Show irtsAorov JKTTKR trans ova Biouut tosaueOsnseT WAIIIINOTON Dee 11807 Now that the opening Congress li I I J almost upon ui and that Washington Wash-ington li rapidly filling up with Sena ton and Itepreioutatlvei there li I much less talk about the teuton being shorter than the usual long leiilon ol Congress In fact since It beianie apparent that financial legislation would beattempted the general opinion hal been that the Ion would l bo long with many ex mesa Dltodet It li uU that tho c tllni k jt stcKlnloy ciprvtiot Mason Tr < face In getting tomo ol n t I II conflfc nondatlonilfavornblr I fie < flnu tabrttamas noNlthtaul set > t u b y tongr 11I1 doubli of the ulwl I uJr In Iu 1517 1 prnta i Mtovon and iBiiwn ° artori barn V ba lbthbtt tin elI1i s party s Pin I toys the gull y 4T V t 11 wuca I J eI + v 1 et I Ie maWrs veral pyaoeyatloge J Dot why tor Bryan I b ftIttdlor f 0 rrw ally a 1 conMrvatlve financial ineaiurethat maybe may-be rt upon by Site Itentibllcint An Interesting addition to time Information Infor-mation on the more or Id talked ol subject do women iiinkeil einVientera plOIU II men 1 contained I In an official of-ficial report of the 1otlolllei Department Depart-ment made In answer to a request of the Merman government sets what ben b-en the general experience oar pot talcervlee with women euiplojet the report says women are employed In all branch ol the portal service eicept I as letter carrier clerks In the rillway service and Intpecton and that there are no ruler or regltatlont thuttlng them nut of any branch ol the service The women employed are paid the tame salary that mm get lor doing the urn clan of work and the conrtutloa of III department It I that the services of women wo-men have proven alrnott II rot quite ai satisfactory at those ol men In the the Ioitofflce department at Washington Washing-ton them are 107 women eniplfljed who draw salaries ranging from 2IO to 1800 a year according to work done There are In the country 7070 omen postmasters and It It eitimited about I 80000 women are employed In the pott offices The liter number hit to be et United because the department hat no record of the employe ol poitolllcci below the 1rctldeiilal class Senator lindiay of Kentucky one of the oldest gold DeniocrAli who Is l expected ex-pected to act with the Republicans In soy attempt iiiadu to secure IlimncUI initiation al this leitlnn uf Control loeint speak very conlideiitlally cfw curing Irglilatlon drtlrrd although his program of what li I netslnl In lime way leglilatlnn It short Ilo psld If the Itepublleani had given ui n 1 llflcrent larlirlaw I the Ink ol octirnir the necessary financial reform would han bell comparatively easy With hn muntiyii revenue nual to Itt nt pendlturesIt 1 would not In my opinion be difficult loiecure the repeal 01 the clause the Act ollB78 requiring lIen < back tI hell prueoted to the Treasury for redemption to be reissued and that I think would be all the leitlilallon niceiiary for the relimanee ol the greenbuksdsneaway withlucy would all be redeemed and cancelled In a very ihort time In the face however ol the Intufflclincy ol thus revenue tbli course would Le 1 more dlfflcall and I cannot now ny what It anything will be done or attempted Senitor Und says remedy li that ol the Cleveland Carlisle regime but II got tuey judge from the prdDoaneeJ opposition of pro MlMl IttfnbUcini legUUUmrrj riding for the retiremiot eh 1 the green bask hit t gho t of a show untie It also al-so provides for an equal or larger am moantof tatlifactorycurrency to take lit place TreildiDl MeKlnloy his taken et pedal paint U let It be known thai he It not In sympathy with the war that member of hla party have itarted tn the civil service law That was a hock down blow to those who had been maklag a confident claim that they would get vote enough In both bronchi olCongrin to repeal the civil service law They had not counted Upon any assistance front the 21rettdent nor did they expect any opposition from him they had the Idea that he remain neutral the fight and would allow any bill panid to become a law I They know better new and the knowledge may make a material dllTirenca In the sort el 1 fight pat up alter Congress meet The anti will try to gel Senator Sen-ator Forakcr to lead the tight on the law In the Senate and they lay that II he doe 10 It 1 will make him the 1reil dental candidate of hit party 11 the fight li I winning one A bllII |