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Show THE MORNING EXAMINER, Doctor Specialist fy HMm wUwfc PlM i fait Chraala Diaaaaa a any mms H T w Mtura. caaa tv-ar- y (UiwtaaA Cured Rlagiag la tha Bars, Diseases Tkraat, Nona, Eye or Ear. All Dto-Luagfc BraochUl Tabes aai Cheat. MMa Bladder. Uaait Disease, Ufa. EJdaeya and a St. Vitus Danes. PUaa, U.,VKanfM Trouble. Worm. Blood Pataunlng baa aay VA DISEASE OF AXT Oaf ft ft Oaaiaaa ant.dead. ta Ka-Tay- Inaaafaa Umtw2 JiyjTTad to- - Com at aaaa. ESTES. DR. ifrviW. aCftea U FRIES. Call or writo SPECIALIST U ITUb. a. to i p. R An. (Bayla Washing KaaMBbar the nahar Estreoee Ra St Louis, 6. Pittsburg, WEEKS-HAYBOUT. Sr. Louis. April 21. Four errors by the at. Luuia Nationals in the seventh FredPhiladelphia. Pa, April 20. inning of today's game with Piuaburg of Cripple Creek. Cok.. Weeks dy Leifield the visitors the game. gave had a slight advantage over pitched the last five innings for Pitts- tonight' d Grover Hayes of Chicago, in a burg xnd saved Philllppi'a game. National A. I. the at bout Score: aggressor In every R. H.E. Weeks was the the filth, when Hays 5 IS 4 round except St. Louia him with a right swing to Pittsburg ( I 2 staggered the Jaw. Noonan;-PhlUlpp- l. Brown Batter! and Leifield and Phelps. MRS. EDDY'S SECRETARY. S , ChicagS, 5; Cincinnati, 3. Cincinnati April SI. Mlnahans lark of control gave Chicago n winning lead in today's game. Score: Declares She Attends to as Much Work aa Head ef a Corporation. Viula Rodgers, In a special to the H. HE. trout Conoord. says: Boston Cincinnati i.. ........3 3 2 ! For the American, first time since bis installment 1 3 Chicago ! ..........5 in Ploasant View as secretary, to sucBatteries Minsk an, Coakley and ceed Lewis Strang, H. Cornell Wilson, and Overall Kllng. Bchlet; former head of the New York otfii-- e of the Christian Science publication, consented to be tntervtraed yesterday. ASERICANLEAGl'E To a representative of the American be told many of the phases of the home life and habits in the household ; Chicago, 1. Louis, Chicago, April 21. The Bt. Louis of Mrs. Eddy which prove concluteam reversed yesterday's result at ' sively that the founder of the Church the American league ball park, batting of Christ, Scientist, is vigorously and the Chicago pttchera at wllL Chica- actively engaged In her work, and regard-- , go's tally was the result of two er- that nothing oven transpires rors. An Immense crowd that over-- 1 lng the church or of business flowed the seating capacity of the lure in wldch she ft not cognizant of I every move. park saw the con teat.. Score: R.H.E. I Mr. Wilson stated that nearly every2 2 thing that was accomplished in PleasChicago . suggested by Mrs. St. Louis ...4 14 2 ant View was first Batteries Smith. White and Sulli- Eddy herself. Another remarkable fact learned through Mr. Wllann la van; HoweU and Stephana. that the entire 700 page of "Science end Health" haa recently been reBILL SQl'IRES INSPECTED vised by Mrs. Eddy, and that hardly a page haa not been changed not regarding the Ideas and thoughts, but Australian Strips Bafera Camara and in the mode of expreaalon. Mr. Wilson said that he first met Cotaria of Ring Fallows ra. Mrs, Eddy last October, when he arranged for the mamoriable visit of the newspaper representatives, hut aa ha W. waa at that time connected with the (W. Naughton.) Bill 20. San April Francisco, household of the Christ lan Science Squires, champion of Australia, did not founder he could only Judge ef her Indulge In mining work yesterday, casually, aa other visitors were obliged but he did the next beat thing. He ,to do. "Her Powers Remarkable." stripped and donned hit fighting toga and gave a critical crowd of San Fran"Now ft la quite another matter," cisco man a splendid opportunity of said Mr. WUaon, "and the difference between Mrs. Biddy aa boatesa to a studying his conformation. Now, mind you, BUI did not appear casual visitor and Mrs, Eddy, the bead Id hla war paint Jait to please the of the household, la extraordinary. visitors at Shannon. Ha stripped be"During the week that I have been cause n number of photographers n member of Plea seat View I have obbis training quartern and assur- served Mrs. Eddy at close range, and ed him that no fighter ever yet reach- to me- - she Is the