Show DEMAND INVESTIGATION I elsleuent UIII ludlna tu + eiiel III the 1Inl olored iluea + aln Item WaOilngton November 30 Captain Vrlght and Ilciitenanl Caranaiigh rIrlh cavalry who lotnmauded the roops In the rrrvntdUturlianc In Cotorailo hare demanded an Inrrstlga Ion of thus affair by this Interior de < larlinent Captain right secured a latement from tho Indians of thus af air the sum of which Is I that ta small party of them were captured on Snake hill hunting deer this majority of ttxMii ttltls I tiUU undkbut fourbuoUs wernlii ramp when a panty of armed whit men came Into camp They re nalned there some time thn Indians lot understanding them 1lnally one opened hit cont and showed a star saying they were buckskin police nnd the Indians must go with them the IndUus relutml upon which the white orcrcd them with their pistols and sereral grasping the two buck by the wrists a ktrnggle commenced A squaw ran to their assistance when tho pollen literally riddled her with bullet A warden on tho outside of the parly shot the squaw In the back of her htatl and another In the arm The surviving bucks saw their clianrn lo run for horses which limy had In the hriisnh and did so making their escape The Indian Insisted that neither that time nor since hare they tired shot at a whllo man |