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Show ft' . : E Series LEASE FARM in Skull Valley payment percentage of crop. Excellent water, land and home 200 acres with possibility of increased acreage.Call254-486-8 p Salt Lake or write Austin Rt 3, Riverton, Utah. 1 Bond Companion FREEDOM SHARES - .v- r ..w. fiv.T v "w:- - 00 j ?H!LGlhr,red W --ending Americ Week, March 12-1-8. LTC Glenn D. Lauby After Easter? For the disciples, Easter was a verification of their faith in their I ' . Master. Just as til of nature is helpless to resist .the sun rise, so the effects of faster could not be held back by the established powers that crucified our Lord. .Every spring, we witness another testimony to the fact that (fepdi is swallowed up in life. As we watch the throbing, vital transform our .landscape from the dreary, drab brown to the beautiful flowering country side, may we remember that what God does before oue eyes in nature, he is able, in a spiritual sense, to do for each of us within our own lives. Easter then is not the end but only the beginning of better things for all of us as we follow the Master. -- life-for- ce .. '. . Beirut cennnony Freedom Shares Offered May 1 Chaplain's Corner 5 This month. President Johnson announced a new type of Savings Bond called Freedom Shares. The new Bonds will be placed on sale beginning May 1, 1967. These Bonds will be available only to those who participate in the payroll savings plan for purchase of Series E Bonds, and will be issued in denominations, ot $25, $50, $75, and $100. Purchase prices will be $20.25, $40.50, $60.75. $81.00 respectively. Freedom Shares have a maf years, turity of four and earning 4.74 per cent interest when held to maturity. They are not redeemable until held one year. one-hal- Veterans! Here's Your Answer Q. I am contemplating converting my CI term insurance ' to ordinary life insurance. Will yearly dividends continue to be paid on the converted insurance? A. YES, insurance dividends will be paid on the converted . ordinary life insurance. Q. Are there any income limitations for dependent parents of a son who was killed in action in World War II? A. There are no income limitations on veterans or widows f d receiving compensation from the Veterans Ad- -' ministration. However, since parents of a veteran who died from ' causes must prove that they would be dependent on the veteran were he still alive, there is an income limitation 1 in their case. service-connecte- service-connecte- Bel-na- ... On Sale May aw- -r i r n j " w TEST RUN, Friday, ftfarch 31, 1967 d One Freedom Share may be purchased along with each Series E Bond of an equal value. Maximum face value of Freedom Shares purchased is limited to $1,350. annually breach individual. The new bonds will be available for two years or for the duration of die Vietnam war, whichever is die longer. VQD REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD HATES: face type) 5 cents per word - Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word - Business (dark inch one (monthly rate) 50 cents per issue Up to inch rate) one (monthly Over inch $1 per $1.50 per inch - Display ads MONTHLY RATES an far consecutive insertions only, with who chanres. Except with business firms and individuals mJaUda optn accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, ' aD cUifiedrverdseinenU are CASH IN ADVANCE. fanmedi-atdshould be ad classified reported AN ERROR in a The paper is responsible for one incorret insertion NOW WE can sell you a new home in a new subdivision located in the southwest part of town, very near the schools. We have a wide selection of beautiful homes, custom built for you by one of Salt Lake City's finest builders. DEADLINE for classified ads b 11:00 ajn. day of publication. 884-383- 1. 882-261- 4. 69 191 North Main FURNISHED APARTMENTS two and three rooms. New kitchens P-t- OFFERS TAKE THE LANDLORD OFF and appliances, including elecYOUR PAYROLL. For starting tric ranges, automatic gas heat, outers or slowing downers air conditioned. Large recreacheck these excellent buys. tion area. Rates start at $75 ' 1. New brick full per month with all utilities' LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE basement, plenty of cabinets, furnished. Rent by day, week,, NO. 2031 electric range, $14,700. Low month or year. Linen service MEET! CS WED. 8 p-down FHA or no down VA. APARTWESTERN available. 