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Show OGDEN, UTAH. THE MORXIXG EXAMINER, IKE EXAMINER MUimA by The M"- - Day to lVw lvi)f PubUofctag W luiuri tATEfc DsUvorad bj Carrier to Ofdeu City, including SuadU Morm SUBSCRIPTION " tf VOItt h KxAAUMfg Single septan . and play tennla with the President, beaidee he ! oue of the best golf players la Washington. He Is fond of soOne dsaces no more. sadly says ciety aad has fine bachelor apart- M. Desrais, dean of the Paris Academy section of Choregraphy , who, though getting ments la tto oa for ueveaty-aeven- , still, like young of tbs capital. Sir Willoughby Patterae. has a leg." aad one of which many f Junior might SKEENS DEFENSE. be justifiably proud. Dancing, which he has practiced aad taught for fifty7 At last that fake reformer, J. D. even years, has kept kia limbs lithe, hie cheeks rosy aad his miad fresh. Skeen, tuts broken loose through hie Hta enthusiasm for his art Is as warm Salt Lake press bureau. Tto Herald aa It was when he was twenty, and of becomes hie paloglst. Instead telling when, after a liberal education, ha why Skeca persecuted Paine and gave up thoughts of the legal or medical profession, and preferred to com Chambers and has refused to proae-cutsecrete himself to the cult of TerpaV who the other eight ccnnrilmeu, c hors" In hie own language, which Is accepted 1104 per year for senricee as flowery as his manners. Though rendered. The Skeen apologist,- how- he has always had, and still has, plenever. whlsrs' because some people of ty of pupils, to tea coma to the tragic conclusion that dancing It dying out. Ogden demand that Chambers and Oh, monsieur, under the empire, how to the city beautifully the women danced, and Paine shall be council. Tto Salt lato Herald has what beautiful women they were!" not naked that the Balt Laka council-men-, In n year III official bells were given that la, one every three Bights. He who accepted money for the sim- dates the downfall of dancing from the Inilar service shall be disgraced, but introducthm lato France of the Bossists that only Chambers aad Paint, ton," which he assumes to have come waa eut of tea fa Ogden, shall be dishon- from America. What a calamity has there, for the slipshod two-ste-p ored. killed the walla, while outf-dou- r of It is what The Herald le the porta have buried tt. The aristocUtah Journalism. No wonder the Dem- racy daners no more. Only the email bourgeois bow aad then sacrifices to ocrats object to the When the cake-walTerpsichore." Herald. policy of the the the kraquette, and the mnttehlehn, But back to Skeen. This squeal that liguette were mentioned to M. Dee-rat- e he to Paine and Chambers are likely he swooned, and had to ba rereelected to the rouarU le only a trick vived with scented salts, such aa earto direct tto public from the unex- ly Victorina ladles Inhaled when emotions overcame them. plained acts of Jedediah. la January, It appears that a prims ballerina's 1404, Skeen thundered la the news- legal right to Insist on wearing abort papers that he would get every coun- vklrts called tutus" oa tha stage Is cilmans scalp unless the money wee aot yet finally reoognlied. Mile. Eva 8arcya splrtied action against tto retuned, euj further, that the esua dream of tto Parle Gaits may be rewould prosedimes must resign or to membered some three yean ego, whan cute them to tto end. On January 14. her colleagues of the ballet In London, headed by Mile. Genes, nil becked her 1904, Bkeen sent a column communto a woman. She won her case rewaa which ication to Tto Standard and obtained damages for peatedly, publlshaJ on that day. Among other dtamlaenl against the manage ra, who tod ventured to order her to wear things to said: This la tto last tima I expect to long skirts. But the possibilities of call attention to this matter la the appeal seem aot to havs been exhaustpapers. . . . If the officers do ed, for the defeated parties are bringnot resign and pay back tba money . ing the cnee Into the courts once . . I shall not hesitate to institute more, this time with n fresh argument lu M. Mmscbmi