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Show FULL IN ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES UTAH WEATHER FORECAST THE INE THE INDICATIONS ARE THAT THE WEATHER WILL BE FAIR AND WARMER MONTUESDAY DAY. PARTLY SnufV-T".- ". CLOUDY. OGDEN say poaltlvdy what the effect of the recent cold weather has been." Traffic O. K. la Montana. St Paul, April 21. Aeeordlng to official of the Northern Pacific and the CITY. UTAH. EXPOSITION MONDAY MORNING. ole; Jamee H. Itavidaon, Wisconsin: George L. Lilly ud wife, Connecticut; Mr. Arthur L. Bates. Pennsylvania; D. A. Alexuder and wife, New York; BeaJ. F. Howell ud wife. New Jersey; Joha J. Fltsgorald. New York: James P. Connor ud wife, Iowa; E. Ellis ud wife, Missouri; George W. Norris, Nebraska: P. P. Campbell. Kansu; Frod C. Stovens end wife. Minnesota; Edwin T- - Webb. North Carolina; Jam McLachlu. California; WMiey L. Jonaa and wife, Washington, and Janies C. Needham, APRIL 22, 1907 PRICE FIVE CENTS WATTERSON OPEN Cali-fonl- FRIDAY Veteran Editor Says He Seems to Be the Only Man Running. Be Greatest in the World. Will Be Heavy. IS LOR a. Will Naval Display Fruit in l, u ; ru . Suit Results Thus Far tained By the nial Conference. Attorneys in Want Committee to Visit Her. di-M- ... - ... - T1I-de- . u T - u yu u Erri-oom,- THEATRICAL siu-pect- Great Northern railroads, there have been no snow storms along these lines in the west for several weeks, particularly west of the Rocky mountains. General Superintendent Horn of tho Northeren Pacific railway, when asked if the snowstorms of recant date had In any way inconvenienced them ln the weet said: The party will ratnra to San Fran"We have not had a sign of enow cisco early la June. along our lines In tha far went since February with the possible exception SUING FOR BACK PAY. of a mere trace at Livingston, MenL more trouble We do not anticipate any West-jj- n la that direction." New York, April ' 21. The Dock of Builders' union la about to make an Traffic Superintendent Watroua of attempt to collect from the city a the Great Northern said: States sum approximating $200,000. which It "We have not bad a report of snow ia said le due to about SOfi of Ita memour line ln weeks." . along Very bers. Tha mea; it Is claimed, were The heavy mows of the past winter oompefied to work ton houra a day throughout North Dakota and Montana during a period of about five yean are expected to be of great benefit New York, April 21. Colonel Henry S1.- -A Norfolk, Va.. April 21. Dasplta the when the law of tha state provides for diarp drop in to crops, especially iu regions when MW, April workWattereon. editor of the Louisville alght-bou- r sum The which officials aa and of efforts day. energetie snow torn there is only a slight rainfall during the arrived hers today 8inu, followed men. the Jamestown teroentenlal ex- tha union will attempt to oollect la to Courier-Journasummer months. the cero shore from Europe, where he hx made fourteen will he opened this week unpay for the extra two hours dally. position extended viidL hr the weather bureau In ready. Many of the structures that Utah Escaped the Storm. Colonel Wattereon said tonight that RUN DOWN RY AN AUTO. fruits of Salt Lake, April 21. Interviews are to house uomestie and foreign DMrer and Pueblo, and r , William J. Bryan seemed to he tbe exhibits sad ebeltar the commercial was with Local officials with and railroad Colorado mate 2 klidi Is Ibrahim only man ln the running for tbe Demoachievements la the'- - Industrial arts Naples, April 11. Print In the bud. . Grand Forecaster Hyatt of the I'nlted States are cratic nomination for president. - tbe Khedtva of what sum uncle the of of Yet an Pasha, Incomplete. weather that tha show bureau, heavy to an lndlUual mu "Mr. Bryan toa center motor with car tha while W as haa been the done, driving Egypt, compared close snows which of week aaiott at the last unfinished work, forma a satisfactory day ran over a woman and a child, with a certain following." ha said, "lie win district went of frail is not a lawyer. He may ba a law result. mortally Injuring both of them (Continued on Page Two) ..ratlaestal divide, the temperature unto himself. It re maine to be seen In the beauty of tbe water show, M degress and the weather if the fragments of the Democratic of foreign