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Show TEST RUN, Friday, Match 31, 1967 ALL SMILES - SP4 RANDOLPH PACE, member of the U. S. Army Hospital Detachment here at Dugway, receives the Soldier of the Month Certificate and a $25 bond from Post Commander, Joseph J. Fraser, Jr, for taking first place in the Post Soldier of the Month contest THE CAULDRON by SP4 Gutierrez KAPO'V! BIFF! BAM! SOCK! OOF! AARCH! These were familiar sounds heard by the Dugway Terrorists on March Yes, a sadistic bunch of volunteers, headed by 1LT Paul Basan, who were organized to harass and challenge the powers of the University of Utah ROTC. The Terrorists ranks were filled with such men as: 1LT Paul Boom Boom" Basan, 2LT Hit-eAgain Hickam, SCM Seifer Preston and his faithful dog Queen", SFC Mauler" McKee. SSG Bill Hot Pineapple" Kane, PFC Nightfighter Bowor is it Shoot --Straighter Neel, ers, SP4 Bob Straight-shootSP4 Larry Bang Bang Page. SP4 Rod Bum Bum Weber, PVTs Machete Micheletti. Killer" Kovalik, You Wanna Drive! Heis-.slc- p, Back Johnson, King Kong Carwile, Screamin' Bring-eSimpkins, SP5 Jim Audio Murphy andor Beetle Bailey Stair, and yours truly Field Marshall Gutierrez. Things got under way ' at 1800 hrs (That's six o clock in case you didn't know it!) an Friday, when we loaded the Terror Taxi (Painted O.D. for camouflage reasons) and headed for the target area. After arriving we were separated into two man teams consisting of one man-ananother man! We were to set up a camp, light fires and wait for an attack. Unfortunately, several people had problems starting fires, but being crack troopers, we immediately found two Boy Scouts and rubbed them together. Soon we could hear the pitter-pattof little feet coming to attack us. With itchy trigger fingers we waited for the kill. Closer and closer they came, tnen it started! They charged at us screaming and shooting their rifles. We countered with fire power and hand grenades. The entire battle lasted for about two minutesl Score at the end Terrorists 18, ROTC 0. We used real ammo! Saturday night we were at it again! We were out in platoon force waiting to infiltrate their defenses. As we sat planning our attack, it started to rain. Then ' 'the wind started to blow, making it completely miserable. Finally the time for attack arrived; we crawled on our stomachs up to their lines, trying to be as quiet as possible. Like a human wave we attacked, firing, screaming, bombing all at the same time! Everyone had something to do. Mauler" McKee captured two Bank Bang radios, Page overtook two foxholes (No men; Just foxholes.) Driver Heisler led the 2nd Pit in a Banzai charge, but fell down a cliff and was immediately eliminated from the rattle. Slim Sensing was driving our tank, but due to being overloaded (the truck, not Slim) he managed to get stuck in a ditch. I chopped down SP4 Neel, by accidently throwing a grenade in his direction. He now stands 2 ft. 3 in.; 2 ft. of which is mustache. Fifteen minutes and 10,000 rounds later the battle fizzled to a close. Final totals were as follows: 1 sprained ankle, 2 cut fingers, 1 immobilized coffee truck, and 75 d ROTC! ! This weekend the Utah State ROTC arrive for their turn and the Dug-wa- y Terrorists" will Ire at it again! So, give your support to your local Terrorists, BUY A BOMB! This week's Cauldron best-sellis Passes Are For Pulling by SP4 B. Baker. Pick up a copy in your local orderly room! 17-1- 9. m er m ' er 1 shell-shocke- er HHG attic of 100 CQAHDDQflY .fc VoJue-- for dear JUICn...W lag. )1JS AE3ACIH by PFC David Bowers 99 Complexion llOADAGIL to S9 nAQGAQina ZOO TIGOUD Tablemoid WHifrANemd Sm7m (3 Sm9 Pirli. yummy A gKWy Ili-Lit- es 2 MC a Headquarters and Headquarters Company welcomes the following personnel for the month of March: SP5 George Garcia; SP5 John Carcia, CPL Leroy Home, SP4 Roger Fish, SP4 Leon Zuber, PFC Garnet Hanson, and PVTs Henry Back and Ronald Curless. Quite a few personnel from HHC received promotions this past month. SP4 James Starr made SP5, PFCs Byron Ward and Darrell Webb made SP4, PVTs Leon Cohen, Wayne Hanson, Paul Haukness and Raymond Pepper received PFC, and last but by no means least PFC Edward Kwiatkowske received his commission to 2LT. As the winter comes to an end so does the military duty of several members of HHC: SFC John Amschler, SFC Elden McKee, SSG George Crapser, SP5 Clifton Blackburn, SP4 Gerald DeBoer, SP4 Joseph Robinson and SP4 Donald Ross. We extend our best wishes to these men taking the step into civilian life and also to those taking the step into SSG Andrew Currier's office. With the new season approaching and the old snow melting, we are looking forward to seeing everyone either participating or giving support to HHC s Volleyball Team to help bring the trophies home. On Monday, March 20, 1967 HHC's first sergeant performed his last official duty for the company by presenting both SP4 Rod Weber and SP4 Thomas i Griffiths with congratulations and a $25 Savings Bond for their winning first place in the February and March HHC Soldier of the Month contest. The former 1SG Ceorge Sur left HHC to take over his new position as Post . SGM. ) Current Events At DHS and DES The psychology class at Dugway High School, under the leadership of Mr. Glen Hawkes, took a trip to the Utah State Mental Institution at Provo on March 13, according to school principal Blaine Keller. ir rc r Students in "the class baked cookies and .made candy for students at the institution. The Dugway youngsters also provided entertainment for some of the mentally retarded children. Previously, the local psychology class had visited the American Fork Training School, also an institution for the mentally retarded. The students gain a valuable educational experience by visitstated ing these institutions, Keller. 4 A' i V I rE Tryouts. are now being held at the high school for a play which will probably be ' presented sometime in April., The name of the play is Thurber Carnival. t Mrs. Jacqueline Kendall's second grade class at the Dugway Elementary School appeared on television station KUED, Channel 7, at 9:55 ajn. on March 29. The group was featured on the program Storytime Two, The Pied Piper. presenting The story was narrated by Mrs., Kendall, white out the role ! students, Dobson, provided (he musical ac companiment. |