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Show Thursday, September 24, 1981 -- Page B-- 5 o CC&rc&edls Gusirydljay Hcrtj Prices 0 Creep you scavEitg 0Cs7!5i!;!!tufl OCts store. G CBflM C Whole Rib Eyes Chuck Roast Beef Blade Cut SAVE 70c Lb. Ice Cream Cut& $ Wrapped Free in (o)K Egg arge Albertson's Generic Vanilla Farm SAVE 60c Fresh 1Pkg. SAVE 91cLb. Lb. Lb. Turkey Vz Picnics fr Hindquarters m. Country Pride Pre-Slice- d Rath Smoked Pork Shoulder SAVE20CLB. raw ?..'- 0 Ground BeefS Steaks' 0 Cross Rib Roast!0.".?688 1 .98 ...Lb. 1 . 29 7 Bo no Roast chuck I 98 w Beef For Stew Boneless C ross Rib Stea k 82. l 2.18 ...220z. 1.49 Game Hens Lb T-Bo- ne -- Lb. 0 Medallion Dozen Gal. b1.68 3.48 3.58 3.48 2.88 A. fe Beef Steaks Lrhouse Sirloin Steakiee6 Rib Steak iMm? Beef Small End Pershings $ Mill SAVE $1.80 Lb. Lettuce Carrots Inch Assorted Varieties .L: Your Cinnamon Orang Cello Inch German Chocolate 8- - x Lb Iceberg Fresh Crisp Heads Farmer Pack 7- - l tear" Lb 8 yiAvi 'Sic b k . Sandwich Bread w U 24 Oz. Sunkist 401.99 21.49 Hi Ranch Rolls Nut Loaves For vAss't Bagels ,.69 Bakery Items Not Available Generic Orange U 5 in o m Whole Kernal Com, Peas & AC o 16 Oz. 12 Oz. Nabisco rO)For Avocados caiifom.. Peanuts !arB.rgp:a!n...i 0z.U 85 Oz. ,20, 1 Albertson's E.r, 2 Lb. 8 oz. Turkey-Chicke- 1 siicedLee. 1 Lb 3 0.2.39 ...15 2.27 OAfrin 0Ccpacol Mouthwash. ,...12 0z. 1.79 ..7 0z. 1.49 0Gloem Toothpaste 1.88 Foamy Shava 1 Generic ft 4 . . beptemoer Z3rd mru 29th American Fork 700 East State Road Cream 11 Oz. 1 qt. SUSS 1 1 uiuy u with Limit REG. S7.09 filled CASH SAVER CARD 1 720z2.l9 Pofceid'H-on-SieR- (of om trie i $37 90usl COOKAHfe lor buying groceries you need1 32 Oz. 1.89 AVAILABILITY Each o these advertised Items is required to be readily available lor sale at or below the advertised price in each Albertson's store, except, as specifically noted m this ad. We strive to have on hand sufficient stock of advertised merchandise. If for any reason we are out of stock, a RAIN CHECK will be issued Quantities The Ultimate in Gourmet Cookware Gel .i complete 16 pc set ol deluxe v 98' 63 59 RAIN CHECK ; We Reserve The Right To SAUCEPAN 16.5 01. ... 200 Ct. Generic Strawberry is oz. 1 Ml. Spray Varieties... 2Lb Days 0Triaminiccsyruph 3 Lb. Generic... 16 Oz. 60z Lb. 1 Mild Longhorn Lb. CaMfornla 19 .08 0Cob CornS .09 PastacGr.r. 0 Wieners S.1". Cake Mixes 29 2.29 Pot Pies 0 Cheese Facial Tissue 69 49 0 CheesewX!ZC6..uo, .48 Vegetables 3$1 0 Sliced Ham!::' 1.49 0Suppers?v.qr!es 1.95 Laundry Soap .48 Popsicles 1.99 0 Bacon .39 Preserves Ad Prices Effective 7 Full Cauliflower.r& 39' u 49' Green Beans 0 MM Cream, z 0 Cascade Chips Ahoy vORN Generic 0 YaniS Cedar City. B Vegetables If Ml Cookies El For Dishes $l Juice LU In Allbertsons enabling you to buy the item at the advertised price as soon as it becomes available |