with Its gathering amaalng that today there reported 'iwr party lying around, looee can be united fleets representing the moot formidable waa While grave. fruit of Mlltioa on a new program. of machines of naval fighting types thla in aute may to fruit I think that organised Demoorary .Min nearly every power of the world, end ta aeveral million dollars nearat see aw other tha President with in present time an bene-Mi program opening wUl be greatly Inkier crops alternative with Bryan. Nobody I in the rede, except Roosevelt, leading kr the mulature. being seriously considered except him. diplomatic military ud naval repreiMarkablo feature of the enow Nohody exeapt him Is aerioualy consentatives of great aad small foreign waa more aevere m .ta that itthan I sometimes Joubt tha sidering running. nations pubmoun-mil- e participating, in the tow laada tht f whether he himself cares a fig for tha lic will have Its rpeoiupenea. the precipitation cov-- it presidency.' For I should think. If ho The grounds and buildings at tha a tonte area. Including all of believed Democracy bad a reasonable SO per cent finishare about exposition South end parts Ando, Wyoming of carrying tha country and chuce ed. New Tent and u. Kebmaka, ha that buildof might be nominated, be would most Several the important waa almont entirely tho taow i(rt be more circumspect ud would show ings are built solidly of brick, cement nM ta the eastern slope of the a greater sense of responsibility thu and iron and these ate Intended to reMtj nosetains and extended from bo seems to be showing. on tha grounds aa a nucleus of a main South and Rapid City, Wyo. joAr, "I do not believe President Rooseof the permap park. great N. Regardleu to Santa north the Fe, Aon, si velt wants a third term for himself. the work, however, the exterof nency Mm N. the mi south, guowell, I, ui I know he recwntly stated that If tha ior of moat of the buildings will be Hue on the east ft Colorado state limit conversion Dominated him ud adjournObla the when formally exposition ready snow In the of m poottoaily ed it would have to reconvene, ae ha next on enow Friday opened lint groedou and only a light would never accept another nominaColoa terJamestown The tbe of wuisl wmt of the eontinental inception . tion. I am willing to take him at his Tho storm originated In the centennial exposition sprang from a word." desire of a people, many of them denth ud worked its way slowly to Colonel Wsttereon declared that scendant from that hardy English umR pairing out of the state late Governor Hughsa wu a fiiroe to ba stock that aattled among tha Indiana etotar. reckoned with in Republican politics. PUdwteh 0. Brandenburg, district hern 2ut years ago to teach to Its T predieted last June," ho said, 21 snow brothers all to London, who tha alatera and estimated the April Nearly 'rwuut, ud display Concord. V H April 21. Counsel would sneered Roosevelt "that Loudon tovisitors from older the trap nations tha dhDmrerat 1TH inchee, said morning newapapon express ia tho Hughes for the plaintiffs ln the suit brought At that time HorWhite house. obbeen ur (hit though the storm was handed down satisfaction at 'the remit thus far by relatives as next friends" of Mra. dltlona that have ace Whit, Mr. Hughes ud I were at When la this city for April. It colonists. tained those colonial Tha the aonfareace. courageous by by H. Baker G. Calvin Mary Eddy against university, where tho degree of On Frye and will ba almost all that la Imperialists enly are dieappMntod at Brown iu R ao aeans unprecedented. others, inclnding officers of completedhr ittheLI Dl wu conferral execu... oa each apd .1 failure 21. world reeorda tbs to "a the aeteel IMS, Implied expmstoa eeeuiYa seiplMiaad the Christian Science church, to not lev a mow fall of U Inches, 21 bnt it will Ne council there. atop , ea-fair," ud the, legislative imperial cure an accounting of Mra. Eddya PBB iffht not like him, they would Mbs Mbg on the last day of tha tat a. made public tonight a letter other exposition hu attempted to show representing tbe whole empire and have to select him. He, I believe, will mu. Tho only weather bureau eta-- . which is realise of the tho life the world the the that oolonlati, compromise imaged be to the Republican party what n alleged to have been sent to m h tto