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Show Cm & CO GROCERY a MEAT MARKET uutnnnr If jom irrti' ut to Ht call and im us COiaiNl m Nrtag ui b Cor. 24th and Grant Independent For fi House t Cleaning need Puritan Taint, Japalac, Wallpaper Cleaner, Now fa the Brushes, etc. time to paint Jhnr home. We You citj. Griffin Paint Co. Washington Are. t t Say!! We will be open for buHineaa on or about April 20th, at 218 24th Street, with a high class line of ight livery and saddle horses. Special at tention given to boarders. Do yon want to bny a horse? Do yon want . to sell a horse? Does yolir horse suit you? If not, we will exchange. , SEE US Claude M. Dee . C Foe Mesdelsaehe Tbs following story la told of Dm mualc of the overture to A lfidsum mra Klgbt'a Dreiair While Meadela-aobwaa deep Is the making of this same fine overture be went riding one friend. In order, after day with awhile, to rest their horses the two dismounted and boon cocnpauiotis stretched themselves out under the shads of n greet ties. Ruddenly then came an excited Hush!" from the great composer, who half arose very A large fly waa bossing cautiously. erar them, and Mendelssohn was sox lous te catch the tree sound of tbs In sect's hnm aa It gradually drifted far tbar away. Many days later whan th overture had been completed the artist called bis friend's attention to that passage In progression where the violoncello modulates la the chord of the seventh of the dcecendiag scale front There B minor to F sharp minor. that's the fly that turned past ns at Sc buu hausen. Mid Mendelssohn. L. A BJCHIR rick Centractoc. Mantlea. Grots phone KMC A PULL AND COMPLETE LINE. Pratts Poultry Pood and Lice Killer. ' The famona .Columbia and Pratt's Block Remedies. Domestic and Imported. High Patent. Hay, Grain and Produce. Prompt deliver-- . FLOUR Co. Hleteele What's the reason yon never put things In thetr pIsreeT asked the Irate and methodical husband. "Why, ropHed bis assy going wife. I want them where I can find them. a, irinsfe-aen'i- ce r we aiiii;'! Prompt, reliable and r low coat. Any time yon nay wall be on your Job and handle it expadlUously and well. ALLEN TRANSFER CO. Phone S3 for yeura. Lima! net. N. E. OBEBD Coatraeter. general nsuso saint tag and paparhangipg 100 g1a K Bell phene 346 CONSTROCT. ' HARRY RUBEtL Wa da the ertletle work at th. city. Relief, fraaee and aeeuis Mating; original designing. teTT ehew you cur work la Ogdsa. Os? cal wart also. Offiro MU WmT l-- Music and Instructors ava. BaiL 364-Z- . N. A WILSON, Hama painting, natural weed taking, paper kanglng end pens Cleaning, ghep 421 Krd gt M JOgEPH BALLANTYNE. Direotor Ogoaa Takarebels Choir, Veiea Building Specialty. AU Crouard Ava hHe Pah 44gw. Roe. Sfig 21at gt Photographers ADA G. BARRATT Teacher ef plane aad vocal cut turn. Studio, Qgdea (Wodnoeaay and Thursday,) 2MS Lincoln a vs. Studta, Salt Lake City (Monday, Friday anJ Saturday,) 21 Kenda'i Tommy, severely. got lea asset. I'm going to punish yon What for. pot" Now, Muuauinied but. a singular none, it was so curved that a writer ha told ua that the point of It teemed continually striving to Insert Itself betwaea hla lips. The noses of Franklin, Shakespeare and Dr. Jobs ly wife i .1 t .i -- iii.il tv oiuag ' A of Plane, Real Estate Agents Laechatrsky Metned, Studio 23U Adame Ava. JAA A BALLANTYNA Estate, Insure nee end la ratmcnta OMea Sealed I Up IDA M. CASSIN Real Instructor of Plane. Studio 2580 Lincoln Ava lit MRki R. P. HUNTER . Teeeher ef Guitar and Mandolin (Moravian System). Also Pianw Stadia 2241 Quincy Avai '"rorsnea. J. Km EeteMk Ava Elthw AM. PORRIBTALU nroty Benda Real Eatato tanranea 313 EMisa Bldp. A H. QODbAftD Real Estat Fire and Ufa Insun nee. Notary Puhlia 412 tldg. Bell Phene B34Z, DENT MJWERY Piano Theory. Stadia phene, Ind. 760; Ball 1134, Residence phene, Bell 1160. M. PANTONE, H. H. GODDARD Eetata, Ceana Inauronea Commercial gteeka, 31g Eoule Mdp the celebrated 414 26th S(, State agent for Kurtz man Pianoa. A A BRUMMITT ni7 Phene, 771, ERNEST M. W. JONES Plane, Cabinet, Orgsn end Hen ssenv. Stadia gJtt Wash. Avai 1 WM. K HICKENLOOPEA ADDIE J. PARRY, Reel haute, Insurance and Invert Instructor on Plano, Organ and r Guitar, Vocal Lessons Taught by manta 206 Eeeloa Building, to N. H. Ivea 6L Note. Stadia, 261 Twenty-thir- d cue-rtee- KELLY A HERRICK, Insurenoo, Leona rod Renta la Real Eatato lavaetmeeta E. PROUT RUTH Oonerql raaeher ef Violin end Plana. 