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Show TEST RUN, Friday, March 31, 1967 Service Club Reveals Many April Activities Pool tournaments will be held Sandy Acres Service Club diLeu Laiie and Joan Gar-tvievery Monday night during April. have rvleawd a schedule of The event, growing in popularity '"imiviliw for the dub for the during the last few weeks, is open month of April. A full slate of to all personnel. On April 15, 16, and 17, an rvents iialiidini; "several interest-- . arts and crafts exhibit tours are planiied. ing On the first day of April, all will be held at the service club. post personnel are invited to take The exhibit will begin at 10 a.m. ' part in a geodc hunt. The Inis on April 15 and an open house will leave the club at 9:30 a.m. will he held from 5 p.m. that and individuals are asked to bring day. Anyone interested in entera lunch. Those particiiating in ing an exhibit is asked to contact the geode hunt are asked to bring Mike Masoian, director of the their own pick or shovel or check. crafts shop. ON APRIL 18. a tour to (Hie out from ON APRIL 3, the service Brigham City will be conducted club is conducting a tour to see by the club. The bus will leave the middleweight taxing match the club at 9 a.m. and will take lietween Joe Hopkins and Don in Bear River Bird Migratory Fullmer at the Valley Music Hall Refuse, Railroad Village Museum in Salt Lake City. Tickets are 5 and Intermountain School for per person, paid in advance- - at Navajo Youths. The tour will stop the service club. For more infor- for lunch in Brigham City and mation contact the club at 2474. those who don't want to bring .The newly formed EM Wives their lunch can eat a smorgasbord Club will conduct meetings every lunch for $135. On April 18, a pinochle tournaWednesday night at 7 p.m. during April. All wives of EM are ment will he held and all enlistinvited to join the club. ed men, wives and guests are inDances are scheduled mi Sat- vited to participate. A professional guided tour urday nights, the 8th and 22nd of April. Iieginning at 8 p.m. throughout Salt Lake City will BOTH JUNIOR and adult art be staged on April 21 The bus classes will continue every Tues- will leave the club at 9 a.m. All day night at the service club. This interested in going on the tour is open to all post personnel with can sign up at the service club the junior program being held at now. 6 p.m. and the adult program at On April 24, tryouts will be 7:30 p.m. held for an st variety show to be held sometime in May. All Interested personnel are asked rector n, all-po- st 3-- self-hel- all-po- 1 Scouting New Looking for a new sta- tion wagon at a real low price? Check this one out . . . 1966 Pontine Tempest Station Wagon wilh oil vinyl trim with whtil discs chronM Hildas ' v-- is $3626.11 2695 NOW FOR Mr. Volney Wallace, the Institutional for Representative Dugway Scout Troops No. 481 and No. 581, commented on the March 18 Den Chiefs Training Session held at the Post Chapel saying that it was a large success. MR. BILL Edwards, Training Chairman for the Stantbury Scout- -. ing District, was on hand to assist in the training of approximately 35 Boy Scouts. This special training session was held for the boys who will work as assistants to the Den Mothers of the Cub Scouts. There was a Boy Scout banquet held in the Fox Area Chapel on the 15th of March at 7 p.m. The purpose for the meeting was a grand get together for both parents and scouts. During the Easter Holidays, Troops No. 481 and No. 581 camped at Fish Springs. The scouts worked on their requirements for Conservation Merit Badges by doing conservation work in the field. MRS. THOMAS See, Neigh- powtr brakes Hiooocjt camor soft ray windshield whitt wall tins 2 barrtll 8 tngino auto, transmission Stock price Stoker Motor Co. 44 last 1st Norm rZ bor Chairman for the Cirl Scouts, announced that the cookie orders in the housing area that were taken the 18th through the 25th of March will be delivered during the last week of April. She also mentioned that brownies will be selling cookies at the Post Exchange from the 20th to the 29th of April. Cirl Scouts take notice! There will be a folk dancing session held April 13 in the multipurpose room of the Elementary School. Mrs. Kate Man? will teach all interested girls the fundamentals of other country's dances. The brownies will start at 1:00 p.m. and the older girls will begin at A new low price on real Florida Fresh- .frozen juice Pasco Quality z. Can 6-O- priced Tsiidor, Faaily Favorite . u. Sonekm Btef New From Westinghousc 77 DICJNCDG rMMtUai-- QG!0) 0,BACI.......ll.09, Ot 11 CODFISH 3hr IMcPkgs. Mghtful TXmrS fast U sVOiiUW Drink-1- ChatpadorkWa' FIG NEWTONS .. 3 79 Cans........ N 300 Cam 6 Xtiien MMt UOuncaCaK V Afr W GREAT NORTHERN vicrnrn 2r2 5 for $1 :'. comphlo homo tntertrirnntnt system undtr mm my root A i soU isMnolod ciodwtm(wtofnoHiimplvs4- spood ouwmatK phoiwojraph BKTMC QAD A sk ssiTl A A 1 ft. 14 NVRin main I t HMDWMK . as a. - rnoNE AAA HB2-000- 4 a a m VNeVlIU ww W I or FDE8CA BotriM - Fruit Ubby Qualty Na 1 Cans Smlf For H M 79' 18-O- mi 1(oV GAC9GAGQ J. M for 5) KIDMEY CudahyTANG KIDNEY BEANS SAWM. PINTO LI MAS UofertMner fryfn0 or bokbsj ta Libby-- 5757 No. JUICE DQItJIC CCICKTAIL LibbvPlnMiml. 303 Cent Stfi32M 6 M f picture iot sot 3 , INSTAMT Procter & Gom APRICOT NECTAR tPodrrssca 2" OMOOfwJ PVg. mi A uniqiM gold APerfcfefc. 1 1 FLUFFO . 3 fofl 74m.Cm COIIB Mini Combo5 I 1 SAW CLAMS Kkia-Siz- o M M Orongt flavor Break-Off z. Jar 5c ri T0 m U W IIAGII DROWNS BEADED CnlifnisJi CMdACWdl )P ot only SWAHSOH ' ' 3:30 p.m. I i to sign up now. raUSt 5el1 push button racfio custom foam stat olovo box lamp custom soot bths oitanc oocx m J I |