Show the old reliable 1 our big clearance sale lasts only one F more week you can t buy new and snappy I 1 goods for cost and less while this sale is on this opportunity only comes once a year C sale ends saturday august JL raf jl 1 i mercantile LOJ 5 S bears the 1 11 ll you hava always signature of w harvest queen flour aw X fill out the COUPON and well mail you a map of the guiT eyed claims of f TINTIC k child cole co brokers salt lake city utah I 1 am interested in the gintic tintic mines and shall be pleased to receive A your of gintic tintic mining district name t address A home with the family at night why not make home attractive atti active and pleasant for the children there ie nothing that will accomplish this quicker than to install a piano or organ what ie there more pleasant than music we can place one in your home on earv terms which will not in convenience you in the least we will also guarantee our instruments to give perfect satisfaction for an time the emerson piano has the endorsement indorsement indor of satisfied there are more emersons Emer used than any other one make call and see us before buy ng and let us give you prices and terms taylor bros cos big store bran shorts graham floor germade etc a THOMAS D JOB hay grain and groceries EUREKA UTAH RESOLVE THAT alto blo 1 OUK OWN HORN GOODS if YOU GROUND only 5 days left in which to take advantage of our august house cleaning sale sale closes wednesday night august fhe choice of this season s baits our w regular 1000 1600 and 50 40 S l values two piece suits included 1 I 1 young mens suits fa 00 suits for 3 70 6 50 suits for 8 50 deuits for 6 00 10 00 suits for 12 0 suits for 9 00 boys Knee Pant suits 1 50 sulta for 10 euils suils for 2 for 5 00 suits for 3 75 60 suits tor lio usera one third kofl prices fedraw hats one half regular prices shirts 15 d 7 men s shirts regular 1 5 1 00 and 25 for 0 neckwear our regular aoe boryc jil s annaa aai mi i j fourth oft our ref cular pr W P SI THE AND boy s s s s s s s s s s s s v 1 37 0 box i salt lake huddart floral co WALTER W KING manager ALL KINDS OF POTTED PLANTS i 1 decorations and fineral designs a specialty Spec talty cot palms and cut flowers f EAST SECOND SOUTH STREET SALT LAKE CITY UTAH THAYER CO PROP new and up to date resort choicest wines liquors and cigars i come in and HEAR the ELECTRIC PIANO f ROOM FINE e Q 9 CAFE IN 0 9 CLUB ROOMS e connection BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES NEXT TO POST OFFICE aa abt i ea |