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Show After a loss to St. Joe . ' . . , Mustangs Eliminated In Region Five Tourney 73-4- 5-- 4, r Saving is the key to independence! When you save your hard earned moneyj at your credit union, it provides generous dividends, Savings at your credit union provides availability and safety. Credit union members work, loan and save together not for not for charity -profit but for mutual service. - - "Savings is a key to the future" Dugway Federal Credit Union, 522-257-2 Umbo NCO Club a Go Go by Kaye Yorgason Coach Walden Gumey'i Dugway High MusUngs closed out their basketball Mason on March 10, bowing to St. Joseph's. The defeat marked the second straight loss for Dugway in the aouoie elimination negion rive tournament. THE MUSTANGS ten by a 7 The Mustangs ended their score to St. Joe and were knocked out of the tournament cage season with an overall reccompetition. Dugway was beaten ord of eight wins and 18 defeats. by Wasatch of the Summit Divi- Dugway finished the Jordan Dion March 8 for their vision of Region Five with a 7 sion, 80-3first loss in the tourney. mark, tying St. Francis for the North Summit went on to win fourth place. The Mustangs then the Region Five title, ousting downed St. Francis in a playoff Morgan, Wasatch and St. Joseph's game to gam a berth in the rewho were all big favorites in the gion tournament. IN THE FIRST tournament tournament, The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: game against Wasatch, the Mustangs hit 30 per cent of their shots from the floor as they connected on 11 of 38 field goal attempts. Dugway added 10 of 19 from the foul line for 52 per cent. Leading the Dugway offensive effort was Mark Geerlings with all personnel in the club, especialAnyone for blonds, brunettes, 13 points. He was die only Mus- ly those who had never heard Colo- l1.- 1- li m. 1 - redheads? Now listen to this i heard j er.W-dDlnni.Lamor- eaux chipped in live points each, while John McBride and Gene McChire added four each. Roeer Outrun k. vji..i. a out die Dugway t-- ..a scorone to close ing. Off the boards, Outrun and Craig Geerlings pulled down six rebounds each, while Mark Ceer- Una added five Sara McEvov and Ed Whittle had two rebounds each St. Joseph's, Dugway the shot fgood42 per cent and was not beaten quite as badly as the final score might indicate. The Mustangs were down by only 15 late in the game, before the subs took over to finish out the action. Dugway made on 16 of 38 floor shots, while hitting 13 of 23 charity tosses for 57 per cent LAMOREAUX led the Mus- tang scoren with 15 points, while Outram added 11. McBride con- - w j omv u Dugway Noocommlsstooed Officer's Open Mess. They were first soot ted at the Hail and Farewell Party held on March 3, 1967. THESE GIRLS an all m nw uxua PPemr 00 Club juke box. Don't be the tint to miss one of these exciting NCO Chib A GO GO night you GO GO to the Jt'.toe NCO Club, so kj IF aiini 2.-0- night For your pleasure and enjoyment, you can relax with a mixed drink over the bar at the NCO Club. All drinks are reasonably priced and every Friday night, the chib has a "Happy Hour," during this time drinks are just half price. So join in the action crowd at the NCO Chib. Dugway Nine Opens Slate On April 3 two iroom n n moflcini- - moiKeini Lnmoiro Spring Is Here - It's Always Safety Season Round-U- p Shirley Zumwalt's team continues to. pace the Dugway Women's Winter Bowling League in With spring just around the comer, we all begin to look latest statistics from the Post forward to the many necessary chores which must be performed . leadBowling Alley. The league mark to bead in and around our homes and in our working areas. ers carry an SOME OF THE tasks which are usually performed at this the field, while the Flo Blacks time are 75-3- 3 with second a are running spring housecleaning, housekeeping, and so forth. It is the responsibility of every individual to keep himself record. safe by respecting SAFETY procedures when performing any task Holding down third are the