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Show tie ieui r ret a near capacity crowd in the principal Jack Reid welcomed everyone to the first back to school night for Lehi's new Meadow Elementary, that was held With cafeteria-auditoriu- I'm downrigni siupiu out . . d. last Thursday, September 17. After introducing the teachers, Mr. Reid discussed with those present the areas he felt important to a quality edication. Among these, he indicated a desire for high scholastic standards supported with good discipline, because it is impossible for students to learn without good discipline. The principal further stated his desire and that of his staff to meet the needs of the children to include not only appropriate learning, but any physical or emotional help the children may require. The new principal, who had served as principal at the Cedar Valley School, stated how happy he was to be assigned to Meadow, and to have the opportunity of working with outstanding children and an excellent staff. Most of the teachers are ex- - controllable bladder urge. You know all the answers, but nobody asks you the questions. You look forward to a dull evening. You walk with your head held high trying to get used to your bifocals. You turn out the light for economic rather than romantic reasons. You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going. Your knees buckle and your belt won't. You regret all those mistakes resisting temptation. You're 17 around the neck, 42 around the waist, and 96 around the golf course. You stop looking forward to your next birthday. After painting the town red, you have to take a long rest before applying a second coat. Dialing long distance wears you Elections Conducted out. You're startled the first time you are addressed as an old timer. You remember today that yesterday was your wedding anniversary. You just can't stand people who are intolerant. The best part of your day is over when your alarm clock goes off. You burn the midnight oil after 9 p.m. Your back goes out more than you treat their own water. The cities are also concerned that if a pressurized pipeline breaks the release of pressurized water will cause a great deal of property damage. The Bureau of Reclamation is planning on the J-- 4 aqueduct to be a diameter pipe and the A-- 3 to be a pipe. In addition to the prime objectives of lowering costs and seepage, the Timpanogos Planning And Water Management Agency claims that there will be several secondary benefits to constructing the aqueduct system to their specifications and not those of the Bureau of Reclamation and the Central Utah Water Conservancy District. The mayors said that covering the canal would prevent drownings in the canal. That benefit would be present under either plan as both groups would construct covered pipelines. The Timpanogos Planning And Water Management Agency also claims that one pipeline would be more environmentally acceptable s than the proposed by the Bureau of Reclamation. Another benefit proposed under the Mayors' plan is the reduction of groundwater problems. The cities also say that by constructing dual systems for delivering water within their cites will allow 78-in- 48-in- two-line- The PTA has been working with local and state officials to obtain flashing lights and a crossing guard for Main Street, which is a state highway. If all goes well, it is hoped the Lunch Ladies for Meadow will be allowed to start work in the new kitchen, which was to have its final inspection last Thursday. Since the p A fortune teller offers to read your face. Your pacemaker makes the garage door go up when you watch a pretty girl go by. d The little lady you help across the street is your wife. You sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there. opening of school, the lunch workers have been preparing sack lunches at the Lehi Junior High, and then hauling the lunches to Meadow. This has proven very difficult for all concerned, but by the end of this week or the first of next, the Meadow Lunch Ladies are hoping they can given by the Lehi Ambulance Association at this year's Roundup was won by Lynn Sagers of Wellsville, Utah. The Lehi Ambulance Association is making an attempt to raise money to purchase a set of "Jaws of Life" to put on the rescue vehicle which was put into service in July. The "Jaws of Life" is a hydraulic powered tool which allows ambulance personnel to assist anyone trapped inside a car. This makes it possible to get those i. cities to abandon irrigation ditches which "have compounded municipal development costs." Last but not least, the cities say that a bicycle path could be constructed on top of the single water pipe from the to Provo begin putting out hot lunches for the students. After the opening meeting, parents were then given the opportunity of visiting the rooms, meeting the teachers and seeing what their students have been doing so far this school year at the new school. 22-rif- le inside the car out in a matter of two to five minutes, instead of 30 to trapped 40 minutes or longer. "The nearest set of saws at our disposal is located in South Orem. The last time the jaws were needed it took approximately 25 minutes for their arrival." Anyone wishing to donate to the Jaws fund may contact any member of the ambulance crew at 41 North Center, Lehi. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. Lehi 219 E. State 768-946- 1 Leather ACNv . 25 Try Our submitted the winning suggestion and have been honored for their idea: Joseph Lind-berJudd Kirkham, Danny Poulsen, Alan Thayn, David Taylor, Gordon Wade, Wesley Burrell, Mike Covington, Jason Fox, Jesse Burrell, Steven Briones, Shawnia Southwick, Susan Lewis and Kirsten Thomas. fat The Salt Lake Cleaning choice. The following students gray-haire- rtt JW Sagers Wins Rifle Durfey's new Meadow Elementary held its first studentbody election last week to choose the school mascot. According to Mrs. Peggy Lewis, PTA president, each student had an opportunity to submit a suggestion. The best three from each class were selected and then a ballot of the top 14 was giv.en to each child. Following the completion of voting and tabulation, the name "Meadow Mustangs" emerged as winner by more than 100 votes over the second Aqueduct System (Continued from Page 1) pressurized asia prtocntly planned. The cities would like to be able to perienced and are very strong in their various areas, according to Mr. Reid, and this should insure an excellent education for the children. Aside from finishing touches to the building and lack of grass around the school, one of the biggest problems facing everyone concerned with the new school is that of safety. Children who walk to school are either confronted with a very busy Main Street, a high speed railroad, or both. In Thursday's meeting, the principal encouraged all parents to do what they could to promote safety, as will the school. The School do. You finally reach the top of the ladder, and find it leaning against the wrong wall. You join a health club and don't go. You begin to outlive enthusiasm. You decide to procrastinate but ' then never get around to it. Your mind makes contracts your body can't meet. A dripping faucet causes an un- - i nursaay, sepiem oer &, isbi Meadow Elementary Holds Program 'fcfe geography and when Bill was trying to tell me where the new high school, Tickaboo, was located, I was lost. "Tickaboo is just a few miles from Wahweep," Bill said. . "Well, where's Wahweep?" I asked. "Just over the hill from Bullfrog and the Kaipariwitz Basin," Bill explained patiently. "My goodness, talk English," I said in exasparation. "Well, maybe I'm getting older," I apologized. Bill just smiled. My friend Maxine Martz has explained how you know you're getting older and I'm sure she won't mind if I impart the secrets to you. Read the following list, then call me and maybe you'll be able to explain where Tickaboo is! That is if you're not too old. How To Know You're Growing Older Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work. The gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bifocals. You feel like the night before, and you haven't been anywhere. Your little black book contains only names ending in M.D. You get winded playing chess. Your children begin to look middle-age- tress - OFF Cleaning FREE Pick Up & Delivery Service!! For All Your Expires mm mm mm Cleaning Needs D D 1 ' t r a mm mm mm mm i s f JofM-V- ' ."'-... -- f, j, f ft "V V in Canyon. The construction of the J-- 4 and 3 aqueducts are not the only portions of the Bonneville unit which will affect Utah County. The Bureau of Reclamation is also planning to construct two dikes in Utah Lake. A-- The first dike would cut off Provo Bay from the rest of the lake and the second dike would isolate Goshen Bay from the lake. The two dikes would reduce the size of Utah Lake by about 35 percent. The Central Utah Water Conservancy District maintains that "diking Utah Lake...will result in a net evaporation savings of 105,000 acre-fee- t of water. This amount, together with return flows collected in the lake and spills that would be saved, will develop a new water of supplyof about 150,000 acre-fee-t water. (Presently a family of four of water persons uses one acre-foannually, thus, the 100,000 acre-fee- t savings from Utah Lakewill be enough water to meet the needs of about 400,000 new people. ) " ' ot School Happenings At A Glance Lehi High School Homecoming Parade and Bonfire Homecoming Game, Lehi vs. Emery at Lehi ; 5 p.m. 25: Homecoming Dance: Tuesday, Sept. 29 Volleyball, Lehi vs. Wasatch at Wasatch Girl's Region Tennis Meet Wednesday, Sept. 30 Thursday, Oct. 1 Sego Lily PTA Fundraising Dinner, 6 p.m. JV Football, Lehi vs. Grantsville at Lehi Thursday, Oct. 1 Thursday, Oct. 1 Volleyball, Lehi vs. Morgan at Lehi Thursday, Oct. 1 Post High School Orientation for Seniors, 8:30 to 11 p.m. Football, Lehi vs. Grantsville at Grantsville Friday, Oct. 2 Junior High Dance Friday, Oct. 2 Note: All activities are subject to last minute changes. Consult schools for further information. Thursday, Sept. 24 Friday, Sept. Friday, Sept. 25 After-Scho- W : M ol "Replacement cost minus depreciation? Or Replacement Cost? The difference could be substantial." This and More See us first for the new tax exempt All Savers Certificates available October 1, 1981. As a bonus you'll get the same great, home town, friendly and efficient service that has made us the number one bank in Northern Utah County. See us for this and more. Ask about Replacement Cost Coverage for the contents of your home. hum m iom fr 'Vita f STATE FARM We care you 6 Bank of American Fafui Antcrlcnn Fork, Alpine ; 3C ) |