meet extraordinary ed the championship goal without woman In the world today. Her powpassing through an avenue of cameras. ers of endurance, her industry and BUI submitted gracefully . He sporther great executive ability are almost ed the old green trunk and black Impossible to believe except to one aoeka that had aeon him through n d ris- i who baa the privilege of being part en scraps and he poaed and posed and of the household. He showed them hla sloping posed. "Personally she la tha most entershoulders and hla swelling bleeps; his taining and agreable of women. I d legs and "ntaalmmona count thla week one of the moat in-- I forearm;" hla doubled flits, hla favor- tereetlng of my life, sad him of the ite crouch and hla flghUng face. He talks I. have had with Mrs. Eddy have converted himself into an artlata been very enjoyable. model for a solid hour, but when It "The allusions so often made to Mrs. waa all over, Manager Barney ReyEddyo mysterious life are the moat nolds gave out that such photogra- absurd stories ever laventod. There la no more mystery about her life than phers aa were not on hand to snap Bill between 11 and 11:20 ip.the fu- there le about mine. To be eure, she ture would have to go horn picture-les- pannot allow, the outside world to come In and take possession of her Among those who made a study of home at any hour of the dap or night, Squires llnsa while the photographing nor does ahe even consult about her waa going on were Billy Delaney, Jim- a Cain with every one In her own my Britt, Jim Coffroth, Tlv. Krellng, house. Cannot Spare Time. Otto Floto and Jack Kribbon, manager of Jack O'Brien. "Many times she would see persona It was the general opinion that gladly, aha told me. hut she feeli that Squires In fighting array la a much ahe cannot conscientiously taka tha better man than Squires In Street , time from her work for the purely soclothes. The Auatallan la well balanc- cial pleasure rack visits might give her. Aa for Mrs. Eddy being unable ed, poeaeaslng sturdy, legs, powerful shoulder and finely de- j to write or walk, aa some persons have been prone to believe, I hevf veloped anna and hands. "1 like the look of him," said Billy . aeen her write many letters thla very Delaney, the man who waa ao eloaely day, some of them two end three associated with Jim Corbett and Jim pages long, and only thla morning I HU sboulder please me Jeffries. myself typewrote from her written I never saw a man with shoulders like copy the message which will be read hla that oould not fight; In fact and thla evening from the mother chureh for that matter, he looks like a fight- In Boston. er all over. ' He has a determined "She haa been up and (town stair face and there is fighting spirit In ! consulting in her library and attendthose deep-seysa of his. That fel- ing to other matters, and these things low will make hla mark In this coun- have been accomplished with the j ease of a woman of half her years. try. or rm much mistaken." Jimmy Britt and Tlv. Kreiing were Her intellect Is aa unclouded aa that also favorably Impressed with Squires. of a person In the very flower of Kreiing discovered that B quire has llfo." what he described as "the Fitzsimmons Mr. Wllaon laughed at the Idea of to the conclu- those about Mr. Eddy dominating forearm," and jumped sion that Squires,- - like .Fltaaimmons, her. had worked at the forge. "A person could not ho here over According to Barney Reynolds, the night without aeelng the utter ridicuforge la about the only' thing Squires lousness of that atsry," he said. has not worked at Squires, who Is "Mrs. Eddy herself haa charge pf baieley 28 years old, might be de- everything In Pleasant View. She scribed as an Australian backwoods- could not be persuaded, even by her man. .Until he discovered that he had attorneys, to take one etep that ahe fighting ' talent he worked at road- did not herself believe waa right. The making, traefelling, . sheep - herding, trusters who have Intervened to act horse breaking and caal mining. He as 'boat friends' were men of Mrs. haa done nothing but toll since he Eddy's own selection and choice. It waa a lad, and being a clean living waa her Idea alone to make a truet fellow, he haa built np a remarkably fond for her son long before his legal i action waa known to her." powerful