on or off the job. 69-3- 9 with a Hendersons Betty All jobs, operations and activities at Dugway Proving Ground mark; the Chris Ritchie are 65M-42require housekeeping duties, whether at home or on the job. Housethe Carol. fourth, Good are fifth, 52U-55the keeping is a very important part of your daily activities. is a must if each individual wishes to accomplish housekeeping mans are sixth, Jean Edge the Betty Crothes are seventh, his chores successfully and SAFELY. So, during the spring clean50-5the Helen Roys are eighth, up program, make absolutely sure you respect the value of these 47-6the ReNon Andersons are housekeeping activities in order to prevent injury to yourself or 45-6the Jo Ann McAulif-fe- s to your loved ones. ninth, One of the tasks which must be performed is the Barbara are tenth, 43-6Whether 41tt-86you look at this job as a task, an exercise, or as relaxa4, Gilmores are eleventh, and the Marine Graces are tion, the grass keeps growing and lawn mowers, especially the power models, take their annual toll. The following SAFETY RULES twelfth, 27V4-80- 4. BARBARA RITCHIE led the for using power mowers are listed for your safety: (1) REMOVE ALL stones, sticks, bones, etc., from the area March 21 action with a 224 be mowed. to scratch game (238 handicap). (2) Don't allow children to use or play with a power mower. Shirley Zumwalt had a 559 scratch (3) Safety shoes should be worn, if possible. NEVER mow series (613 handicap). The Chris Ritchies rolled an 823 high team barefoot or with sneakers. SHUT OFF the mower and disconnect the spark plug or game, while the Jean Edge mans electric(4) cord before clearing machine of debris. had a 2192 high team series. (5) Don't leave a running mower unattended. In the latest news from the Don't use a power mower when grass is wet or slippery. (6) Thursday Night Mixed League, (7) DON'T LIFT or tip a running rotary mower. Team 12 is still heading the (8) Don't fill the fuel tank while the motor is running or field, followed by Team Seven, Team One, Team 10, Team Three, while either engine or exhaust is hot - and don't smoke! (9) Store fuel in an approved safety can. Team Five, Team Six, Team Two, (10) ALLOW MOWER to cool before storing. Team Nine, Team Four, Team (11) Be sure that the frame of an electric power mower and Eight and Team 11. the motor are grounded through a third wire in or on the cord. On March 24, Joe McCIean Following the above safety rules for lawn mowing will elimiled the men with a 607-63- 1 nate injuries to yourself and others. scratch). handicap set (231-23- 9 ANOTHER ACTIVITY in which Dugway personnel actively Hoot also Van had en a George 239 scratch game. Faun Paul had participate is hiking. During the warm period all personnel para 187 scratch game, while Char-len- e ticipating in hikes should be aware of the dangers of snake bites. The prevention of snake bites involves several important princiVan Hoot en had a 194 handiFlo Black had a 509 scratch ples. First, a knowledge of the epidemiology of the poisonous snakes cap. series and Norma Provostgaard in a given area is necessary. Second, one must know where and when snakes may aphad a 519 handicap series. Team boots with loose 11 had a 790 team game, while pear. Third, it is necessary to wear Team One had a 2112 high series. clothing while working or hiking in snake country. Fourth, if IN THE Wednesday Night accidentally bitten by a venomous snake, individuals should have the knowledge to take proper medical action as rapidly as possible. Handicap League, P&A heads the BE SAFE! WORK SAFE! PLAY SAFE during! the hi spring the third round of play loop summer seasons. Take and enjoy your annual vacation. Reand with a 14M-5record, followed member, however, that SAFETY is always in season - for your sake. closely by Tate Insurance, the and all Photo, Bowling Alley with 14-- 6 marks. Salescraft is fifth with a 13-- 7 slate, followed by Personnel, 11-- the Bachelors, lMi-9t- t; Los Rico's, 10-1Met The Derelicts, Division, (APNB Falun) and the Page Aircraft 1. Who was the first major Officers Club, league ball player to receive a Poppy Ott rolled a 223424 $100,000 yearly contract? scratch series to pace the Bowling 2. What fighter scored the two League on March 22. Mel Bush-ne- ll fastest knockouts on record? 