward and soule immediately, and those ha vine c) iii in again;! the fame to present them for adjustment without delay. K. J.QOLDINO. Administrator. Office, Room No. 1 Court House. Salt Lake City. Fjh. 19. Wi 13) COLLEGE SCRIPI pRKEMPTORS will save $16 on -L each quarter section by buyinp Agricultural College Scrip. Apply to THK BANK OF DKSKRKT, IS So(Vmot to Honmr. Kldredce A Of SniEDICAL WORK ! "tHt FHILOSOPKY OF MWRHGE." For the Debilitated Kervoue Syatem. DR. JORDAN.of tha Anatomical Mufeum, 31S Mnuomery street i,noar Lalitor-aial, Lalitor-aial, Snn Francieco. California, has pub-li-hed four of hi most imrrtant asi in- tructive Lecturer ia a aeat volume lor those who cannot attend the Lecture? at the Museum. Mu-seum. Fvery L'nmarriei t I Married mm should read and stu.ly thee important Lectures for the good of himself and ofi- By addressing the Secretary of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, San Francisco, and enclosing enclos-ing Twenty-Five Ceals in Postage sump? to pay postage, the Book will be forwarded i to any part of tie States or Territ oriw. Dr. Jordan can becooivllM by letter. DISSOLUTION or CO PAKTNEKSHI 1. TUE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ox-A ox-A isting between Levi Garrett and Win. Wood, under tho linn name of Gurrott A Wood, Butcher, in the City Market, is this day dissolved by mutunl consent. All per sons knowing thcmcIvos to be indebted to the tlrm are requested to immediately come forward and settle the fame, and ihojc having hav-ing claims should present them for liquidation liquida-tion at the old stand. Tho business will be continued by LEVI GAKKLIT. at Stall Number One. LKVI (i ARRL'TT, U m. WOOD. Salt Lake City, Feb. M. Ia7i f 16 CO . "(5 ? t 1 .55 - e . i Oi - 111 S : i ' S.-5 n " - 1 iS. ' Q ! 5 g : ' 2 -3 OS t-l 2 Si Is t k'. I -a S - i a. i 5 Hz I J S i 1 t !5 i -: y o ! s ;j I - 1 . N HI ' , - c a t r I O f?-5 I if s ""2 l 4 J I 8 - OT r- i S ' MISCELLANEOUS, SPRING TIME IS COMING ! A TO George Goddard Has for SALE soma Choice TOP or BUTTON OXIOXS, Evergreen BROOM CORN SEED, very earlv, and suited to hi.ch altitudes. alti-tudes. The best io the market. GARDEN SEEDS, GRASS SEEDS, RYE MEAL for Bee Raisers, NORWAY OATS, SURPRISE OATS, Choice SEED PEAS, BEANS, Etc. SPRING TIME IS COMING! GEORGE GODDARD Wants to Buy aud pay Cash for Fresh, Clcnu Lucerne Seed, Choice Pea -, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Barley and Wheat. f2 SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OP UTAH, SnU Laltu City, TJtnh Tor. Successor to A. Y. White & Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Bbsj. M DiRbll, ProsL IjiU) Prest. Firil National Bank of lduho-Ahel lduho-Ahel W. White, Cashier, Ute of A. W. Wiiite & Co., IUukcrs, S. L. City Uehpstiid A KtRKi'ATiticK, Attorneys. inUKCTOliS: T. K. Jones, C. II. Hempstead, M. B. Callahan, B. At. DuKell, A. W. While, J. M. Allen. It. V. Donnell, 01 Donm-ll, Lawsoa .t IX, New York. This Bank will tranact all kinds of legitimate legiti-mate Banking business, ani DEALS IA' JOI.I AM) SILVER BILUOS axi un;s. Gold and Currency Exchauco drawn and Tok'Rriipb Tnintfcrs miide on New York, San Francisco ULd priccipil Atlantic and Pacilie cities, available in any part of the United taiot and CrnaJa. Deposits end ceaeral biirin-ss isolicitd from En-stern and Forcifjo B.inki mid Bankers, Bank-ers, Firms and individuals ; Chcok Accuunls kept in Gold or Currency. Escbnnte on principal ;i;ies of Kurojo nnd the Cunadas furuhbed in sums to sup, at