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Show CTAIL THE VOIIXIXG 3XA11IXEK, OGDEN, understood thaw made hipwtVa af bridge, which waatea mammoth thought to haw laaralaii alight dam- ALL Southsrn Pacific . arrived la the ohy yesterday A washout fa Nevada, near the so loa. to rssponsibl tor the detoy of traias. TMa hwak In the nark will ha deae as quickly a postrain LATEST LARGELY INSULTING $15,ROD IN ATTENDED REMARKS JEWELS sible. Song Hits Tb fuaaral of Mra Kliaa D. Brswa will beheld Tuesday at I o'clock from the First Ward meeting house. Tbe casket will be opea from Id uadi II oa tho day of funeral at tbe family residence, rear 31 U Washington avenue. EICKABO Just Received Qyroe in ind Heir Them Chamberlain-Thom- as Music Company EXAMINER TELEPHONES IIDITORIAL ROO- M- Nh SI Nil M InttHMlR SaE Phooe. two rlogi SL'SINSSE OFFICE ,.,..Na N. M VtiM. m flnf w MNNlMt Ball M Phen Apsstlts Teasdale and McKay, n PresL rente la at tends nee yeeterday at the regof tho quarterly oosferear Church of Jeena Christ of Latter Day Batata, Weber Stake of Zion, wee tho largest la years, the tabernacle bring packed to tho doora Those who wore usable to gain admittance were at an overflow masting at the Third ward mealing house. Both morning aad aftornooa sessions ware unusually well attended, tho large audience demonstrating that the tabei nacle la not largo enough for Weber Stake coafrrvncsa. The musle for the occasion waa by the tabernacle choir under the leadership of Professor Ballaatyne. s Among tho speaker at tho two were Apostle George W. Teasdale of Salt Lake City, Apostle D. O. McKay of Ogden, president L W. Sburtllff aad President C. P, Middle-to- n at Weber Stake of Zion. President I W. Shurtlfff opened the conference, with a ftw well chosen remarks, complimenting the saints on their hearty response l duty. Apostle McKay, who was tho next speaker, took for hla text the title of a song rendered by the ahoir, "Scatter He urged the assembled mint to b kind aad courteous In their treat-meoff others aad admonished them to attend to their church duties on Sunday Instead of going np tha canyon and other places of amusement. Aposrle Teasdale a poke along tbs same lines practically a hla younger colleague. Ha waa followed by President Middleton and later by President Shutllff. Tha dosing speech of the conference was given by Apostle McKay on tha subject; "Men seek that which they love and sen that of which they are ashamed." Tha young apostle showed that It was perfectly reasonable that tha premia laid down by him waa true. Men usually have no desire at' all to follow that which they do not cars for. It to tho law of harmony and it la Just aa true with a man's relation to hi religion as to muThe ular That the local Sgbt fens may have aa opportunity ta see a Mg mUr la July to utiowa by tho toUouriag A. P. dispatch rscolTod last night: Ely, .Vex.. April 21 Tx Rickard haa com out with aa effer of a 940.4(H) pure tor a fight between Gans and Nelson to take pUe la Ely, either oa July 4 or Sept, I, labor day. la aa Interview today, Mr. Rickard said. The people of Ely hare subscribed 1 140.000 aa a guarantee of good faith and authorised me to offer a puree of 940.000 for a fight hetwuea Gaaa and Nelson to b pulled off at Ely, Not., either July 4 or Sept. I. I have posted 930.OUO with the First National bank of Ely." Mr. Riakard ban emit telegrams to tbe pricipals and their managers stating his offer. - fur-nlsli- teo-sioa- GOLDFIELD Bun-shin- e. at mnk-la- g ear-rlar- Ua (Signed) LAMAR KELSON. i Circulator. A mooting of tho mem bora of the Prove club of Ogdon baa bean called hr Vtaa Preaidoat Whlpplo to be bald at I o'clock thta afternoon at the Og- den branoh of tho Herald. mmrnmmmm J. Humphries, the local contractor, aad Harrr Orubnnu, accompanied by a mining expert, vlalted tho mining property of tha Buckhorn oooipaay fa Cold Water caajron ynterday. They were pleaeed with tho reaulta of their vtolt CL Fancy atrawbarry pieplant, lb., 1 eoata. Strictly fresh ran ah gga at the Smith Grocery, Kth