mountains of thlu state ie thorn Is a of who tha pioneers virtual victory for the colonial openby Mra. - Eddys counsel gen- hardship I have la to Democratic. was the rate g Corona on the Moffat road. new office and the party desiring to retain country after civilization had Frank S. Streeter, on March 12. ed my pocket a ticket in the Parle Mun ah four Inches fell during the era, hem attained on the seaboard ud tha existing relatione of the colonies tuals According to attorney for tho plaincalling for 100 to 1 that Hughes ahem. tiff! no answer to this letter haa been tbe achievements those people worked with the mother country. At the same will be the next president of tha II tho nlbwad ofllcee It was stated from raw material. time they claim the concessions ob- United States." received. dRthri tnffle was not aerioualy states will trees their tained are a great step forward ta the ( Twuty-flv- a The first part of the letter refers to wM hy the enow atom as all the claim made the "next friends," history from their earliest days to tha direction of the unification of tbe em-- 1 by motiii mads are prepared to meet that Mrs. ud that the new status of the 11 C1KI) MAY RF Eddy ia of infirm mind and present and the exhibits will be shel- pin wh MRipnclM with conference will enable to work much SUAllU UlJtl UL rotary unnbla to understand and protect her tered by appropriate buildings. giant w jfcvx, Md that no trains wars Tbe state buildings have ben group- better In the future for the attainproperty rights contains some quoted RELEASED TODAY dtori onr aa hour or two. ed along tbs historic shore of Hamp- ment of their alma othdenials from and Getienl Streeter B eu tend that The Morning Poet ln an editorial excellent bsavy snow fall-- er, of this allegation. The letter con- ton Roads ud command a tha ofd snow of lasti winter tinues: ' view of the. tfavtea of the world. le most outspoken In Its disappointWanted In "right Mart slides to It la this' great naval, display that ment. Tho paper says great credit is Noted Italian Terrorist, running, but In "In view of these denials we have to Ndtoa of the state Italy, May Secure Hie Freewhere etfow the honor to ask you to aasent to cer- .will prove tha crowning glory of the due to Fred Deakln, tbe Auatrallu dom. 'jjjt an nat frequent tha (now waa tain steps designed to ascertain the exposition. Nothing like It hag ever premier, who by his attitude definitely at tad s iiidea have been report r truth There an assumed leadership la the imperial Mrs. Eddya present before been attempted. Boncernlng " Nfew York. April 21. Enrico Ah and past condition and to expedite lit-- , few harbors n the world that could movement. Tha Morning Post blames Ot flw whole, It is asserted accommodate so large that igatlon. assemblage Sir Wilfred Laurler, premier of Can-ad- s, feu, wanted In Italy for many crimes-me- y iha itorm was liemvler end General fowls Botha, premier any yjthe we have not free se- of warships. Tha fleets will number. be released tomorrow unices re- tatirt winter, and aome damage cernUnfortunately to Mrs, Eddys presence as yon In addition to several of tha best types of the Transvaal, for the failure ud quieltion papers arrive from July, or 1tt reenltlng good will have, and we should reluctantly under- of each at tha foreign naval powers, declares the etatna of Canada Is now strong representations ere made at 'V!!?t loaa many told; take to force our witnesses to her the Atlantic fleet of the United Btatee more colonial end lose national tbu . the state department In Washlngtoi. until circumstances might prove navy under command of Rear Admiral before. house Tbe arrest of Alfuo unfolds tbs Rcperta from Nebraska. Evans .which is ooneeded to be 'the Several newspapers. Including the story of his romantic career ia Italy. disturbing or Injurious to her not- finest maTribune and tbe Chronicle continue to He wu bead of the mysterious tl organlntlon of fighting .mA April JlAa a result of withstanding tha confidence of yourchines afloat PtoMdenied weather that pro- protest against the secrecy maintainDl Napoli," or tbe Camorra. self, Mr. Baker and other gentlemen ibt greater part of the that ahe is capable of so much labor The seal of government sponsorship ed concerning the doings of the conItalian terrorist organisation. He Natch and the freealng and endurance aa you have described will be set upon tbe exposition by ference. The Daily Mall asserts the wu active as a bandit, but was forced tad heavy mow fall of the "But you have the free right of en- the coming of the president of the business of the conference did not go to flee to America to escape arrest w days early fruits, such as trance to Mrs. Eddys house and can United States, ambaaaadora ud minmoothly; that Lord Elgin, secretary for assassination. 