Show LlIJI NOJITinVEST NOTES r Port tlalleck Nr li lo he sold nt public auction In February 1M licnllh a twrlendernt Wndsworth Nor couimltlwl suicide dy hooting tilmstef In the licad 11 W Klpllnger of Cheyenne Won Wo-n grayhaired man of 07 years lint been adjudged Insane Al foal n negro was rqultted of the charge of compllcly In the inunler of John Hawkins nt ltutt A telephone war hun lit IIr Inlla Mont Iwlnccn the Koeky Mnuntnln Hell company mid thus Bleclrlc City The ralue of the lire stock and ngrl riiltural proJucl of Pluthead couuly Mont IhU year soot gl3twlxw Miss Susan II Anthony will makon number of woimtn suffrage speeches In Nevada during thu campaign next year yearW 0 Whitney proprietor of tho 1ayctlc Ma nursery not arrested at butte for stlltng fruit without a II censt Castings are Wing ahlppod lo Hawthorne Haw-thorne Nor dolly over the C A C to equip the company 1 car with the now airbrakes In Ilaralll county Montana thin year the Anaconda Copper Mining company will pay tWJ taxes and Marcus Daly will pay WMI About n ilnrcn young men hare been laid olT nt tho Do U Mar Nevada works for being under age ni a pre lolho cniittonary measure to conform to laiv Mayor Miller and Attorney Arnold stole In the most positive manner tlmt the ordinance ngnlntt gninbllng InCh In-Ch eIlIlO would In enforced without favor llobcrl Itlddle of Hclgraile Mont ants the snow In Inllulln valley a I din appearing nnd that farmers are now ploughing mid getting ready for another an-other crop Dlslrlct Attorney McOowun at Carson Car-son Nor says lie will bring the lone murder case before each session of court and Italia upon thus rcnrrcst of young lulnan Andy King nn Anncomla pugilist linn Iwen arrested for engaging In a > I price light at Deer Lodgo Montana lie knocked out IM Santry of Chicago Chi-cago In three round Theme It n curloslly along the Still water In Montana In the shapo of nn albino so olt whose rant la I at white as snow Ho alops with a band of 10 of his gray brother 5 W 11 Stall Imn Instituted a mandamus man-damus null against the city of Chry stuns to comiwl It to Issue a liquor i license The city nuthorlllc claim < cly l that hit Haloon Is I disreputable resort i Ilecanio the single word fclonlou B omitted from tho juilgoi charge lo jury the Montana supremo court hint ordered n now trlnl of erase against 0 M Oilier sentenced to three yearn for roberry Thu work of allotting land to tha Indiana on thus Wind Hirer rcscrra t tlon Wyoming huts been going on quite rapidly but It I Is I reported that there will bo a conation In the work through the winter month James lowlands who has charge of I this Newluml rood at rort Church hill Nor has lately completed tho Iur chins of 1100 head of e cattlu from Fred uangbcrg of Canon valley The cattle will bo taken to the homo ranch and fattened for San 1rnncUco and 11 eastern markets I A train of twentytwo cars of Wos ton Wjomlng cattlu vas skipped to South Omaha recently Most of thus stock wascry Uuliut ono car shipped by Vlnchcll unit Mnnaugh was said 1 by experienced men to bo probably this Illicit car of beef cattle ever r shipped from northern Wyoming They brought on an average 83VD per head James Wustfnll who has been It Grand Encampment for a year past sloped with Mrs Julia Tens formerly form-erly of Denver Ilia couple droic I to Itawllns Wy arriving there In the evening nnd limit the nfterndon westbound west-bound train That they expected the Injured husband to follow then so out evident fruit Wcstfall nerrou actions ac-tions Ho told several parties that lio nat anxious to get out of town be t fore they could h overtaken as ho expected Tenncll to do IWo shooting Ls If hi caught night of them Wettfull 1 cut the telegraph wire I I Oll Ilu nth of Concord N ILlini gone t Nine Mile Mlssoula county Montana after hula wife who ran awaylast August IOu hor head t wn tUrnij Jy fs ry I al t es conccrnlua thus opportunllle lion noiuen rr gt 1 J rich I Montana I h i r i n Mr Ih r llecinnn of Pranst6nWj < xS recently shlppidto Sot PrnucUcoj r J oW011 for export trade 1 was rolsed 11y Ilaiulolph farfiicr Snd Tiiuight feyIho llcemunCashln ont i t whit It wan thus finest quality o r L itkbcat ever keen In 4vtnl soy auitutry n 4 stVAltci 1 Uoqghloni wliu ISIS I IS-IS jn > thecpunty lU Chcyeniu orsjeallng I 815000 package from fK railway postoillc It tliMyfnglftir Hn buys hi I 1m ia h alwtiynwaritad to study t Inxr but uulser hail the rpprulr until now tl 6 |