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Show THE 1IOBX1XO EXAMINER: BRUMMITT j.J. J5SUS- - J, fair JJ MWP1- - 9 dUlrict. large loL Cooi ISbmtww1 d0r bargain at ii.soo: Unc d Ul Wili larC pantry. two Zfw and omptoie e Brw to kftli. 111 NOD bOU0 d.W; SUUncoanmoM ftflM lot U"1 DT 'WW'1 th OB UUn i0WB- - th0 rS a few d our Uader : STbortvaluo of any property toto.5rd0wn and the balance $1 no taxes ,05S'- - interest and fovornmont Sap near tho "JKm!w S " WlU PrPenr rata of reridenoe prop want to pareiaMi aom tXVjM win J 7.yM investmenttho which next throe ?fta rffSfctht JaaSuld bouse. within w four room k of the Rio Grande depot; - '- JTona-hal- prop- - at thi. look . per cent intere.t per If yon have f invaatment. ""Jlflook into thia proposition. aeii the two together. and tf time I will take a email lwwt time on the ESdown and He if you are interested, call ? udwa wUl Ulk it orer.we have ever tha heat year the purchaee of real eat ala in JjjL it la becoming faahionahle to own home. I odd nineteen the liat that I advartlaed ITS, gaper Immediately proceeding Uat only containa a oee me m rioor bargain. Call and ud va trill talk it orer; will nellayou tot M or a houae, or if you hare to build I tnll furnlah you tha money jaa a homo. nto la d rJaatThia J.J. BRUMMITT Waah. Are. 2374 171. Bod phone Seeds Garden i to plant. to buy Now is the time Our ature in the place jour deed. the big fire, as - all jou ill remember, and burned. was stock old my Our new stock bas arrived and is the beat ever brought I waa in U Ogden. Paw Kui dlffl-culti- . uu ..& , his were gdbs. tour are the main points, aud If a do caa gallop and stay and follow hla to . op a drnia It matters little what eight ia to a pound or so, thougl roughly speaking, It may be said tha he should not scale over twenty pounds Eugene R. Cole hi Home liagaxine. A re tint Stake. attribute the virLetters tue of patience te a snake. MONDAY, APRIL POR RENT 1 1807. 22, FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT Plea earn furnished rooms, 2664 Adam avenue. 4 Jl-l- t WW-- Li-- One does not often UTAH. FOR RENT Two rooms for houaa-koepluelectric light; no chlklron. 2064 Wash. Avo. ADVERTISEMENT! ON THI1 COST ONI CENT PER PAG WORD FOR EACH INSERTION. LEES INSERTION NO FIRST THAN 2S CENTE ALL ADVER FAiO IN TISEMENTE MUET-O- E BUS! EXCEPTING ADVANCE. RUNNING OPEN NESR HOUSE BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH US. I THREE houaekoeplng rooms, FOR RALE -- MASONIC. MISCELLANEOUS. Qnew Esther Chapter Nol 4. O X Regular meetiaga hrid at Maaoale Hall na Washington aveaua, between Twenty-fiftand Twenty-sixtstreets FOR SALS Household furniture and the first sad third Fridays ef each month. Sojeuraiag members eordtob good plauo at 3643 Grant ave. 4 1? invited to attend. MR SALE Bedroum suite 2333 Adanu. and S large wardrobe, h 20-- It ANNA LEWIS, W. M. LILY V. HALSTED, Secretary. tfith. PGR SALE flood as new beet euitl-- . r vator, cheap, also aa orchard at halt price. W, B. WedelL Apply 137 AXh-l- FOR RENT Ftaulabed room. room 64 Opera House blk. h culti-ota- PYTHIAN GISTERA tl Meets From a Surgeon-- " however, contain an afUrnow at FOR RALE flood driving hone, 2:3U to every Saturday Pythtoa haU, Utah National anecdote In which Its existence ft evFUR RENT Two rooms for houaeWaah. lnd. Foono w. 275 cheap. i building. Bojonratog atoton corident Dr. Perry, surgeon of tho Twen-- j koeplng. 