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Show Notice Of Trustee's Sale Notice Of Official Notice Voter Registration The Nancy J. Tracy Kathryn S. Schramm Dawna Adamson Donna R Piiok RRRno.211200N.5450W. R 6225 W. 10050 N. R 5166 W. 10400 N. D Cedar Vallev 756-782- 2 756-225- 6 following State of Utah, on the 6th day of October, 1981, at 10,00 o'clock a.m. of said day: 756 2077 768-977- 4 chains chains Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 1 East, Salt- Lake Base and Meridian; thence West 2' 2 chains; thence South 10 chains; thence East 2'a chains; thence North 10 chains to beginning. And Announcement Estate Janice of Jolley, s Laura decedent. are hereby Allen's Drug 459 E. State Road Am. Fork -- NoallT.Wootton Attorney at law P.O. Box 308 (Geneva Building) American Fork, Utah 84003 Tel: Published in the American Fork Citizen September 10, 17, and 24. in Body Works" 151 E. Main, A.F. .90 N. 600 Purchase price facility's with nationally established JCAH Political Mass We urge all to attend. Both the Democratic and Republic parly will select candidates which will be placed on the November ballot. Any candidate desiring to run as an independent will have until Oct. 9 to file proper candidacy papers. m ' "ywfsff" Minn whether accreditation should be awarded to, or retained by, the facility. Anyone believing that he or she has pertinent and valid information about this facility's fwmft mi 756-704- 7 and ' Chicago, Illinois 60611. In- at not requests in writing or by telephone and will inform the facility of the ac- family reading" State, A.F.- - 756-524- 4 15 So. Main, P.G. - W. Main Am. Fork -- 40 S. Main P.G. -- A Priesthood, Quality fresh meats served from our full service counter. 93 S. Main P.G. , -- order of meetings School, Sunday Relief Society, mm Primary, Young Women. Three-hou- r block. Priesthood, Relief 785-221- 1 C.L. Young Appliances Carl and DeMar Young 266 W. Main Am. Fork Schedule :kM Relief Society. Women. Young Sacrament. School, Sunday Three-hou- r block. Priesthood, Relief Society, Primary and 756-496- 1 Gene Harvey Chevrolet Women Young Gene Harvey and Employees 221 So. 500 Fork i 338 1 Kentucky Fried Chicken Darrell and Kim Dean & Employees 439 East State, Am. Fork 756-613- 1 : begin Tri City Naomi Randall 756-358- 5 Parker's Drive In St. Peters Lee J. and Lillian Parker Am. Fork Utah Stake A.F.- 756-218- 1 First Ward Vaccum and Sewing service after the Main, A.F. 369 So. State Orem B B a.m.-Schedu- le Fifth Ward 9:00 756-400- 0 B a.m.-Schedu- le Eleventh Ward 225-818- 1 -- 11 :00 le 1:00 B p.m.-Schedu- le Seventeenth Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A Eighteenth Ward 9:00 a.m.- - Schedule B 9:00 & Heating 1352 N. Fort Canyon Rd. Alpine - 756-450- East Stake Am. Fork 9 B a.m.-Schedu- le 2:00 Seventh Ward 2: 15 p.m. Schedule A Tenth Ward 11:00 a.m. Schedule B Sixteenth Ward 1:00 p.m. Schedule A Twenty-Thir- d Ward Lindon Second Ward 9:00 Lindon Fourth Ward 9:00 B a.m.-Schedu- le -- Bromley Egg Farm Michael and Kathy Bromley and Employees 491 E. 1200 S. - A.F. - 756-5271 -- -- -- Taylor Drug and Frances Beasley Ray 8 East Main - Am. Fork 756-402- 1 -- Jones Paint & Glass Fourth Ward 53 East Main 2:00 p.m. Sixth Ward American Fork 10:00 ScheduleA Highland First Ward 4:00 p.m. Schedule A -- Eighth Ward 2:00 p.m. Schedule A Thirteenth Ward 10:00 a.m. Schedule A Fifteenth Ward 10:00 a.m. Schedule A Nineteenth Ward 12:00 p.m. Schedule A Twenty-FourtWard 12:00 p.m. Schedule A 756-636- 1 -- -- Sprouse Reitz Co. 53 West Main h -- Twenty-FiflhWar- Utah Valley Turf Finest sod in the State - Where quality and service go hand in