new opera. proceedings as a private cltlsea. Arlene," Signora Zambell! renounced J. D. 8KEEN. (Blgned) Now we come to the point Why the tutu and wore a colored costume. The principle of the tutu la, therefore, did Bkeen select Chambers aiJ Paine controverted, and counsel will nek the for hie attacks? Why did those who court to decide that since nch n prime were hack of Bkeen instruct him to ballerina au tto EambvlU gave up the short gauio skirt, the Judgment la proceed against those gentlemen, and favor of who upheld that Mile. make only n pretended attack upon the tuta le a Sarcy, ulna qua bob, must to others? This paper lias always held reversed.- - exchange. that not one of the councilman should have been hounded aa they were; we PROFESSIONAL SNAKE FIGHTERS have invariably said they were not Last year tha number of men, wocorrupt, but Sheen bs maintained men and children who met a terrible that they were and now n man hold- death la India from the bite of poisBeing to Me views can discriminate and onous snakes amoustad to ISA)?- - hillsides this there were about 4,500 man this shall be aad pureued say ed by wild animal chiefly tigers: to branded aa corrupt and this one shall say nothing of about 44,000 cattle. be granted Immunity from attnek, la Every conceivable measure has been taken to mltlgata this appalling annual beyond our understanding. but with little avail." Bo Th Heroic says Mr. Skeen le openly destruction, writes W. G. Fltxgerald, ia The Techcharged with forming some tort of a nical World Magazine for May. combination with Mr. Craig that reTha venomous snake of India most sulted la this action. This paper has destructive to life may be placed In following order: First of nil come sot charged Mr. Bkeen with anything, the the cobra, responsible for nearbut we have naked for an explanation. ly deadly s of the fstalltlea; and The people are asking for na explana- then tha kralt, knppur, Russell's viper, The tion. Everyoaa la Inquiring What the hemedryae, and does It mean? Bo far there toe bean water snakes MU a good many, as we shall see, but they are comparaso reply. tively rare. A regular orgexlued war. A grand Jury should be called to fore la waged upon India' myriads of reptiles, and la each district n regprobe lato these matters. ular head tax la paid upon each cobra and other snake killed. ROOSEVELT AND Rllfl. "Lest year tha number of snakes d strayed was 741,211, for whleh r My Introduction to Th sod ore Roose- wards amounting to nearly 47,000 ruvelt waa a moat unusual one and was pees were paid, Tha greatest to Ufa appears to have been characteristic of the men," raid b 11,141 people wore A. Rile of New York, who was la la Bengal, where Ia killed, aad nearly 1,000 cattle. Washington a few days ago. My book this Province alone 55,054 poisonous How the Other Half Lives,' had Juet snakes were destroyed. Tha officials Charged with this curbeen published. At that time I tod ious work were scattered over the my office In urae of the downtown whole vast area, from tha Himalayas newspaper buildings. Oa my return to Southern Madras, Including Bomto my desk after aa absence found bay province; the North West pro there Mr. Reoeevelt'e card oa which rlneee, and Oudh; the Punjab, CenAssam. Hyde was written T have rend your book tral provinces, Burma,Tha writer talbad, aad others." end I have coma to help.' That was lows this with aa Interesting article til. From that time on Theodore of some length upon tha methods parky the eanke exterminators. Roosevelt and I have been fast friends. Hla thoughtfulness for othar poopla With Mint Sauec. and hla kladaaau wars shows on ons Mery had a little lamb You've beard this fact before; occasion when I was dining with him and Mrs. Roosevelt at the White bouse. But have you hoard aha pawed her plate Id the course of conversation X mem Aad tod a little more? tkmed that my mother was very 111 Lipplnoott's. at her home la Denmark. Mr. Roosevelt proposed to hla wife that they EIGHT HOURS FOR OPERATORS. end n telegram of cheer to my mothEl Paso; Tex, April II. The new er, end, without getting up from to Texas taw which provides that a railtable, he penned a message telling my way telegraph operator shall not be mother that her boo was dining at tto employed more than eight hours out 24, may, according to the stateWhite house. 