Show BASEBALL DOPE manager law rence sa y s that he w il take the team to bait jake next sun day tor a game with the occidentals a colored team which is conceded to the strongest amaguer nine in the state the game will be bayed at walkers field on the following sunday the bait lake team comes to eurel a foi a game lew navy bule suits have just been received by the park city baseball team two games ei e i ia ed at silt lake on saturday and sunday between park city and silt lake the arst game went to the dubel tailors by a score of 7 to 6 while park city won out on sunda by a iceie of 9 to 1 osborn who is unquestionably the best pitcher the pirk team has had this season was in the box on sunday and five hits w pre all that he allowed the tailors chis will no doubt encourage the park team which is now ai strong a any m the state ogden was bohe i ailed for a game here last sunday and as the team rei the junction city is down and out the local fans did not ha e an of witnessing a league game on that date there was a game however at the local ball grounds A ettling good team 1 icken from among the a ball players of the camp went against the cureka champions the big leaguers allow e I 1 their opponents 1 composed of pu h and king this e ened things up somewhat reed started out to pith for the lu rel a team but in order to lease the fans captain lumlee 0 connell new ell and all to i itch an inning each in the order named an 1 then lumley ent in and d d ane twirling himself in the ninth inning al J urile behind the bat and the hattei playe i second ba e in fact the i la ers kei t sw itch ing around ao fast tl at it nas imi os i ble to keep tab on them U the er d of the ninth it iain the ia 1 ireka 8 beck 4 by inn eureca 1 0 beck 0 0 4 boeson v H s ercer course n IMUS confiner cing tl s nionia a 1 |