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Show Local Brfefs. I'ctcr Jensen, the Paradise merchant, mer-chant, and D. K. Ilendr, the cream-cry cream-cry man fioni Mt. Sterling, were In Logan on Thursday. A. II. Palmer, the plumber, went to L'ranklln yesterday. The people of that burg arc talking of piping water to their cemetery. K. L. Gardner, proprietor of the Palace restaurant, lias gone to Salt Lake. Humor states that he lias gone for the special purpose of changing somebody's name Mrs. Haskell, daughter of William Hunce, died at Pocatcllo on Wednesday Wednes-day fioin the results of typhoid fever. The funeral will be held In Pocatcllo today. .1. P. Anderson came down fioni Cardston yesterday morning. He states that about six inches of snow fell In Alberta last week. The farmers farm-ers have nearly all their spring grain planted and the fall grain looks tine Plans for the bank at Lew Is ton, Cache countv, L'tah, In wlilch President Presi-dent Lewis and othcis In that locality aie Interested together with a number num-ber of Logan men, are being drawn. The- location of the bank will be In the opera house corner recently sold by the Lcwlston ward to the t'tah Mortgage Loan Corporation. Mis. Kllabeth Olscn, a native of Norway and resident of the First ward, died about 2 p.m. Wednesday, aged "! jcars. Old age and general debility is given as tho cause of her death. Mrs. Olsen had lived In Logan Lo-gan about twenty years. Funeral services ser-vices wcic held in the Sixth ward meeting house yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The speakeis were: In doing your spring cleaning It will cost no more to buy the latest and most up-to-date stiles of wallpaper! than It docs paper that Is ten or , twelve j ears old, so It will paj jou to call on Preston & Pyper before buying. buy-ing. They guarantee to paper a room for !ev money with the latest patterns pat-terns cheaper than an body in Cache I County. Miss Mildred Howell, for six years a most clllclcnt and highly satisfactory satisfac-tory teacher in the Logan public schools, resigned on Wednesday for the purpose of taking up a course of study calculated to fit her for a higher position. Miss Howell left on Friday for her homo at Oxford, Idaho, and in a short time will leave for Chicago or one of the other laiger eastern cities. Many friends hero regret to sec her go but wisii her all good things. Arthur Sink, the man who became well known last winter through a fracas near the river brjdge on Main street in which he stuck ills opponent full of holes with a pitch fork, died veiy suddenly Wednesday night. Just a day or two before, lie moved his family and belongings fiom the building build-ing next to TiikHki'Uiilican into the far west pait of the city. He was taken 111 with stomach tioublc or bowel tioublc in tho morning, but physicians telephoned for were busy and it was not until late that evening that he leceivcd attention. It was then too late and he passed away. Sink was not strong In, any sense and had a family of tivo Including his mothcr-in-Iaw. They have had to llvo from hand to mouth and those left aio In a veiy bad condition. The county tendered it services at this time, and lias lent assistance befoic. Jack Hooper lias managed to break Into tho Salt Lako papers, and lie gives evidence that lie uses the same kind of hot air down there that ho docs in Logan. The Herald says: "Jack Hooper, who Is doing tho managerial mana-gerial stunt for the gang of ball tos-scrs tos-scrs known as the Traveling Men's team, says oveiy one who attends the games Saturday and Sunday should vveai colored glasses Hooper says this advice Is given only after lie had consulted an occullst, to whom he exhibited ex-hibited a samploof the clotluof which the travollng men's uniforms arc made. These suits aro said by Hooper Hoop-er to be the warmest articles in spring clothing over brought into these parts, and It Is expected they will completely dazzle the Elders out of tho game." Tills seems to Indicate that Jack is practicing Ills team up In a few games with the Salt Lako bunch. It's up to the Logan Commltteo to get together to-gether a ciuckerlack bunch if wo arc to get CO per cent of the gate receipts on June 10. |