Show You ciot afford to risk your life by allowing cold to develop Into pneumonia pneu-monia or raniumptloo Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by Ono UUitM Oeglr Our Jaffa lUyd A NoneWANTllf WANTEOTHU8TVVOKTHT I AND active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible eiUbllihM boas In Utah Monthly IMIX and eipaniri 1oiltiun steady Reference riiicloee I ell addreited itaiiped envelope The Dominion Company Sept Y Cbloago I WANTKIr niUSTWOHTHY AM sewn itiiitlemcn or ladle to travel for iei > oniible titahllihed house Ic Utah Monthly tll5OO and expeniei 1ofillon itendy Iteference Kncloto elf addreur clamped envelope > The Dominion Company llepl Y Chicago There In no need of children being tormented by scald head i rcierau and chin eruption leVllt Witch llatcl Salve Kites Instant relief and cure permanently per-manently John hoyden etc lion Awarded lUsbesl Honors WwMj Fit DR 11IlC1 CREAM BAIONfi POWMR MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crape Cream Tutu Powder Free from Ammonia Alum or ny other idultcnnt 40 Y cars the Standard Peoples Mercantile Co ntc showing the largest best and cheapest line of U l1cletve 81 ever shown in Coalvilk For instance cue UttUUO Mens wool per suit Sr2o Mens fine camels hair suit 150 Mens fancy fleeced lined 170 Mens very fine wool 270 Swiss Condie nonslirink lug two tllreadedl snit 225 Swiss Condie futuuib glove fittinj ribbed Ill 1 suit 350 Swiss ComheArabian fleece all wool per suit doo Hats Z Hats Z We have just received our new line of fall hats which vcj have open and ready for inspection inspec-tion Remember these are all NEW GOODS which we bought at a very low figure and have placed within the reach of all Yours respectfully Peoples Mercantile Co ALMA UIDIllvDOIi Manager C OA JJ Always On Hand at the HHSAJCH MM Lump A A 200 Stove 125 Teams Loaned l Promptly N No D OeIa I f t PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co 1 Clearance Sale in some of our lines at Bedrock Prices Calland PRICnS Ice to be TOnYinOC All lbee goodI at HARD TI G W ROBT YOUNG Wan8hr r |