2461 Van Bursa vsi A MRA A A REDPIELD r Plana Tea on Ytudlei 34S Washington Avenna Real W. A MISS OLGA WEHREND Teeeher of Singing. C30g Adame ava Bell phene 472-V- . unex-prete- fi Vc r 1: rr d . . v, '.ring Slats. worked at lianiptinus. Neheur and Nefsss. Attention la now directed toward the south, where manga m-n-e has been found In large quantities between Gafsa sad Gmhes. Noth- - . DJ.-rls- - MpI-bci- l'r' T. 'a t: lln- - . FELIHAWB DENTAL PARLORA Over fipeigo'e Book Store 2466 Wash. Ava 'Phene 78-Reft W. A WEDELL Real Eetata, Lesna Inwronoe and Rente la 24U Weshlngten ava Beyle kleek. BothpheneA tart which extraordinary demands tor were to take plaoe. The it Kalaabed-Beemphate mines of iron Kalaat-e.DJerda and the two mines of Blnta and DJerlasa traffic. to be aroured of tho traaaportaUoa For the present there la no ques- 200JIM toon of mineral. dtatrt hii tion of n line to Gabes, hat evidently . Furthermore, the Inst ( the Tunisian Government in thinking shown that In a good year the of It, for plana are bring made to traversed have 1O0.W0 to CoasequenUf spent 6,000,000 fra nee (33G6.000I at fra asportation. t ton this point. In order to create a deep- railway ban water port. The port will naturally at- to transport- - 11 Impof1111. . tract the railway. The lines already The railp'nre 00 light, the qi built are Insufficient for the Immenie too few, workehopq, tco small Tne traffic. They hSTs been called upon material Is InsufflclenL suddenly to bundle truffle comparable Railway etatloA fin1 to0,.7 tu that of the Insert French linen, aad fraqwhtly dmgerons e tnr h!rh then t The nort of Tunis Is n equip-- Is being built which will be extended to TabnrkA This represents a railway system of nearly 1000 kilometers (631.37 miles) built for tbe mines which assure an exceptionally good ; r.-,- .. ' L Tuni... nal 'p3 frci-- tjeiv. p d: i brsncl.es to tbe mines of Hamennas, Djer1a and Plata are to be built; for the mines nf Nebenr plans am being male to build a line to Blaerto, aad for the mines of Xefsas another Lae e d vv s-- . -- ir 1 rlcnt, it rrov -' ,. w, ; ft .;j.' 'iifii m a.'. ; A A ROLAPD Batata JFltm Notary Puhlle, Renta la 4M Cosies kldg, Bell phene 21; Hta, U. Ogden Gty Dentists t I A fiMnea A A SMITH Mine and Realty Broken Notary Publta. Ream II, Plrrt Nat Bank inA phene U7. noon the desert country at the extreme south, but the geologists are of tbe opinion that these mountains, being of the. same origin as those of tho north, cootaln the same proportion of minerals. Prospecting part la era bring organised to Investigate thla region. The characteristic feature of nil these mines Is their size. It is expected that millions of tons will be extracted from the mine already discovered. Consequently, however tor they may be from the sea. the different groups which they form are sufficiently rich to Justify the construction of s railroad. As for the Gafsa mines, n r. line tr been constructed from for tb mines "f Alt CHAUNCY PARRY Rent Eetata, Pirn Ineuranoe leana Comer CM and Wash, monk W. N. PEIBCA Real EeUta Notary, Plro Life Ineuranoa fill 24th -- Ing bus been said 'of Issue Waahtag-to- STOWELL MI2S CUtRA WARNER, Leech el rzky Method Plane Teeth-or- , 660 Twenty third street, PROBPEA NVft Avsnwa Teacher ef Guitar, ManJolln and Vlella S43 27th St Ind phono I17E SOURCES OF TUNISIAN ITY. ft Leans end Irak,PuhUa Mil anaa Notary MRA MARY L. SHIPP, Tuacher ef Gutter and Mandaila Resdianee IM SU SL Ind Phnne 1 said Brown. Why. when I proposed to her Instand of saying. This is so sudden.' she said, Will, I think It's about time. L. WEBEA Photographer, Every variety of photo ora 1413 Wash, ova Both ghouea MISS ALMA BAUER Teacher don't try that tnnoenneo gams. all tho had things yonve done Cui'd-ii'- . e. ft OAUUft Photog rapber Outdoor views promptly. 