114 2(ih. to tovlied atteeA dially in wakeoed tieth Massachusetts, camp FEMALE HELP WANTED; MHS. EVELYN GLA81IAKN, M. R C. ' FOR RENT A large furaiahed sleep- FOR BALE Hone. one morning to find hlwnelf tightly Apply OgAea MISB LOUISE RITTER. M. of E. ft C. Pharaucsl company, 241 "4th. ing room, 2620 Adoaia Ava 4 XiMf held in the dutch of Dr. Hay ward, hla LADIES WANTED, make temple ORDER OP RAILWAY CONDUCTORS patches for us at home oa our --NkW senior officer. HANDS Woodmanaee ft east DARNING MACHINE. We CHANGED "Don't move, John, till I My three!" block. Furaiahed or unfurnished FOR RALE (1.60 per totting, R. c. R. C. pay 66 coat hundred, besides we Wautch Division Ne. 124, ordered the senior sharply. Thw 1 rooms, ret tonable prices, it 24th. Rhode bland Red. Fouiter Broe.l moota second and fourth rtidaya ai oobu prom each machine If give to edae my hands and spring year feet 1:10 p. m. In K. of F. haU. earner comer 22nd sad Wash. you sell. Rolls oa sight, ladispea-saolOn two; throe!" Washtagton avuuo ud 34th etteeL every home, k eavoa new heel At the ward Dr. Perry Jumped, and brothers are cordially invited to or too la stocking la five mlaatea. TOR REXT Rooms for light house- FOR SALE Furniture for 16 rouma; nttend. keeping. Peary Aaaes, 6461 Wash. he never made a deaner leap. Ilewu Read St cento tor oompleie DARN-KK- , 4 good. Apply 2Mt Lincoln. GEO. ALLEN, CL In a truei lone ana tamploe for Just ia time to tee a moecaala dive u D. L DOYLE. B. and T. FOR RALE. worn wo want made up: KODOd der the cost which he had been using FOR RENT Newly furaiaked rowas Model Fruit Fans for City Property. COMPANY, Bos Depi, UU. YX, Armed with for a pillow. sticks, they with batk. alas llgkt honaekeopiag Boarding House, sear shops, 4 atortoa, EF. ft BLKft. New Ypt Midi dragged the coat away, but saw enly I1IH1 16 Boiler Fanua Blockunlth nakAUliaL shop. B. F. O. Elba Pgdea Lodge No. 716. tbe hole Into hlch too snake had glid- GIRL for general housework. L T. Alvord by F. O. Phone (6 and 131 I10C Tko Wav to Work. blockand club rooms, seooad floor, FOR RENT Cieaa funtiaked had sodden Lodge ed. The tally surgeon ll-t104f. Wash. f I If work luu to be done the only way 2416 Wuhlngtoa avenue. Regular with to the entrance abode, batik tlx the ed reptile's roughly to eecape will paralysis it to launch alas light hraivbttplng rooms. Tho FOR BALE Good aeeoudftaad etovai. meetings every Tuesday evening. an colled under the WANTED Two ladies or grnUemea oneself upon the tusk, realising that if and It had lain A. T. HBSTMARK, Exalted Ruler. Colonial, ail lith Ei. Mia a. u 1 27-!to Uko auhacnpuoa for art maga-Cheap. 6d7K. H. KNAU8B. lecretary. J. it i difficult It I not likely to grow back of hla neck, waiting patiently for China, Manager. a; gaud propiMitioa to live parhim to move ao It could enter. fCuier and that aoma aort of a beginRALE Horeea. FOR Inquire of J. ties. call at Broom hotel tor C. F. ORDER OP WASHINGTON. BOARD AND ROOM. ning must be mads Keep the facul Toponoe, HarrUvllle, F. O. Box N& Bieinbach, toavollag agent. ig:go to Wroen Tho of alive In effort a little ty 171. you by 2 or attar I p- - u., or nunday, p. m. BOARD Ogdea Union, Net 172, Order cl '"Sow, my dear air," said the life an. sad room; alco, elcaa rooms gratuitous exercise every day," write meats every 1'ueadej Wuhlagten, 210E Wash. wander I aurance pereuanively, agent a canny psychologist ia hie chapter on FOR BALE Second band National evening at o'clock to A. O. U. W. WANTED Dining room girl at tha or tw one before you rash register. Great Bargain. P. O. halL Visiting comrade Invited to "Habit" Thia gratuitous exerciao It la If I might put wk. BOARD AND ROOM-4- 46 Virginia. InIfth atroot boa (It, Salt Lake City, Utah. nttend. that trains the will to rule Ufe and powerful reasons wby you should sure your lifer WILLIAM fJOYLH, PraslduL WANTED Dining room girl at State FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED ROOMS destiny; It la tbc one groat secret of WALTER RICHEY, Em; rotary. "Certainly, my dear sir," replied toe Indua trial