physique. Spulrei spent the forenoonunpack-In- g Keeps Secretaries Busy. his training fiarapbernalla, and on I Of her dally routine, Mr. Wlleon ' Monday he will begin a mild schedule saya that the first thing he hears In of med end indoor work. He is tho- the morning la the bell in Mrs. Edroughly well satisfied with bis sur- dys room, which awakens her. roundings st Shannon and should the - "She la op as early at g oclock, present spell of warm weather con- breakfasts at 7, and after breakfast tinue will be In the mood to consider until luncheon time she remain In matches much Booster than he her study, rad writes end kesps her secretaries busy every moment. There are three of ns there st present, and ths .work she supervises In n day la CALIFORNIA DEFEATS STANFORD aa great aa that of any busy office man Ban Francisco, April 20. The inter- In Nnw York. "Her afternoon are equally buiy, collegiate meet between Stanford and the University of California was won and since the beginning of this acson today by the latter by a score of 63 tion regarding her her baa held daily conferences with attorneys and to 57. r Three Intercollegiate records were trustees. She 1 inof moat Cheerful, mind, and her men and three undisturbed frame broken by Stanford ' by California. Demamlel Of Califor- spirit seems to pervade the entire nia clipped four seconds off the for- household. Last night the regular weekly meetmer mile run record held by Zervlce. ing the the Concord Church of Christ, Hla time waa 4 minutes 33 Crowlea of California established a Scientist, waa held. Professor Her-Ing- , new record in the high hurdles when the reader, officiating. Professor he breasted the tape In 15.4 second!. Herlng asked those present who had Nash of Stanford knocked 10 6 sec- been benefited by Christian Science to onds from the Intercollegiate record arise, and there was scarcely a perfor two mile, when he won In 10 min-ute- a son In tbo great audience who did not 10 seconds. Channlng Hall, respond. University of California, cleared the bar In the high Jump at alx feet 4 CALIFORNIA LIFE OF MARK TWAIN of an Inchi which established a new record In that event. Fred Lanagan of Stanford, after winning the pole Marysville Appeal: We note an Item vault at 11 feet'll 8 inches, tried In The Sacramento Union that Albert for the worlds record, clearing the B. Pains Is In tbat city securing data bar at 13 - feet 4 Inches,, which Is for an authorized Ilfs of Mark Twain. within 8 Inches of Sima of Indiana, We doubt If he found any one la Sacwho establUbed a worlds record one ramento who knew much of the peryear ago by vaulting 13 feet 4 1 sonality of Samuel L. Clemens, though Inches. It was on The Union of that city that The mile relay waa the moat excit- ho received hla atari Jo fame. Tine, it ing event of the day. Captain Wilcox waa on the Virginia papers, In the iff California broke a ligament In hla flush Comstock daysi among the othleg and waa overtaken and beaten by ers of brilliancy who were employed Captain Macfarland of Stanford. The upon them, he gained much of notori- - .......... . LIGHT. HEV HIGH POWER ha no illumlnant, individuality. but la merely name. It closely To prevent the dapoalt moke a special lamp ana do-It la not only a lamp, but a Aa luaol la very yo-u- d ilatlUsry. -d highly Inflammable, thia lad to b vary carefully made .leakage- - Even abould the alightest n vrnurned. not the Htk af tke illumlnant can - eecapr. tka burner 1 a central tuba, ml HJiJI to the. bate of the receiver. Mila a tightly parked wick la fixed. IV take la cloaed at the top, tbua Actaally preventing the wick from 4 1 mtMlEp The wick tar If la not light-attraction of capillary Ki power mieir h wad to draw tba luaol to irw i "ncUl " Does the dlatlllery compartment. It la the vapor which burns. The only communication between the exterior of the lamp la an orifice ao minute that a fine needle hardly can enter. Thla opening la ao nicely adjusted that it allow Juat enough vapor to eacape to enauro a sufficient quantity of air to kaep the flame Durnlng. The luaol lamp beau aa well aa Illuminate. The lamp la promptly extinguished by the closing of the minute orifice. The advantages of the luaol lamp ltd cheapness. It can be left burning a whole day at a coat of about five cents. For outlying villages