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Show Generalities. j i Wc sell the Earth and Loan money ' on it. II. A. Pcdcrscn & Co. Charles W. Nlblcy has been 'In Logan Lo-gan the past few days. Livery rigs always on hand at John II. Barker, .Ir.'s, Cache Junction. Gcorgo Llndqulst, tho undertaker, was ln'RIdimond on Wednesday. T have a few dry farms for sale near Smithtielcl. Geo. Y. Smith, Smith-Held. Smith-Held. The laying of plpcsforthcSmlthlield water system commenced yesterday. Farm and city property in Smith-field Smith-field for sale by Geo. Y. Smith, Smith-field. Smith-field. Edward Klrby, of Franklin, Idaho, has been visiting his brother Thomas at Ilvde Park during tho past few days. Wantkii 300 head of dry cattle to herd through the summer. Apply to Martin Shaffer, Mllivllle. Bishop Lindsay, of Marland, Idaho, was brought down on Wednesday to the Budge & Caldeiwood hospital to be treated for appendicitis. Look out Tor John Bench, ho is in tho race for house painting and paper hanging. i The excavation is ncaily done at the Lcwlston sugar factory and .the masonry will be commenced at once. Within the past few days many Logan Lo-gan boys have gone there to' woik. G. Gcsscl, the brick maker of Cacho county, will sell brick by the wagon or ear load. The choicest kind. Mrs. Mary 15. Roberts, mother of Robert Roberts, captain of the football foot-ball team or the A. C, was in Logan on Wednesday. The lady has been on a visit to Canada and is returning to her home In Layton, Davis county. Wc collect all kinds of indebtedness, out-lawed notes and accounts specia attention. II. A. Pederscn ,& Co. Oillce over First National Bank, t The old Crockett homestead on the corner of canyon road and Crockett avenue has been sold to Orson Thatcher, Thatch-er, who will occupy the place at once. The seventh ward is foitunatc In the acquisition of Mr. Thatcher. Fok Sale An eight loomed house situated midway between the Agricultural Agri-cultural College and Main sticet. One of the finest sites in Logan, Will sell at a sacrifice for cash. Call on or address TnK Ri'Uhlican. Nelson & Worley have a force of men at woik on the tabernacle roof at Richmond. It Is stated that the contract con-tract price for the roof alone is 18,000. Wo are further informed that Apostle Merrill is paying one tenth of the total cost of the structure, which will j not be less than $40,000. ' Wanted: A man with one thousand thou-sand or twelve Jiundred dollars to In vest in good business in Boise, Idaho. An excellent opportunity for tho right man. Addicss Box 744 Boise, Idaho. I)r. W. B. Parkinson reached the 53rd milestone of his caieer last Tuesday Tues-day and that evening quite a number of his friends and relatives made a raid on him. There was a geneial good time, and wishes extended that ho might pass another r3years In good health und happiness. A. Hllxt Is at Preston painting signs for Rlter Bros. Parley Smith and wife, of Lewlston, visited Logan yesterday. Lorenzo Kent, of Dingle Dell, Ida., canio to Logan on Thursday. Bcro & Machcn aic pushing the work on the Grifliths building at Smlthlleld. Si The way the railroad bois at the depot aie working the company must be doing an Immense business. Wanted to trade- 1200 pound 0-year-old horse for a good single driver of about 1,000 pounds. Apply at sugar factory after 7 p. m. any evening. " "Grandma" Law, of Paradise, celebrated cele-brated her 8:ird birthday on Wednesday, Wednes-day, Her health Is not the best, but she Is reported as being bright and cheerful. The White Swan Laundry has the latest and best methods of washing and shaping lace cuitalns. All their laundry work Is tlrst-class. Phone 105. Work called for and delivered. The 110th quoiinn of Seventy will meet In the Sixth ward meeting house next Sunday at 4:15 p. in. All Interested In-terested are respectfully icqucstcd to to bo in attendance. Antlion Pehrson, secretary. , Don't miss the best show of the season at the opera house next Saturday Satur-day night. A big special orchestra of 12 pieces; a choius of 20 winsome glrl.v, musical numbers moic than all other musical comedies combined. Miss Due Alvoid, of Logan, gave a delightful paity at her homo Wednesday Wednes-day fioin eight until eleven o'clock. Entertaining games and music were indulged in and delicious refreshments served. Tho house was decorated with beautiful caranatlons, Miss Alvoid making her friends a souvenir of one when leaving. Lost one sorrcll horse with (lax main and tail, white strip in forehead, fore-head, a small .blotched brand on ono of tho thighs. The animal Is about eight years ofcl, weight about 1050 lbs, and recently clipped. Leave Information Infor-mation at Cacho Knitting woiks. The otllccis and icachcis of the different dif-ferent Sunday schools In the Ilyrum stake will give a giand social in tho the Ilyrum stake house at 7 p. in. Thursday, April 13, In honor of the retiring superlntcndency and board of tho Sunday school of the stake. Bishops and councillors and high council and ladies aio cordlaly Invited to attend. Don't wear yourself out trying to stretch your lace cuitalns athomc and then make a poor job of it. Send them to the Whlto Swan Laundry wheie they will be done right and save you money, trouble, and lots of diss words. Phone 105. O. A. Cum-mlngs Cum-mlngs proprietor. Prof. L. A. Osticn, at the head of Utah Educational exhibit at the Portland exposition, is now touring the state In tho Interestof his display. He writes that there is much good material In sight and much more Is under way. Tho extent of tho display dis-play and its character will depend largely upon tho floor space allotted for the purpose. In