and Washingl-- l ton. Sunday waa a quiet day In pollca There wart eavaiwl anvata made hut tho groat drop la tho lumbar from thu day baton made the day aorni quiet m comparison. clrelaa. F. S. Working, ago 22, a brakomaa, waa aecuaod by an Italian of baring made an attampt to take the watch of Id Ryan out of Ms pocket yesterday. Both moa an now sobering up nt thu city JalL If you are artag to move mm Mai an, transfer wans. ictn orders tor coal. 409 Twenty-fift- h at Blade Phones. Rev. WllHam Tkuraton Brown will attend tho moMJnga of tho Unitarian In Boaton during tha month of May baton returning to Ogden. A meeting of tho ladles of rha Unitarian church will be held at I o'clock Monday afternoon, April 21, at tha honw of Mra. W. X. Pierre. 741 Twenty-third atreet for tha purpose of a Woman' Alliance. Mra. Eddy of Balt lake City will talk to tbe ladle on tho purpueea of each mo organ ixat Ion.' At S o'clock In the afternoon tho gentlemen of thu rhurch an lurlted to ho preoeat to engage In a friendly social hour together. MINE OWNERS AND MINERS SIGN THE AGREEMENT. Struggle Which Has Laatad tor Over Sevan Wash Haa Been Settled. Goldfield, Nev., April 21. An agree- ment was signed today by the exeeu-U- v committee of tho mine owners and th officer of Minora Union Na 220, Goldfield district, which terminates th great locknut ami labor struggle of the past seven weeks. The terms of the agreement are aa sic. Evening Session. X.U.U follows: First, the wage seal la effect tu tho district March 1, 1407, shall remain la force aad eight hours ahull constitute a days work. Second, tho miners union shall have Jurisdiction over all regularly employed men in and around the mluea, mil la and a in altera. Third, no strike or boycott aball be officially declared by tho minora' uns ion unless by a vote of tho organisation and no lockout shall ba enforced by tho min owners and operator sal vs by a like vote. Fourth, no town labor controversy aball Interfere with the operation of tho mines or tho employment of tha miners. Fifth, these terms shall remain In foroo for a period of two yearn from date. Fifteen hundred miners partlrlpated In tha mealing which ratified the agreement this afternoon. Tho mines will reopen at I p. m. Monday. Between 1,000 and 2,000 moa have been affected by the lockout. - RAILROAD Be tt Knrtzmann Pianos t COMING. Vienna. April 21. More than 300 of the Vienna Mannsrsane Veretn left here today, accompsnfo! by their famous conductor, Kremsr tnd Heubergor, for Genoa, wh.re the will Mil on board the fcriran meum members MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 414 Htk St Republican: Building a railroad oa bed of salt la what tho Western Pacific company la doing now In western Utah. A. J. Bruneau, engineer for tho Dominion and Old Glory Copper oompanfea, who has Just returned from tha Silver Island district after making a periodical Inspection of th companies' properties, says that th tracklayers arc at th eastern odg of tho famous salt bed, and that they will teach a point opposite tho Silver Island district, Jut across tho line, in about throe weeks. Tbe ' salt deposit at thta point In about eight mllea wide. Its total length to about 20 mllea, and Ita thickness varies from a few inches nt tbe outer rim of tbe bssln to eight feet In the deeper portions. Tho surfhee of th deposit to absolutely level, end Mr. Bruneau says that the track will be laid flat on solid salt, which Is sa herd ns pavement After ward tha track will be ballasted with gravels. Tho commercial possibilities of such an enormous deposit of salt art, of course, enormous, and with tbs railroad at band son one win bo taking advantage of them, la feet, parties already are trying to do this, but Mr. Bruneau says that their efforts as at present directed win be of no avalL They have located about 100 claims under tha mining lawn Thee will not bold good, be nays, tor tbe reason that all sails lands la Utah bars boon ceded to tha stats for tho benefit of th University 6f Utah. So that whoever works those salt beds mast deal with tbs state land board. 