aahool. success. Postponing of disagreeable WANTED TO BUY. FOR RSNT Two office er sleeping duties means laxaesa Invading. tbe wilt victim; "fire away. I shall bo delighted MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA WANTED-Chambermarooms over Clark's stores. Rood Ma certain slackening of all the mental to listwa to you." assurance man toe lifo WANTED. Alt teL oil Accordingly Utak Camp Ne. 9960, Modern Woodnature, an invasion of a paralytic tendWANTED UNFURNISHED ROOM. SECOND-HANa lecture of nearly half aa goods and upholster men of America, meets every Tuesday ency. If the will fulled to obey at a delivered for fruit alee to WANTED tMrl to of take tog. to on City Idaho pnverty go the advantages hour1 duration at Eagle Hall, K p. ic. Vlalting night given moment yeeterdny It Is vastly O. Phone WANTED L T. P. farm. Throe two of care Alvord, children la uaturaisliod rooms nil the reaby sad assist members Invited. lees likely to obey today, whereas a llfoBMumen setting forth on ground floor suitable for light 66 and 133. house work. Good wages te right M. A. GOULD, V. C. hla lfttanw should Insure hla sons dally habit of forceful Inhibiting or j life why housekeeping. Addree F, ., oero J. H. SHAFER, (Berk. party. Mra. H. C. Wood, 6666 Jefferamount a for largo Immediately makes moot tor that son avenue. Standard commanding WANTED, MISCELLANEOUS. When he waa dene too other man said: . DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS. of nil endowments, a comnot but thats bod, nothing "Well, FOR RENT ETORE, WANTED Two girls to toko ooarso CARL C. RASMUSSEN writes fire pletely fashioned wllL Harper's Leaotah Council, No. S, IX of P., la auralng. Ogaea General Hospital. Pint Natl. Bank Bldg Weekly. meets the finrt nud third Wednraday FOR RENT Store room sad "Nothing new?" naked the life asaur-nac- e Room 42. man. "What do you mean?" nfternoooe at 2:60, Eagle HalL Dues meat of Emmett Block. 130 24tk The Fleet Halle. 8L For information Mil at law WANTED Pork, veal, aid ehlckeaa ran be paid to Buato Alden. C. ot W.. "Oh, weO," Mid the other, "you aee. WANTED Female help, at State InThe first nails were undoubtedly tbe InMik BL Vtoitlag member offices of Joseph Chas. dustrial school. 'Apply to superina llfo sMuranco agent myaelf, and at BuaaelMames Ce, 166 24th RL Ill harp teeth of various animals Then Tin vited. tendent. It ia believed pointed fragments of flint X wanted to see If you had any mw MARTHA A. MORRIS, Pocahontas FOR RALE-RE- AL ESTATE. mo. ALICE COLLINS. K. of R. followed. The first manufactured metal Ideas to give WANTED Girl (or general housePROFESSIONAL Mile were of bronxe. Tha nail with work; family at two; 2646 Adams A WIRE MAN, will buy a home, whs a OOP PELLMWA Appeoeiattaat Wee see. Avo. which Jael killed Risers waa a wooden tbe rent ho la paying, wlH pay for ATTO RN "The wing of tha Nlabeluageu" waa tho homo. You know those opportent pin. probably pointed with Iron. first Ogdw Lodge No. 6, Independant Orproduced in London under too WANTED Good reliable girl for goo. tunities wont last very long. Ray Bronze nails have been tonnd In the A. E HORN. der at Odd Fritowa Moots In I. O-ef King Edward VII. patronage pedal oral J7M while can Wash. now, housework, you Mil on away buy Bwlaa lake dwellings. In several place F. hall avary Tuesday evening. Offieea over Badoen'a Attorn when he was Prince of Wale. Ho terms and low inters at. In Franco and in tho valley of tbe Drug Store. I seek the batlaeea of V toiling brothers cordially Invited to remained lu hie box from begi SITUATION WANTED, FEMALE. N. H. IVES, Kay Block. , loyally all partloa; am attorney agalnat all bfc pr ot Nile. Until tbe nineteenth century Iron nlng to end. although ho confessed aftr