'Of course, every mother of ment of an official of lha Order nf Rail-wyfeels proud when her children are honTelegrapher here, cause a strike ored, and It waa exceedingly thought- which will Involve every road la tha ful, I considered, to have Mr. Roose- state, Tto preparations for a strike of the velt thus cable my mother. men. according to the cflletals The message had a strange fate, are Influenced by the reporthowever. It arrived oa the other side, ed Intention of the railroads to reduce I was Informed by my jnother after- the pay of operator to meet the extra expense caused by the enforced wards, signed merely 'Theodore aad employment of more men. For some time tto folks In Edith the little town were pussled to know TOOK 150,000 WORTH OF BONDS. who Theodora end Edith were, hut tt New York, April 21. W. O. Douglas, downed ox them that there waa only loan clerk of the Trust of one Theodore of much Importance In America, waa arraigned In Company police court the United States, aad upon Inquiry today aad remanded without ball on found that the message was from the the charge of taking from the company 950.000 In bonds. He waa arrestpresident" h ed yesterday on tbe complaint of of the comThorne, president AFTER THE GAMBLERS. pany who discovered the loss of EIGHT INJURED MONDAY, APRIL WRECK. IN Baa Antonio, Teas, April 21. The second section of the Davy Crocket lb fry outhbouad A at onto sad Arkansas Pm derailed four miW south of bore tonight, resulting la the injury ofis eight conpersons. None of the Injured sidered fatally hurt The wreck was caused by spreading rails. The trail consisted of four coaches, three of u which left tto track. e V MAIL IN ADVANCE. to sent te atoU. outside to Ogden, per Tbs it Itto unit to iIiun w - FURUII ito INDEPENDENTu auto lu tt l, peasant BlttiUH BA t"'1 th aad bo give Hi to punish- an mss 4 At u will wlta ba racrived rraiMMa;-ti- 'f presented to toagaaga teem known to but lha ru aaaaa suat ia (uiJL All tattom aad r.Kii.tj rananslerilnM nlgund by naa da ea all subject a, A myM4 MBAi WiU w Uraaa to tto nM basket Tba aarar bidaa bablad aa biava tto Edl gaaa Dual aakwhat you lur to to responsible tor k, au an towad at bTW Bubneribera win aeafar Ha sgtoa to laUurt by to reernv? Tto Einnilnor baton uhin. aaa to Tba Maralag Tt1"aala by tto independent Imil - n Nawa Ca bait Lato City. Oa b!J tbnwgb traiaa tearing Ogden oa Tba Soattora Paclfis Hallway, Tba Uatoa Pndfla Railway, aad Tto Oregon Short Lino Hallway. patrou will coalar a aa tto management by ra (toygortlag to tbJa ofltoo wtoaavar Aralfall to Sad tto pagan at to Invar CAREER OF ECKLES. James H. Ecktan, prealdeat of tba Conunnrelal National Bank of Chicago, ba was found dead ia bed a few y daya ago, was comptroller of the cur-yeao- la the aeooad ad nilplat ration of drover Cleveland. . He waa a political accident that made good, both la pub-lie aad buainaea life. Brklee went to Waefalngtoa eooa after Mr. Cleveland was iaaogaratad la 181, looking for a job. Ho applied flret for one glace aad then for another. One day a Mead of hie called at tto White Uoute, aad waa told by Prealdeat Cleveland that a vacancy waa about to bo created la tto ofica of the comp, trollar. "Why act alvo tt to Eekles?" aald ' the caller to tto President , Who ja Eckloar anted the Presl-dela turn. He la a bright, young man down bare looking for a place." Thin la oaa veraloi of the atory about bow Erklee oama to bo appoint-acomptroller of tto carrency. Aa ether la that hie name waa Mt to the Seento by accident, but that Praaidaat Cleveland, when ble attention waa called to the mlateke, nfueed to recall the nomination. yEokloa mad good la this Important poet Ho atudlod finance, became aa acknowledged expert oa tto aubjeot, aad when be quit public office It vu to aooept the presidency of one f the Mg banking boueoe of Chicago. Mr. Kcklea waa a