2j"aPhime, apricot, cherries and readily secure admittance and consid- isters of foreign governments, the gov- of state tor the colonies, tried to exDeath was the punishment inflicted itiMn1 ln t,to eectlon have .been erable Interviews with her of the wit ernors ud representatives of statu clude the ministers aocompuytng the oa one Cuocoln, s pretender to the fPnerl opinion among nessei hy whom her condition of body and territories and delegations repre- colonial premiere by uklng them to position of ruler of the Cemmarrintt ih best means of g and mind is to be established la the senting important drie bodies. remain "within call" They Indignant- end Alfuo ta decleered to be tbe r ttemMiwe, 1 On the first. day will ba fired the ly uked why they were brought to layer of his rival. The pretender that the dam-- ? pending legal proceedings, e great aa has been usembled England If not to mrtidpate In the wu lured to a forest where he was "We therefore purpose that you se- salute to the union y are of tha opln-- n lect three competent gentlemen and warships ud the salute to the presi- conference, the Dally pall . declares, stabbed to death. It Is claimed, by riy fruits have been we select three others and that at va- dent by the United 8tates arillery sta- and one even threatened to leave tho Alfuo and bis conspirator. Then ,onw instances oom-- rious convenient hours, the six be al- tioned on the grounds as ha steps on country within 24 houra unless he wu the wife of Cuocolo was condemned. Si1 treated a a member of the conference. Alfano ud bis men called at Cuoco-lo'- e Poaribly some of lowed to visit Mrs. Eddy and hy con- the government pier from off the Mayt nrieUee bare been hurt, the versation The thaf flower. fact Tbe paper says ibis threat had Ita efthe withome ud when the wife opened themselves exposition be to - T,ulUnlP h the grain crops nesses forqualify our contention J Is so accessible from Washington hu fect ud that the ministers now share the door she was stabbed, her body or against ,tonn more tou offeete no one but these six persona to be resulted iu tk unusually large number in tbe discussion a. pierced by a dozen slender shirts of eteel. The szMssinttlons purred the allowed to talk to her and not more of acceptances hy diplomatic repre,fro points along the than six additional persona, selected sentatives. gendarmes to eztraordlnary activity. . Complete arrangements have been ENROUTE TO THE Alfano ud the conspirators seemed M fl w. Uiomi,rt not unfavorable," In the same way to bo permitted to assistant gmenii be present Shorthand writer may made for the protection of the visitors Immune from proeecutlon. Indeed, he JAMESTOWN SHOW was held by the populace as a demiBurilngton,today. attend to take down all that la Mid or to the exposition. Both the exposition authorities the and hvAawwJ? ?'Mlthe of police department Prt god. free to roam at will unharmed may be excluded and nothing takyi wh "nuaual warm down, as you prefer. Of course, we do at Norfolk have' arranged with a debecause enveloped with some divine bad brought to an not tective agency to assist in tha police Filipinos, Both Tame and Savage, Ar- authority, invulnerable as to bullets other that persona proper suggest nneTi "?. uf development 1 re-- shall not see Mrs. Eddy at suitable work. Detectives are being called ln rived in Frisco Saturady and Impossible of capture. But sudfrom all over the country to Join la tbe bit m.,bWB Pnttr b,dIjr times. Night, denly Alfuo disappeared, going to 31 no damage la 'towtmnJI. New Tork. Tbe Camorra thrived ia "We are confident that you and the service. prtnt north. The enow. New York, too, with all Ita sinister nunsel for the defendant will wel,mount of good come the offer of ours aa purposing u 8sn Francisco, April 21. Among the machinations, which