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Show ON EDGE OF A PRECIPICE. Turkish-Bulgarian War May Come In Spite of Efforts to Prevent It. "Europo ls standing on tho edgo of n proclplco," declared ln London on Thursday, a diplomat who la participating partici-pating ln tho International negotiations negotia-tions In connection with tho Balkan question, "and no ono can tell but that tomorrow may seo Turkoy nnd Bulgaria plunged In wnr ln splto of nil tho efforts mado to provent It, nnd though tho powers separately havo mado strong representations to Bulgaria Bul-garia to desist from aiding tho Insurgents, Insur-gents, nnd aro on tho ovo of making a Joint demand for tho obsorvnnco of-a of-a policy of strict neutrality. In tho moantlmo Turkey 13 becoming encouraged encour-aged by tho attitude of tho powers toward to-ward Bulgaria, and there Is a strong feeling among tho Mohammodans that tho opportunity Is at hand to tako summary sum-mary vongcanco on tho Bulgarian people. Tho porto has been warned against ongaglng In war nnd wo believe be-lieve hesitates to embark on a movo which mny result ln tho armed Intervention Inter-vention of Europo. Tho only encouraging encour-aging sign ln tho situation Is tho understanding un-derstanding botwecn tho powors, all of which wo nro sure nro upholding Russia Rus-sia and Austria In their efforts to maintain peace" |