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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utan 84648 3e9itttt49fati0' Explorer Road Rally iMJ0i Booklore The Explorer Safe Driving Road Ralley will be conducted Saturday, May 24, beginning; at 2 p.m. at the Levan School. Explorers having valid driv- id licenses are Invited to par-- 1 The rally is not a ticlpate. race, but its stress is on safe driving, and on one's ability to follow maps and instructions, The activity is strictly an ed- ucational event. Parents are Invited to wit- - For Coming Club Year Mrs. Davis as Head Mrs. Vem Davis was install-A- ll ed as president of the Nephi unit of the American Legion Auxiliary at the meeting held on May 14. Other officers in stalled by Mrs. Clarence Green halgh, installing officer were Mrs. Lee Anderson and Mrs. Donad L. Bailey, vice presid ents; Mrs. Albert Haney, ser- geant at arms; Mrs. Merle H. White, secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Cleon Memmott, reporter Mrs. James H. Ockey Sr., chaplain and Mrs. Russell Morgan, historian. Preparations for Poppy Day were made and districts assign l VENICE THEATRE MAY 22 23 1 in-n- The Voguetts Club met May v THE HMF3H j- CORPORATION BLAKE EDWARDS - in TUESDAY 27 pruwls 9. PRODUCTION. j . ., .v. . o. . i o. NEED AN EXTRA CAR for a day, a week, rent one form us! When the occasion calls for a second car, were close at hand our rates are low just call us or stop in and economical! its easy We are now affiliated with the Lincoln-Mercur- y Daily Rental System to bring this new service to our friends in Central Utah. Come in for details, rates and information. PARKIN MOTOR CO. 131 South Main - Nephi - Ph. 623-022- at the home of Mrs. Richard DuMay, hostess, with Mrs. Dr. ane Painter as Gordon S. Taylor of Payson He also was guest speaker. showed a dental film, after which he answered questions. Present were Mrs. Lynn Bos well, Mrs. Larry Broadhead, Mrs. Loren Callaway, Mrs. Roger Fleenor, Mrs. Jack Ingram, Mrs. Wesley Lynn, Mrs. Scott Mrs. Keith Steele, Sparks, Mrs. Grant Worthington, Mrs. Jim Stephenson, Mrs. Evan Frampton, Mrs. Lee Fowkes, and special guests: Mrs. Carl Madsen and Mrs. Arvile White, 8 HUWMSKWMEHWCOUm SUNDAY MONDAY MAY 25 26 at Voguettes Parly DAVID NIVEN cnuraut - Mrs. May Hostess MGMMISdttf UUMI-IMlfM-im- Mrs. J. W. Fackrell, Mrs. Vem Davis Mrs, Chester Foote, Mrs. Lee AnderS0Ili Mrs. Roy McPherson, Mrs, clarence Greenhalgh, Mrs. Albert; Haney, Mrs. Fred L. Gadd, Mrs. Merle White, Mrs. Cleon Memmott, Mrs. Rex Hill, Mrs. Vem Butler, Mrs. Russell Mor gan, Mrs. Maurice Chapman and the hostess, Mrs. Maylon Bowers. Present were; 2 Starting Point A small concrete marker in the heart of the Kansas rass country designates the eodetric Center of North America. Located on private land near Lucas, the marker provides the beginning reference point for all property lines throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. Easy On Water Plants growing in small pots need more water than those in large containers. Hiats why its best to allow the topsoil in foliage plants, in eight to 16 Inch clay pots, to dry out between waterings. When plants are potted in clay containers, when the topsoil is dry, ths rootball needs water, too. Election of officers for the coming year was conducted. Mrs. Alma C. Jones was elected president; Mrs. Theo Westring, Mrs. Ronald vice president; secretary-treasure-r; Belliston, Mrs. Alton S. Gadd, reporter. Enjoying the evening were Mrs. Ralph El Chase, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. DeLos Garrett, Mrs. J. E. Worthington, Mrs. Glade Sanders, Mrs. Farrell Warner, Mrs. Alma C. Jones, Mrs. Herman Young, Mrs. Leonard Garfied, Mrs. Ronald Belliston, Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh, Mrs. Jesse Bailey, Mrs. Wallace Garrett, Mrs. Theo Westring,, Mrs. Joe Garrett and Mrs. Alton S. Gadd. JUNE 30ft JM'f - i E ij it, f . jlaft Considerable work has been completed at the Bear Canyon campgrounds area in Salt Creek Canyon, with the resurfacing of the roads in the area, and parking lot. Photos above and below show the work being accomplished by Forest Service equipment. Hard surfacing of a quarter-mil- e section known as "Hurricane Hill'' on the Levan canyon road