baffled tbe poBy b vwJDrn,dlMon for other farm .wise and confidents method cT expe- CONGRESSMEN TO psssengere on the Japanese steamer lice, even tbe Italian detectives. was snm" 4il baa put the diting litigation. American Meru, which arrived last the New Tork Camorra the chief VISIT HAWAII night, were three officers of the United greeted with many honors. Aoffeast The letter ia signed v William E. the bve been receirei '"handler, Btatee navy, Captain C. Arnold. Cap- wss prepared In recognition tUraiffr fflCeand Howe, and John Martin wee - 01 b North- - V. tain R. Ingerooll and Captain T. coming of the leader end Alfano this Kelly as counrtl tor the "next who recently took the cruisers hsnq netted at the Pettrochi. But rienda. Will Sail Prom San Francisco, "Sf Party worth mllllonr West Virginia, Maryland ud Colo- feast was his undoing. He wus spied General Streeter, whon asked to' April SO, on U. S. Trans. tort rado to the Asiatic station. The off- upon by a follower of the murdered Redlngtoi? about the letter, said he dM not night to -IL on comment icers ere on their way to Washington pretender ud the word wu passed to jMMPoruJI, La.BBMr B1well to make are any indicate that the to be Migned to other warships. bi hu hli Petrosinl ud Archlopolll, New York s hart to r ea route detective. Tbelr subsequent tU One FIHpinoe. Italian hundred 'bMoIdaCh 1RAND JUNCTIONS NEW PAPER. Washington. April ?. The con- the Jamestown exposition, were also descent upon the East Side under'lo w,th gressional party to visit Hawaii on passengers on the Americu Mara ground resort ended the budll's llb01 to I Grand Junction, Col., April 21. The tbe Invitation of tbe territorial legis- Three civilised heir effect or and three savage A- L Wriih o "tally News of thla city, which haa lature will assemble at Chicago, on tribes are represented. Among the bMl wJ2w As he appeared before Magistrate for several afternoon an been paper h,,:au2d. - "but Tbe members will go to savage Filipino ere two survivors of House in the police court yesterday D? toport, hw, April fiw ears will appear aa morning daily Su Francisco In a special sleeper the Mount Dsjo battle and Prince Alfano had all the appearance of ea Mm" ln ! Jo no avmndiM Bh, 'morrow under the editorial manage- attached to the Overlud limited, and Bansaluoa, the 17 year old son ud Italian of high rank. M b,d be ment of Edwin A. Sherman, who has will sail on the transport Buford, April I heir bee-- , baa ?rLy1fru He wore a uit of fine texture, notorious Ditto, nil of the of h brilevo. far fror urcbased the entire stock of the coni' 30. The Buford Is going to Shanghai I Moros. tbe has five slaves moulded to hiz slender form- Sansaluna the In baa been de-- pany. While the amount Involved with famine relief supplies for the with him. The civilised tribes repreHe admitted through an Interpreter The Wcah' the transuction has not been made1 Chinese ud the tbe war department sented are the Tsgski, Visayaa ud that he wu Aifsno, but denied that Kh wTr,V,,r tT'cr during puhllc It is known to he In the neigh-- hu permitted the member of coa- - Blsolo. Tbe members are from the he had committed iny crimre. He tocath .TV Mr. Sherman for grass to be taken out on her - -.iborticnd of far wee. he conly declared, visiting tbe llano and Mom tribes. veers hoi hen the sight editor as Honolulu. The party consists of Bagato, In W. of United Btatee because of the frequenare The charge t7Ts.. Filipinos Vi of t;.e Puc'-l- o Cha'n. p e.t.vi- -, Senator Bamuel H. Piles of Washing- A. Sutherland will leave for the cy of political erresta In Italy. and " ton and r.epreenlatlves W. P. Hep. east tomorrow afternoon. ,'ir. hi The utmost endeavors of the police -? ' A. B. Capron end BAS7CAD. and burn Iowa; to wife, discover Alfanoa headquarters have W i .. EL L. Hamilton however, Rhode Island; wife, THE CAUSE. CIGARETTE beep futile. They realise, with ; ' him lt"r. influences ere r.l 31 Adolphus Burch end wife, Michigan; A. L. Brick and St. I.;;,rs, that powerful ere - Wav for New York where he will wife, Indiana; J. V. Graff and wife, Mexico, April 21 An in hie present predicament and hold Chihuahua, May 14 for Europe. He will. Illinois; Cliarles E. Littlefield ud explosion attributed to a lighted cigar, not ell certain that they cu L aboJt wife. Maine; El F. Acheeon