alight, elonder man, very youthful la appearance, and had a hard time convincing a good many people who called at hie office that to waa really the comptroller aad not one of tto comptrollers hired nt THE TRUST BUSTER. Very little la heard these days of Herbert Knox Smith, who succeeded James R. Garfield ea commissioner of corpora tietia, and ttea became the trust batter of the administration. But Just the same, Mr. Smith is doing some effective work. At this time be la looking Into the operations of the beef truot and tto steel trust, and, la acoordaara wltk a resolutios pasted by eougroee, ba la lnvaatlgatlng the conduct aad management of the various trade exchanges throughout tto United Staten. Mr. Smith Is n young w-b- s la about forty. Ho looks He belongs to that large youeger. claea of college men discovered by President Roosevelt aad brought Into prominence In the public service. Mr. Smith nerved aa a member of the New Haven city council soon after graduating from Tale, and made a record there as a municipal reformer that attracted the attention of Mr. He le one of the coterie Roosevelt. of young men who are honored so frequently with Invltatlono to ride and . nine-tenth- RaJ-amm- Jo-oo- Inter-viewe- Oak-lelg- the What is it? In point of fact, it is the freedom from poisonous and spurious ingredients, the excellence in flavor, that gives to Flavoring Extracts RoonlriB their wide popularity and increasing sale. .The retail grocers are learning that quality rather than price is necessary to retain the confidence of customers and make a successful business. El Paso, Tex., April II. Four prominent young men of thin city were nr rested this morning for gambling. This is the first arrest here under the new lew which makes drastic gambling a felony punishshlye by fine and Imprisonment In the penitentiary of from two to four years. Under the new taw, the accused la nnt allowed bell until alter indictment by the grand Jury. The mult Is they will remain in prison for some time. g bonds. Mr. Thorne says Douglas admits tak. Ing the bonds and told wheje they could he fonnd. He had made no attempts to dispose of them aad said he did not know why he had taken them. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DE- NOUNCED. Chicago, April 21. Resolutions denouncing President Roosevelt were passed bv the Chicago Federation of Labor today. The rroolutlnns criticise ROOSEVELT. AFTER the president's letter to Rerprsentn Mr Sherman of New York. In which New York. April 21. The Central the president makes uncomplimentary Federated Union today appointed references to Charles M. Moyer and committee to vlalt Washington aad If Wm. E. Haywood, now under arrest possible secure an Interview with in Idaho charged with complicity in President Roosevelt The committee the murder ef firennentorg. Instructed to request the prr to make a public withdrawal of VICE GOVERNOR MURDERED. his reported reference to Moyer and In connection with the recent Haywood Root of Russia, April 21. Unrrimnn letter Incident. The vice governor of the priaon was ex-Go- n-Don, A ftnshmna who bad ratered on ef the targe universities and was not much accustomed to the ways either ef Institutions of laeraing or ef cities was returning tats one evening from a lecture. When near hie lodgings ha was baited by two masked men. wha told him up" In true metropolitan style. One of the mea leveled the conventional revolver at the young man, while the other relieved him of his watch, pocket book aad othar valuables. He made as mention ef the matter to say body at tto tima, but a few days later he reported tt to the president ef the university. It won't a great deal." to but tt wawmore tbaa I Uto to aad 1 think It's aa outrage to treat boy that way. Why didnt yon tell me of this euoo-arasked the president 1 auppoaod they would bring tbe things back to mo next morning," he answered. "It waa a couple of aopbo-urebasing me, wasnt tt? Youth's F Companion. Waory Wsun . 