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Show TIir Wiimlur of tlio Deep. m Captain AndruwMoon, of tho schooner B Dixie, from tho West Indies, reports an. 9 exciting experience? nt sea. Somo time if nfter n storm that was supposed to i havo spent itself a ball of flro as large. as n barrel, ho says, struck tho deck H nnd exploded with tho report of a' m twelve-Inch cannon. Captain Moon was H knocked sovernl feet from the wheel, B nnd, though a man ot unusual strongth, B Jm felt nn Invisible Torco bearing down B on his shoulders nnd chest that brought B him nearly to his knees. B The flash temporarily blinded the R captain. Some force, supposed to be flj electricity, doubled up his bunds so K that ho could not opon them. Win m?; ho was nblo to got forward ho found fli that n colored deckhand nnd other K members of tho cruw wero unconscious Hs from tho shock. Captain Moon, who R' hns been on ships struck by lightning, M searched tho vessel for evidence- of o flj lightning stroke, but found none. B |