and wife, ette stub the smr.n.er In Langenschwsl-bachhim for extradition. fruit totally destroyed La Sultana, to h.t time I spend Mr. Busch was very weak ud Pennsylvania; J. Warren Kelfer an extensive ?Wfcet firework factory, ceus-- t not hurt had to he carried to hie car in a Ohio; R. D. Cole, Ohio; Charles Alfanea Escape from Italy. H. Zm lug a property loss of 1200,000. Two b-r. too Illinois; W. W. Wilson, 1111- - employe, were fatally Injured. Naples, April 21. Details were early to chair, ILL taiaable today of the recaps from Italy " of Enrioo Allan a. known he of the Cow it secret society, whoso extradition le sought for The local by tbe Italian authorities. police authorities who had long him of being couuuctwd with Comer rs, ordered a squad of gendarmes to arrest him. But AUano had associates among all classes of the population who notified him of tbe intention to take him Into custody and succeeded la leaving Naples. 11 went from village to, village under varied effort to elude capture. disguises la At Baa IjLNirio, near Caserta. the gendarmes surrounded a house la which Alfaao was concealed but the t'amurra chief succeeded In escaping sad took a train for Rome. On arriving there Aifsno consulted a lawyer ud remained bidden for a week. But lacking the certain protection of tbe Camorra, which ie a Neopollua organisation, Aifsno returned here. Tbe gendarmes, however, began closing in oa Aifsno, end eventually he secured a false passport and escaped to the United a stoker. Btatee disguised u u YANKEE Near York, April 21c A body, eup-pie- d to be that iff Peter J. Kennedy, a sell known theatrical manager, who GET CONTRACT. In December last, was disappeared The found in the water tonight off South Atlantic Const root loa company of Bos- Brooklyn. Tho body was so badly decomposed ton hu hewn given tha contrail for the construction of tha Tampico short thu identification will be difficult, la The one pnritet were found business cards line of tbs Mexican Central. the name "P. J. Kenavdy" end Tampico abort line will reduce the abearing Masonic Identification card of M codistance hy rail between Mexico City ca tomrle No. 481 bore tbe same and Tamptcp from 771 to 220 miles. name. Mr. Kennedy disappeared Dee. 22 last. His bat ud overcoat were . found on a ferryboat which landed at 39th street, Smith Brooklyn, from the Buiery, Manhattan. Tho samo night Mra. Kennedy received a special dolivery letter from her husband, la which ho stated he wu about to drown himself. Mr. Kennedy ad one time managed Joha U SuIUvu ud later made a fortune with the comedy "Yoa Ton-son-." Hta wife, who wu Miss- - BeatMrs. Anrice Norman, a daughter-o- f nie Mack Berlin, a well known had starred for aeveral aeaanue under her husband's management. She appeared oa the road in n number at plays, Including "Chptala Jlnk" under the name iff Elisabeth Kennedy, Guadalajara, Mexico. April 21- - - EXPECTED TO LIVE ae-tres-s, Cut His ' Throat and Arteries With a Piece of Glass. New York. April 21. Late tonight the condition of Benedict Glmbel, the Philadelphia merchant, who attauiptad suicide at Hoboken, Friday night, took a turn for tbe wore ud It was believed he could not five more thu I " ' taw houra . e Glmbel cut hie throat end tbe in both wrists la the Pelaoa hotel, Hoboken, after Ms arrest os a serious charge in New York and his release on ball, using a brnkea glass pitcher for the purpose. He lost a greet deal of blood before ho was taken to the hospital, and in spite of the fact that the phyeiriaae have made a herd fight to save hie life. It haa been uphill effort from tbe start. While the doctor have not given up absolutely all hope tonight, they admit that the ehanoa. of hie recovery ta very smell. Mr. Gimbels wife and brother, from Philadelphia ud Milwaukee are at bis Is the family physician, bedside, who came from Philadelphia to attend him. '" sr-erte- u u . Cara-marris- Body of P J Kennedy Found Floating in N. Y Harbor NEWS FORECAST Mr. " Newport, K. ni u r1 - h -- Me-Le- , pT S!"1 v - u ''? t r-,- N0 V Me-Gavi- An appeal supreme-UMir- u 0000000000000009o o o o 26 PERSONS DROWNED. St. Petersburg, April 21. peraonu are believed to bare been drowned by the foundering of the river steamer Aichangelsk while rite wu entering tbe Neve late Saturday night Owing to the thickness