2 PHONE 2. Ranch Style Rambler with Tooele-MENT, 515 North Main, 1M bath, Phone 8824062 garage large kitchen WOULD YOU Uketo lmow'more and CRI dinning area, new carpetabout the Church of Jesus ing, livingroom and hall, asSaints Christ of Latter-da-y sume VA loan $118 per month FOR RENT - Unfurnished base-Pho(Mormon)? For information taxes and insurance. including ment apt. write P. O. Box 102, Tooele Buy equity. Near all schools. Utah, 84074. 3. Older brick home. Reduced FBI to $9900. dining room, part basement, fireplace, FOR RENT - 3 large room apt seuT will HAVE insuiance, garage, sprinkling system in Unfurnished. No smoking or Farmers Insurance Group, ph. good location. Vine. 630 West $65. drinking. 8824285. 26 West Vine. 7. i 882-108- 882-443- 2. C-4- -1 &2M4 882-341- 882-139- P-3- . REALTY FOR RENT . 882-473- 1. HAINES ATTENTION:Genealogywork-ers- : Use our new Xerox dupli- 882-261- 4. 882-053- p.m. SACE KENNELS - Boarding cats, small dogs. 75 cents day. HeatTWO BEDROOM house to be CRI ed. moved. $1200. 884-505- 5. 884-396- 5. I DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Built. All fabrics, modern designs GORDONFURNITURE CO. 60 So. Mam. ELECTRIC hot water heater, 50 CRI ' gal. $30; deep freeze, $25; oil heater, $20; phone HAVE YOUR 'nsurance rates gone up? Check our low rates. INSURANCE . PEDERSENS FOR SALE - being transferred. AGENCY. 1967 washer, 4 cycle, $175; CRI 1967 Early American living-rooset $300. Call COATS FOR SALE. 884-396- 5. P-2- 882-260- 7. 882-357- 2. m 882-332- 6. EFFECTIVE this date March 28 1 cating machine, one minute Singer I will not be responsible for NICE three room, furnished apt. saves hours of copying withwith zig zag REPOSSESSED any debts contracted for by out error. LAYAWAY VANILLA - Welkins buttons and make buton sew other than J. myself.. anyone There is only one H&R Block double ' Strength order one ton holes. 7 payments of 4.50 D. CowdelL FOR RENT - furnished apt. Office in Tooele, 191 North or $24 cash. 8824131. quart save $1.67. Will deliver Excellent location. Main, 8824011. when you wish. Call Parley Clean. Inquire 382 S. Main. Only 18 days left to get your ' CRI CUSTOM KILLING, UNDER Savage. Ph. DANCING LESSONS - ballet and State and Federal Tax' in. STATE INSPECTION. tap by Linda Lee Zentner. Ages FURNISHED APT. SeeUsI decoratneatELECTRIC 40 water newly gal. 5 Ph. and 3 yean up. - 8824011 ed. Good location. 343 South 4 Call o 31 ENiJ5SSs, - 8824556 . 8 Main. Evening 8 WOMEN, r $100 to.J200 extra , Apge St., Grantsvie . ' " AND THREE bedroohrtpt- ner month in vour snare time. TWO AoMvitteL HOUSE TRAILER 30x8 ft. Good. ,, CRI or 8844858. .f For interview telephone 882-49Box 697, P. condition. $650. and furnished $65 $75 Partly FOR SALE rose sculplarge between the hours of Grantsville. CUSTOM Slaughtering at your 14 0 ext. 3251. tured nylon divan. Excellent 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Wed., Professional work. You corral. 3. condition. $45. VETER NSI Thurs., and Fri. o Apr 4 FOR RENT us - we do the rest call nicely furnished 1 We cn build you a new home WHOLESALE meat - USDA apartment. Private bath, : set i moved home anywhere or 7 Choice or Granites Aristocrat HELP WANTED close in. Suitable for couple, ' th county. 100 financing. SPARE TIME INCOME - refillHalfs or Whole. 48 cents lb. NO children. $00 per month. ' in Hunt" and Long Co. Price includes processing. 1 from BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted Utilities furnished. Call . and collecting money ing . cm from 6:30 am. to 9:30 NEW TYPE high quality coin TOOELE ICE AND COLD at the Ritz. 8824782. CRI STORAGE a.m. weekdays. BY OWNER 3 bedroom brick operated dispensers in this 9 8824601 or Phone CRI To No area. FOR EXPERT IRONING - Call qualify selling. full two veneer basement, CRI ' you must have car, references, CRI fireplace, Carpets,! drapes, Seven cash. to to $600 WORTHENS $2,900 sprinklingsystem.Call882-104FOR RENT - 3 loom furmsnea painting and hours weekly can net 5. fog. Contractor. Ph. apt. Newly painted. Suitable excellent monthly income. More 21 for couple. 