and farm houaea this form of lamp should be particularly valuable Technical World Magazine. Ilea in waaiy AD YIELD BIG RESULTE Your Lawn flower Need Sharpening? ! .. well-turne- i auto. By Ita naa each blade la sharpened with the utmost exactibevel on the knives being kept at the same degree all along. Inacnracy la taken out Sad n perfect "clearance' given the Iwry Mart good Mowers are spoiled by fc tka work they are intended to da tke Idsal it la simply accurate to a hungleaome sharpening than There's no "guesswork" shout hair. ring Your Cranky Mowera to Our "Remedial Institute for Die- abled Lawn Mowers." aaf km 'em properly doctored. Price only 75 cents and a euro . guaranteed. H. C. HANSEN & SON WASHINGTON Ml Phene 7272. 2521 AVE, OPR. CITY HALL. WILL CALL AND DELIVER a. , well-turne- d , et Your Expectations Will Be Realized , IF YOU BUY A. RACYCLE BICYCLE Jjowe want; your KODAK bum ness. Full line of EAST- IjtEMO KODAKS and all supplies for the ama-- " I,rinS 8 here and you will want your bicycle put order. Our repair department hag been enlarged and are right T. S. HUTCHISON 306 TWENTY-FIFT- H STREET. E. F. BRATZ . 3-- 5 part of the City J anu Farm and County. Loang on Improved Property. Promptly Negotiated. ae(-ond- 3-- 3-- 5 fire, Tornado and Jflate Glass Insurance 1-- , rong and Safe Companies at Lowest Rates. mmannnn AAA 7-- "miViiMiVVgytfVVVYiVvvYVVVvvvvvvvVhViVMVVVVVVVul PATRONIZE THEM AND HELP TO ENRICH THE COUNTY AND STATE THE UTAH CANNING COMPANY SAIT LAKE VALLEY CANNING CO. UTAH VINLGAR AND PICKLE WORKS OGDEN, UTAH. manufacturers Manufacturers of Packers ef High Grade Vegetables A Full Una ef Pierce's Pierce! Pierces Pierce's FACTORY, ' Opposite Reed Hotel PHONES: 420 AND 420Z. Phene 17F. UTAH. Cache Valley Condensed Milk Company J. G. READ & BROS. CO. JOHN HOXER Harness and Saddlery Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer ef TENTS and AWNINGS The beet and Largest Manufac- turers 334 te 340 in the West Twenty-fourt- h Manufacturers of Honeysuckle Evaporated Milk Wen the geld model at the Mate Fair, 106. A trial can will convince you there la none JUET At GOOD 2261 Wash. Ave. Street-OGDE- UTAH. ty. There waa at that time and later a does relationship between tha Union of Sacramento and the Katerprlac of ' Mens Suits Boys Suits Childrens Suits Mens Shoes Boys9 Shoes Children's tShoes 8 The Price and Quality Arc Always Right PUTNAM CLOTHING HOUSE 2345 Washington Avenue Before an audience of many Balt Lake women, Mias Van Gott Bve a practical demonstration on the "Egg" Thursday evening in the rooms of the Utah Oas company, fpr the benefit of tha Canyon Crest ranch. She commenced her lecture with n detailed explanation of the structure of the egg. "The color of the egg shell," said Mias Tan Cott, "la only n secondary matter. It Is perbapa Jue to the wild state In which the aneentora of our present fowls lived. It has no effect, however, on the nutritive quailtlea of the egg. Borne people, for the purpom of protection from neat germs, wipe aa anon at It cornea from the egg shell the neat - An egg U covered with a thin coat of mucilage, which la a protection from the air, hut when the egg la wiped thla thin coat of mucilage Is apt to be removed. When It la removed, the water contained within the egg evaporates and through the porous shell and air takes ita place. Air contains more or leas germs, and as a result the egg becomes dwd in time. Inside this outer covering there Is n thin membrane which bolds the egg contents together. In the fertile egg, we then have the white, the embryo and the yolk. The embryo la n email black dot Juat on the border of the yolk. When the egg Is boiled too long this wblto portion becomes very hard and tough rad In such n state Is very Indigestible. To be cooked prop-eriy an egg should not be heated In boiling water more than three minutes." She then gave several drmonstn-tlon- i of conking an egg and the ways in which it ran be prepared. In all there were twelve choice recipes, followed by demonstrations. Elevator Plate GIakk Health Accident Burglary The Maryland Casualty Co. of Baltimore liability Ream Boiler I The United States Fidelity Surety Bonds Court Honda Hank Bonds Fraternal Honda 1 Insurance i and Guaranty Company Lowest Rate, and Cemplet. Protection J. fl. Forristall, Agt. Robt