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Show SftL CANNON TOMATOES FOR j. lbs. Orders sow bernf take Cal 7f& 3623 or 450 So. 300 E, Leal Thursday, September 24, 1981 - Page C 11 SI. CEOKE, 534 So., $74,900: 407 N. 1100 E, $36.000. TWO HOMES L300 HMt rW SUE, TOP OF THE HIU 3 It lot great neighborhood, will lease with option to buy. Call Irene at or 2 typesetters, bindery workers, and quality control inspectors. Large new building with excellent work are Harding Harding. Attorneys at Law, and CU Services. Inc.. a credit union insurance service environment, wages and benefits. Send resume to Ron Smith, company. Call and weekends. 9 24 SPACE FOR RENT- - Choice professional office space available. All utilities and janitorial services furnished. Other tenants presently I 1 It c Harts Gas ft Foods. minimum 21 yrs. of age. Male, Bill Evenings :pp!y in person 585 E. State RdAJ. 917 2t Biown Realty. weekdays, evenings and TOMATOES SQMOUZER- - Male GERMAN g aeeks old. horses. 756 9330. SHttP LOOKING MHBLEI BOM style home, close to schools & within Nursing Homes as friendly visitor. Outreach, recruiting, volunteers and more. A Title 5 gov't, program which requires applicants to be age 55 or over and S church, lovely 323 No. 630 E., neighborhood, SELL- reg. All building lot, 580 acres. Beautiful view. 150 foot frontage located in Aspen S6.500 or best offer. Call Mrs. Bert (Vonda) Hills. COUNTER hours a week. register help, Apply Klondike Jacks Pizza. A.F. or 9 24 2t call Stowe. ) I CLERICAL MAIL AGENTS ' sales material into inserting envelopes. Permanent part of full time opportunity. Experience Excellent income unnecessary. For details and appotential. ' by the, hundreds - Come A get them before the host does. Best tomatoes an v here for canning Me pick only $4 per bu I I FAST with "water Smith Drug. 24 W. A Main, 8- - 20-- 'STORAGE'UNITS for Am. $2 PER BOOK rent 459 North. Pleasant Contact Dean Wilkinson sold, selling Fork, Letii, P.G. coupon book. TOMATOES-Kent Day SMALL FOR West or 4 Frost-fre- e RENT-- 1 GARAGE cubic feet Harvest gold, ' smudge proof, 6O0. 37W760. 19.3 FOR SALE Yamaha organ, electone MJ, home model, wfull base keyboard. Walnut, esc. condl, $4900. & FOR SALE Must sell spa membership. Call Janine at or 37 FOR SALE- - Aug. IN AM. clean, convenient location. 2 bedroom, lots of storage, working couple-Partl- y furnished, $260 plus util. G after 6 p.m. $150.00. 3 BEDROOM G MISC. FOR SALE New king-siz- e (395 waterbed, excellent condition. Call custom support bras, girdles. Regular, nursing, Shirley Stone MINI WORLD TOMATOES I CANTALOUPE KING Call SIZE BEDROOM SET Sept.UM)ct.29B cluding headboard, mattress and box springs; dresser and night stand, dark wood, reall good condition, only $600 or make offer. Call HOLSTEIN FEEDER STEERS, 300 to 400 lb., vaccinated and dehorned, delivered. Call lames McBride after 8 p.m. tf AT FOR SALE REGISTERED STUD-AR- Cocker' Call Spaniel, black, PE 400 SUZUKI. Like new, ridden 7 times. Must sell or trade. 81300. OREGON'S B FINEST CAPS and other varieties frozen, no sugar, RASBERRIES cleaned, Advertising Deadline Noon Tuesday CUCUMBERS I Tomatoes for sale. Call Mrs. Venoy Turner, 8 6 tf Roman Beauties, Winter Golden Greenings, Delicious, Red Delicious. 