1 suppose, eeld the watchmaker, de aot know that w'stcbea, like human beings, aametlmea duat go for the very good lessee that they are tired. Sometlmee a watch to brought to me which la all right Nothing about tt U eut of order, end It Is fairly clean. When tt become enlky and refutes to go except hy flu and atnrts tha beet thing to do la to lay tt aside aad give it a rest Tto mechanism la a tired watch seems to be la perfect condition, tot It. wont work. Tto fact to that long aad faithful service has throws It slightly out of adjustment la perhaps tan different plane. Scraping and cleaning and readjusting n fine watch to the wont thing that coaid he done to it A months rest win Instead cause the works slowly to readjust and at tha end ef that time after careful oiling the watch will go as chacrfully as aver."' Washington Star. them-aelve- a, Tbs espercaltalo, or black game bird of Norway," la so of th tartest species of gamo birds la the world, being very hardy and frequently attaining a weight exceeding fifteen panada, but when the birds are young they an easy prey of hawks. Tha birda era what era known rangers" for the reason that while la qoeet bf food they cover n wide expanse of territory. During periods of heavy snowfall they burrow Into tto anew and remain until the storm eubaklae before venturing out again. Their food In winter consists chiefly of bitch buds, and In at mer they, catch mice end other email animals. They ere rated ae members of tbo grouse family and la habits are mneh Ilk the partridge- - Forest sad u Btraam. Partrs Flrot Patti lalims ence gave the following account of her first audience: At Adelina six yean of age I was a prima donas of the nunery. When I bad been put to bed oa my return home with my father and mother from tto open to make aura that they and the of the family were asleep, and than I would hop out from beneath the counterpane nod fancy myself n great cants trice, bowing before the plaudits ef huge endieneei I admit my audience was a little apathetic, but after all, that Is not to ho wondered at for they were only a row of dolls which had ranged oa chain before mo. In DraM. Oa a famous rifle range there was na Important team match ana day, aad tha mea ware firing In pairs, one for each team, aid by elda. The hast hot ea tto home team waa given to aiming no long that beta were made on whotbar or not ho bed gone to Bleep at the firing point Presently to withdrew, Me bead from the stock ef hla rifle; lowered the barrel aad naked hla opponent in a tow voice: Did I fire or did yen?" Forsot aad Stream. Work 14 BMli What fatigues tto motive power getting to work. Oaco tbo mind to fascinated and the field of restricted to a single object the brain work without ex haunting Itself. Let ue apply ouraelvee for n good time to whatever we do and have several hours of snetnlned tabor. By quitting tbe task to dream, to smoke n cigarette or to watch n fly one becomes oxhanated. Paris Revue. Have Made a KUttan. A physician took tt Into hta head to go rabbit ebootlng. About 4 o'clock In tbe afternoon he returned, tired eut end empty bended, telling hie wife that be hadn't killed thing. Thereupon She remarked: I told you so. If you hsd'steyed at home end attended to your legitimate bnalneea you might have been more successful." Chicago Inrfct t News. weeUr Sale. The Influence of locality upon speech to Illustrated by reply received from e Vermont former end quoted In the Boston Herald. Tbe eld mea had been questioned In regard to tto vatne ef an state left by one of Me neighbors. Waal. said be, with greet deliberation. we cal'Jate he'll sugar off shout 150,000." Waddlag Bril Far Him. Willie (rending "ad.") Men wanted to chop wood, bring np coat tend furnace, take rare ef garden, mind chicken and children. Frayed Fagln (gvoaslagt Gael Dam matrimonial advertisements make me tired. Judge. He Weary Between friends frequent reproof make the friendship distant 52, 1907. I EenUaO's Histerle Mae. John Camdra Xoild, whose magnifl rant bequcat to Queen Victoria sup Tka Faltklal Urtto SmU. Ofttlmes I have sees n tall ship glide hy against th tide ns it drawn by aom invisible towllne with n hundred strong anus pulling it-- Her aalto hung Iliad; her