381 N. Main, after CHILD CARE full time. For personal inter-FOR SALE - three bedroom brick 2 p.m. view write P. O. Box 15402 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING home, carpeted, draped, built-i- n Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 CARDEN EQUIP. REPAIR kitchen, large dining room, 'BABY SITTING in my home. LAKEPOINT APTS. 10 miles number. Include SMALL ENGINE REPAIR phone in fenced north playroom, Tooele. big yard, Carpets, stove, Phone 8824073. .M4 SAW SERVICE. run, ao dog sprinkling and system, trig. up. R. t BURRASTON, 136 Utah garage, playhouse, largajpntaj TRAILER HOUSE LOTS 'Av- e- Tooele. CRI unit. CRI OLDER WOMAN wants baby, Choice one acre and smaller. FOR RENT - five room modem lots. Irrigation and culinary we REPAIR all makes of sitting. Afternoon or nightshift FOR SALE - Lovely three bedstereos. bouse. Partly furnished. 328 S. 7. water, gas, on paved street brick full room basehome, raaios, duck and white or 2nd West. 4 Horses welcome. Please call color TVs. Fast Guaranteed ment, carpeting and drapes. WE HAVE a real nice three BACHELOR APT. for 8 or Salt Ideal location, nice large lot. service. Special service to Dugrent, call Lake City bedroom home for sale. Fenc1 3 way once each week. Al and 11 ed yard. Large yard. $1150 Lid Furniture and Appliance. VA or FHA. phone 8824731. CRI FURNISHED APT. for rent. LET US custom build you a new CRI home. Built Especially For BUILDINC LOTS TREES TOPPED AND REMOVYou. Your. lot and plans or BY OWNER - three bedroom BUILDING LOT for sale. 80x86. ED. Phone REAL NICE one bedroom apt. Phone ours. Plenty of money now availhome. Large lot. Pay equity, Ph. 31 furnished. 31 able. No down VA low down partly take over CI loan. Carpeting, FHA. Hunt Long Co. drapes, new gas furnace, water . WE HAVE several one acre lots heater, storm windows $11500 FOR RENT - one and two bedSpring Special FOR SALE - by owner - Southin Tooele and Grantsville we 90 McMichael Ave. 884.5548. room apts. 145 No. Broadway west area, 1U baths, carpeted, can build you a new home . Garages . 0 lots of cabinet, closet space, on. Hunt and Long Co., 1. block garage installed all extra large rooms, attic CRI WE HAVE some nice 20x40 ft $1495. Nothing down, complete fencWANT ideal to clean storage, sprinkling system, way frame garages.. We can move carpets . $30 per month. Call Collect FOUR BEDROOM home, three 469 of back ed Canyon yard. nylon, set acrylic, polypropyand up on your lot com2. 18 o baths, 25 ft. living room, famCircle lene, polyester, or wool? Rent April 10 plete $1800. 100 per cent fifiredouble room, ily garage, new inHost Walk on $1. nancing. Hunt and Long Co., 110-11- 4 place. Southwest area. May MISCELLANEOUS stantly. Cordon Furniture Co. SIDE BY SIDE DUPLEX. CRI 1. assume 5M per cent loan. Russell Ave. Well kept, 60 So. Main. Drive Melba 374 fenced rented. (380 yard. Always $4,000 EQUITY for 5 per cent -31 FOR SALE used TV, range, new West.) Road Runner Realtors, Salt VA Loan 3 year old, 3 bed- 36-ihigh chiMrens cupCall Lake City. room brick home, with two RABBITS for sale boards, two cobblers benches, TRI CHEM Liquid Embroidery 4299. bedroom daylight apartment and matching table. Ph. has six new colors for needs in basement. Excellent locaand supplies phone - 1965 GTO FOR SALE, by owner, equity tion and yard work. Trade for FOR SALE 31 4 speed, bucket seats, brick assume hardtop, and loan, veneer, building material, carpenter 389 engine, white with red inTRASH HAULING, yard, base built-in IVi 3 bedroom, bath, work, etc. For home to be Must Perfect condition. terior. basefull and ment, garage c leanings and kitchen, draped built in Grantsville. NOTICE TO RESIDENTS of sacrifice to qualify for a new ment with outside entrance, jobs. -18 Tooele Grantsville Erda home. $2000 or best offer. Ph southwest area. Phone Lakepoint - Clover - St. John -0 VEHICLE FOR SALE Stockton. DAILY SERVICE - older 3 bedroom DUGWAY EVERY Wed. We FOR SALE - 1963 Chev Impala . NEW TOTE COTES, $175; Mini FOR SALE 1967 RANCHO 15 ft vacation home. M basement, big yard, 2 door sportscoupe (white),' repair all makes of washers-drye- rs . trailer Bikes, 3 speed, 5 hp, ready sleeps & Only $1195. chain-lin- k - stoves - TVs - color-blac- k fence, 2 car garage, stand, trans. V-one owner. 