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Show J. A. HENDRICKSON FILES SUIT Wants $5,000 Damages for Breach of . Contract and Return of Bank Stock Sold to Soren Hansen and Tom Smart, together to-gether with $18,450 Interest. The inuch-talked-ot suit of John A. Hendrickson against Soien Hansen and Thomas Small, directors of the Fiist National Hank of Logan was tiled Wednesday. Mr. Hendrickson sues for $5,000 damages, about $18,450 Interest on stock transfened by him, and asks the return of that stock at price paid him for it. Mr.IIcndrlckson represents that the above named gentlemen agreed that on the tiatisferof ccitaln bank stock to them, they would make him President Presi-dent of the Fiist National Rank at a salary of $1,200. They have failed to do so and this with other developments develop-ments since cause him to be damaged In the sum of $5,000 which lie asks. He says he is not now particular about that piesldcncy, but he docs want his slock with accured Interest, dividends; etc. Mr. Hendrickson claims to have a written contract with the above named dhcctois of the bank, and believes be-lieves he can scenic all he is asking. The bank otllclalssay that Mr. Hendrickson Hend-rickson Is laboring under a delusion and that' they have no fear of tho re-suit. re-suit. The complaint in detail says that on the :0th day of January, I'JOIl the plaintiff was tho owner and holder of a certain valuable option to purchase from Thomas Oldam, 301 shares of tho capital stock of the First National Rank; that the defendants entered into in-to an agiecmcnt with Mr. Hendrickson Hendrick-son wheicby they were to pay liim $105 or $100 per share for this stock; and in addition pay lihu ten or thirteen shares of said stock, according to the cash price paid for same. The defendants de-fendants also agieed to elect tho plaintiff to tho Presidency of the Fiist National Rank of Logan at a s-ilary of $1,200 a year. Mr. Hendrickson nuichascd tho said 301 shares of Thomas Oldham and delivered de-livered the same to tho defendants at $100 per share, but the defendants have failed to elect him Picsldcnt of the bank. He represents that he "has been greatly humiliated and caused to suffer gieat Injury to his business reputation and standing In the community com-munity and has thereby lost large sums of money to his damage in the sum of $5,000. The plaintiff asks for tills sum, and for the return of said stock with, all dividends paid thereon. In the event of the inability of the defendants to return re-turn to plaintiff said stock, that de-defendants de-defendants pay plaintiff the present maikct value thereof together with all dividends declaicd and paid thereon, there-on, less the amount paid plaintiff for said stock, with legal interest from said date." Trinity M. E. Church. The regular service of worship will be held at 11 a. m. All nicmbeis will please be picsent. Sunday evening at 7:30 the subject will bo "The gsow Hi and progress of Christianity." All who doubt the fact that Christ Is to savo the world should be present. Every one cordially Invited. 'Spande Furniture Co. The establishment or tho now tlrm D Is now open for business. Our entire stock Is new, clean and up-to-date. Do not rail to seooui'guud assnst- H ment or rugs and carpets. Our aim is H to glvo you tho best goods at tho low- M est prices. Sidney Slovens Rnlldlng, H 50 Center Street. H |