J. W. BAIT.ET, Noble GruA corperatleua and moaopoilea. Prenails were forged, a blacksmith being erward that 6 waa tho hardest work WANTED Foeitloa aa lady's auras. HENRY KISS Els Beerotery. to traaaaet say sad all ktoda pared FOR able to moke only two or three dozen bo ever did. When Wotau came oa tho 642 RALE 41 SSrd. Bell Lola on .Washington Ava Apply phone 4X of legal business. n day. The first cut nails were made darkened stage to au accompaniment Cement walk, curb and gutter paid. QUEEN CITT, REBEKAH LODGE, Bower, fur only lU.OU per foot, front. ffi. T. KULANIRKI, Na 4, 1. O. O. F. hall Meets secAttornay-at-Uby Jeremiah Wilkinson In Rhode Island of discords too princo took a doaa and MALE HELP WANTED ond ud fourth Friday evealnga at Room 21 ud 22, First National Buy terms N. H. IVES, Kay Blook. lu 1775. The first patented nail maan hour later was awakened by a douOdd Fallows' hall Twenty-fourt- h wk Baak building. Gw oral Practlca. e chine waa by. Perkins, 1703, and Its ble forte crash of the largo orebMtra. WANTED First elaaa collector; alas treat Vlattlug member Invited. product of 200,000 iiaila a day waa con- Ho fell asleep again, ut In fifteen min-uttwo oollcltora and man U take FOR SALE Fins form ef 20 am IDA BAKER. Noble Grand. HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMER tremensidered so enormous that some peranother waa startled by GERTRUDE KOOK 8, Secretary. . charge of local offlre for a woU eshouae, 4 cow, horses, toad to sona deemed the result due superdous crush and found Wotau still singtablished houae; muat furnlah bond. in fruit, lucerne, barley, oate, eta, HAIR SWITCHES for sale at reduced s natural agency. (2,600 caab. O. A. White Id! 26tk to P. O. ing against time. Aftef tho performApply in owa Prices Hair ohatoa a epeeialty. PRATERNAL ORDER OF EAOLEfi Bus 1(1, Ogdaa. BL ance tho prlaco told too manager lu Masquerade cMtumas to rent for Fraternal Order of Eaglaa, OgJea How te Grew Mtalatare Oaks. ball and theatora. AU maU orders great confidence that If there won n THREE d MATTRESS makers at ones. FINE LOT ea Bench on street Recure z good ripe acorn and atteaded tu. Mrs, C. BL Aerie, No. III. F. O. R, moota every Wotan la other Wagner operas bo promptly Meudey eveelog ia Begins haU, wot Balt Lake Maltiwi ft Ufg. Cm, Bait car Hn Lee, 111 14th. P, O. Bos 431. it by piece of cord within half would withdraw hla patronage. of Reed hotsL at 1:64- - Visiting BrothLake Utah. tot ou atroct City, near Large a lith so contained la water of aa Inch or er Eagles are invited to attwi the Washington Ave ...j.. INSURANCE. Bvea Ik SeltM. Aerie mootings. glass. There let It stay, for If permitted MEN and boy wanted le loan Fine residence trout tot. East plash T. C. MORK1B, W. Prosldwl. On one eccaalon when tbe famous to remain without disturbance tor a slooti'to-a- l m Wash. Ave 1600 block. . . . lag, plastering, N bricklaying, W. PIERCE, Notary Public. D T. TRACY, Beeratary, n waa pressed for money ho few months It will bunt, send a root free catalogue; poaltfoca 62x166 on 2llh BL trndaa; Lot Lite and Aoeidmt Bztate; lire, DR. H. B. FORBES, Aerie Fhyalciaa Into too water and shoot upward a went to too eultau for permission to aoeurod; taltloa fifty dollars Ccyne 407 14th St from houae, large tot Trade EeheolA Now York and Baa Rroom modern houae oa beach 1604 straight, tapering atom 'covered with levy a tax of a penny on every man ia FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD 1 y UT FraacUoo, JUNK. beautiful little green leaves In this Turkey who waa afraid of hla wlfn. 2,006 brick, etoaa la too Mm and at leave, room amdoru brick manner a young oak tree can bo culti- Tha aultau gave UN Ogdw Lodge; Na I7L T. F. & filTUATIONfi WANTED; MALI. Naar-ed-dl-n reJUNK CO. beya meets eceoad sad fourth Tuesdays at UN THE INDEPENDENTBeU frame, close Is vated and become an Interesting object and of a few moutbo a all ktoda ef jaak. phw IMR I A m to A O. U. W. haU. Vtoitlag Improved farm, cioee to all that beheld It Aa soon aa toe turned with a hundred mulea laden POSITION WANTED lift phono IIIID. Grow ft Jaoob-eoa- , members cordially invited. by oxperlenwd . te "But what am 1 to get out , ,. 