3. What waa the last college hit a 257 handicap game for This is who to complete its reg- this is who Los Ricos, while Russ Larsen had football team with an undefeated, to sse for a season to see for ular a 656 handicap series for the Bowl- untied and unscored-o- n record? deal the same good 4. What ia the fastest winning ing Alley. Ray Yarborough also auto on international had a 223 scratch game. The Dere- speed in any good deal ; grand insurance. licts had a 1008 high team game prix race? on fife and; 6. What pitcher threw a no-h- it while Salescraft had a 2930 high homeowners game againat the Yankees in the. team series. first came he ever won aa a insurance. 81-2- 7 lawn-mowin- g, Men-denha- lh U; 51-5- 8, 1; lawn-mowin- g.' high-topp- ed M 9; 3; 5-1-5; 5; 8. starter? Coach Dick Raben's Dugway High baseball team opens its schedule April 3 and the Mustang mentor is presently trying to shape his charges into condition for the opener. RABEN CURRENTLY has 16 men vying for starting positions on the diamond this season. The. squad consists of five seniors, five juniors, two sophomores and four freshmen. Only four letter-me-n return, two seniors and two -- ma puejQ uiX ANSWERS HSSl "i MPHO i q uiujg piMd 6S61 '6C6I Ratty far ltd Next Haw an anifa acy arises, yea'll he ready H ye start key-if- tf US. Saviuft leads new. New 4.11 interest ratal gSJ.toriN.Mg jU 9 H1 ul -- . mq fsJO LEONARD HANSEN 41 8 .t Ecral looJH udiu go'SH "r i g hinuuj, -- "l"f T'N 'mwiJJeH punoj luy qi jo apuoMB g uounj dmj paella, put 'siai 'LZ imMts11 " h s imiM H is punu tug sin jo spuoMi ti u ixioN Ijiq paddoia iesdanrr sjaif r l wmibia 8r ti qi J !iiKI t qA 1 II2-J00- stars mim S JTATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Hoaw pfficaw: Bloomington. Illlaah W .. The five seniors on the squad include first baseman Ken Bixhy, catcher-Mik- e Neito, second baseman Jess Wactor and pitcher-outfieldTerry Foote. Wactor and Foote are lettermen. Foote is considered the top hurler on the team. The stocky southpaw selection in was an football. The juniors on the club are .outfielder David Minnesang, third baseman Dennis Madsen, outfielder Duane Clark, outfielder Mike Golden, and third baseman Mick Alg. Lowe and Madsen are both lettermen. THE FAIR of sophs are John McBride, an outfielder, and Mark baseHeriem, an outfielder-fir- st man. The frosh members of the club include brothers Tom and Mike Donnelly, Phil Lowe and Jess Taylor. Tom Donnelly is a second baseman, while Mike is an outfielder. Lowe' and Taylor both roam the outfield, aba The Mustangs have three other possible hurlers besides Foote. They include Bixby and both Phil Lowe and Dennis Lowe. Raben will probably not reveal his starting unit until opening day, when Dugway travels to Crantsville for their first Re- Five contest'The early phases , gfon of practice involved getting the players into condition and working on the fundamentals of the game. All of DHS's home games begin at 3 p.m. DUGWAY'S schedule this season includes: (there) April 3 - Crantsville April 6 - St. Francis (there) April 10 bye April 13 - Tintic (home) April 17 - St. Josephs (home) .. April 20 - Crantsville (home) Francis (home) April 24 - St. er It's called First Security BankAmericard and it's yours FREE! First Security BankAmericard ia absolutely FREE! There are no duea and no fees, and you don't have to be a First Security customer to get one. Any y person is eligible. . credit-worth- You receive just one bill a month for all your charge purchases. So you need make only one payment for everything. A First Security BankAmericard costs you nothing when you pay your monthly statement in full within 25 days from the billing date. if you desire (pay as little as 5 of the total bill) with a nominal service charge on the unpaid balainee. Or, you may budget