271 IIP at Both HENRY BLAIR Plana Tuner and repairer. Pina ton png actisn regulating. 8U7 Wash. Avai Bell 7UH. York. Kew KODAK PINIBHINA Engagements mafia tor rstlfimm eni Hew sort. 1411 Grant an near poetoGce. Bell hone 172 fiquqr. l;n j'ui.is us I1' kinds of cement mason avert, enervating and pipe laying, eeweie cad water systems. Ogden. U'aA Tunis Is ovrrwhelmed by the needs which Its riches Jiave I know crusted. Originally It was a small today." Keens of Groat Ken. No, yon don't pa. Ton don't know Hvrlr till lira country, depending upon PromlMUt noeee seem te have been when- - I bid the strip yon whack me its vines, oiives, cermls and cattle. Every thing wan done la the least exthe property many great men. I.y with." manner, when n series uf dispensive cnrgtw and Baiun bad noses six inches coveries transformed Tunis from u Cars Psr rtstssKf. In length, and Ovid waa auruamed agricultural to n mining counTbe cur for profanity reformism strict These Naso on account of tie large nine. discoveries commenced try. educators Is and a make not bia name from please Naeiea derived with the famous phosphates of Gafsa Iciplo to wit handle enough Mi prominent olfactory organ- - and merely your Then the sudden rise In the Talue of Alexandra the Great and Cardinals wonts so that awearine will seom like line rendered the hods of calamine more Important. In the neighborhood Wolsey and Richelieu all bad large baby talk In comparison - Patriot. rf- the Mlnphvie beds of Gafsa the loses. On the medals of Cyrus ;i. Ore i vf v ArtaXr'X. r clc.tr on vm. which ae n't tv f'vis r nt t to lb- - riir ' 1' K "i r . was t : ;r v ...... .... w m ,,j nj of flr.: 'it ,,u nose of A. MULLER A KUWaaa. ave. apposite AH - character of tlie L CD 1 la the JZ Dealer in Wall Paper. Paper Hae tag. Painting, Tinting and GansrM J. P. ONEILL CONSTRUCTION rO.Contiaetors end Builders of Scar arm, Cement Walks, Street Paving and Gravel Reefing. 421 26th et WHEELWRIGHT pn D & IfiAKfiOlt PUIa and deearatlve Mintin' and papartianglng. No chan tv aatin-atoa- . itO 2nd Bt Bell- - FRED A LUND. Baaorai Contractor m brick cad " Hoe Wag. Phones. . HOPSON A CO. filga Writers, Painters. Hangars; Estimates gives M cal contracting. 2244 Wean. lot Both pherns, JACKSON A LEVEDAHL. Brick Ccti tractors. Prose Brick c specie Ity, lad. 'phenes tM cad 63ft d Utah Feed & Produce A A. CRANE. Painting and paper hanging. Wash. Bell phene Hta; EG, H. GXEENWELL. Brick sod ston contractor and mfgr, ermines end proceed brick Bit DM fit Bell phCM t11 The larynx of man la twice the Mae n an average of the name organ In Hat Ckfsv. Aged Husband You am going to woman, although thin disproportion la ruin me with your extravagant-- . Ton equalised by tbe fact that woman ness don't nead that cape any more than a her larynx a little more than twice no cat needa two tails. How often have much aa man. I told yon never to buy anything because It ! cheap? Young Wife (with 1st KcvSci. I have hern a neat and pretty little n air of ou who has got the better of the argument) Rut It waa dot cheap. letter opener. began tbe agent. Bo hare I at home." nald the tomb It coat 10 guineas London Fan. mm sadly. I'm married." Sew Light. In Fair Visitor Bo yon have really istasl VSm, not to eell your bouse? Fair A cow will moo about aa octave; a Yon sea. we placed the Hostess-Te-a. dog will bark a fourth or fifth of aa matter In the bends of a real relate octave; a horse's neigh la descent on agent. After reading his lovely adver- th chromatic scale, while the donkey tisement of our property neither John win hray In octavos. No donkey has nor myself could think ef parting with ever yet given evidence