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Show Universal Microfilming Corp. B Juab Tennis m W ox 2608 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Team Wins Championship by the editor Juab High School athletes carried the Crimson and Gold of the school to honors In the state meets held In Salt Lake City last week end. was the title "Champions earned by the Juab High School tennis team, composed of Mark Wllkey, Marten Menlove and Brent Eyre. Mark Wllkey Is state champion number one singles player, and Marten Menlove is state champion number three singles player. Their efforts were added to by Brent Eyre, and the total points scored brought the victory for Juab second consecutive year! Last year In a similar situation, Devon Vickers was the state champion. In track and Held events, h Rodney Painter and Dale made a fine showing In the state meet. Rod participated In three events, the high hurdles, the low hurdles and the high Jump. In the high hurdles, Rod placed third with a time of 15.4, and In the low hurdles, had a time of 20.2 and second place. d race Dale ran the with a time of 20.01.3, to gain fourth place. on behalf Hie of the folks In East Juab County, extends congratulations to each of these young men who have so admirably represented their school and communities of the district. Win Durant said: "When liberty destroys order, the hunger for order win destroy liberty." rog We like the quotation from the gentleman who spoke last week to the boy graduates. He said that on the other side of the freedom coin Is responsibility. Thats hitting the nail directly on the head! reg On behalf of the residents of Hast Juab County, we extend a sincere, cordial, friendly and all other adjectives that say 'thanks for coming" to the Veterans of World War I, Department of Utah, and their ladles auxiliary. Its wonderful for these gentlemen (and adies) to select Nephi as the site for their 1969 convention, the ninth since the organization of the department. We can truly say that the red capet is out, the welcome mat has been dusted off and everyones glad that youre here! We do hope that your convention Is enjoyable and profitable, and that youll return again soon to our communities. Green-halg- Commander and Mrs. Law will be receiving, added congratulations during the convention last week this couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, and word is that because of the convention planning, not much celebrating has been done! So, from your old and new friends in this area, many happy returns of the day are in order for LeGrande and Viola Law of Delta, commander of the Veterans and President of the Auxiliary, 880-yar- Times-New- s, Earl Andews Named reg Perhaps you have noticed a spot of ground behind the businesses between center and first north streets that is now exposed to sunlight for the first time In many, many months. We congratulate Glen Miller and Ralph Chase of Colormatic for taking the bull by the horns in removing the collection. We hope their example is contagious. reg Congratulations also are In order for the Second Ward Scout troop, under the direction for the boys Tuesday evening as they went of Richard Bean, Scoutmaster.- - It was all work to work cutting and clearing an area In the north-wecomer of the Vine Bluff cemetery. We haven't had time to get back to survey their work, but Clearing the grass now will beautify and rembve a fire hazard. Thanks, Scoutmaster Bean and your troop! reg Appearances are deceiving a dollar looks the same today as It did ten years ago! Branch President Word has been received that Ensign T. Earl Anrrews has been set apart as Branch President of the Key West, Florida Branch of the Church of Jesus Saints. He Christ of Latter-da- y has served as assistant stake clerk there since December. Ensign Andrews is son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andrews of Nephi. Mrs. Andrews (Barbara) Is active in the Mutual presidency at Key West. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Golden of San Diego, California visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden. st Volume 60, Number 21 Utah 84648, Thursday, May 22, 1969 Nephi, Juab County, Single Copy 10c At Juab Stake House.. Youth Grasps Bushes; Pulled From Waters The waters of Salt Creek nearly claimed another victim on Tuesday evening of this week, according to Sheriff A. Duane Sperry, when Robert Paxman, son of Mr .and Mrs. George Paxman, fell Into the main channel near the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wllkey on east center street. Forrest Anderson, Nephi City Councilman and Explorer leader of the Nephi Second Ward, Is credited by Sheriff Sperry in the dramatic rescue of the young man. According to the report by Sheriff Sperry, Ernest Abelta foster-broth- e of Robert, came to the Little League park where an Exporer party was going on with the report "Robert is In the creek. Can you help get him out? Sheriff Sperry and Mr. Anderson responded immediately, and located the boy some 100 yards below the bridge where he fallen In, desperately clinging to some bushes which extend out over the water. It is miraculous that he could hang on the Sheriff stated. Mr. Anderson jumped into the water, and although nearly swept down stream by its force, manged to get to the boy and they were both pulled out by Sheriff Sperry and others on the scene. World War I Veterans, Auxiliary Convention Opens The ninth annual convention of the Utah Department, Veterans of World War I and Ladies Auxiliary, opens at Nephi Thursday evening, and will continue through Saturday afternoon. W. Le Grande Law of Delta, Commander of the Veterans will preside at the mens portion of the convention, and Viola T. Law will preside over the Auxiliary activities. Thursday evenng activities of both groups wll include executive board meetings. Registration at the conven- HOUSING NEEDED Helen Merritt W. Ed. Hudson National Sr. Vice President Rational Quartermaster if . ,,i It appears that there may be ample housing for convention guests In the several Nephi motels, the Veterans organization desires to have listings of Although I1'1 Police are trying to locate theowner of a young, but large black dog, which was picked up between Scipio and Levan recently. Dog was wearing a red harness. Owner of the dog is asked to contact Norman Anderson of the Utah Highway homes where couples could be provided beds for Friday night, in the event that a greater number than is expected attends the convention. If you have space for a couple, please call George V. Jones immediately at Thanks! 623-020- 9. ) Patrol. Brenda Yates 69 Queen r Commander W. Le Grande Law Utah Department Head ft Rifes Set Tuesday Lynn Wright Sustained Stake Executive Secretary At the Juab Stake Conference held on Sunday, Lynn L. Wright was sustained as Executive Secretary. This Is a new position recently announced by the general authorities. In the new position, Mr. Wright will have responsibiltes In the Home Teaching Program, in the Servicemens program and In the Educational Programs. Mr. Wright previously has served as president of the Third Quorum of Elders, and has been class discussion In the Third Ward group, and is active in the Cub Scouting program In the ward, as well as in other Church activities. Also at the conference, Jerry A. Bosh was sustained as superintendent of the Juab Stake T. M. M. L A. with L. Cleston Park and ack Brough as assistants. Released were J. A. Warner, Merron E. Price and Jerry .Bosh Also released at the conference was Quma Hansen and Elsie Spendlove of the Primary Board, Mrs. Hansen Is a ward executive and Mrs. Spendlove is moving from the stake. Wlll-adeHall was sustained as a member of the PriApproved for advancement to the mary board. Melchlzedek Priesthood and ordination to the office of Elder were: DeRay Sudweeks, James F. Gadd, Richard Kent Linton, David Leo Christensen and Arnold Brough. ne hit Announcements of scholarships will be by Susan Harper; the class history by Bob Anderson, the presentation of graduates by Prindpall M. Clark Newell; the acceptance of graduates by Superintendent Ralph W. Menlove and the presentation of the diplomas by K. J. Sperry, President Juab School District Board of Education. This will be followoed by the benediction by Mark Hoyt and the recessonal. at House. The opening session a joint session for bother ganizations will begin at 9:30 am. and the meetings will continue throughout the day. A banquet Friday at 7 p.m. will honor the visiting national representatives: Quartermaster W. Ed. Hudson of Washington, D. C. representing the Veterans organization: and Helen Merritt of Springfield, Illionois, senior vice president of the Auxiliary. H. C. Crane, Commander of Nephi Barracks of the Veterans of World War I, and Mrs. J. W. (Leone) Howarth, president of the Nephi Auxiiary uniL are local representatives In charge of the convention planning and arrangements. In addition, several members of the organization have served on the several committees. The public is invited to attend a conjoint memorial service on Saturday, starting at 9:30 a.m. in which Utah Veterans of World War I who have died during the 1968-196- 9 year will be honored. the Following memorial services, the dedicate nof the Nephi Barracks flag and colors