eowaman Wen drooping; be had neither aide wheel nor stern wheeL Still ebe moved oa lately In serene triumph, aa If with her own Bfe. But I knew that on th other side of tto ship, hidden beneath the great hulk that ewam ao majestically, there was n little tolling steam tug with n tout of fire oud anus of Iron chat waa hugging tt close and dragging It bravely on, and I knew that if tto little teem tug untwined her arms and left the tall ship It would wallow and roll about and drift hither and thither and go off with refluent tide; no men knows whither. And ee I have known more than one genius, high decked, ' full freighted, wide sailed, gay pennoned. that hut for the bare telling arm and heart of tto faithbrave; warm-beatin- g ful little wife that needed does to him that no wind or wave could part them would boob have gooe down atrsam and bran heard of n Oliver Wendell Holmes. piled tha funds out of which tbo peine consort built the present Balmoral castle, deserves a place among the great misers and was as remarkable a mam m any of them. Ho was educated at Eton and Trinity college. Cambridge. and waa n barrister at Lincoln's Inn. At th age of thirty-fobio father's death placed him la of n fortius ef f250,0u0; nod from that moment be became a confirmed miser. Nelld lived at 4 Cbejn walk, Chelsea. Hla big house wm sc mranly furnished that tt did not even boast of a bed. Two old women, who black rat were did hta chorea, end bln nolo companions. TVhca b visited hie targe estates la tto Midlands which he did frequently, he generally walked unless he could get n lift for nothing, and to wm not even above dung taking n gratuitous sent on cart Sometimes ho wm compelled by tto vreetber to take a eeat on the stagecoach, and there to would ait outside, shivering and dripping, tor to never wore greatcoat, na object of commiseration to hta fellow posson-gen- . ul WOUD REACH i IHOM BALTIMORE TO WIU Aieloet WUL A certain prosy professor of phyeice la eo greet n misanthrope that to deliberately announces hta lectures for CHICAGO UacelaW Mekaka. The saying that there are few hoo-rlawyer did not hold true In the cmo of Lincoln. A man once called to ratals him oa a suit "State your rasa" raid honest Abe. Tto man did, and then Lincoln Mid: "1 cannot represent you. for you are wrong, and the other party to right" "That la Bone of your buslnses if I employ you," aald tto client "Pardon mo," aald tto man wha afterward became president; "my b rails sever t defend wrong. I nev-ta- k a mm that la maulfostly THB CIVES at tto daya when to bee reason to think that hta atodeoto will least want to attend. Be commanded their praaenre on aa election day once and drove them OF THE MACAITlEt OFfrSFOPL'LAMfY j nearly wild by delivering n tedious essay oa will powar. . If he wills tt, e mea may accomplish anything." ho drooad. "Lot him make up ble mind not to die; end to will Uto In spite of disease; tat him deride that life la not worth living, and to will drop peacefully eut ef tt. I challenge any atodrat to cite na Instance In which tbe powsr of (he will "Wen, but you cam make trouble for toe not triumphsd over everything." other fellow. Up shot tto reprobate ef the etaao, a the raid Lincoln, "I can act a "Tee, nil hta beloved companion by youth at loggerheads, I ran whole community for ble daring burner. widow and her Sir, I accept your challenge. Ton make trouble for this fatherless children and by so doing get are wrong," ba raid. to tor, Pray- - mention an example," retort you 900Q that rightfully belongs hut I wont do It" od tto profeseor dryly. "Not if I pay you well?" "With plea ears, air. An hour age I "Not for all tto money you nr willed (tot title lecture should be brought to n apesdy conclusion. Ive worth," wm tto reply. willed tto same thing sixty times einea, but up to now It hant come off." Tha wooden boards that had marked ."Nor will It" eeld tto professor, "for tto graves la a certain rani cemetery willed this lecture not that havo I only ttiould last another hour, but am per- totted off aad ware raked up In tto spring cleaning. Oenasqoautly on