Phones Bett Ind. 809 80 Off ce Mgr. G-Agee, 55 FIRST NAT. BANK SS&miisaipSsiBiiB Four times tlie light A Standard Oil experience la quoted at half ; the cost carbon dioxide add water from the atmoeiftiere. It contains nothing hut carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. All the rest of the plant may be returned to the aoll. which thus la not Impoverished. It la the heat method known to us today to store the sun's energy. By Ita means the rotation of the seasons can bg made to give an Inexhaustible supply of light, power rad heat Some way should be found to safeguard our precious revenue, and at the asms time leave this valuable agent for the progress of civilization as free ae the air sunshine and rain from which It fa made. Popular Science Monthly. ... , Automobile DENATURED ALCOHOL NOT RIVAL OF PETROLEUM wom'L ' Tlie Springfield I'ire find. Marine 'i t ( The Manchester of England The (iiTiuan Alliance Ammo, of New York The New Zealand The New York Underwriter. MISS VAN COTT ANALYZES THE EGG BEFORE WOMEN a will there's a UTAH. And Has Them Good book-form- Real Raaaen. She Grace could get along with her hatband If ahe wanted to. Where there's a will theres n way. Ho Her husband saya where there's AT LOGAN, Putnam lias Them Virginia ICty Joe Uoodwla'e paper. When the Nevada men paaaed down to San Francisco they made ihrir stopping headquarters at The Union office, and Clemens waa a frequent visitor then. The proprietors of the paper recognised hla merit and proposed that he make n trip to the Bandwtch and write n series of descriptive letter. Mark Twain had 'not then the weighting of seventy years. Ha waa venturesome and did not hesitate to accept the commission. This waa In the early spring of 1806. Ho waa well staked with money by The mloa people and get aa for as San FVancteoo. A few days after the Hawaiian steamship had left Paul Morrill, one. of the proprietors of The Union, waa In San Fraud too and ran across Clemrus. He waa In n sorry plight, and bad evidently-bumped up against the real thing. As he would put. It, he Wes beanie as." The Union proprietors of gala staked him, and the aerie letters he wrote from the Islands commanded universal attention and brought him Into prominence In fact they wars the making of Mark Twain, aa ha now la an enduring factor In ths literature of the world. The first of these letter appeared In Tbs Union April 26, 1666, and they were continued serially until February of the following year. So far aa we know they , have never appeared 1a muck aa their merit deserves their rescue from the oblhioa of newspaper files and permanent place on library shelves. Clemeni. when he used to visit The Union office, waa n carious character, and his drawl la remembered by thoae now living who met him there. Since hie life haa been checkered, bat nil the same that which la called the weight of years rest lightly on hla shoulders and he is aa buoyant aa ever. as reporting tbat denatured alcohol Is not now la n position to rival petroleum products, but that ft la a very favorable product to control. It la. Indeed, a favorable product to control. Made by the growth of plants utilising for H, Aak your Grocer FACTORY UTAH. OGDEN, Thats wbat electric lighting doe. If you question it, question us. Were only too glad to give information and good service along the lighting line. Thats why we are 1 Those Lite Men" EVEKYTHIXG ELECTRICAL AT . f . 4 Commercial Electric Company 7-- Street STRICTLY A HOME PRODUCT. FIVE POINT, OGDEN. THE BEST. PICKLES Edward Bichsel, Proprietor. Factory 2464 Wall Avenue. OGDEN, UTAH. Vegetables We pack but ena grade ef goods and VINEGAR Utahi Fruits and Pure Feed Catsup. Pure Food Perk A Beane Pure Feed Hominy. Worcestershire haute. ...........1 1 ng tha Some of the Manufacturers of Our County and State t d lawn Mower fa lire la yentkm one of tht new' "Ideal ftvwoers that we would like t have you examine before you In jour Mincer sharpened again. There le nothing Ilka It on the for collegiate record for the day. : Partial List of Diseases A NATIONAL LEAGUE 5 APRIL 22, 1007. MONDAY, seronrs time of 8 minutes thi. event established the sixth Inter 18 far any MMuttattaa UTAn. OGDEN, 2279 WASH. j WANT ADS YIELD AVE. BIG RESULT PHONE 362. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS |