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Show EASTER Is symbolical of Joy and pleasurc.pcaco and plenty, things we all llkotopos-sess. llkotopos-sess. Without tho attainment of wealth or a competency these may bo denied us. therefore the putaiilt of happiness means in a measure tho accumulation ac-cumulation of money. The Cache Valley Banking Co. offeis special Inducements In-ducements and conveniences for the safe keeping and tiansmlsslon or money. Cache Valley Banking Company L.OGAN, UTAH The Cache Valley Tea Co. Changes Location and Says it Has Better Things to Offer. wishes to annptinco to Its customers ' and the public in general of our removal re-moval from Mal.n street to 31 W. 1st ' North, below the post olllcc, wheic . we hope to see all our old customeis as well as the new. This chango of lo- i cation has enabled us to exhibit oun waies to a better advantage as well as 1 1 being now able to sell at a still closer I margin then heietofore. ' I Kemcmber, wo cany tho best of ' everything. Our goods aic absolutely il guaranteed or superior quality, and always fiesh. Oct our new prices on Teas, Cotrecs, Spices, Flavoring e.- i tracts, Baking Powder, etc., etc. In addition to our standard brands, wc also carry a full lino of .schemo goods, such as sold by unlicensed ped- J dlers, so called Agents for fake tea I and coffee concerns. We positively guaranteo these goods as good as any bought of these agents at a saving to i you from at least 23 to 50 per cent, in- eluding premium dishes. Call and seo for yourself. Wo will commence a series or dem- 1 onstrations or our "Monogram," free to all. It is the best Cereal Fruit ColTeo on the market. The most 1 wholesome beverago ever sold. Bo J sure and buy a package. Money back i if not satisfactory. All grocers sell It, Boll ten minutes. j Cacho Valley Tea Co. .11 W 1st North. Telephone 33. Logaiv Utah I Mall orders promptly attended to. jl Notice. i Notice Is heieby given that a mect-M Ing of tho stockholders of the Co-opera-' i tlvo Oiocery and Drug company Is' heieby called to convene at the oillco J of the company in tho Commciclal block at Logan Cliy, Cacho County, S Utah, on tho 21th day of April, 1003. ) for the purpose of amending tho cor- porutt name of tho corpoiatlon as the i samo appears In the article of incor- I juration and the amendment thereto, j by striking from said corporate name f tho words "fliocery and" and causing the samo lo lead as follows. "Co- f operative Ding Company." i W. B. PitESTON, J it . Sec. i Dato Hist publication April 1st, 1003. ! Made Buslnecs of Stealing. I In order to tet up In business for i himself, a Hlioeuiukcr's assistant 1.. ParlB stole 3,600 pairs of boots during i a period of four months. f ft - TAPBRWeWBST ft. fe R'G CORSETS i te g It will be advantageous for g g Conference Visitors jj1 fe fe & to purchase everything: pertaining to Men's, jSf ) Women's Boys' and Misses Wearing 'Ap J fe parel at CAMPBELL & MORRELL CO.S fe fe , fe g $illfc s. Before &in& to s d3& fe It! lWh We can save you J VSjJB K in II m ' mo . Wt fe Mfr ) Our big depart MU1 I H fe r " J ment store offers Mfllll 1 fe- ? Y magnificent lines MM l lu fe g - including kkUM fe F Style, Reliability and Honest Prices, from fe j Leading Eastern Manufacturers. g , fe eampbell&Morreflo g Largest Department Store in Northern Utah. 57-59 Main Street. g r t Grand Remodeling Sale " fe Beginning Today and Lasting 30 days fe fe fe yVfP &!? tl are out for t"c remodeling of our North store. This fe fe M . ?MMlt means that we must close out the major portion of our fe H goods m order to have room in our South store for both stocks, while the J work is being done, or have it subject to lime and dust that the remodeling must lr jfe necessarily make. Therefore we propose to close them out at a GREAT SACRI- fefc FICE, rather than.have them ruined with lime and plaster. It is your gain and J our loss. Think what this means, an opportunity to buy clean and up-to-date J fe goods, before the season has started, at , t S 1U Off on Qlothing 1 g Including all Men's, Boys' and Children's new Spring Summer Suits at 25 PER 1 fe CENT DISCOUNT. Think what it means, the season just commencing. fe fe . ) fe IHlHHKfiy Men's, Ladies and Misses, Boys .and" Children's E? fe BhMBMwTY S1,0CS at reductions wicl must make you buy. VVe UBB'IY C0"lcl eiunnerate P"ces but they would not half tell Wff&ffil tllC story, Ve ffl,araitee that j'ou will be more than jfe I HKlKl pleased with every pair of shoes purchased in this te I IhWS SalC Keitll's Koiltl"ers, Queen Quality and Julia J? 1 fc WW' Marlowe shoes don't go in this sale r 1 j v- 1 g 25 per cent off on Men's and Boys' Hats. g 1 I Dunbar, Robinson & Company ft g Two Stores, 37 and 69 N. Main St., Logan ft t( an BHBHBHBBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHB'BhIbHBhIbHBBHBHBHHBHH "'fcff 11-" liBHWBl |