hand W. Main Lehi E. 756-418- p.m. Schedule A Ward 2:00 p.m. ScheduleA Twenty-Sixt- -- h -- 35 No. Barratt State Rd. 3 Pyke Manufacturing 768-908- 4 p.m. ScheduleB Seventh Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB Eighth Ward 1:00 p.m. ScheduleB 1:00 Alpine First Ward 4:00 p.m. Schedule A Alpine Second Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A Aline Third Ward -- Ninth Ward -- 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB Thirteenth Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB Fourteenth Ward 1:00 p.m. ScheduleB -- -- p.m. Schedule A -- Alpine Fourth Ward -- p.m. ScheduleA Alpine Fifth Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleA Alpine Sixth Ward 4:00 p.m. ScheduleA -- Timpanogos Staxe 2:00 E. Main 756-356- 1 p.m. Schedule A -- Third Ward 11 :30 a.m. Schedule A Fourth Ward 11:30 a.m. ScheduleA Eleventh Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A Fifteenth Ward 9:00a.m. ScheduleA Sixteenth Ward 2:00 p.m. Schedule A -- Training School -- Relief Society & Priest hood 8:30 a.m. Sunday School & Primary 9:30 a.m. MIA Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Sacrament 10:45 Schedule B -- -- -- -- -- -- Gunther Comfort Air & Employees Comp Mgmt. 31 No. 100 West Priday's Office Supply 756-767- -- 6 Of Ream's Food Annex -- Stake East State Rd., Am. Fork Pleasant Grove 756-368- 1 Akin Pastor 340 E. Center - PI. Grove James 785-329- -- Lehi First Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB Lehi Second Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleA Lehi Fifth Ward Larsen's Nursing Home 5 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Evening Services Wed. Prayer Service Women Only! Friendly, Clean, '24 hr. nursing car1 651 E.200S.. Lehi - 768-363- 1 " Lehi Floral Baha'i Faith -- .2:00p.m.-Schedul- A e Lehi Sixth Ward 1:00 p.m. Schedule Lehi Ninth Ward -- 630 P.G. E. 200 "Complete Floral Service deliveries throughout Utah Co. 235 N. 1st E. N. 785-112- 4 Informal Discussions 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evenings A Lehi Tenth Ward 1:00 p.m. Schedule A Lehi Thirteenth Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleA Lehi North Stake Cedar Valley Ward 9:30 a.m. Schedule A Lehi Third Ward 12:30 p.m. ScheduleB Lehi Fourth Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB Lehi Seventh Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB Lehi Eleventh Ward 1:00 p.m. ScheduleB Lehi Twelfth Ward 1:00 p.m. Schedule A Lehi Fourteenth Ward 12: 10 p.m. Schedule A Lehi Fifteenth Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleB -- 350 Pastor Robert A. Hays Res. 166 S. Center American Fork -- -- Lehi, Bible School Morning Worship Evening Bible Study Hear Our message 768-844- 1 Compliments of American Fork Hospital Faith Independent Baptist Church ll:30a.m.-Schedule- E. 300 N. 756-600- 1 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Wed., 7:00 p.m. Kountry Korner "Your convenience store" 5260 W. 756-415- 6 Community Presbyterian Church -- 1100 756-419- Diet Rev. Geoffrey G. Nelson -- 756-262- 1 - Church Home 9 -- -- -- -- Alpine Ref. & Appli. Service Ron & Erlene Burrell 11020 No. 5500 W. Highland 3 60 West Main 756-5311 -- m N.