of the weather the aorident wu not ecea from the shore, bnt the ehouta for help of thou in distress attracted the crew of two steamers, which hastily went to the acme, only, how- ever, to find that the Arc han- gelak had foundered. A numbar of her passengers, mostly workingmen, were rescued, but owing to the swiftness of the current many others were swept under the ice floe. o Twenty-fiv- e . OF THE WEEK JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION OPENS FRIDAY. President Roosevelt Will Sa tha Quest of Honor and Will Dslivsr Prln. clpal Address, o o. 0 o ' O 0 . . Tbe Jamestown exposition, commemorating the 3Mth anniversary of the first English neltlement la America, will open at Norfold, V., on Friday with President Roosevelt as tha gnest of honor. Tbe exposition will continue until Nov. 30. A commission appointed under the Immigration act pained by congress last winter, which will make a thorough investigation of tbe whole question of Immigration so far as It effects the United States, will hold Its first meeting In Washington on Monday. It Is likely that before tbe commission completes Ita work it will have visited many of the countries of Europe for the study of the immigration of aliens at does range eqd Inquire thoroughly into the restrictions placed upon Chinese aad Japanese immigration. The findings end recommendation of the commlealon will be a submitted to congress ud uard basis for immigration legislation. Tbe Interstate commerce commission will give hearing at Columbus. Ohio; Memphis, Tens., ud Louisville, Ky., thla week. Tbe domestic committee which acts in advisory capacity to tha German government In tariff matters bu been called to meet April 32 to discuss German-merlran tariff relations. Tbe temporary arrangement recently negotiated at Washington by Secretary Root end Baron Speck Von Stern burg, extentbe German ambassador, for sion of the most of tbe most, favored nation treatment will be laid before the committee. u u . -n- o-third I. April 21. t is to be taken in behalf of Fred J. Biteesle, chief yeoman of the United States navy, whose suit for damages becuae at Us expulsion from a Newport dues hell while In uniform wu derided adverse, ly lest week by Wm. H. Brest lu4, presiding Justice of the Rhode Island superior court la prosecuting his nit B usual has been seriated by a fund to which President Roosevelt ud naval offloers contributed, it being desired to ob to the righto of a tala a ruling mu wearing tbe navel uniform. suCaptain Albert C. Dillingham, perintendent of tho mannal training service, who bee charge of the fund, said tonight tbe case will he carried to the eqpreme court oa appeaL to tbe by-th- re-CJ- L wu last venture INSULT TO BOYS IN BLUE.' u ln-h- Kennedys with Ella Wheeler Wlkna'B Mlapah," with Mra. Kennedy as the star, which played for n short time on the read and closed at the Academy of Muele October 20, after a brief ran. This play, ln which Mr. Kennedy Invested ell bis money, wu a Mlunt end it le apposed that brooding over thla caused him to take his Ufa. j BULL FIGHT AT JUARE2. El Peso, Tex.. April 21. The killing of four bulls end four horses It the Juarez bull ring this aftornoou was witnessed by over a thousand tourists who bravd the cold weather. w oooooooooooooooo O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00000000000020 o o TWO KILLED IN WRECK, O Birmingham. Ala., April 21. O As the result of a tripple O O wreck on the Southern railway O a short distance from WoodO lawn, a suburb of Birmingham, O early today, two mra are dead O end a number injured. Tbe O deed: Cel B. Harris, fireman on O O wrecker. Tom Beverly, brakeman on O . O wrecker. O linjnrsd: James Wages, Atlanta, en- O O gineer; skull fractured. S. H. Hill, engineer; internal O O injuries. Thomas Powell, engineer; O O bruises on body. shoulder White, fireman; O O dislocated. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TWELVE MEN SHOT. Lodz, Russian Poland, April 21. ta order to end conflicts between eociallFts and nationalists, which during the last three days alone hare resulted men being shot In twelve dead ud sixteen wounded, the local labor organlaatlons have conissued proclamations demning murdef and appealing for a cessation of the fighting. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o ' |