fectly willing that It should do flo.1 Memorial day whan the delegation did. Audit from tto G. A. R. arrived with flags and appropriate floral decorations for A Miss Flag. It weo th habit of tto Rev. James their departed comrades tto decoratSpurgeon, grandfather of th grant ing committee found itself somewhat preacher of that name; to pray each In doubt na to which grave belonged evening under n certain oak tree in a to Captain Blodgett and which te eluded weed in Hoaeywood park. Hannah Ericaon. Tto mistaken deleOne night to dreamed, the story goto, gatee beeped their offerings upaa Hanthat Satan appeared end threatened nahs last resting place end departed. to tear him In pieces If ha followed hla That afternoon Ericaon, th widower, accustomed route to tbe tree. There drifted, with the raet ef hta world, to th flag wm another path by which to might tto cometary. When ho ' go In safety. Remembering hta dream, and tto flowers above Hannah the Spurgeon felt sorely tempted tbe next astonished Swede felt to chuckling " night to tak tto rout In which Baton Joyously. "Yell," ho exclaimed delightedly, wm not But this would be to eapit-- 1 late. Trembling In every Umb, to j "dose falter ton pooty smart too! Ay mad (la way by tbe path In which the , tank dat vor all right and aom guda vor pooty gndo Banger ley. Ue reached hta goal In yoka oa Hannab-- to nfety end In prayer end song returned fighter beraelluf." Youth Companion. thanks for delivery from peril. When M De hta prayer had ondod ho rose to reXMekena wm twenty seven yeere old turn. In hta path lay a piece of solid gold "m largo m n curtain ring." AU when. In 1830, to moved from Doughty Inqnlry falling to discover an owner, street to Dovouablro terrace. Georg ho retained It and whoa to married had du Meurler lived for boom years Is 1 hta wife's wadding ring mad from hla Devonshire terrace, lu this celebrated house Dickens wrote no fewer than Old Curiosity ten of hta tooke-"T- to A Beene te Wearer. Bhop, Barnaby Budge," "The ChristDriven to desperation by their heavy mas Carol," "American Notes," "Marloses, gamblers have often Bought by tin CbuxnlowiL" "The Haunted Man," omo coup titter to repair their shat- "Tto Bfttle 0 i Life," "Dombey and tered fortunes or to bring down uttar Boo," "Tto Cricket on foe Hearth" and Devonshire terruin upon them selves-- One pf tto most "David CopperfleU. curious Instances of this kind cornea race wm situated at tbe corner of tto from England. In the eighteenth centu- Mnrytebon road and usd te to celled ry u notori oue gambler tod been toe- tto am licet terrace In London. ing etendlly In a game for high stakes with Lord (Lone. Exasperated hy hta tt Varied. continued 111 fortune; to suddenly The tat Judge Bounders of Narth prang up from tto card table, eetaad Carolina wm noted m an angler, but a targe and costly punch bowl and, to tod n poor memory m te tto wright balancing tt above bis toad, railed out ef tto fish to tod taken. Ou on octo bio opponent: casion n friond, trying te entrap him. "For once I'll bavt n bet whom 1 Mid, "Boy. Judge, wtot wm the weight have nu equal chance of wlnulngl Odd ef that big ratfish you caught tto other or ores, for 14,000 gutneM! day?" "Odd!" replied tto peer placidly, and The Judge tuned to hta waiter and foe gambler hurled tto magnificent Mid, "Bob, wtot did I nay that catfish bowl against tto walL . weighed? When they counted tto piorao Lord "Wtot time yesterday, boon. In de Lora tod won. Tuesday Migraine. mnwnlu', nt dinner or after nnppnb?" . va axiBwx e ce, CfAffi, tlBlL SOLICITOR FOR HARRIMAN LINE! Topeka, Km., April 21.it u d here today that N. H. . aral solicitor tor th CnkmFMfleim road la Kansas, was to be nidi a oral counsellor for 11 the Hsntar line before the ts commission. Hr. Loom today admitted that such s plu n under consideration but talk further of tto matter. In case the position Is ersits 4 it Loomis will move to Chicago vfcr to will have a targe corps of ink ante. The position Is new in wihw circles and la made necessary by passage of the new railroad rat hi which Increased the membership powers