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Show Barbershop Festival Scheduled A barbershop quartet festival will in the Lehi Stake Center be held tonight at 7 p.m. Quartets from each ward will compete for the honor of representing the stake in the Barbershop Quartet Festival at Bandwagon Park Saturday, September 26. The public is invited to attend both the stake quartet competition tonight, and then at Bandwagon Park on Saturday when winning groups from each stake will compete for the trophies. Relief Society Sets Meeting Yd The Relief Society General Meeting is to be held September 26, at 6 p.m. in .1. 3 'T rl 1 SCHOOL CROSSING PLACED FOR MEADOW ELEMENTARY School crossing signals have been placed on Lehi's Main Street and a crossing guard secured to assist the children across Main as they travel to and from school. Shown at trie signal are Wells Beck, SIGNALS the Salt Lake Tabernacle. The meeting is for all adult women of the Church. This meeting will be broadcast over closed circuit to the Lehi Utah Stake Center, just the same as the Priesthood session of general conference. The motto of Relief Society, "Charity Never Faileth" has been chosen as the theme of the meeting. Conducting will be President Barbara B. Smith, General President of the Relief Society. An outstanding program , that should be of great interest and importance to all women of the church has been planned. It is important that the women unite together on these special occasions and feel the spiritual strength of each sister throughout the Church. The Lehi Utah Relief Society Stake Presidency and the Relief Society Stake Board are looking forward to greeting each sister as they attend this women's conference. School Crossing Signals Installed School crossing signals have been installed on Lehi's Main Street near Fifth West to warn motorists of children crossing the street to and from school. In addition to the signals, Wells Beck has been hired to serve as a crossing guard to assist the youngsters safely across the street. Motorists are urged to use caution as this intersection, they approach especially during school hours. "We begin work in May," Mrs. Peggy Lewis, PTA president, stated, "asking the City Council to assist in getting some safety measures installed." From there Garry Sampson, Public Safety Chairman for the City Council, met with officials from the State to request the installation of the flashing lights and crosswalks, with a crossing guard on . together hour before and after duty . school and at other times when there are children travelling to school. "We are glad these measures have been installed and urge parents to tell their children to cross Main Street on Fifth West where the guard is on duty." Mr. Sampson also stated that he is continuing his work with the State on a similar problem on State Street, where children cross to attend the Lehi Elementary School. "We hope to have this problem solved in the near future," he said. lf o o o o o o o o o Prices Effective Sept. Pizzas reg. $1.19 $1.39 Chips Ahoy Cookies 19 oz. $1.69 reg. $1.98 Sweet Wheat Puff $1.19 Aluminum Foil 75ftroii$1.25 Norwest Salt. . . . $5.29 $9.79 $9.79 case Duncan Hines Blueberry Mix Bran Muffin Mix $1.13 $2.69 $10,000 Min. Deposit lth Sept. 22 28 -- Federal Regulations prohibit the compounding of interest on Money Market Certificates Federal regulations require a substantial penalty if Time Certificate is redeemed prior to maturity 9 State Bank of Lehi 99 West Main 768-844- 4 Oeposits insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. T Garbanzo Beans. . $1.17 .285' Margarine. . . Fresh Broccoli case $1.13 $1.13 Utah Corn . . 251b. bag Yellow Onions. . . . No. 1 Yams ll 0J Cup Cakes Twinkies I packs89' . . . Seedless Grapes Hostess 3 ... 73 Hostess Cup Cakes & 3 packs89' Twinkies Wonder Home Pride & Fryer de ib. $2.69 Pie Crust ib. 95' ib. Roast Cheese... Gourmet Frozen Yams Pizzas reg. $1.39 $1.19 & Sunkist 2 Blade Cut Pot Mild Cheddar Sprite Tab Ramblin Breasts... No. 1 37 75' 75 A&R Big Dogs 37 Wheat Johnston Coke ... 39' ib. 10$1.00 49' White 79 Graham m. ooti case Clams Bread Imperial case Gorton 99 32 oz. Thank You Blueberry Pie Filling case Duncan Hines Yellow Onions Band Parents! The time is finally here! At last you will have a chance to see what the band has been spending all those hours learning. This Friday (tomorrow) the band will perform show at the Lehi during the half-tim- e Homecoming game. Come on out. Support the football team and especially support the band. Also, the band will appear in concert on Saturday, September 26, at Bandwagon Park. They will begin to play at 11:30 a.m. and everyone is invited out to hear them, eat their picnic lunch, and then stay and hear the quartet competition. 14.379 S&W Kidney & $9.33 Muffin Mix Plus case Campbells Chicken 25 Ib. bag To Perform At Game Texize Glass Campbells Bean & Bacon $16.57 case 6-MOI- r:k!" 224-084- 1 Duncan Hines Bran Cereal i8oz and J J Services $16.57 Gumbo biscuits apple pie with ice cream will be served by ward bishoprics. Those attending should wear best dress and be prepared for an exciting evening of entertainment. Cleaning Chicken... $16.85 Gourmet Frozen chuckwagon Professional Campbells Cream of 24-2- 6 Lehi Band D.S.I. Campbells Mushroom Soup delicious chuckwagon dinner featuring a menu of barbecued beef, western potatoes, corn on the cob, A ooooooooooooooooooo . . . . their appearance Saturday at Bandwagon Park. for Mike and Norene Kopinsky are in charge assisted by LaVere and Virginia Downs. is Each year the Banquet-Firesid- e held as a kick-of- f activity for the coming year. A highlight will be the appearance of Mark Kellor, popular youth speaker, who will advise and motivate the youth in a positive and uplifting manner. He is a teacher at the Lehi Seminary. All Lehi youth ages 12 to 18 years are invited to a fireside barfquet to be held at the Lehi Stake Center on September 29 at 7 p.m. .0 Del Monte French Beans rehearse Ward Four" Lehi Youth Invited To Fireside Banquet s-- Del Monte Cut mm the "Ninth North 12th . . . Councilman Sampson also stated that the city plans to extend the sidewalks from their present ending at Fourth West westward to Veterans Ballpark, which will also add a safety for children measure attending Meadow Elementary School. Beans SATURDA- Y- Members of o oooooooooooooooooo o o Cleaning Specials $ o o o o O Carpet Steamcleaning o o o o 1888 o Any Large Room & Hall o o o o o o Upholstery o 0 o ..$44ea Sofa 0 o o $38ea Love Seat o o o $12ea Chairs o crossing guard; Lehi City Councilman Garry Sampson, PTA President Peggy Lewis and Denyl Sampson and Lisa Lewis. one-ha- TO PERFORM . . $1.29 ib. .$1.29 ib. liter $1.07 Spud Chips ... $1.59 ib. 89 bag Mild Cheddar Cheese $1.59 |