91 r. Bnuiesn says that both the Dominion and tha Old Glory oorapanles are taking out considerable good cop per or In the course of development work. The Dominion has Its tunnel in ltiO foot. The Old Glorys shaft is down 100 feet, and a drift Is being nm on tbs vein. Both companies will be ready to start shipping sa soon as tha rail mail will handle their ore, and they have assurance from tbs company that a regular schedule will be put on betweent Salt lake end Bews, un the Nevada Northern, as soon as the road reaches the latter place, which will be about July 1. -- cut-off- Phone 10 IK. f-- r tb, of Western Pacific Will on Solid Deposit. ' "JULIUS CAESAR" WEDNESDAY. 'Vana " Utah-Ne-va- post-offi- Their owners feel proud of them Magnificent In qunllty, yet wonderfully rear onable In price. Term If desired. J. M. PANTONE. Stete Agent I also handle a fine Una of vio Uni and other 01 - BED OF SALT a THEATERS SINGERS - Stmsvwm Eight Mils two-third- NOTED UK and tha The T. I. A. associaUtma met In conjoint session in the evening and an excellent program of speeches and mutts waa given. Th church edifice waa again crowded to overflowing. One of the most popular actors that the American stage cen boast today la Charles B. Hanford, who will appear at the Grand opera house on Wednesday. April (4 tu a brilliant revival of Julius Caesar." Tha play Is one resources, Sea Matan Transfer Co. for storage which requires enormous of all kind. Our apeclalty la moving both as to scholarship and pecuniary outlay. Mr. Hanford haa contemplated piano, furniture and office fixtures. this revival fir a number of years, the Detect Wo Janies F. Pender, who. enterprise being especially congenial to him because It was aa "Marc An'lth Inspector Durand of the tony" that he made bla Bret great deportment, arrested Ernest racceu aa a star. Hla performance Fullmer on the charge of forrery. bv this of part with the Booth-Barreor name H. A. the signing Strepford to a postal money order for fno. it company was balled by tbe critics with Is believed that tiro more Ogden peo- an much enthusiasm and endoraeed ple are wanted to give testimony with such unmlstsble approval by tbe against Fullmer. The trial will be re. public that there seemed no other Burned Mondar In tha federal court course left open to him except to grasp the golden opportunity which tbe forein Salt Lake City. sight and generosity of Booth and within his grasp. H. M. Kimball, R. A. Houghton W. Barrett had placed The Hanford production this year will D. Barsetl, J. W. Elnst. Alb. L. all the previous presentation George W. Eldredgs, Louis surpassthe aueploet of this favorite acJ. Seckles. R. J. Ashton, D. W. Gul- under let h, R. E. Kremers, C, H. Kramers tor. and Charlea P, K shier cams up from EDUCATION OF CHINESE. Salt Lake City yesterday forenoon and left on Southern Pacific No. I for , tbe Ogden-LuciLouisville. Ky., April 21. Rev. Dr. whore it is Carter Helm Jones, pastor of tbs Broadway Baptist church and a close friend of John D. Rockefeller, announced nday during a mission sermon that plana far a groat gift from Mr. Rockefeller and which haa been The choirs of hinted at heretofore, are practk-aU.complete. I say aar to you. not tor publics, tlon." said br. Jones, "that the great-sobenefoetor of tbe Bapatot church hsa about completed the arrange meats of 'a gift iff the sum of 960.000.-00for the education iff the Chinese. Dr. Jones refused to equalifv his statement or give any details. The money presumably will be devoted t,v mission schools. n Middle-te- Principal gpssksra. ENDS complaints regarding tho delivery ( (ha Examiner do ao direct to department. and not to Bay auberrlber faillag to receive tho Examiner will confer a favor hr aalHag No. M either phono before ShurtiMf end 0 FFIIS BX PUISE TROUBLE NOTICK TO SUBSCRIBERS MEETING HAD TO BE HELD. OVERFLOW ElyRes Will Give S4OA0B fee PiqM Between Gene end Neman. . APRIL 22, 107 CONFERENCE KOPP TRADERDBBERS GET No THE MO&DAY, 'rowd of ent'miria'tle