1JN with city gold. will It made Ita bas appearance man plant hardware er bookkeeper. 1141 FacUto. D. H. ADAMB, Prwidwt farm, 7 acroa fruit, be found beneficial to change the wa- of all tolar inquired tbe sultan. "I G. T, 131 34th BL IDA BECKER, BsenUry. good water, well located... . 1,006 a beautiful have Georgian you brought Toll ter frequently. have any hind ef Juak, 11080 IF E. F. MIBCH. Treuurer. fine farm, improveMid "Hush!" tha sago. lave, replied AGENTS WANTED. to Ogden Junk Houae; wo will call ments, water anJ 6 acroa fruit IJN tbe aultan, glancing erer hla ahoulder. OODEN LODGE NO. 1, P. OF H. for ft. BeU phone; I36E; lid. TIE KoerkHaet PresUanu. brick reeldouce, largo let my wife hMr! And the MEN AND WOMEN are making (IS "What would you think of n 99 per "DontNaar-ed-dtoC ou Llaoolu 4606 ODGB NO L R OF H, OGDEN to (26 a day telling our ombroidory Hedja added another cent premium?", said an inaura nee wily 300 ebeap lots all over tha city. moota to A ot F. HaU tho first and LACE CURTAIN A no capital or oxportenco reto hla atore. a goods; on penny Weof eeroa (99,000 "A premium land 3606 la unimproved agent third Wednesday afternoou ef each quired. Why not you? Write (or ber County. (100,000 policy. Hardly worth taking moath at 1:16 p. m. Lace WANTED and to curtains exclusive U. Om luzdcr. Tkt agency. samples once form 10 of token aorta and large Small of H. 8U81H SIMA out eh?" Bueh a policy was 1MI. ' 642 21th. Bell S. Nob. phone Embroidery Poeta tho debate of Omaha, at Tha Work, topic form of 100 acroa, FUR RENT. JEANETTE MIliZ Financier. out though, on n ship thought to bo Hub too Bazoo of "Which KELLY ft HERRICK meeting waa, U JENNIE PROUT, Itocordsr. loot It Is a common thing on overdue LACE CURTAINS z specialty. Phone Contributes Most to life's Happl- M66-M- . PAY agen.i, ladles or gentlomza, hipe to takeout policies at 90 or 85 or WE WOODMEN OF THE WORUX Mor 90 per cent On tbe Bulgarin and tha from (0 cent to (121 an hour to A RESIDENCE with pantry WANTED Lace curtains to "I think," mid woman called upon Iztroduca sad advartito our Croft In 1899 policies at 90 per cent laundry and closet ou Jefforaoa avenue, etoaa Camp Na T4, meets la X. at 117 SOlh BL , lad. Phono I66SA of Weber diet, city er eouatry. Carcbo Med. were taken out and on toe Adelaide to apeak on tho feminine side, "that P. ball la Utah National Bwk In, (1660. no con man tribute ia doubt that there ave. 3SB( Waahlagtou Oa, reaUcaoe la railMary, even after two of her Ufeboata moat to the llfo n elegant building every Thursday ovwing at I happlnma of worna oclock. Visiting Woodmw cordially bad been picked up, a policy of 92 per road district, (1600. TO MONEY OITEOPATHV. LOAN. that la" (upon second thought) "union Invited to attead. seat was laaued. with bath, lot 60x132; also A bo happens to be her husband." T. C. MORRIS, ttC. f of block within good ban, BTRRET CORA GORDON O IYBB, GAR IVES. RAILWAY, URN, E. AUTH, Clerk. Pint Nattoaal atroct bas Evil Choeee toe Olhee. (1600. ear, CLERKS, BOOKKEEPERS, and all Osteopath n, groduates from parent Bwk Building hath aid with One brick nchooC (room r Visitor to tho West ladfta (who has KlrkvUle, Ma others employed, flad our office reThe Seta BeM. newer coanoctioa. (3600. suite (A Treatment by been warned against bathing In