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Show if Know Value of Sleep BSE! mir H-Sj: "Thcro Is one thing nbout life In tho JtStfl Philippines that a lazy man finds HJWM agreeable If ho is not In tho nriny," HJnBl said a retired soldier, "and that In tho W$mffi way In which ho Is nllowed to sleep Kf'Jjf at all times and In all places undls- Hs Ik turbod. Tho Tired Tims of tho grent Kf raoo of tramps would find tho Islandi Byf' a paradlso In this rospect. Kt m" "Ono of tho rudest acts In tho oitl- Bf Mgi niatioii of tho uatlvo is to stop over BKBb' a sleeping person, or In any way tutor- K'H., foro with his repose. Slocplng, with BJe'Bk1' thorn, Is n vory important matter, and BUtBj;'' In Invested with aolomnlty, almost. BfaBffl Thoy aro strongly nvcrso to waking a BEnfl Rlcepcr, tw thoy hold tho Idea that BMH during sloop tho soul Is nbsont from KkBJ).' Uio body, and If thoy suddonly call BjPBfif'' you from sleep tho soul may not have KsvBF time to return to Its tenement, tho Be BElX, body. Thcro aro blood curdling Io- B&- BK' gends of mon who have revenged BfBfv thomsolvca upon tholr onomlos by thus B; BE' oxlllng tholr souls In thla manner. "If you would call upon a natlvo and you aro told that ho Is asloop, you may ns woll go about your othor business, busi-ness, for you will not got to him until, at his own good tlmo, ho awnkens. "Whon you go to sleep, In ordor to got n servant to nrouso you at a given . tlmo you must glvo him tho strictest orders to that effect before you turn In. Thon, if ho ohoys you at all, ho will stand by your sldo rind whisper, 'Sonor! SonorJ' repeating tho word a llttlo louder each tlmo until you are half awako, when ho will go back to tho low noto, and ngaln gradually grad-ually ralso his volco until yon aro fully conscious. It Ib lyi ideal way In which to ho called from bleop, If you aro In no hurry, and a mnn should novor bo In a hurry In tho Plillii-pines; Plillii-pines; tho cllmato Is -not adapted to activity. But It surely Is a groat place I to Bleep." |