Show MlnUiorr l tltr fcjmtr HAIL 8 0 Nor 20th 18ti 1111111 TIN Kn Thinking perhaps a few linen from he Sunny Bonlh may find uipatt In uur sillier lake Ihli opportunity of rltlng After landlngln tlio rosier purl of 1 leorgla on the Mth Auguil I tots ups I polntrd labs with S I Oldhnm Ireridcnl of Nwlli Carolina ronfvrincr and on tepteiuber Till left torn trip through tlio northern turt of Huiilh Carullinilo Mtelden and huM mot liign tohlleunuerway Wt found ihu lorololo l through part 01 Site country very ho pliable and moit ol thorn very aiulouiilo heir a ornion preach Ue pneatrt I loiertwe I W be 0 Ilivulu tllln bAlllefieldi ie Cowpciirind Klmtii Mountain and landed 1 at lllackihur In iliiMiurtlurn tart of thu slate where w I kU a bnnch aonference having waked abonlJW inlliii In lwent sin dni Whllo at this ronferunoi our president rrceltel I word that a general confennie would loe l > held on the lUlh mid Hilt 01 Smeinber when 1reildent Klntboll and ho a fthe Apostles would be with ui free Oldlutn then left for Chtiler field rniuily to prepare for conference and left me to true with Elder 11 K Smyth of Miotl We tint went over Into North Carolina and visited tome sent wlunm D If IKboiti biptlied thirteen year ago bId xvaral meet Ingi Pith them and fount a Iro1 deal ol the prtjadlrt hid died oat tine Elder El-der ltoUrn na here and In the tame town where people threatened hit life If he attempted preach lie were nol ttolest edt all tUIOI forth Carolina we made our way to conltrtnce holdlnz nineteen iiieetlnn wliilion our way and succeeded succeed-ed In railing a great many bloods Tierrr Falul l1 Idiot eaaadca al 1 dlrKtltni heal lwoollhelliiiloraclei of the Lard to the peopU of hit generation I tome even coming by team from eastern Oeorila a distance 01260 piles It wu I he UrxeitcuDttrtuca ot tall kind that i tJ li lr hat em liHin held In trw oath and wa ties rmeaee of doing much pond 1111 this Mctlon of coanliy TliBtrulh li I crBwInti though It taken tutu 1 lieu tie ugw in isles In hocU ljastaa and oeat sr menthe toner ennoble thli winter llnndruli ore joining the elmreh each year ant many nhoonly a few veers ago were ntlhl fare now frlendf and the elders i tortte1lgklmllyreerlved 1 hulli lit the I ellll itch I POtInlry We travel Abi liltely without pone or scrip an the apostles of old and the elders of the Southern tlatti are dolnit oncof the Kreatot work that lisp Inert I done I hat now been appointed tlJ lubor with Illder Hondo lecher City and tve leave to morrn for he 1 noutherncoaiit of Nnrtli Carolina where a branch con frrence will beheld In the veer future ICenctlully JTUAKHtTII My mldrertli netacouee county 80 lion 74 J its TIoIrllcl 01 Uioihaik Tex Pays that when ho has a ape oflndl leillon and feel bid and ilujuUli hoI ho-I two nf IH > Vltla llttle Karly Irenn atnlirhl and he la all rlclilth I irtl imirnlnj Manr thounandi of other ilu thu mine thing IHi I von 1 John llodfii V done I lino loturr Illlluli Cull 1 lulvrid for IIIk will 1011 and pdlnn In my itomaeh cauewl l hy billmif nee and hail In take meOlclne nil the w hilt until 1 retch 1 ChamUrhiltii Colic Cholerit und llnirrlicnn Itvmidy which lurwl me havu rlncu nioinlniiidtd la l 1111 a goal many people Mri K Hut Kr ralrhaeii Conn Ierroni who nru subject biUiiiiruliriHii ward 1 oil the attack hy Inking thli rcintily at pools HI the tint > yinptomi citron bold by John llojden A born DlilllEitrtuitnt for life by bunt or scald woy be molded byuilnit fJoWltta fetch tlarel lahr the trial nmeily for julep and fur all kinds 01 sore 11111 i kin troiitlor John Hoyden A Soni |