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Show Find Out From Your Doctor if the "Pain" Remedy You Take Is Safe. i Don't Entrust Your ! Own or Your Family's ! Well - Being to Unknown ! Preparations I BEFORE you take any preparation prepara-tion you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what ha thinks about it in comparison wilh Genuine Bayer Aspirin. We say this because, before tha I discovery of Bayer Aspirin, most so-called "pain" remedies were advised ad-vised against by physicians as being bad for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery of Bayer Aspirin largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken Bayer Aspirin year in and out without ill ellect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety -were correct. Remember this: Genuine Bayer Aspirin is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and safe for the average person to take regularly. You can get real Bayer Aspirin at any drug store simply by never asking for it by the name "aspirin" alone, but always saying BAYER ASPIRIN when you buy. Bayer Aspirin No Time to Fail In the opinion of the rulen of states, marriage Is never a failure If there are plenty of children. A Three Days' Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines Jrou have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul-Eion, Creomul-Eion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed membranes mem-branes as the germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have tailed, don't be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with , results from the very first bottle, I pet Creomulsion right now. (AdvJ Rather Late It Is not until middle age that a man becomes interested In his destination. i - "For thirty years I had ( -.Zy chronio constipation. -!', Sometimes I did not to ' . 3 tor four or five days. I I V' f also had awful gas bloat- ' ing, headaches and patn , i in the back. Adlerika , F ""J tielped right away. How j uuwdl eat sausage, bananas, i pie, anything I want and never felt better. I sleep soundly all night I end enjoy life." Mrs. Mabel Schott. j If you are suffering from constipation, sleeplessness, sour stomach, and gat j bloating, there is quick relief for you in Adlerika. Many report action In 30 minutes after taking just one dose. j Adlerika gives complete action, clean- j ing your bowel tract where ordinary i laxatives do not even reach. Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York, reports! j "In addition to intestinal cleansinii j Adlerika checks the growth ot intestinal in-testinal bacteria and colon bacilli" i Give your stomach and bowels a real j cleansing with Adlerika and see how i good you feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by I all druggists and drug departments. ! FEMININE WEAKNESS ! 4, Garfield St., Fhoenli. . j,""-'- - Aria, said: "Dr. Pici 'J X Favorite Prescription bai 5f - been the biggest WP ' gv pi- ' 1 my wife. She was ran- . Vi '" down during the change , . of life period and her i :--t -j appetite was poor- I ' of Dr. Pierce's Remedies because my people had , Jways had great faith in them, and a lew bottles of the 'Prescription' soon had M j wife eating more and enjoying good health-Go health-Go to youx neighborhood duggist today. , Got quick relief with Cutirura. A voM- , wide BUc-ccra I Sold everywhere. Soap ' Ointment 2r,c. Write "Cuticura. L,i...Ji'.'..;,yil,i.'ili''' |