talking with Prof. Osticn before ho left, ho gave us tho impression that tho $3,000 allowed al-lowed will enable him to make a very excellent showing, one of which Utali visitors at the fair will not feel ashamed. Hooligan's Trounle is to appear at the opera house next Saturday night and Is said to be one of the most wholesome mirth provoking comedies of tho season. The humor Is of the Big Company, with Allen Curtis leading them through the marcs of of this amusing comedy, are pleasing to the eye and mind, and tho patrons of the opera house will thoroughly enjoy en-joy tho funny situations and witticisms of Hooligan's troubles. Mr. John Grant, who tepicscnts the Greeley Horse Importing company of Greeley, Iowa, Is satlstled with the business done by his tlrm m this stale, especially In Cache county. In talking talk-ing ot the hoiscmcn of this county the gentleman stated that in his opinion there are no better horsemen anywhere than here In Cache, for their Judgment Judg-ment on animals has proved to be of the best kind, and is so recognised by all the Importers who have done bus!- ! ness in this locality. The gentleman thinks that tlieio Is a bright future before this county in raising tine horses. With the excellent brood mares, and the tine stallions now owned here, no better horses can bu raised in tho world. Wcliave another great advantage, that of climatic conditions. con-ditions. Arrangements have been made with Heber Parker, 'of Wells-vllle, Wells-vllle, to represent the company In this i locality. Jos. Roper, of Pteston.cameto Hyde Park on Thuisday morning. Mrs. A. H. Thompson leaves for Salt Lake lomorrow for a month's stay. Thomas Kerr, of Wellsville, and J. J. Hill, the Franklin merchant, wcie in town Thursday. Alfred Plcot, the real estate man, came fiom Downey, Idaho, yesterday where he had been on a business trip. The.Stevcns Implement Co. has Just iccclvcd thiee more car loads of tho famous "Casaday" plows that have mado disc plowing a success. W. O. Ramshaw, local manager of tho R. M. B. Telephone company, went to Pi cston yesterday In the interestof in-terestof this company. Fifteen cents paid for eggs at H. G, Hayball's. S. W, Kent, of Wardborough, Ida., who has been visiting Ills brother, Riley Kent, the past few days started for the north yesterday. Gustavo Bemston returned home lo Logan ycstei day after a llftecn days trip to the coast.He visited Los Angeles, Ange-les, San Francisco, Portland, Olym-pia.Tacoma Olym-pia.Tacoma and Seattle. Thirty ycais ago Mr. Bemston was a sailor on the western coast, and llnds that some places have Improved gicatly since that time. The object of the trip wastOhclcct a location for a future home, where the climate will be better adapted for the health of his wife. Mr. Bernston sas there aie not many places that will beat Logan, everything considered. Thatcher & Hansen's clothing store was biokcn Into Friday night. The burglar let himself down fiom Murdochs Mur-dochs roof to the upper back windows In the store, broke a pane of glass, then turned the latch and opened tho window. The securing of money was the intent as the drawers of the desk were opened and other articles tinned over, Indicating the abovo design. No goods havo been missed up to the piesent. The lights were turned out and the intruder made his exit from the back door. About 10:30 p. in. some of tho employes In passing tho store noticed that the lights were turned out and on entering the store they discovered what had been done. There is no clue to the perpetrator, but evidently It was a person who was thoroughly acquainted with the store and its surroundings. v- Professor R. S. Nortluop who came to the A. C. of U. during last winter, is a graduate of tho Michigan Agricultural Agri-cultural College located at Lansing. The professor Is favorably Impicssed with Utah, and believes that there is a great future for it In the lines of hoitlculture. Piofessors Wldstoe and Nortlnop have returned from a trip through the central and southern part of the state, going as far down as St. George. While theie they accepted fiom tho state board of horticulture tho southern experiment station, comprising a most excellent orchard of various kinds of fruits, grapes, prunes, peaches and apricots. Tills station Is now under the supervision of Lite A. C. of U. The fruit farm was found to be In a ..lust excellent condition, which speaks well for Thomas Judd, who formerly had the management of it. Figs and other tropical fruits wll be experimented on as plans develop. . ForSalc-Fiimltuio and household goods. Gustavo Bernston, 331 South Fifth West. Mrs. Flster, of the Sixth ward, has gone to Richmond to visit her daughter, daugh-ter, May Otterbcck. C. M. Powcis, traveling salesman from Chicago, Is III at The Lincoln. He has symptoms of typhoid. Fifteen cents paid for edgs at H. G. Hayball's. Foi Sale A good pasture, 8x18 rods cheap for cash. Gustavo Bernston, 331 South Fifth West. Theie will bo services at the St. John's Episcopal church next Sunday Sun-day as follows: Morning services at 11; Communion at 7:30, and evening services at 8 o'clock. For durability, lellabillty and all mound peifcctlon tho Hooslcr drills and seedcis are easily the peer of tliepi all. Sidney Stevens Implement Co. A petition is being chciilatvd In tin-west tin-west part of Lewlston to be presented tothoO. S L. R. 11. oillcials asking for a depot on the main line, dlieetly west of the town. M. Auble, the lioise buyer, l- back In Logan again. Ilo bought live animals ani-mals ycstei day and wants ten mora. When he gets these he will cut out this territory for some tlmo to come as most of the hotscs for sale have been bought. |