- - Alpine 6 -- Second Ward -- Compliments of Mt. View Bank 207 -- -- 756-968- Co. -- Grove Ward Alpine Stake 756-355- 1 Manila Fourth Ward 1:00 a.m. ScheduleA Sunday School Morning Services State St, J.R. Jolley - Owner First Baptist Church -- a.m. ScheduleB PI. Grove East Stake -- Ave. Am. Fork E. -- 9:00 -- Barratt Bldrs. Supply Co. In p.m. ScheduleB PI. Grove Twelfth Ward 768-401- 2 A & W Drive 390 d 12:00 Magr. Edward Dowling 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass 634 No. 600 E. - Am. Fork -- Lehi Utah -- -- -- 605 2:00 -- 12:30 PI. Grove Sixth Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A PI. Grove Tenth Ward 1:00 p.m. Schedule A Manila First Ward 1:00 p.m. Schedule A Manila Second Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleA Manila Third Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleA First Ward PI. Grove Fifth Ward 11:30a.m. ScheduleB -- -- 756-205- 6 -- PI. Grove Highland Second Ward 12:30 p.m. Schedule B Highland Third Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A Highland Fourth Ward 4:00 p.m. Schedule B Highland Fifth Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A Highland Sixth Ward 12:30 p.m. Schedule A 12:30 a.m. Schedule A a.m. ScheduleB 11:30 -- -- B a.m.-Schedu- le Lindon Sixth Ward d Am. Fork North Stake 405 -- Lindon Fifth Ward 2:00 p.m.- - Schedule B Highland Stake -- Catholic Church -- B le -- -- 9:00 a.m.-Schedu- Lindon Third Ward 11:30a.m. Schedule B -- -- Ninth Ward 9:00 a.m. ScheduleA Twelfth Ward 3:30p.m. ScheduleA Fourteenth Ward 9:00 a.m. Schedule A Twentieth Ward 3 :30 p.m. Schedule A Twenty-Firs- t Ward 12: 15 p.m. Schedule A Twenly-SeconWard 12: 15 p.m. Schedule A B p.m.-Schedu- le -- -- Alpine Plumbing Lindon First Ward McDonalds Manila Stake PI. Grove Utah Stake Third Ward a.m.-Schedu- Second Ward 11:00 sale that counts" W. Am. Fork West Stake Ford Jay McQuivey and Employees 190 E. Main - Am. Fork 756-354- 6 and Employees & T.V. State Rd. - Am. Fork E. 756-451- out, and finding the mother, closes tiny fingers around hers. You cannot teach this child by forcing her along, by pushing or pulling, but only by taking her gently by the hand and leading her. When you are there to show the way, she will follow. Merely being told to follow the proper way, she is not as likely to keep to the path. ' ? ''Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, find the me me all Teach help way. that I must do to live with Him some day. Primary, 785-2331 Joe Overman reaches An infant's hand B order of meetings: -- Overman's Appliance THE HAND OF A CHILD Priesthood, -- 33 756-4741 -- 85-2131 Smith Bros. Market Society, Primary and Young Women begin concurrently. "It's the in- terview. The facility will in turn notify the interviewee of the date, time, and place of the meeting. This notice is posed in accordance with JCAH requirements and may not be removed before the date of the survey. Christensen's Dept. Stores 56 correct, schedule to Church Page, Sacrament, "Complete A- -l for an request Jim Edens- - Store Director and Employees 700 E. State corrected send Schedule Alpine Book State such Albertson's Store j Citizen, P.O. Box 7, American Fork, Utah 84003 756-675- 3 -- will The JCAH acknowledge be for is information If your Church s E. Avenue, 785-451- 4 Management Employees 120 W. 300 S. 496 North 875 Hospitals, the curacy, and the findings will be included in the survey report. Requests for public information interviews must be made in writing and should be received by JCAH at least two working days before the survey begins. Such requests should be addressed to: standards. The survey results will be used to Meetings Scheduled Michigan relevance compliance determine representatives at time of survey. formation presented the interview will carefully evaluated formation interview with JCAH field ac- creditation survey of the American Fork Hospital' beginning at 8 a.m. September 28, 1981. The purpose of the survey will be to evaluate the payable in lawful money of the United States. DATED this 1st day of September, 1981. BANK OF AMERICAN