Show FOR GOVERNOR democrats of idaho place ticket in the field coeur dalene ida after a astren bous two days convention the demo brats of idaho placed in nomination the following ticket united states senator fred du bois bingham county member of congress rees hatta bugh idaho county justice of the supreme court steart S denning latah county governor blaine county lieutenant governor george chapin bingham county secretary of state gal loway washington county attorney general karl paine ada county treasurer J D morris lewiston auditor J M bennett canyon county mine inspector samuel shoshone county superintendent of pu bac instruction miss bermea french blaine county judge first district major W W wood shoshone county judge second district authority delegated to committeemen from coun ties in the to select candidate judge third district J D cahal lan ada county judge fourth district A boyd bannock county judge sixth district gus D quarles county seventh district edward L o 0 can on county |