a :mir-it the stall's to bid them :tr- tnj representatives of the muulrlpx' ty delivered speeches In which th ringer ware wished a pleasant voyugi and a safe return. Concert will he given In New Tiwk. Philadelphia, Hoe-'oand elsewhere. RINK ANNOUNCEMENT The Auditorium management wishes to announce that the rink will not be open during the day time hut will be open every night. Sunday Included. Ray and Peters, the world' best trick and fancy cyclists, will give one of Lhelr wonderful exhibitions each evening for me week, commencing Mon, day, April 22. ITALY AND THE HAGUE. YOUNG LADIES THE TARGET OF To supply your want in Millinery, Shirt Musi Underwear, Cauze Wirt, I'ants, Union Suits L,,nr Bhort Gloveu, Hosiery, Kiuiouaa, Wrapjter, SALT LAKE JEWELERS SUFFERED BIG LOSS. HIS ASU4E. Cruaada Sheriff Sabring Begins Again tho Rowdies Who Infest tho Canyon on funds. John Daynes and Eon the Victims etc., Ogden Officers Notified of Theft. On of the most thrilllingly, daring robberies that has taken place la the tale was that which awakened people la the village be lew of their lethargy ysetordny. Th Jewelry store of John Daynes and Sons was entered and good of tho probable value of 1S,0uU taken. The stone of Mr. Daynes to located at 20 Main street aad it to surprising that burglars oould so easily get Into tbe place, creek the safe and mak a suocasshl getaway. The panels of th rear door of tho store were broken ta with a sledge hammer and the safe was cracked A open with the aama Instrument number of rings and watches. In addition to tha diamonds and $150 in cash were stolen. Ogden officers have been notified of th theft and descriptions of the stolgutton quickly and there oould be no en articles have been sent delay waiting for city officers. Whoa tho rush to th canyon gets OBITUARY heavier It is likely that the city will put an officer an nt tbs sanitarium. If on Is put on Sheriff Sebrlng will keep hie eye on tho ritual Inn anyway, and LORD HALIBURTON. woe betide th unwary drunk or the bully on mischief bent. London, April 21. Lord Arthur ladles must bo respected In tbe can Hallburton, for a number of yean unyon, that It. if tbs officer of tha law der secretary of state for war, to dead. can bring about such n stats of af- Ho was born In Windsor, N. 8., Sepfairs. Fellows who get about three tember 2d, 1932. sheet in tbe wind and amuse themselves by making audible remarks CAPTAIN PICONNE. about young ladies passing must erase such work, otherwise its tha Genoa, April 2L Captain Plconna, city hostile or the county Jail for tho tho captain of tho Xavlgaaono Italia offender. lino steamer Slrlo, which struck on the rocks of Hormlgus Island, Spain, it NEVADA GOSSIP last August and as a result of which 100. persona were drowned died here today of a broken heart. Newsy Bits of Information From DifEDWARD L. SOMERS. ferent Camps In Sagebrush Stats, Fir Indulgiatg la Insulting remarks to lad is and for making klmself genera, ally troublesome and noisy, H. C. Kopp, 23 years of age, wa placed under arrest at the Ogden Canyon Saniand aftornohn tarium yesterday lodged tn th city Jail. Tbe fact that tbe sanitarium I within the city limits makaa it a city cate. Sheriff Sebrlng U determined that lawlessness and anything that savors of tha rude or Indecent shill have no place In Ogden canyon. Kopp had n nice Sunday jag aboard yesterday and In giving vent to his exuberance, he chose to oa ladencant language to young ladies. Aa soon as Sheriff Behring was mad aware of th feet tho culprit waa placed upder arrest. It to tnio that th officer mentioned, while a county officer, acted within tho city limits, but Kopp had to be Under tho bond, Nevada Gossip, B. A. Mantes and company of Now York, publish th following Items In a week' ly market letter: Tonopah has spent upward of $200,' la development work the past year, and now he nearly 9204,000 In the treasury, all taken from tho min. owners are much Philadelphia pleased with tho development work going on at tha Silver Glance of Hup napah. Tbe superintendent of th Jim Butler reports that they have na Into high grade ore. Bulfrog Th Tonopah railroad ta expected to b operating Into Bullfrog by tho and of May. thereby giving this camp two outlets. Bullfrog National bank reported January 1. 