the liable for tuna of (IF to (100. Disblock, OF PYTHtAA ... KNiOHTb Bone driver baa found to tbe Bible frame, all located oa counts If paid before due. Faymenta Alae oae appointment Honrs 0 a. m. to 6 river became' of alllgaton, but has what be believes to be a hint of autodisfl real In ret deuce elaaa bench. BeU phono 114K. InA 1611 uapenda to sickaoM. No charge bean told by the boatmen that there mobiles. it is contained to the story Ogdw Ledge No. 2. Knighte trict, (1,(06 each. for applications. Tha City Lose Co, meets at Castle Hall, Utah are none at tho river' meuth) By ef tbe vision ef Nahum, the Elkoahita, Pythlu, new A sad hath, rooMenea, PHY8IC1ANB AND BURGEONA Suite t. Pint Natl Bask Bldg. Bask bulUlng. every MonNational Jove, thia la ripping! But I any, how concerning tbe burden of Nineveh. In con with hot and cold water sections, AU K. of P.a requoetsd avcalng. day do you know there on no alligator ia railroad diet riot, 11606. DR. A FERNLVNQ, Physician ssd to meet with ns. the account given by tblo oerr of tbe MONEY to Mlartod people without . de eee, Mh, here? Boatman Well, you CHAUNCEY PARRY, or endorsement; payments tbe of Medea Burgeon. Ofloe hours, 16 and II a security and UNDERWOOD, W. . Babyarmy J. military Cor. 2lrd sad Wash. Phono 360 X to suit, either weekly or monthly; alligator am ao turfble feared ob de lonians against Nineveh occurs this m., II to 4 p. tn. 340 36th 8t Office E. R. GEIGER, M. of F. Bell I1IK; lad. I1A aharX Punch. business confldeuttoL Call and get I phooss, N. MEAD, K-- of R- - and S roe: "The chariots shall rage to the e terms. D,. IX Drake, 410-1- 1 WasA IsA ehono 103. (46 my shall one Jostle streets, may against FOR BALE Comer lot, Twenty eo-oad bldg. Eoallto Mew ud WOMEN OP WOODCRAFT. tbe other to tbe broad way, they aha II street sad Madtoea aveauc, Ixl BAN ITA RV WORK. Engliahwomen an inherently shy, eeem like ran oa LOAN, TO like MONEY riull farms end tordhas, hence, ud evthey city pantry rods, rightooemed manners with which nd half the-baBcge Lily Circle. No. 34. nwett real Mteto. HUNTER ft KENNEDY, cellar. Addrou Mra. A D. BaHtb, DONE ef aU ktoda. ' Bell phone 600 Z. second mid fourth Friday night we are credited sa a nation Is tbe re- the lightning." If that doesn't ery 3ulld-toNational Blk. First XI room Room Weodmnasee d. 2721 Baak and 26, Grant Nria. McCarty, at 7:36. In K. ot P halL Visiting sult of this ah fuses. Englishman suffer cribs a etnet fun of motor care what U-' eordlally InvlteA neighbors from It to the mum extent only to dow? Then, again, a variaat of tbe CLEANING 137 For HOUSE O. carpet CASHMORE, N, DAISY their cbm shyness Is merely self con- word "Joetie," which tbe original He- MONEY TO LOAN J. J. BRUMMITT clewing, window cleaning and scavTracy arena. sciousness and part and pares! of an brew win. It to Mid, beer even bettor, on ud iMr (he comer ef Madlaoa enger work, 121 SOtb. BeU phone KATE HETMAN, Clark, 231 1 without to 1m' Lad London particular tfnmeiue conceit 1sm swiftly, and (2d atroeL Inquire A D. Bmlth, 1401. John Kfcmmeyer. 28rd BtrocL LEGAL purpose, to and fro." Isn't that the 366 24th atroeL Field. automobile haMtl GCAVENGER WORK. I Women of Woodcraft, Ogdw Circle NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 1. FOR BALE One of the beat fnrma la taw Her Cfeuee. at 111, meets every Tuesday atobt flatiron a trade or for of throw KINDS Weber ALL work. Mra. a Pipe. dty county, Wife scavenger P. at K. Flnroup halt Vtoitlag Iwklis COUNTY 7:30 o'clock, AND MINING WEBER property. Inquire 672 23rd atroeL Prompt attention. John Van Zwo-dea- . Nelgkbere Invited. at her hnaband last night hecanm he The Canadian Cigar and Tobacco Milling Company. Principal place 4 ll-t- f 412Z. 667 2nd BL. Bell 