1965 BELAIRE, 10x52, set to license. $215. We trade. share irrigation water. Within and white - radios - car upon lot - very nice - make Wrights, 4080 So. State, Salt short walking distance to all 3 and home - Stereos tape or Lake. Phone appointment to see this one. school levels. Reasonably pricrecord players - C. B. equip. ' 25-ft 28 T)R SPARTAN, unusually ed. Call and come see 392 W We sell and install antennas. 1090 W. LARSEN'S, good. FOR SALE - mini bike. Phone 2nd South. SPARKS AFP. ft T.V. 1st No., Tooele. 882-99or 315 West Peach, Grantsville, 9. TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished Utah. FOR SERVICE CALL: or apt. wafl to wall carpet drapes, LOST - English setter, black and 1965 57x10 ft. TRAILER with CILERA 98 Motorbike for sale. air cbrid., frig and stove. $105 ' white. Crantsville. FIRST bedSECURITY. tip out living room. 3 Call Zm S. U Kast. Ph 34 West 2nd llcu-wooreward. Ph. rooms. 34 So. after 5 p.m. CRI 14 Drive. P-3- 884-336- 2. , P-2- wM 1 WE HAVE a number of buildings we can move on your lot Make good shops, barns or remodel into homes. Complete or ele, 882-33financing. Hunt and Long Co. FOR SALE - good gentle Welsh CRI drive on ride broke to ponie on cart. A. G. Peterson, 381 North Main, Tooele. MOVING CALL BAILEY'S MOVINC AND STORAGE. (Agents for AllieU Van Uses) FOR SALE - spinet organ. New Estimates. Free condition, $500. Tooele 0 Call Collect Salt City NEW WURLITZER Story and 2955592. PJuly 1 Clark am Sohmer pianos $495 .CERAMIC TILE work new and and up. Fred Cunard, remodel. Local licensed conCRI tractor. Free estimates. Call 882-18o after 4 p.m. Feb. 3 NEW "Iwo manual Wurlitzer organ. $689: Fred Cunard, ph. ELECTRIC IRON I repairing. AB CRI ELMERS. 38 npoirodL FOR SALE - mare and colt (8 WEST VINE. CRI months old) 2 after 5 882-108- 1. Call Dottie Keysar 882-232- SERVICES FENDER GUITARS - amps, Sau Lake prices. As low as $8 down, and $8 per month. Chau- ' doin Music, 220 S. Main, Too- Rooky ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a Ground newspaper distributed to tfiOQ Dugway Proving additional without twice monthly, and workers, residents -BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. CRI at 61 N. MAIN MISCELLANEOUS Woodward y. SPECIAL NOTICES UODuO QJ)g hi JU. Non-smoke- 882-020- 5. 882-127- '- : WffiS 882-139- P-t- 882-356- ...! rw 07 tw CHiERA JEP CENCKE 882-255- 882-242- P-t- P-3- 882-473- 1. 882-282- 882-117- 882-329- 1. roof-twel- ve 3. 882-405- n ril PICTURED ABOVE ARE Brigham Young University's "Y Americans'' who put on a stirring performance at the Sandy Acres Service Club, March 16. The BYU students presented a pro150 Duggram of various patriotic songs with an unusual form of presentation. Approximately BYU the for out turned performance. way personnel -7 882-103- 5. 882-157- P-2- "1 ft- - WL fa (DIP (SOOIS) (yiSCStS) 67 COUGAR, V-- Auto. 66 CAD. SEDAN, DtVflle, Air 65 GT0 C0Ur 3--2 borrtll, 4spd 65 FORD CUSTOM 500, 64 BUKK SPECIAL, 2 door 65 MG, 2 door, 1100. 63 PONTIAC BONN CONVERT 63 CAD SEDAN Power A Air 62 DODGE LANCER WAGON 62 CHEV M0NZA CPE 62 OLDS 88 Holiday Cpe 62 CHEV IMPALA CPE 62 BUKK SPECIAL CONVERT 61 CAD FLEETWOOD, power air 8, 6-c- yL 61 I 60 CAD CONVERT, full power PONTIAC B0NNEVUE WAGON 60 OLDS SUPER 58 OLDS, All 4 88 Holiday 884-332- 882-238- NOW 3499 5499 2399 3099 4999 2099 1599 1399 1299 1099 799. 1699 1399 2599 799 799 2399 1199 1199 899 899 899 699 1499 1399 1299 1099 599 599 99 799 799 9. 882-096- 4. 882-081- 0. WAS 999 884-394- 328-367- 4. P-3- One-bedroo- GI7 .199 door 884-663- 5, - 599 882-052- 882-302- 3. 882-351- 6. 882-473- 1. -7 . 882-405- 5. P-3- 884-473- ttaay mora to dMftttfrom ... cos ccrry a written vyencaty for ono foil your 298-433- P-t- 882-473- 1. 882-253- n. . 466-878- 499 882-197- 2. 466-312- 7. 9, -4 884-509- 8. 882-185- 8. or 882-310- 5. 882-498- 2. 882-192- 6. 882-034- 2. P-3- 882-093- 3. 266-205- 0. 882-201- 2. -4 882-315- 884-5JD- 8H2-459- 882-164- 4. 882-180- 9. 4Eowt UT -3 d 884-390- 5. 884-334- BankAmericard. 6; -4 |