911,500 hi the treasury. Since the now hotot haa arrived da elopment work Is being pushed along on the Mayflower Consolidated. There am now about 40 met nt work. A body of sulphide ora bus boon level at th opened on tho Golden Scepter which gave an average assay of 912 In gold. . The gasoline hotot xrcently installed nt th Amethyst Is sow In commission, cross cutting continues oa th 100 foot level and the 200 foot shaft In .being timbered before stoking deeper. Th main cross ledge at the Montgomery Shoshone has been opened at ths 100 toot level. The values of th main cross ledge of tho Polaris, one of th properties of tho Montgomery Shoshon which assayed $50 nt the 900 foot level now shows values of 9100 for two foot of face, while another two feet shows 0040 . OUR MOTTO i "Good Goods Cheap Not Cheap Goods" GRIXS 358 25th St. FRYER New Haven. Conn April 22. Edward U Somers, freight traffic manager of tha New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, la dead hero. . , Makes the Ice Cream, Sherbets, Punches, Frozen Puddings, Etc You will need tor that party. THAT SPANISH HEIR. Phone Madrid, April II. Interest today in th elections of the members of tho chamber of deputies absorbed public attention rather than the approaching birth of na heir to th Spanish throne. . health oontlnuea Quoen Victoria most satisfactory. On Saturday aha went for a walk In tho palac gardens and In the evening attended a banquet at the palace In honor of Cardinal Rynaldinl, tha papal nuncio, who will offldat at tha royal chriiaenlng. Today the queen attended mass at the royal chapel la company with tha other members of tho royal household. Reports recently t circulated alleging disagreements among tbe qneon'n medical attendants and the departure from Madrid of Dr. tilendennlng, tho English physician, together with an English nurse, are unfounded. Both Dr. GlendMinJng and tho nurse arc still hers and acting In perfect harmony with Prof. Gutlerraa, ths Spanish physician, who will have charge of the medical attendants In the approaching confinement. Prof. Gutier-reexpects tho event to taka place tomorrow nt the earliest, but certainly before the end of tho week. It Is said that Quean Victoria Insist! she will herself nurse th child despite the opposition of tha royal household to such a departure from the custom In the case of a royal Infant Tho queen declares her desire to nun the child to for th purpose 9400. of insuring Its good health. Development on the Gold Bar is bring done on a large scale, the work NOTED PASTOR IN NEW YORK. being along tbe banging wall, tb cross cut ao far to 170 feet and inNew York, April 21. Rev. Charles dications point to tho foot wall bring for sixteen years pastor of 200 feet further. A car load of 9500 P, Aked, the second largest Protestant church ore baa been shipped from the north In today formally assumed boot, and the 300 toot level proves tho England, of the Fifth Avenue Bappastorate 160 toot richer than tbe ore nt the of this city. Dr. Akcds church tist level. at Liverpool, where he waa pasGoldfield There la all probabilities labors of Pembroke chapel, drew the attor of the amalgamation of tbe Florence tention, not only of all England, but and Combination Fraction companies, even of a 910.000,00 company to be formed, of hla continental Europe, oebauso ability ns a extraordinary the transfer to be made on tbs ratio hla aggressive leaderof one share of old stock for one of preacher and ship. new. Dr. Aked first preached at the Fifth The Florence 1 .easing and Mining avenue church early lost winter and la-companies' stockholders seem at t left a deep Impression upon the memto be rewarded for their patience, aa bers. a can want out Subsequently ora of very high grade value ha been to him to serve as pnator of this