747T- - 26 tf bonBell new or her on eome te phone aat hints those down who Journal gives Pun eu bt pild at tki eflM Pt W accidentally of business, Ogden, Utah. Ilk a do couldn't I thing thinks Anth, tha efterneo ef the 21th of each to moke pipes , Everybody be net Now, bsrohy given that at Notice TAILORA tAlb couldnt? Wife ith. First Natiwal Bank BUg. known how to smoke n pipe, but to do meeting of tbs director held on Frithat Huaband-Y- ou 1M. ALICE COLLIN I. G. N, 2111 Of conroe not I haven't any now bon- It perfectly to sot easy. "Time to day, 22d of March, X9I7, an aa Mea- LOST Chatelala pin, Initials L. H., Ctothw dented and pressed l a min Plngrw Arc. waa one share per ns levied of eat . net keynote of successful pipe smoking;" betwera lutemeuaUia Buataeea month, 1ST 2ith Bt EU ekmi SSIZ. MARIE CRITES, Ctork. ST31 Men-ro- e stock of toe ca toe capital corpora SOtb BL, eo Gnat Ave. ReAva. .. stye the Journal,. "and another to gen- - tion, payable Immediately to A G Teak Her Fart. VETERINARY URmEON. 336 10th. Reward. Hf Take It May. Dont crowd tleneaa. to turn Utah. rememOgden, secretary, Mamma You must always to tha top of tbe bowl. Never Maw, stock upon which this aaacM the LADIES OP THI MAOOABEtB. Any ber to take your little slater's part get pipe Canyeo, a small gold D. F. MILUEEN, gredsate veterinary LOST Ogden la coot and keep meat a hot remain Keep on pipe unpaid Tasaday may surgeon. Call answered night or I Silver Hive No. L mceto tbc occwd hone slue locket, set with toMm Tommy. Small Tommy I do. I took pipe cool. Too can relight n pipe, April 30, 1907, will be delinquent aat to Retora reward. day. Office. Ogdw Feed and Bale her part of tbe cake not five minutes your diamonds; . at aato ud at tor a fourth Tuesdays at 2:16 p. public action, and If yon ere an old smoker you will advartlaed Stable, 2216 Weak. Art Beth and eteee. Bros.', Hoirocks News. Chicago la ago. made before, K. of C. halL No. 2743 Wash, nvwnc. 06-tbe an too better for it When you and unless payment 4SIK. f night phone on Tuaaday, toe 21st day Vlalting itotera cerdtollv Invited. CL have finished dq net refill a heated will be aolJ BESSIE fBBMNQ, L, 1107. 4 33 o'clock noonM LOST Either taken by mistake er ef May, Petals. Pea Terrier pipe." LUCY KBLBOM, R. K. stolen, a Rambler Bicycle, from tho deltafinant aaaeMmeat, tothe pay most intelligent The fox terrier la the FRATERNAL hall of the Colonial rooming houae. eosta of advertiatog gether with thesale. Waahtaotaw f nil tba email er breed, and there to Black frame, red head, tort handle ef KNIGHTfi OF THE MA0CABEI0. and expense The towering Washington moan A. 0. MAW, Secretory. KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUA' tip cracked. No. 36.1(1, 1605 modal. hntEly n trick that be cannot team to office. cannot reel at tbe a very few leeeona. He Is ueually meat solid aa It to, Notify Standard d Ogdeu, Utah. Ogden Twt, Ne. 24. meet the Oeuadl No. 7T7. MteU evOgdw healthy, makes tbe beat kind of a bent of the sen pound on ita sou thorn fourth and cvwtag Friday Between 23rd ud Utohu Wedneaday evening at K. of C at 6 oclock charp. In L O. O. F. halL watch dog, and hla ability to catch and Ida on a mldanmmere day without u We love to UP0, And when expec- LOST atero, oa Waak. Ave, aa en- ery Drag haU, N. 2473 Waah. Ave, at kill rata and other vermin la another alight bending of the gigantle shaft, tation to cither dimppointod er gratito with Vlalting Knights cerdlaUy Invited to scribed members wele ame. graved gold wsteh ' by fied we want to Da again expecting-Johnson- . attend. T. Retora Vtoitlag from F, L it story. In aymmetry. alae and character which to rendered perceptible Initial! O. E. Da H. VINE, J. J. W. HAL8BY. Commander. W v. J. MORAN, rim