tho lo ten. rates, and Tclcgrapj Transfers on London. Loans made on Bullion, Public Securities, Bonds, Local Stock, Merchandise, or other good Collaterals. Approved business paper uiBt;ouui.eu ior ueposnors. Certifieates of Deporit iffuod, payable in Gold or CurrcDoy o l cull, or at any sreciued time, available in any part ot tbo United States and Territories. Advances iniido on fhipinents of Bullion or Urea to Now York, S;in Franoisoo and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS : Hifw vriR ir National Park Bun If. W 0BK-(DonUpIl Law6on i Co. SAN FRANCICO-Cnlifornia Trust Co. LONLUN Jay Cooko, McCullocb a Co. Treasury Department, Office oi" Com pt holler of the Cl iikkncy, WASHINGTON. JANUARY 12,1872. YLIEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pro-V pro-V sonlud to the uulcreigut(l. it bin been made to appear that "iilK SALT LAKE C1IY NAl'lONAb LANK OF UIAil." in lao CITY OK SALT LAKE, in tho County of SALE LAKE, TERRITORY TERRITO-RY OF I lAH, has been duly oracircd under aud iiccor.ling to tho rciiuiretrcnia ol tbo Act of C'juRrets. oniillcd "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledfc'o of United States Bonds, and to provide pro-vide for tho circulation and redomption thereof," approved Juno 3rd, S(H, and has complied wit a all tho provisions of said Act required to be oowplud with before commencing com-mencing tbo buaiiiotii of Banking under said Act, N,.w. therefore, I, HTLAND R. HUL-BUHO, HUL-BUHO, CoiuptroUor of tbo Currency, do hereby certify that "TUH SALT LAKE UlIY NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH.", in tbo CITY OF SaLT LAKH, in the county of SALT LAKE, TERK1TOKY OF UTAH, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the A a aforesaid. I Current- Uiireuu. ) In testimony whereof i' iil of tho Witness my baud rind Conintrollar L seal of ollico this 12th 'I oiilw LAY OF J AN UARlf , j Currency, 1372. I Truisury Dujiui't. J " Hilanb R. Hlm.durd, No. l'Jil. UomPlrolior of Currency. I'eH r 1 CARL C. AS3IUSSEX, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a larso, additional stock of IXTE-W GOODS In great variety and ctyle- The public fire respectfully invited to call and inspect them at CAR L C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Half a Mock north of (lie Eagle Emjiorliim. d.Al WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, TFGS to inform the resident! of Salt Laki City and vicinity, that he not 6nlj eneranteei to properly K- pal r,c lean and Adjuii Witchti and Chronomttcrt, but he will make them or any part ol them, to order, and warrant the work. A kkw ccrpi.T of ELGIN rdc WATCHES jiat received which h will -.larant'e as reliahi) time-keepers. Pncee todcfycompetitioi Rrweicer the dirai. Two dnore eaal (Ul Deeerei Bank. HARDWARE. SCOTT, DiTiWl k CO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PirE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING, AGENTS FOB Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. LubricatingOil, Portable Fo ges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. ? LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WUKKKAS- W c are to be deprived ol our rou-lar rou-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Scnseney & Co. are selling Stoves Cheaper than any othor House in the oity, for the reason they are Closing Out. So. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 Slates do. 42 50 " 0 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Tipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. SENSEHEY&CO Opporite W. F. id Co'i Office, SALT LAKE CITY It. A. KB YES, Agent C. H. BASSETT, NEW HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Sron ami Kteel, jStovas n j Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, AKrlcnKnral Implrmtim And m lnln Toole, At Lowtit Rates. OPPOKITK SALT LAKE 1IOCSK nit Furnaccmen Attention ! rA 1 Fire Brick. , SCOTT, DUNHAM, & CO. AKI FOE THI ' GOLDE5 CITY FIRE BRICK, Wh;'h are eqoal if sot in peri ir to th 1 best Kr'.h. Bnecial rate k1tb by the ear Iolq. ootl TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RxVILROAD. C'TT '-.Ttj' ' "t" '' Ou and after January si 1st, 1S7 MIXED TRAIN'S WILL XJ 3ST DAIL Leaving the Utah Central li.U. Poin t, Salt Lake City at 7.10 a.m.; ljj-i-r 5.45 p.m., and bandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Cariou,) ai 6.20 p.m. An extra train will Kun on Sundays Leaving Draper at S.40 n.m., SanJv at 9.10 a.m., Salt Lake City at 4.10 p.m. I FAKFiW : Salt Lake to Bic Cottonwood Station, fivtf 1 iitlo " "' Nk is " " Sandy " Sl.lni " " Draper " 1.2S Twenty-five conts additional will bo sharped when the fare ia oolloctcd on the train. O. O. CALDER, I .Qon. Froinht at.d Ticket Akohi. FERAMOKZ LITTLR j SUl'BBINTKXDKNT. GILMER & SALISBURY'S; EASLV ! STAGE LINES TIlllOVGIl Utah, South -vusl rVevaula & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, running run-ning Miulli to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, tSevier, St. George, Utah ; and PuiiIng Mirongli Provo, Sprinirvilla, Spanish Furk, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Crook, Ohiuken Oreok, Rouod Valley, Fill more, Corn Creek, Braver, Miuors-villa, Miuors-villa, and AS the prina'p'i towns and mining camps in southern Utah and smith-cast Nevada, Also leave Corliinc, I'lali, dally, runulug north to Virpinia City, Ileleua, Fort Benton, Door Lodro, Cedar Creek minen, and passinir through all the pnnoipal towns and mining min-ing cant pa in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OKFfCK, j Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building j un4 Salt Lake City I UTAH CENTRAL KAlLtlOA.1;. ftMftr-- TH"!"" " " '1 PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Om and after Monday, July IT, 1 HT1 Daily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at f am. nnd 2:15 p.m-Arrive p.m-Arrive at Oudcn 7 a. m. and IMS p. m. Loftve Otcden at 8 a. m. ami f.JU p. m. lrrive at Salt Lake City lu a. in. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCKPTP:D Uavine Snlt Luke Cily at P.30 p.m., and Owdon at S a.m. j Pinnifieri will pltait Purohal llilr Ticket! at Hi unices. Fifty Cent additional will be charted whet the faro it collected on the train, For all irformatinn concnrnlni freight or paesare, apply to D. . CALDKR, Orneral Freiirht and Ticket Ag't JOHN SHARP, lTJPKRtNTKNDKNT , Leo Wines. B.P.Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express Rl 'IVNirtO iAIJ, V KHO.I ALT LAKE CITY, vtii LAKK (V,I, TOOKLK CITY, KTO" It TO S AXO UPII1R. TO lINTir. Th-rntj'r ra. bn rf-M.."k-d w-b -fl-n-C'-V-r-i C-a-b'". fin Sfj'-y.. '-i:'-il r.d MtrniiveUrir-r" nd evry !tri i- n i' i -iuj to the oo m for' nil ot nvenieace ui ifei-ten. ifei-ten. Good naymmodnti-ms on fh" ro-id, THEOUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Office at Wells, Fargo A. Co.'i, alt Lake City. ' WIN & KI.MBAII fpiiflora. j CHICAGO TRADE. I M. D. WELLS CO., j Man-afj.'turcre of and Wholesale Dealer J3cots and Slioes, 61S VVal.K.h Ave, I'liir..". M. IV Wri'fc II. J. .V. vdr!. ...(. ' K itnlu-l. tr;i S. 1'. .WLinvr. SLICHTLY SCORCHED I j VAN gCHAACK, j STt VENSON St. RID, WHOLESALE jDKUGlilSTS (Lute of iV, iU and 91 L-,ko street. Cr. beurtn.rn sireot.) HAVE REMOVED j O" etc.-tvit of tims iHtcise. heat. To the Baptist Church Building H17, 810 i. S31 Wnti ilk Ave., oz a w b va, Whore we havo a larce stock of Drujfs. Chemicals, I'air.Ls Oils, Glass and' lilit.-sware, Dnisruists' Sun-drios, Sun-drios, l'ntciil ilumbugs, lite., Kte. CALL AND CHE Kit I'S. (Wo only pay luO cents on the Dollar J CKASE, KAKFCRD & CoT, UO Soulh CanalSt., CH1CAOO, Ueadqnartors for Oils, Paints, Class, &c, Marmiacrnrers of the celebrated W I I . S O N Oil. 'KNK. t:e KEW YORK TRADE. L. rV!. GATES & Co!, 13 1 , 153 llroadway, MCW YOHK, iMroitTiaa asd jodukrs ia Fancy Dry Goods, UOS1KKY, WU1TK GOODS, H'OOLESS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, cl-c. J. It. BL'LGKH. jui ROBERTS, READ & CoT Manufacturer end Jobbers of m E6 V JH 371 BROADWAY, tFAV YORK JuylB FELIX-CAMPBELL, 79 Jutin St, New York, Manutm-turcr of and Deider in Wrought, Can and Galvanised l Ta K m M And ever vnrietv of fittings for the ,,.17 C. A. LonexircQi. John Mi'dswiok. lUKGSTR'itT & S03WiCK Mann fact urcrf ol ud Wholesale Dualrrg in S&N'S & SOYS' CLOTHING. ir)rl iVh llnmtlwny, York, KEN DERSON, J USTICE&Co Snooessom u Oriffon, Uunderaon Jt Co., lUPORTBilf ASU JOBBIRfl OF UM liflODS, AUT10MS, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC.. 4VK 5UU UltOADWAY, Ui ix).ite St. Nichulu liot.J, " . York. BENEDICT, HALL &To7 Mnnufacturerri and Wholeisle Dcaleis in BOOTS AND KHOES, lJU nud i:iO Urand HI., New Vork, Cnrrtor Crosby, one block oiut of Ilroadway Ayer's Sarsaparilla j , If widely known A vcj. f ' a- ino ul me. im.wt ) 1 y'i- ollrt'ltiiil r..-iiH-di.)B r ,V'i "ver di-uvemd ' J J (j. i '), f'jF cleansing tlm -V ff'' n VHtem and puri- V;V'V'Jvr'ri,,K 11,0 ,,1"01- ilA''J 11 ht'""1 1,1,1 itt'TjT?' n cuiislantly (jruw iK reputation, linked "ii its inlrin.-ic virtuf)i, and KUf-lained y its rmiiai kahlo cure-. mild as lo ln'Ftily and beno- fieial t" eiiildren. ntid yet j jearcliinK hl Ui cH'i'rhmly p'lryo out Hit' Kr"t ril.tionF "f tilt Idnnd, BUfli HlO MTo- ful Jill an 'I t ypliiltic r'uitiiniiinitifup. 1llipiirili' , T 'h-e.er. tlltt ImVf Itirked in Uip -v-l-'ii J-T v-'ar, F-'t'.n ndd to this p.jweiftil imti'i'-:.! ti:id di-r.ppenr. If, ., iv- w..,ierhl .-urus mhiiv f whir), ,ire ,.,iMi.-l.v kii-wri. of ,')rr,,ta, mid hII K-rnluloui di-eu1, Utrrr, En.ph-.H a ud eruplivii diM.nJern .,1 tlio .k,, T.i Jl--f ;-', lmj,l., l'tsi.l S-r, St. A:tl,...n s Iurr,J,se r .'''. 'ttrr,S't lihi um, Se.atd lt-i; !-. rm au-t hitrr.wl Uirrrn-t:is Uirrrn-t:is of Ih'.fh rt Si'-murh uwijyivrr. It buo rtirus other ('iiiphniiL", to wJii(d) it would r.ot F.e.'in c-pi'cmliy adujiU,-d,Hiith - '-"J-m, S'jSj"psiH. I tin, A'.ttroi'i'i, II. rt 1-r.nuU Wcuhnr Jjs- h.li'ii a fit Jjturnrrh'i i, wlnn tln-y Mro Ul'illlfe-LnUolir of Uie S'TolidolJB p'JODr. Jt is nil cxfellent rehtoror ol lienltl. and i-lreiif:tii in tli-Spriim. Jly renew-l renew-l inn npjijtitt' ai.d viur of Uia di '--i tivo " Kunt, it dis-ipat'; tho (Ji-prcNsiuii and 1 ii-lifr s- languor ol' tho tuiini. Jivr-n wi.ero ii-. duonJ'tr appeal!-, j j-io l.ifrui.'l hvo lonirer for cIcaiiMnjf Hio biood. J 1 1 t-vrt'-ru moves on with renewed vigor aud a now ieueo of life. jt.kj'akkd uy Dr. J. . AVER &. Co, LoweI1,MaS8., J'ractlfftl end Analytical Chomiilg. old by all DrucelX very wli e re, Vut a ! ul z. c. m. i. M;cu stojik. |