will also be featured. George V. Jones of Nephi Is Quartermaster of the Utah Department, and Edward L. Wllkey has served as a trustee. Elections and installation of new officers of each organization will be the feature of the Saturday afternoon concluding sessions. i Brenda Yates, daughter of Sir. and Sirs. Don Yates of Mona, has been selected as the 1969 Ute Stampede Queen. She was selected at the oontast last Saturday evening. Named as attendants were Mary McCune, daughter of James P. McCune of Nephi; and Kay Painter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Painter, Nephi. fl j, Monfhs Safe Driver rW Commander H. C. Crane Convention Chairman POPPY DAY SATURDAY Popples will be on sale in East Juab County Saturday as the annual Poppy Day Is conducted by the American Legion Auxiliry. The memorial flower Is to be worn in respect to the soldiers who died In battle In Word War I and H, Jto'S TT Leone S. Howarth Nephi Auxiliary Head Servicemen's Hews Aberdeen Proving Ground Dan Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Farrel Warner of Nephi, Utah recently received the desof Distinguished ignation Graduate upon completion of his studies at the U. S. Army Ordinance Center and School at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. In Information from the Ordnance Center and School, it was pointed out that hls academic excellence and keen sense of pride in a job well done gained the designation for him. He The Kiwanis Club of Nephi, at a meeting last Wednesday, honored Dean Worthington as the first Safe Driver recip- ient. The Safe Driver award will be given monthly by the club to residents of Blast Juab County who have outsanding, driving records and who are examples of safe, courteous drivers. Mr. Worthington, local agent for Palmer Bros., Inc., freight company, has driven an estimated half --million miles since returning from military service in World War I, without an accident He and Mrs. Worthington are parents of two sons and two daughters. Elder Reid Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hall of Nephi, who will report his mission at the Nephi Fourth Ward Sacrament meeting Sunday at 6 p.m. Elder Hall is returning this week from tile Ohio Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints. y U ranked first in his entire graduation class. Dan Warner recently has been promoted to the rank of Specialist Four, according to the Information received. Senior Citizens' Hews The Senior Citizens met on May 14, where a dinner and program were enjoyed. Plans were made to attend a Senior Citizens meeting to be held in Eureka on May 21. Everyone is Invited to the Memorial Services which will be held Saturday, May 24 at 9:30 a.m. This is part of the State Convention of the Veterans of World War I, being held at the Juab Stake House. Mrs. Nona Smith, president of the Juab Stake Primary, has announced that the Primary GRADUATES OF 1969 of the Juab High School post on the steps of the school. Several members of the class were not -- or- Kiwanis Club Honors 3 Admission to the exercises will be by ticket only. Each senior is being alloted approximately four tickets. The processional of graduates and faculty will begin at 7:45 p.m., and Radene Howard, will give class presidents address. Following a musical reading by Debbie Hill and Carol Brown, the Invocation will be given by Brent Iyre. Following the theme presentation, student speeches will be given by Rhonda Stanley and Alvin Jarrett. The class will then sing Somewhere" followed by student speeches by Deltha Gowers and Susan Greenwood. This Is My Country, another song by the class will be followed by sudent speeches toy Victoria Orme and Sheryl Sperry. A double quartet will be sung by Aim Cowan, Brenda Yates, Peggy Dalby, Mary McCune, Bab Anderson, Martin Worwood, Kevin Ingram, Mark Jones. pnrr,,iTr,lTi'y 1 ""t Y Graduation exercises honoring members of the class of L969 will ibe conducted Tuesday evening, May 27 in the Juab Moments in Time is the theme High School Auditorium. chosen by the graduates for the commencement exercises. Following the rites, the graduation dance will be held the gymnasium, and a floor show will be held. Viola T. Law Utah Auxiliary leader tion will begin Friday at 8am. at the foyer of the Juab Stake available for the photograph. Exrctsee will be conducted on Tuesday evening, foilowed by graduation dance. Mobile Clinic will be held at the ML Pleasant LDS hospital on May 23 at 9:30 ajn. DEAN WORTHINGTON, local manager for Palmer Bros, receives first Safe Driver award from James I Painter of Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis President Harold Laird approves. |