594 S. APPLES: Banana, Locust Ave.. S., 475 E. 300 720 S. Locust Ave., 4tp We Will Build Your Home plus 5!! We Have Several House Plans or Will Use Your Plans E S Call between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 756-302- 7 FARM YOUR OWN! New 3 bdrm home on 1.1 acre lot - Saratoga Rd., Lehi. Large garden area & young 30 tree fruit orchard for your enjoyment. Out bldgs incl. workshop, well & pumphouse, chicken coop, storage will sell on conttact, terms, possible exchange, owner very flexible. Good student rental call Larry 756-299756 2692. AND HOUSES- - That's right 2 homes on 3 acres with bams and out buildings, well, garden, fruit trees, irrigation water, in Manila. $139,900.00. Larry 756-299756 2692. sheep pen, fenced. Great shape. possible. Only $75,600. Call Marvin 756-359- acre $13,900- OETERSON 3 January ewe $50 each. Call Realty American 85 East Main St. Fork, IN AM. LOT IMPROVED FORK- $21,000. Size 112 x 193. formation on this choice lot. SAVE DOLLARS! - eve Terry Utah - Quite secluded area. Vergil for more or 756-477- Call 756-964- in- FOR SMALLER HOME. Over 2,600 sq. and still lots of room to grow. This Lehi home has 4 bedrooms & lxk baths. Sale price is $95,900. A rental home goes with this lovely large or home. Call for details. John Jolley ft. finished 756-688- the price this lovely home with of $67,000 is large bedrooms and 2 room for more in full basement. Laundry on main floor., Beautiful fireplace in living room. This home shows like or 756-964- eve 10. Sept. 240ct. 15P acre with animal rights in northern part of Am. Fork. 4,477 sq ft finished in this energy efficient two story home. 8 bedrooms, 4 baths, 1 2 family rooms, 2 fireplaces, custom oak cabinets with a deluxe kitchen, 859 sq. ft of garage. Sales price $152,950. Call John Jolley for 1 or 756-964- 6 financing. -- ROOM TO ROMP- - WITH HOME FAMILY Lehi HOME 2 STORY OLDER , FOR SALE Health spa membership for sale. 10V4 months remaining. Asking Provo $70. Phone Fitness Center. 12B Sept. MISC. FOR SALE MOVING FROM UTAH MUST SELL EVERYTHING. Many choice items; including furniture, silverware for 16, small appliances, art objects. Call for appointment, Orem, SepL24P with 3 LEHI. Comfortable IN bdrms up, remodeling complete. NEED TO SELL! Asking price $58,000. Will consider all offers. Call Larry at 756-964- 6 or MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Brand new Yamaha guitar & case. Paid $185, will take $100. Call 756-950- Vi bedrooms, 1 bath, lots of trees and a stream runs through the property. Irrigation water available. Super buy for this home in Pleasant or Grove. Call Kent for more details ACRES. 4 756-964- 6 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT violin, made by Roth. Also, bow & case. $325. Call Mrs. Lines. Sept.lOOct.29B BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Own your own Jean Shop. Offering all the nationally known brands such as Jordache, Calvin Klein, Sedgefield, Levi and over 70 other brands. $12,500.00 includes beginning inventory, airfare for 1 to the apparel center, training, futures and Grand Opening Promotions. Call Alice Myers at P OPEN SATURDAY FROM 11 to 6 Kent i. Barlow Ron Jolley, Jr Robert W. Warnick L Peck I. Hansen Larry 756 9506 Vergil D. Peterson .... .... FHA loan. All for Call $76,900. 756-359- 1 Jerry 756-652- This home has 2 bdrms up. The master bdrm is extra large with walk-i- n closet, 1 baths up. There is ceramic tile in work area in kitchen both IMMACULATE: in kitchen vanities & in bath. bdrm finished in basement, 2 2 2 sides. Assume fenced car on yd garage, fireplaces, loan with low interest or seller may carry contract. Call Stan 756-359- 1 eve 756-436bath & 1 linked fenced. It has a 121 x acre lot is fully chain 40 concrete bldg on it with 2 x 12 x 10 doors x 10 PROPERTY: COMM IDEAL & Vi 1 10. Has a 10 x 10 x , ' ' ' ; ,i office with 2 rest rooms, gasoline tank. Seller will carry I eve 756- - j contract. Present an offer. Call Stan 756-359- 1 4362. WHOA OR BE SPURRED: Lg. fam home in Highland on half of an acre included are animal rights. Excellent ' '' financing available to help keep you in the saddle. Call and find out about it right now while the burr is under ' i eve your blanket. Call Jim Wilson 756-359- 1 756-787- ' PURE CLASS: Imagine oak trim, beautiful fireplace in ' fam rm off kitchen, redwood deck, extra Ig bedrm, lush carpets and drapes plus your own well. Combine the ; livable features of this home with an assumable loan & ; you have the makings of a happy home life. Please call ; eve 756-359- 1 756-631- ; QUIET COUNTRY LIVING- - Beautiful 6 bdrms, 2 bath home with 3000 sq ft. Lg. deck off dining area. ' This home goes with acres that is in hay. Plenty of Inga Ray L Realty Co. 7 56-6- 0 756 6052 REALTOR Realty or Peck 756-605- 768-9804- Realty acre lots. Call j HOMES- - Several new homes $55,900 to from down eve 756-605- DREAM: close to school and church. LOCATION Older home in good condition. Ideal for older couple or starter home. $32,000. Realty Call Leo or Ray 756-310- L 756-605- IMAGINE THAT! Can you imagine getting into a nice little rambler home, recently redecorated including carpets, insulation and siding, plus 3, of an acre of Ig garden area, all for only $46,000. Contract sales possible. For more info call Terry eve ' LOTS AND ACREAGE acre, 2 & 3 acres, 17 acres development ground in Lehi and A.F. Also bldg. lots and commercial lot in PI. Grove. Contract sales available. Call E. Peck or RAY L REALTY 768-980- 756-605- 756-631- 4.95 possible comm land avail Present all offers! Call Stan eve in Am. Fork. HOT ITEM- - 756-436- , RIGHTS: 1 acre of ground with a 6 inch well & where you can raise animals & all the garden you pump need. Also included is a 5 bdrm brick rambler with a finished basement, 2 fireplaces & a dbl garage. Call ANIMAL Paul or Hazel PROPERTY for sale. 40 acre pieces. acre piece. Good investment. Call E Peck 768 9804 or Ray L. Realty 756 6052. ; 756-359- 1 756-359- 1 BLDG. : 756-452- ground, GOOD CORNER ; and low truly designed for country club living with a fam room on the main floor and a fam room downstairs with sliding glass doors to the patio. Call Paul or Hazel 756-359- 1 . HOME, 6 bedrooms. '? acre with city water plus a well. Just $64,900. Call Stan 756-223or L 1 756-389- This home has the best view on Alpine Country Club with a deck looking down on No. 14 fairway and a walkout basement. Watch the golfers below or look all the way across Utah Lake. This home is BEAUTIFUL OLDER Ray eve 756-359- 1 GOLFERS 52 lovely 4 bedroom brick home in Lehi with wood burning stove, garage, well cared for lot. Will sale on a contract- - 25 down on this $84,800 home. . can be divided into $79,900 in Highland and Lehi. Low interest. Easy to get into. Call 756-359- CADILLAC BUILT, Call Ray I Property NEW 166 West Main or day care. available from Yd assumption. PEACEFUL 1 Lots of TLC combined with great Tranaportatkn FHA AF- - fenced, quiet deadend street, close to church & schools. Big fam sized dining area, 4 bdrms, l34 baths. Fam rm finished in bsmt. Can assume ll'a offers some Orem schools. Some free or reduced tuitions based on family income. Open 6:30 a.m. Shift care available. Parents: Free tuition available In for your help, vis. teaching specialized classes, teacher aide, cleaning, photography, decorating, etc. Open Saturday. care available. 2254150. Drop-iP Dec. IN HOME SUPER FAMILY 756 6888 American Fork, Utah 84003 learning program. Beginning reading. Spanish, music, art, etc. After-schoprogram for older kids includes crafts, cooking, games, dancegymnastics option-a- 756-631- completely water. Sept 17P NURSERY eve 756-359- 1 Terry for more info at John E. Mademoiselle Fashions, FOR RENT Orem. Lovely Condo. Two bedroom. Finished Basement DishWORK WANTED washer, refrig., washerdryer, Dave's tree trimming and 26 baths. No smokers, pets. removaL 10 years' experience. One child OK. $325 plus utilities. 5. Free estimates. Phone for appointment. SepL17-Oct6SepL24P HOME FOR SALE HELP WANTED S bedroom, 2 bath. Brick ramLarge printing firm in South bler. 74 So. 1000 E., Orem. East Idaho has the following ' Financing available at below career positions available. market rate. $71,000. Call First Small press operators, linotype Ask for Security Bank cold setters, type operators, Brent McAllister. conbindery workers, quality May22FN trol inspectors. Large new HELP WANTED building with excellent work full or part time opporClerical environment, wages and benetunity working from borne with fits. Send resume to Ron Smith mail No experience required. Stylart, Resburg, Idaho 13441. Information send stamped, Sept P envelope A.J. FOR SALE Assoc., P.O. Box 29760A Holly-wooSACRIFICE: Yamaha, 71 DT CA 90027. 250 Enduro, $700. Exc. cond., Sept low ml., good mpg. 2264)993. See 310 W. 170 N., Orem. Sept.l0Oct.29B PHOTOGJUPHIC IHl VICES Wast CryttPWtegi ape y for sale Engagement portraits, wedding (mm ammunition $216. Automatic .32 pistol ammunition . earxUds, weojding Invitations, family groups. Tor appointment H7VS0. Cast bullets $451000. ptesae telephone m WW. Homady (mm bullets $5100. ApriH.lW-AprUO.HsV(mm brass wanted. Septs-OctO- ' or 4th bdrm on main floor. Spacious with TV 756-964- 3 STORYBOOK . 756-631- entries, on drainboard 768-979- Sept.lOct.29B HOMEBUILDING Building? We will build for cost Dont take bids 4t do it plus the cheapest way! Call Mark, Maughan Bros. loan on NEIGHBORHOOD: 3 bdrm home Nice makes for comfortable living. Close to schools and other services yet located in a quiet comfortable neighborhood. This nice rambler priced at only $56,000. See Fam rm, AN ESTATE ON needs. Coming soon metal homes. Mark, MaughanBros. Sept. 244)ct. 15P VA WITH ANIMAL RIGHTS. ON 1 ACRE HOME some Metal buildings, all sizes. 2 week delivery. Buildings for all existing low int. 756-335- 756-359- 1 eve $25,900 SepL24-Nov.l2- Assume A WILL EXCHANGE Call Ken Cardon METAL BUILDINGS 756-348- this lovely Gold Medalion home in beautiful Alpine. Apprx 2800 sq ft of finished living area. Hillside location provides a magnificant view. Situated on a quiet dead end street near church. $89,900. Call John today. Call Terry new. Call Kent at 1200 East 1450 North MOTORCYCLE FOR 8ALE '73 Yamaha Enduro 175. Good cond., $475. Call 3754628, eves. ' QUIET -- PIANO FOR SALE Older in good condition. Must sell. Asking $800. Phone eve DO YOU ENJOY SPACE: If so this one is for you. 1 acres. Mini farm, with sheds for the horses and cows, equipment & a grainery. Water shares included. Nice brick rambler home included. If you are the self sufficient type, this is what you are looking for. Call n4nLLEY W includes all improvementcosts and hook-u- p fees. Terms Now is the time to buy or ; Contract shed, 756-359- 1 Beautiful View in- 2254392. M lambs. SALE- - 0 Sept. 240ct. 15 Sept.lo-Oct.29- B Real Mjr Msterkstne. $30 per day plus 10 cents a mile or FURNITURE 1175 per week plus 10 cents per Good used chairs, $10 each. See at 1521 W. 400 S., Orem, or mile; Sleeps four. Phone 2254957. call FN Sept. FOR SALE FURNITURE Round trampoline, new. Retail French Provincial living rm. 8669. Sell 8449. 5 yr. warranty. set, couch, chair, 2 end tables. 0 FOR Cross bred. Must See to Believe for sale. V mi. No. of Highland Church (10665 No. 6000 W.), 7564116. now! Sept.l(Kct.29B. Funnest thing you'll ever do. Call Instant Guitar and Banjo MISC. FOR SALE Sherwood Hills Charter Fam. First lesson Free. May2t-SepLMembership, $700, or best offer. For Cost SHEEP For Sale By Owner 768-956- 7 756-359- 1 756-652- full GIRLS LITTLE dresses. Wholesale prices. Also a wood desk $75. Call 6 or Guitar class starting H eve great starter home at 1 bath, bungalow style, For terms call Jerry Call Steve coppeitone $250. Call between 1 pm. & 7 Building Lots FIGURETTES- - LESSONS Sept.l0-Oct.29- $58,900. . 4 756-400- move tight in COLDSP0T 33 West Main Am. Fork 12' Sept.lOOct.29B Geese Al Vacuum See C .60 points diamond mounted in ladies 14 karat white gold. Will sell for 8600. Worth much more. Call & 1982 Pfaffs are in 5 BEDROOM, 10 HOME, at 571 No. 420 West, A.F. $375 per mo. Call .SeEt-3,lM7- MISCELLANEOUS LAMBS AND SERVICE APT. IN ALPINE. Call JEWELRY FOR SALE G basement, large lot. PFAFF SALES P Sears Gametisher fiberglass boat $250. 7.5 HP motor wextra tank, 8250. Together, 8475.00. Call 8300.7564622. Hy A Call Sieve DuBois 756 7249. p.m. It or 7 SPORTING GOODS Gloria Marshall 12 treatments, worth $369, will sell for less than SEARS II, - 10 acres in Highland. 331 feet frontage Terms available with low interest on contract. PRICED 3 bdrm, whookups, disposal, new, 255 E. Center, P.G. $300 plus util. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE In Provo by owner. Beautiful six bedroom home, 3 baths, family room, game room, Atig.2O5ept.20VB sprinkles, fenced yard, air conditioned. Separate basement FOR SALE entrance. Many extras. 1445 Sherwood Hills charter family Locust Lane, 3744791 or Call 3744064 1975. membership, for appointment or 3. 5B Sept , Aug.2fOct.22B For sale Mercedes 1978 AVAILABLE-- $40,900. Features 3 bdrms, good area near downtown AF. balance of APT. UNFURNISHED or ,Septl7-Oct8- WANTED TO SELL Bach CONTRACT 756-964- 6 Call FOR SALE .Oak stereo component cabinet adjusts up to 7 ft long and US" high. Will hoM receiver, tape recorder, phono, etc. Call EWE BEAUTIFUL 4 see. Heavy equipment mechanical field repairs and portable welding, also air arking buildup and hard face welding, stoct. aB. . Rained on hay. $1 bale TRUMPET- - mi HORSES 153 W. It draped, dishwash, electric appliance, hookup, no sprinkling system pets or smokers. $325 per month to 313 W. 300 So. Call Roland eves. WORK WANTED (404 - Everything Call & carpeted disposal, all TRUCK FOR SALE 77 CHEV Silverado 12 ton, PB, PS, AC, trailer brakes, $3700.371.1469 after 6. Aug.20Oct.20B SALE- - 3 I ctf IF. HOME, G HOOoffer.226-21S- SALE- under the sun. Fri. Sept. 25, 10 to 5 & Sat 8 to 5. 369 East 840 No.. A F. 9 24 t Lehi, Sat. Sept. 26, Main. NEW HOME FOR RENT in Am. Fork, MERCEDES 250 S. '61. A beautiful car, you must see to appreciate. Drive & compare cars. with new r, Sewing Machine. after 6 p m. 9 24 ltp GREAT 226-285- i n( American Fork TS6 6096 CONTRACT, LOW INTEREST - Brand new 3 bedroom, It also raspberry 9 bedroom home, A.F., garage. Must have fully AUTO FOR SALE regrigerator-freexe- TRAILER, 92 It YARD Cleaning deposit $85. Avail. Rent $190. Sept. 30. Contact 343 W. 300 No. 9- - 10-t- f FOR SALE single a.le $375. Horse rack $125. 756 3079. IT! BDRM. 1 with yard references. Grove. American Fork. 900 sq. ft. and good parking. Call Deseret Land Realtors HORSE SPUDS LARGE OFFICE ON MAIN STREET, someone to help care for elderly woman, part or full time, your preference. 2 $75. 24-l- 756515. BOLEY REALTY I on 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. 1W. west of Highland church. Couples only, LDS pref. No pets. $150. Call or WANTED-- per 9 17 2t starts - 689 No. 900 E. Lehi. Wilson home for rent. $375 per mo. 3 bdrm., 2 fp., Ig. fam. rm., carpet & draped, storage shed. Excellent location. Call HELP SO $4.00 a bu.. you pick. 9 17 tl FOR SALE l ADDING 400 MAKE bu picked. Call 7566746 Call Commercial Building at 45 West Center, Approx. 