Sae'y. tbe dog mait present a generally gay. I means ef a capper wire 174 feet long to 226 2Srd. F. F. BOND. Recorder Kcc r tbe center ef The tor structure tbe la active appearance. and banging lively 1 FKRRONAL. n no on must a to ARCANUM. and plummet foxhound, impended ROYAL tbe currying Her, like OF AMERICAN BROTHERHOOD count be "leggy." nor muat be be too a veaeri of water. Hameetead Ne. 1606, Teemen, Ogdw for ea, to buoineM I'm Fraternal Youth-Yreliable. buy The Tested, sound, abort In tbe tog. He should stand like meets every first and third Friday In real eetate. Carl C. Rasmussen. beneficiary Order. Insure mn at myself, but I dont teem to be able te n cleverly made hunter, covering a lot A Maa of Hlafe Prtaelplee. night at 7:30 In K. O. hall. No. 2476 or throe rate ou. reasonable two, for any aeeceaa. Th Waah are. of ground, yet with a abort back, aa Scotsman (up for tbe week end, who meet with meets with euceeea, ei Accumulated thuuMnd dollar. young ever Visiting archsrz cordially Invited before stated. He will then attain the has been asked by hto friend to go to throe mlllioa doCURTAINS DONE UP. fund nearly gwey overtake must maa. It He tomeet with ua. to Mountain men! hall-ef power, na, N, llar. Rocky propelling a muale Investigate. D'ye no highest degree Frank R. Wlaat. Feremnn, 2111 Ne. 617. meets oeceoJ and Beil Phoue (TIT. Council, done Curtain up. gether with tho greatest length of ken I never visit n music hall on th beLincoln. fourth Friday at A O. U. W, hall. good vi? te teach a child to to compatible with toe for fear I should tough lu IV Mabel Turner, corroweedeat, 2314 yeuiuelf.-Qnln- ey W. Bten. Regwt; J. W. Wethe.-pow- , bfb,T F. h ieogfo oThfa body. Weight to not a eer - 1 ubeTto 8a wbati?-iind- mi Opinion. are. Meffit Ccilacior; Q I. Hebert, Sea'y. WANT ADR YIELD RIG RESULT A ,WMg. trin criforton of a terrier's fitneea foe 4-- 1 4 na with.-Captai- a I 1-- o a h-- p -- tint a id. l-J- - lg . hud-writln- THAT ARE SURE TO GROW BEEDS vat The Brltinh army waa onoe in through the lack of a hangm Id order waa com mined by a aoldier In the Crimea, but nobody could bo found to cany ont the seutenco of the eourt martial. It waa announced that 30 and a free discharge would he granted fc to tha man undertaking the At laat n man did roluntee- -. He waa a newcomer to the army. On tho night prior to the date fixed far tha axacnttoa they locked up the hangman la a stable to beep him safe. la the morning the party at the gallows waited, but there was ua hangman. Ha had gona mad during the night or ala ha waa now aim aiming madueaa. Tha officer in command turned to ona of hi cap-taiyou will hare tha goodaaaa to hang tha prioouer!" Tha captain changed countenance, but ha pulled himself together and appealed to tha aergeauts with, Which of you will hang thia man?" And to spare his captain one of tha men volunteered. Ho afterward had the satisfaction of flogging the man who had volunteered and failed. OGDEN, raa-peu- t Hay or Grain Hour, Naar-ed-dl- IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Remember, we carry a full of that famous Pratts Poultry Food for animals fine ud poultry. Ad-dre- .., 10-ac- o W.T.ASflLL ...,,,. ia leth Phone. 2264 Waah Ave. I Eifftbit Lemons Oranges Dates Bananas Figs , 6 t me a one-hal- Lewto-Btoy-n- fine Red Apples d Pl. . tSZ? GROCERIES aa Eoel-doae- o Eo-cle- The Best oh the Market Prompt Delivery E. A. OLSEN 2259 Washington Ave. Garden and Flower B(&(&&$& 0r splendid stock aids wujo Mlect jiut what you Jt. Come and sea specialty with . ua ua will be a poultry supplies. . 1-- 4-- 1 . ImMit. eo-on- . HAY Heller Son and grain. Washington Avenue, oth Phonea Nt ADa YELP ADg VilLD Ria RESULTS. RESULTS. it 5 Rage-No-b- a ' t ody |