of proficiency such a wonderful an( perfect home. la tbe study of voice production. Garden and Flower Seeds FBTfill ANDERSO. painter, ertiotle csntnS hanging. Estimates wort. eMdfiteftt. Bril phajTSff. HOum house-keepe- knltlsi. Tlmes-Unio- Paper-hange- rs' Directory Hew York city haa mom points of Tent IIss Jones quit tha rare trark historical Interest than any other rity because iff reform, or whatT Jockey-Refo- rm oa the continent, there being neons of He wanted some- them, extending from Fort Amsternothing! thing mote uncertain to bet bln money dam. where th new enatom hone on. Toni But what could be find stands, at the Battery, on the south, more uncertain than a horse rare? to Fort George, Fort Wnshlngton and Jockey He's taken to betting whether the Van Cortlnndt manor honae on the or not the weather men will correctly north. predict the day's condition Florida Seeds Seeds Painter and Masonry and Thirty That Basd Craahlaw a Crltl. School aiipralntrndeula In New Tort ance. a muuf their many duties are expected The famous Dr. Norman Mactaod to report on the personality of the was once shout to set off on a long toechetn la their district. It te not al Journey through the Scotch country. ways easy te get a line on that qual Jnat as the train waa pulling out the Ity of a lee riier, ae many are lenient In clergyman's servant put his head In the work. One ef the superintendents, through ths window and said: however, la never satisfied until he baa Ha's ye m en an Insurance ticket, made the toet fra orderliness by asking irT the teaihcr to open hla or her deck. I have,' replied the doctor. One day be fottnd oae of hta fair sub Then,' continued the errant, writ ordinate things In grant eonfn to It It aad name on ui. Ion. Hbe with gi'e yeer wae evidently violating They ha'o an awfn habit o' rohhin' the heaven's first law. New York rorpaea on this line.' " My dear." said he to the blushing Times. delinquent. 1 don't believe you would' make a good houeekeejier." Thlab Mahtlr af It. The desk closed with a bang. Then-waThe road to hums happiness la a Id lira in her rye aa she calmly reto lie over small stepping atones. Bo small sometimes are the causes of our plied: r Ob! Are yon looking for a nnbapplneas that wo wonder the can bo ao greet On great palT New Tort Frees. liative la the determination by every membra of tlia family not to dwell lisle Is Ale. Fallisw ! on the clrcumatancsa, whatever they One of tho strange experiences of a may ba, which are alike aad to all. If balloonist te that of falling into a hols It ho poverty let It be cheerfully aad In tha air," which Mr. Kulkra report silently borne; If It be the III temper of as follows. Mo yon continue sailing, graudpa try to make a Joke of It. If It enjoying the present with little thought bo aometfclng Infinitely worse and also of the startling surprises that may ba hopeless accept It bravely; do not talk before yon. Ahead of you, nueeeu, may of It Try In the family circle to Ignore be wbat the lutllooniet call a hole In It Accept every little enlivening the air,' resembling the vortex of a Let In all the sun and air. maelstrom, and down thla yon may litWork on cheerily aud hopefully, know; erally fall at a rate which la terrifying lag that there la the ray of sunshine until by sacrificing ,two or three bagsomewhere that has only to bo looked fuls of aand at once your pilot chert for to ba found. your downward flight But these 'bole1 are acarra, aud as a rule the atmosoueeolan ths (trapes. phere la of uniform carrying power," In wins making," said a wine ex- American Magaslne. pert the grapes are squeezed from one to six times, and from each squeeze When Done Wave Csska a different grade of wine la made." There waa a time," said th antiThat la why from one district and quarian, when dog did our roasting from one firm eo many varieties of for ns et least they kept tha meat wine come. These varletlee dout mean turning ao it would not bum. 8plt that each