3,000 sq. ft. Pleasant Grove, Contact Dave Carter bdke SPECIAL- - 4 mud" 4 snow tires. 7.50 i 16 mounted on 8 lug rims, almost new. Also. 4 16 5 traction tires. 3 used 12 new U joints for Ford F 250 4 x 4, Best offer. pills.' f . 917-2t- p $4 aid COCMTUS FOt SALE. Also rabbits IFor Lease surface plus 756242. HUNTERS' GoBese EXTRA NICE machine rental and repair service. Priday's Office Supply send plication, stamped envelope. SYLVESTER, Box 96, Chicago Hgts., IL 60411. SALE- - ones units. $200 PINION PINE FIREWOOD for sale. 3 Cut split & delivered Larserts 924 3t sale Sat. Sept 26. 9 to 4 at the Community Preschool. 65 N. 100 .. American Fork 9 24 ltp side tl AND TYPEWRITER FOR SUITS rOtTULE nSHUHLSHU. etcel. cond . SI 50. Also GE build-- . TWO 1 LARGE RUMMAGE SALE Nephi Evans, 756 2755. or ) 1 wd Beautiful new 3 bdrm., 2 family condo in Lehi. Drapes, dishwasher, disposal, frig, Ig. pantry & garden spot. No smokers or drinkers, $375 mo. Must See! and shop space or warehouse available in PI. Grove, or just off St. Street. evenings. APT. frig & stove, apt & drapes. Rent $215 Mo. Deposit $100. Call Century 21 Robinson & YOU FOUND NEW OFFICE urgently for needed airat TOWNHOUSE hookups, cash' HELP, COMPRESSOR- SINGER 1 MATURE bdrm 2 bath $325 and a 2 bdrm 1 bath apt. J225. utilities included, and fireplace, storage. 2 BDRM 56, m Lehi cond Ig An practically 100 lbs. $350. Call 75M025. 9 24 ltp H72tp NOtGE WASHER. 2 electric stoves (drop ms). table lamps, artches cabinets A steel dog pens, 6 antique chairs. 102 No 4th E. Lehi. 768 3452 Spacious 2 bdrm 14 reg. apt 515. Must certify with lob Service. 9 24 It - Cabin U. 3 FOR RENT IN ext MUST 99 tt pup. Also TOMATOTMUITKsliTWTOES- TOMATOES meets low income eligibility. Part time. Apply-- Community Action, 160 E. Center, Provo 5 lbs Call 785 new. Holds Tablets I bdrm. apt Couple AKC lb. 2S to porch deck, extra insulation, new real wood cabinet fronts, terms owner agent. possible. smokers, drinkers or pets. Call 756 2566. 9 24 It to work $1 tootle home. only. No RESOURCE AIDE NEEDED- - CHIPS, $179 rrUGIAITA! " SAIL Call Larry FOR REDUCE SAFE FOR RENT-- dnnarnoa. 0412.24-2- t Searle, 756 3622 9 34t Call CASHIERS: 756-- DOC almonds Pari, Space rent $50 OFFICE place. Stationary Rexbuig ID 83441 9 17 2t bdrm.. 1 bath, home in PL Grow. Has 1 fireplace, lovely view, B-- 9 LUGE PIMTIMG MKM Souti East Idaho has the following career positions aailable: Small press operators, linotype operators, cold Stylart. tfim Cal COM. TOMATOES, 2134. 4 LBS. eve 756-359- 1 756-452- WEST CANYON NEW HOMES, Bi levels with low down, one in Lehi $67,900. 3 bdrms.. V bath; one 2 bdrm, 1000 sq ft.. double carport in Orem, both with warranty. Call now. Ray L. Realty 756 6052. 2 IND. PROPERTY just off State St. in P.G. Priced to sell at $70,000. Call Reese at 756-312ACRES or Ray L COMM. Realty THIS GROUND CAN'T BE BEAT: Amazing new property AF. This comm property features 132 ft frontage by 237 ft depth. Excellent location for fast food store, gas & go, or car wash. Has sm office & 2 larger buildings at present. Seller will finance & carry for sale in downtown contract. Call Terry 756-359- 1 eve 756-631- Robinson & Wilson Realty 405 East State Am. Fork 756-359- 1 756-605- 12,000 SQ FT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BLDG in P.G. just off State St. Move your business in now and own your own building. Call Reese at 756-312- 756-605- t or Ray L Realty NiC1wl(M Pm Ma Nml Ma MuStoM (to tort tun Mm i sn mm mnn ttrr,Crt ma Mrt ntUlt 7H4J2 R41IM CM 7H4U! mmHWRmi nui nun; Mm 4 |