Influencountered. New York church a call which All leases of Combination Fraction ential endorsement of show good improvement, tha Loftua received the earnest who to one of John D. Rockefeller, Davis 8wei-neyielded higher assays the pillars of tho congregation. with greater depth In the winse. Hundreds were unable to gain adFalrvlew The main vein of the mission to the chnrch today. PromiNevada HUN Is claimed to be opened nent those present was John D. among up by surface nt on the Engle's Nett Rockefeller, Jr., director of tbe and Hsllstone. Eagle's Nest bss Mble class. Mr. Rockefeller, made great strikes, what was supposed churchs the evening serto be the hanging wall, on assaying Sr., participated la vice. returns and ton of $41 gave per proved to he a hard qnarts vain. 30 RIVALRY AMONG BAPTISTE. feet wide so far. and the hanging wall not yet reached. Wingfield Is reportPortsmouth, Ohio, April 21. Rivalry ed to hare asked tor prion on control ff Bugle's Nest, and haa been refused. between factions of the Free Will Baptist church broke out here In open Applications for leases on tha Hail- battle during this mornings service. stone, adjoining Eagle's Net are nu- A faction opposing the pastor, Rev. merous. Chase, attempted U hold Manhattan T.iirle effort Is being Freeman with another minister in made to extract the high grade ore services This was resented by the charge. In the Mustang until the completion Chase faction and soon blows were brof the ore house; two and a half feet ine freely exchanged. During tbe iff ore arrragitie 1.175 Is claimed so melee many women feinted and other of ore averaging 4375 to claimed to into the atreet. The p ran have been opened up in the past few lice (creaming were appealed to, buf refuged to days. new minister The Stray Un property haa been Interfere. Finally the leaving Mr. Chanea supworked almost cnntinuously since this withdrew, porters In charge and order was camp wa sarud. notwithstanding ore In better contrary' reports and Is than ever. HEALTH CONDITIONS IN DENVER. 200-to- Round Trip to Los Angotes a On ssfe daily, April 26th to May 19th, Worlds Greatest Pageant will take p'ace first week in May. Ask any Utah agent, or write for information to J. H. BURTNER. D. P. A.. SALT LAKE CITY Just . Rome. April 21. Official denial in in rumors In circulation that Italy has withdrawn her compromise prop'wttlon concerning the. manner in which to deal at the coming Hague conference with the question of the GOMEZ ENTERS PROTEST. Denver, April 21. Meyer Friedman, 'imitation of armaments. It Is assertpresident of the Denver Chamber of 'd that are still going Havana. April l. Jose Miguel Do- Commerce, after a conference with the n. especially with Croat Britain with view to reconciling the opinions cf mex. the liberal leader, in a statement officer of the National Jewish hospital 'iihUshed tday protests against the for consumptive! today, with thir . e powers for and a;atnst the Mirrhnse of chnrvli properties bv the 'I'provnl iK.cued a pretext against the ivernmcnt for 2 00(1. He el'es a-- iTespunrihle utterances of ayntg th- -t 1 e 's rexe-condition In ' P7AYERS FOR RAIN. ar. r He cr : t ie effort tbe price fa- - In ex !,,esttrai,,Ie , i of the vaiio of tbe property. He fort finds by armslng . ra Havana, April 21. Prayers for rain irgentlv Tvcomirienda that the govern- through statements that consiraptivcs vore offered In churched throughout ment of Intervention1 leave the matter by tbe hundreds were hnuieles In he island today. No rain had fallen In the hands of Cuban's future Denver and dying In tha streets were in six months. The country I parchand utterly unwarranted. cruelly fe ed. many cattle are dying and forest Tli eg conditions do not prevail Is Den- fires are ileiasuttlns various rortloua. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS Good returning to July 31st, 1907 Exquisite Patterns d. given Your Choice $23 Coat and Trousers $19-5Matfe in Any prop-itlon- n-- cb r-'- -, e-- t tbhibliJ at--- I 305 i 0 Styc a.2,yiuiid tv Twenty-fourt- h St. |