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Show Handling and Shipping Apples. 'BB From Farmers' Itoviow: Out of lath BB I mako crates In thrco sires one- BJ fourth, ono-nalt and ono bushel tn est- BB pacl.y, mostly of ono bushel. The buuh- BB ei crate Is 11 Inches high, 12 Inches Bj wldo aud 2 feet long A box of this BB bIzo holds a bushel with caso, nnd BJ with It you can place crato upon cratu BB without Injuring the fruit. They are BB easily handled and tho fruit Is exposed fl to tho air enough to mako ventilation ' BB good. With theso I can sort n larger B quantity In less tlmo and with loss in. BB jury to tho fruit than In any other BJ way. In taking them to market, threo BB boxes wilt pack nicely Bldo by ntdo in fl tho wagon box. They aro loadod BB quickly Into tho wagon and unloaded BB with ease and upecd Into the car or BB vvarehouso. I store my winter apples BB In this way In my collar with good BB success, and can sort 60 to 76 bushels BB In a very short time Tt.s sorting M should bo done ovory tv, wcv'ib. Just BB tako a crato In a gc A i.ght and turn BB It from ono sldo tc i'io other, and it M tnora aro any apples that should bo re- M moved thoy may bo taken out without Bfl handling very much of tho frulL A, BB T. Evans, Knox County, Illinois 'BB |