just above the campground also has been completed, as a safety measure and to prevent deterioration of the road on this very steep section. FRIDAY - -- CHICKENBURGERS iirjwjr SATURDAY - -HAMBURGERS for DON'T BORROW . . SUBSCRIBE TODAY!! c FREE PIRATE HATS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY I CCS 5R7 to 4 QMIY GLOSS Redwood SPECIAL PRICES FOR TIRE SALE STAIN Sits RtUll LOVE COUPON ff.9C TIRES .10 Transistor RfttRft lottortoi JV .14 tow. Miww Cushlsn P .... sgdw JMbe Tree Tompor Conpor Hi (Skftvfti, Am, Sowf 11 ID-q- BATTERIES ? J r CUSTOM POWER M-9- FkssMHo Rftlwy Pulp FOR PASSENGER - SEMI TO Koftl CO-O- .mt., WAIL PAINT MAYlSHi 5 SpecMd Fsrfowwaneo i'1 HOUSE PAII1T EL OFF ;i,( V. mm 20 t 24-ho- TREAD CAR fl mu f ni TIRE A BATTERY PASSENGER Afff t Nephi News Briefs FLAG P " err T SUNDAY SUNDAES Babies bom at the Juab County Hospital during the past week include: Son, bom May 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Anderson of Nephi. Grandparents are Mrs. Evelyn B. Anderson of Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moosman of Mt. Pleasant. Daughter, bom May 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Buddy J. King of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Faling . of Peasant Grove; Clyde King of Teasdale and Mrs. Muriel Worthing of Bountiful. CHECKER SALE I Babies.. Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kendall were their children and Mr. and Mrs. grandchildren: Clair Kendall and family of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kendall and children of Granger; Mrs. Shirey K. Greenhalgh and family of Santaquin; Mr. and Mrs. ELwood Jenkins of Nephi; Miss Kathleen Hatch of Sales Pitches Tracy Booth of Nephi It has been estimated that Vernal; and Dale Edward Kendall of In every period the Taylorsville who spent the average American is bom- week with his barded, knowingly or other- On Sunday, May grandparents. 18, Mr. and wise, with some 1,5000 com- Mrs. Edward Kendall were the mercial messages. guests at the Kendall home. floor-standi- t i V Senior Citizens center on May 16. Mrs. Joe Garrett headed the committee in charge of the event, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Mrs. Raph E. Worthington, Chase, Mrs. DeLos Garrett and rMs. Alton Gadd. Inspired by the beautiful spring weather, "Lilac Time" was chosen for the theme, and a long table was decorated with a profusion of lilac blossoms. Places were marked by small white May baskets filled with purple blossoms. After a delicious dinner, prepared by the members, games pertaining to flowers were enjoyed. The blessing on the food was given by Mrs. James Smith. Songs with flowers in their titles were sung by the group, accompanied by Mrs. Joe Garr rett, who also was mistress of ceremonies. Each brough pict ures of herself as a baby, a teenager, and a recent one. This created much hilarity as they were shown and attempts made to Identify the baby pic- COOP CO-O- V The Booklore Club held its annual spring party at the New r ,Y:M. tures. SATURDAY 24 FRIDAY ed. 1 I President Scheduled for May 24 Auxiliary Selects Stainless Steel Stainless steel flatware was introduced to the public In 1928 when sU;.nless steel teaThe office of Local Board spoons were given away as No. 12, of the Selective Service premiums. System, will be open from 1 to f Fastest Ever 5 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday Members of the Apollo 8 and Friday; and from 8 a.m. to moon crew traveled 24,695 12 noon, and from 1 to 5 p.m. miles per hour, faster than man on Wednesday and Thursday of has ever flown before. each week. THURSDAY Mrs. Jones Selected American Legion ' Thursday, May 22, 1969 Ofthr. t. M MM K.95 ua 41 150 1.49 Ul 129 UN 4.75 Jtf .79 Sring this coupon le any Bennatt'l dealer or store and receive FREE one pair of oil purpose VINYt Gloves. Great for el household chores pointing, gardening, IhS cleaning walls, ovens or dishes, coupon and bring R with you. dp 1.25 CARS & M.9S AT YOUR LOCAL COOf OR DA1K AGENT NOW YOUR CHOICE CO-O- BIG T P TRUCK A TRACTOR BATTERIES JENKINS SALES & SERVICE 1 05 West Center -- Nephi -P- h.623-1 358 9 a 1 2 Mastic Drop Clothoo 5 Ot. Plastic Fails ladios or Most's Poly Raincoats 19 Jr(SJftlQQGt5 Phone 623-047- 1 Page Six |