Show EUREKA cr label N stott was in eihl on day mra inase darton sent foundas it provo mr and mrs M sullivan pent at on dr henaul wai in salt lake last braday on blaines bu aines mrs otto sw artz has moved to this city from salt lake miss mary of provo was the gleat of eureka friends thia v eek rasmus kelson left today for a ten ten days trip to alberta canida mr and mr huish entertain el the formers mother thi week L city was the guest of eureka fn ads this week mm genevieve Sull noi returned last sunday night from a at park city pred shontz of the mercantile Mei cantile store make a business ani to salt lake on tuesday mrs john rowe and miss emma henrod left today for a visit with friends at nei hi the bovins picture show at the hall on tuesday night was attended by only sn all kumur of people john W hurd is in dmn F Us idaho looking after some property which he purchased there a few ears ago mr and mrs charlie beece neut to nephi on sunday mr beece returned the same night but his wife will remain in nephi for a few week s visit county treasurer hn stensen now at work making out tax notices chich will be sent out dunna the latter part of the month air and mrs john alien left on for payson they will be absent for a couple of weeks and ex j act to si end a few da s in the moun bains mrs etcar forslund entertained a number ot friends last friday afternoon in hor or of her rater mrs wood the guests enjoyed card playing music and elaborate lunch the folks of of the L D S church will enjoy an out ing at lagoon next thursday there will he an excursion from gintic tintic and utah count towns 1 he new officers of the W goodmen of the world were installed it the meet mg held on after the first of next month the lodge will t it twice each month mrs G tucker of ely and mrs J D cami bell of pioche nevada mother and respects elj of mrs I 1 rank cook returned home the first of the week after a pleasant visit in bureda I 1 awrence biancket returned last night aiom nephi mrs blacket remained in that city to attend the funeral of her cousin miss cadier the deceased wis a well known school teacher i number of friends in eureka mrs W H byan entertained on tuesday at a dinner artt in ho bior of ue S W darke it the A 0 U W and mrs la darke grind recorder of be degree of honor covers were frank barrett has succeeded L allcock as dannaer man of odd allo va hall mr barrett took charge this week and is now liar 1 it aik oik getlir g the place in proper siepe for the en ing of the theatrical season the ladies of the il ees 0 ei x ted an excursion to saltair n foe dav of th s weel and quite a number of gintic tintic people took advantage of ali reduced rate and spent the lay at the resort this was the regular annual outing of the L VI ind then was a special program at manager mckean of the it branch of the utah independent lele phone company states bilut lie has large n imber of contract written up and expects to open the office her about the first ol 01 next ich th ui hundred subscribers about linemen are now at work putting in poles on main street and other parts of the camp and ai soon as this is finished the line will also be extended to mammoth miss vera holdaway of ophir utah is mating mi and mr frank thorne the bullion beck comi iny s 10 dividend was checked out list satur day miss rhoda holdaway of provo 19 the guest of mr and mrs joseph lar son prof hodson aud family have amov ed into their new home on church street mrs mitchell and daughter miss jennie are in bait lake hugo returned last night aiom a business trip to the capital james 1 returned on tuesday aiom i tup into the louthern part of the state miss beatrice has accepted a 1 position in the dry goods department f the beck store mrs W tt ind daughters returned monday night from a two months ansil with I 1 relatives hans J was in nephi 01 monday for the hoose of attending the meeting of t county comans mrs left on mo idaa for her ho lie i i 1 om omi i sifter pleasant us t with lier tor mr james D anci miss fa M td all returned wed LB day n fro it like licie t e has t her dation fr ei d mrs robert J n las t bioni bait like th s we for the purpose of attending the fune il of hei sister mrs andrew mitchell mrs wood will leie on sunday or moi da for twin rills idaho after a lessant sojourn w th her iori lund aimeb P dascoll wig in fiovo on tuesday for the of it tending i etin of the L aih postmasters masters association orson brandt the son of mr and airs julius brandt entertained a number of his little friends in honor of his birthday last ly afternoon the little folks enjoyed themselves with games refreshments etc |