payments . Borrow up to $100 cash with your First Security BankAmericard. simply present the card at any First Security Bank office and get a quick cash advance. It's that easy. How to get a BankAmericard if you don't already have one Pick up an application at any First Security Bank office or at any place of business where you-sethe "Welcome . . . First Security BankAmericard" symbol. It's available at no cost to any person and. . . you need not be a First Security Bank customer. e credit-worth- y April 27 - bye. Tintic (there) Mav 4 - St. Josephs (there) May 11 - Regional playoffs begin May FIRST SECURITY BANK Sfwtumtw Kegier'8 juniors. with one single credit card? IS Instaua-reboundi- " dhantrogj Dearie sEDawei?, n ' P"a,"?Ti onew haSrsiyDe, mrooteD 7" VluJthed baOls, aura dliiuDinieir ffoir imi.inwiii ?. gjaisoDBuD, si fun-fille- The swingta' set is there every Friday evening at M p.m. On March 3, 1987 everyone . present at the Hail and Farewell Vlve L'ub ming- - The meet-goo- d dinner for Sergeant Major Dois to be promising with proved J" than a Childress was in for more double treat First a buffet dm- flowing event! (planned for ner was enjoyed by the NCffs yj ". nd.1 after which a premutation was J 4" 1967' NC made to the SGM by Post Com- ve hold " IBltaI second manner Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, 1 Monday of every month where em s.wu 1. SBS3SJU3U ..j aaaa i " k. are usually pre oemonstraaons finished six After everyone had Geertings boys added points each to complete the Dugway eating, Dugway was enlightened sented as well as future events . by its first GO GO Girls. When coring. KEF Dugway's McClure topped the things died down, Colonel Wfl- Duaft' h.k ta held eve,Jr against St. Joe with liam L. Black favored the group W1U be coming up five snares. Outram and Craig with some special numbers on soon. Girls start thinking about r-u.a f k. k. m., luktu kc officers. These elec- Uail Clmmwllna mnA I jmnmfliiv mmfmi cintf mnrn with klm tnr flm nCW will ttoos held during the din- be added three each. song. This was a special treat for ner. ' Since this is the GO GO month at die NCO Club, here are some . fun things to remember: exciting films concerning Olympic sports ranging from skiing, skating, swimming, fishing, bowling, boxing and racing are shown every Wednesday night, Sunday at the NCO club at p.m. is "game time." Flan on snacking on fresh french fries from the kitchen and cokes from the bar. Maybe youH win one of those big prizes. Don't forget that every night the kitchen has a dinner special and for those of you who like delicious steak - Tuesday is steak aumto ireipaDirs, gjoDff deck- - ed out in their fancy sparkles and "-m- to the rhythms spangles and of any of your favorite.. musical FOR THOSE of vou who d this Hail and Farewell and for those of you who know what a special occasion it is, don't miss the coming party to be held April 7, 1967. Monday night, March 13, 1967, visitors, SGM Harry M. Hess and SGM Robert S. Abbott, from the Army Materiel Command -- J k. T 1- -J u.i. , mano, respectively, enjoyed a Bone ipecially prepared teak dinner along wto approri-floo- r mately 65 members of the NCO Club. Later that evening, the NCO 00 00 c entertained held an NCO f missed TEST RUN, Friday, March 31, 1967 owiwd md fcwiea by rkhnmk4 lervice CinnraMse Mtmbtr Ftdwal Dtpesit Insurance Cweoratlen 1- .- Do YOU Hove The Car We Want . . Of OUR BONANZA SALE FORDS and FAU0NS o 2 WE NEED: 6 1 MERCURY v DODGES o 3 OtDftlOBOES 3 P0NTIAG 2 PIYM0UTHS 2 RAMBIERS o 2 VOUCSWAGBIS o 1 COfAET ... but all ChevroJets! Our used car lot is full of excellent buys We have to get a more balanced selection. - That's why we're offering Top allowances on cars listed above . . . traded now for a 1 967 or 1 966 Chevrolet. have the car we need . . . here's your "chance of a a brand new or late model Chevy at tremendous savings! If you lifetime" to move up to Financing ... At Low lank Ratts . . . Right In Our Sfasrooiiti 23 South Main, Tooele Tooele is a Chevy town I mi Hhon ( 882-314- 8 |