of the interstate eonmn oommlsston. i Dainty as a Picture nv Tee. -- ftrfu. Warmed kr Their According te tto results of experiments hy Dr. Jaau Chaleo, aromatic plants charged with essential oils which exhale n perfume that spreads like an atmosphere about them when touched hy tto raye of tto sun are te a alight degree warmed by th presence of this agreeable atmosphere. It acta In retaining tto eotar tent Ilka the glass errors of a bottoun although of eouno for lees offoctivoly. Frofasoor Bpring hw shown that tha relatively high tarn perstn res of large etttae la protoMy due; at toast In park te tto rarboule anhydride In foe air hove them acting as a retaining cram for best rays. Ifste m - LootBee. Oxalic acid la weak soluttsM le tto best thing to use when removing spots from leather. Two or three crystals ef oxalic dissolved In warm water, then appllod with n Mt ef doth to the spots, will do th work. Watch close ly, nod when the spots begin to dteep-pea- r apply dear water to overcome tto add, which le a powerful bleach. Dry tto leather with clean doth. For bright teattor make tto udutien weaker. Philadelphia Narth American. aisht la Me Use. getting tired of this nonsense. You've been engaged to that young man for six months. Dote to eror Intend te merry you? Dauffhter-Y- eu mwt have patience, pap. Remember, he's an actor. Irate Pa thee Wbat toe that to do with it? Deugh-tsr-Hefond of louf eugsgesrests. Into Fnther-F-m e e Mode Them Brad It. Deughter Have you found out yet what It wm that papa rat eut. of tto I bought copy. paper? Methar-Y- es. Ive rend It all through, but to save . my Hfo I rant see anything wmg lu It Its an article on tto vulgarity and slUlnees of buying gowns font nr beyond mtuft The Mew. Astronomer long nince ram to tbo conclusion that tto moon's surface In very hot during tto height of tto lunar day, which, m will be remembered, lasts two weeks, end very cold during tto huer night which ta equally long. Those extremes of temperature resell their bright et tto lunar noou and mltailght and are grantor than any natural temperature on tto aarth. Qglfjy Bertie (to saddle, eeerchiug for tost ball)-W- bat ire you looking there fort have driven It fifty yards Why. I eome-tbne- e farther! Diplomatic Oaddte-B- ut bounce and ateua, hit rir, they buek a forribl distance. a woman era mniu herself vkm adorns herself with tasteful sad to omo Jewelry. We have all Ik hat designs In chains, broaches sad ihfl M wall m all kinds of pnto tones set In unique design) to M eonal adornment or wedding (Hu- W. L BUSWELL 2347 Washington Arons. Get acquainted with th Opto Steam Laundry today. DW dangerous. Many opportunities would prove virtually "gold nuM"1 (a people hero slipped hy 1st ? delay or hesitation. Dont chance to entrant your tanndsrin a laundry poneMlng unequal! ties for taming out your work ntf ly and satisfactorily slip by w fowtafi today Bogin tn. your bundles. Ogden Steam Ttoare LanndiT 41? 174. nut m mnti Lee. A visitor wm going through the ritil-dreu'- e surgical ward of 00 of tto city toopitata when be spied a little fellow with hta lags ta tto air end hie weight resting oa hta bend and otoulden. Go-todeser, he sew that tto toy's feet war fastened with rapM which passed through u pulley stove. At tto othar ends of tto rapes were weights, Just heavy enough to held tto toy's leg! lu the air without llftisg him entirely off tto bed. "What's ell that about?" asked the visitor. "Doesnt It hurt him? "Not at all" auswurud tha phyrictaa who wm accompanying. "Hu doesn't loolq unhappy, does to? That's tto way we always handle fractures ef the leg with a child. Otherwise the youngsters squirm around so that they work the epilate lease.' Only on of This boy's lege Is Injured, but they are both swung la the air for hta greater comfort." Now York PeaL g Fponktag ef nlgnA when you wsks up nod find a burglar In the house tt to a sign that unexpected rampeay hss arrive 4. PKts burg Goaette Ttmss. j Now ta th time to SPRING AND r4r V SUMMER ta I Our good are now N have to to pleased do m them. We also cleaning rad preerinfl 08 n ,ks |