FORK Published in the American Fork Citizen Sept. 10, 17 and 24, 1981. Meetings for the purpose of selecting candidates for the upcoming elections will be held in the Alpine Elementary School on Tries., Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. Candidates for mayor and two city council seats will be selected. an conduct Department of Integrated Accreditation, Joint Commission on of Accreditation Sponsored by this newspaper and your hometown businesses Roberts Mfg., Inc. Radmall's, Canal; thence South 48 degrees 45' East along said South boundary of the Canal 152 feet; thence West 492.1 feet to the po.nt of beginning. conformity with the standards of JCAH may request a public in- Directory "Setting a standard E. The Joint Commission of Hospitals (JCAH) will on Accreditation Alpine City price Church Notice 756-4551 Murdock's Auto Body 648 Purchase Reservoir B-- 8 Public Mass payable in lawful money of the United States. DATED this 1st day of September, 1981. BANK OF AMERICAN FORK Published in the American Fork Citizen Sept. 10, 17 and 24, 1981. 756-357- 6 J. Hibbert Orem, Utah 84057 Food Farm & 10, 1981. 627 S. Main notified to present their claims to the un- - first of publication: September Personal Representative Creditors of the above estate Date Personal Representative or to the clerk of the Utah County District Court on or before the 12th day of December, 1981, or said claim shall be forever barred. Probate No. 20518. Laura J. Hibbert, whose address is 627 South Main Street, Orem, Utah 84057, has been appointed personal representative of the estate of the above named Appointment dersigned Deceased, West and 3.50 South of the Northeast corner of Notice To Creditors Of IT Commencing following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the West door of the County Courthouse in Provo. County of Utah, State of Utah, on the 6th day of October, 1981, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. of said day: Beginning at a point which lies South 00 degrees 31' East 2658.2 feet along the Quarter Section line and North 89 degrees 29' East 17.5 feet from the North Quarter corner of Section 2, Township 5 South, Range 1 East, Salt Iake Base and described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the West door of the County Courthouse in Provo, County of Utah, a Highland 1 Highland 2 Highland 3 Cedar Fort The Trustee's Sale Official notice is hereby given that the time and place for registration of to qualified electors in the several municipalities in the County of Utah, prior the Municipal Primary Election to De new on tne 6tn aay uciooer, 11, wm be between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on the 29th day of September, 1961 at the offices of the registration agents in their respective voting districts as listed herein. William F. Huish Utah County Clerk "Hiursday, September 24, 1981 - Page Meridian; thence North 0 degrees 12" West 100.0 feet; thence East 380 feet to the West boundary of the Provo 756-778-2 Camera Magic Studios "Personal Touch Professional", 756-287- 3 Public Worship Sunday School Mary Lee Asay, Counselor QnAlA Main . A F JUU M. mum - n.i i 7 Sun. 11a.m. Sun. 9:45 a.m. Evening Prayer Service Tues.7p.m. Thurs. 10 a.m. Bible Study Adult Fellowship Potluck 3rd Wed, of mo. 6 : 30 pm . ju-j- u JU DIPT vCENTER OualhyQulcttPrlnt 533 E. State-AFork 1 405 S. State Orem Alpine 1st Thrift Steve Holley & Employees 21 E. Main Center 56-7626 255-303- 3 Rhinehart Oil Co. 585 E. State Road Am. Fork 756-968- 1 756-407- 1 Cook & Sons Fencing 369 No. 300 756-947- 9 E. Alpine Fireplace Furnaces 782 West State Lehi -- 768-841- 1 |