Show james H kennedy famous OF all over the west falls under a reaper accident was discovered when the horses came to the house drag fling in their wake the body of the aged pioneer bozeman mont james H ken nedy aged 74 years one ol 01 the most picturesque pioneers not only ot thie detate but ot the entire west reaching to the pacific coast met a violent death at belgrade near this place he had been assisting bis son ben jamin kennedy in a wheat field and bad been ett with a team and reaper while the son returned to the bouse tor some binding twine the latter had barely reached the bouse when he was followed by the horses and reaper dragging in their wage the dead body of the aged pioneer the old man had evidently had a partial paralytic stroke while on the seat of the reaper and had fallen hie toot catching in the trip mr kennedy was known aa one ot the most unique characters in mon tana he was born in grant county wisconsin and was taken by his fa ther to clayton county iowa the 01 ol lowing year where he remained until 1853 at that time he started overland tor oregon walking the entire distance and swimming every river from the mississippi he arrived in oregon the same year and joined the forces in the rogue river war for hie services in which the oregon govern ment still owes him he car ried the first indian scalp into areka yreka cal and received a bounty of he went from california to south america thence to new york and later to kansas where he served in the second battalion kansas volun during the war he came to montana in 1864 |