la made from a different dogs' they were called, and wa call kind of grape. They mean, an n rule, their descendant! spits to this day. that they are made from different Rplt dogs were trained to turn the aqueeaee of the asms grape. The first spite on which routed chickens, beef, sqneeae of course makes tbs beat and ducks and turkeys. The little fellows dearest wlue. When yon bny tbla did their work well; They were never grade yen will always find on the label known to let a fowl burn or to snatch tbs words 'Premier Cru, first squeeae." a mouthful or two from it. Aa lata u 1810 spit dogs wen employed In ths Tricks a tha Trues. old rhiladelidila Inna on Bocoud find A laughable error occurred In one of Third streets." the large publishing bouses a number of yean ago. A poet bad sent In a The Servant qr1lw. mannaralpt la which was the line, Bee Tha proud millionaire entered hi the pal aisijyr la a sheet of firs. The garage haughtily. "FmncriA he said, reputation of tha writer waa nearly "yon took out the new sixty hona-powruined when the wort came out with last night without perthe line, Bee the pals martyr with hla mission. again afraid Ill hava to get Im shirt on fire." another chauffeur. ' When a favorite speaker rose and I wish you would, sir," Francois wan greeted with thunderous applatiae With those fonr Mg can answered. bln party paper came out and said, there's quite enough work for two of The vsat concourse rent tha air with us." New York rraaai their snouts. Maes B. Johnson 2311 Wash. thumb and farelngar. oouao-qneune- s apring stock of Wallpaper haa jnat arrived and the pat terna and qualit y are equal, if not auperiGr, to any in the ' S261 1907., APRIL22, s Our guarantee our paint. MONDAY, OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY .1 rheevfol Mviva A number of railway men warn once dl ecu wing the question of accidents. The toads la tawttaaA" said on of flcial, hurod to have a bad name, Indeed, In respect to accidents. No one thought of embarking on a railway Journey unities ho had provided himself with an accident policy of Insur- HWIWMWWWWWW BeM; 113 son all bad wide nostrils, betokening strength aud lure of thought. The nose uf Napolaun waa exquisitely though Irmly chiseled. He often saiA Give me a man with plenty of noser Fredso largo a suae erick the Grant hi that Lava ter offered to wager that u blindfolded ho could tell It among by merely taking It between Ua The CMUm d Food. Thero la ae reason Is the world why mea, whet bar average man er men of groins, should deapiro the cook lug af their food. They never show, or are required te show, the same contempt toward any other art. and on no other la their mental calm more completely An 111 Siting coat la a dependent. worry, but not mrh a worry as dinners perpetaally ill draaeed. Ta many man. and especially te men wlwra work Ae sedentary er wboae brains are fully taxed, food which la at once light and nourishing la an absolute necessity If they are to exert their highest powers, and food of that hind la obtainable only oy cars la selecting meats and good cooking when they are selected. A maa should not think too much of his dinner er devote toe much time to pivparatioa for It er enjoy It too visibly when It haa arrived, for all those are anlaial peculiarities. Bat to remain eon lent with bad food, whew a little more thought er farefulneas or critlclani would procure It la a state St to ha eaten, la only what Scotchmen need to describe as a wasting of the Louden Sparta lor. mairclea.M E. PETER OGDEX, UTAH. EXAMINER, THE MORNING i 'i v Icl: It ! i of Cm- vi vus : s:3c f t1 .I,'. :0 tons, It 3 would never attain. No one foresaw the rapidity with which the nee of It having spread In all European coun- tries the market wmrifi lacrsaai. tor pboaphataa ene foresaw th : , inner c-- h". - l: ;rri "nrrsl f e. Jffucb Interest In the ths announcement .gsv Atlantic aty and Ospe NgJ -- w ovgamleriinas Both Min Ctafia bn very active tMs yew- - |