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Show OCR GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. TER-RITORIES. Much is said ia our time abuiit national na-tional rights and about Inderal powers superseding local and State jurisdiction. jurisdic-tion. The trouble with the federal government is that it pays no attcn tion to those rights which it unqaes-. unqaes-. tionably has, and that, leaving its own bailiwick, it assumes to meddle with ; the States, which at least have some' real form of government. No State in the Union has such sorry sor-ry self-manairement as our lederal Territories. Ter-ritories. The government of these Territories is distributed between certain cer-tain committees oi' congress and the executive departments and emissaries. , Utah is at present run entirely by its chief justice, a notoriety-hunter and camp-meetiog fanatic from Saratoga, New York, who exhausted patience in his owa State by running for office on every possible occasion, and having helped to explodo the Republican party by getting on its State ticket soon after the war, he was made chief justice of Utah, where he is the reigning Cossack. Cos-sack. This long-haired lunatic has usurped both federal and Territorial jurisdiction under the (hatch of ibe Wasatch mountains, and the supreme court of this city decided last week by a majority vote that he had empanneled juries like my lord Jeffreys, and buo-glcd buo-glcd the common law so that all the energies of the attorney general, backed by the solicitor general, cannot make apology for him. ":: Look at the character of the President's Presi-dent's Territorial officers throughout the Union. In one Territory the secretary sec-retary beats his wife, who obtained a divorce from him, and he remains meantime one mouth drunk in Washington Wash-ington hoping for relief by political means from a more serious charge. In another Territory the revenue assessor pays the governor one thousand dollars dol-lars to save him from removal, and in still another the governor is absent four months in Europe selling out franchises fran-chises on the very domain which the executive directed hiui in equity to control for the general iutercsL Again, in a distant Territory cn the lacitic, President Grant has just appointed for governor the man who during the impeachment im-peachment trial was tho go-between to sell tho votes of senators, and who has been nominated by the influence of that senator whose vote he sold. Iu still another Territory a marshal is placed by the influence of Ben Butler, and failing to come to congress as delegate del-egate at the first effort, the marshal turns about with the audacity of liut-ler liut-ler and prefers vague charges against the land register, his colleague. Mr. Delegate Chaffee, from Colorado, Colora-do, has said in congress that if Colorado Colo-rado cannot be admitted to the Union her people will demand some other method of government than that in vogue. Mr. Jim Ashley, of Ohio, when sent to Montana some time ago, instantly and in advance mote to his crony to take up quantities of the public pub-lic land for htm. Utah is now represented repre-sented hero by two rival United Suites attorneys, Bask in, late associate ol Valandigham, but now a ferocious administration ad-ministration man and persecutor of the Saints, and Bates, who will probably lose his place for respecting the law. Tho samo sort of black-mailing which the captains general perpetrate upon Cuba, tho federal courts and governors imitate in tho Territories. Washington Washing-ton Capital |