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Show Nophi, Juab County, Utah 84648 t $ ' Page Two NEPHI LOCAL, V, ! Thursday, May 22, 1969 CTIjt' , SOCIAL ITEMS Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and four children of Kearns; Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Foote and two children of Taylorsville; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bailey and four chidren of Ephraim, Mr and Mrs. Max Knight and three children of Springville, and Kent Boswell. - doz. 37c EGGS LARGE DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES -- 3 lor 95 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and Mrs. Keith Bosh of visited Sunday evening and Monday at the home of Mr. Ogden Mrs. Hazel Bosh. Dr. and Mrs. John J. Bateman and children of Salt Lake City were guests on Mothers day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough. Mrs. Delta Yates returned to her home Friday after spending the winter with members of her family: Mr. and Mrs, LARKY OSTLER, FFA youth, and his father, Arthur O. (Bud) Ostler show Larrys two prize winning Angus at the recent Delta Livestock Show. Animals won top prizees. Delta Show Champions George Clark, Provo, Mrs. Lola Hatch, Mapleton and Dee Yates in Orem. In April she enjoyed a tour of 11 days in Hawaii with Mrs. Flometta Olsen, Mrs. Ina Hawkins; and Mrs. Lola Hatch. Frank Cole had interest shown in the exhibit- as their guests on Mother's ors. day, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ShepReserve champion Suffolk ard of Springville, Mr. and Mrs. of ram was exhibited by Dennis Elwin Cole andMr.children and Mrs. Salt Lake City, Stuart and the reserve cham- Dean Atkinson of Orem, Mrs. pion Suffolk ewe was exhibited Jeanine VanAusdal of Santa- Mr. and Mrs. Marvin by Brent Dailey. Brent Dailey quin, and I also was the high in- - Johnson of Salt Lake CHy divisio" dividual in the of "T the livestock judging contest. Visitors over the week end Larry Ostler received a troGilbert phy for the grand champion at the home of Mrs. Monte beef, a trophy for the top An- Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. Shum-ackgus, and $50.00 from the An- Bailey and Mrs. Nancy and two children of Oggus Association for the grand Mr. and Mrs. Maynard den, champion. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ostler, son of Mr. and l, Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler of and a member of the Mt. Nebo F.FA. Chapter, received grand champion and reserve champion ratings on two fat steers displayed at the Millard County Junior Livestock show last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The animals weighed nearly 1000 pounds each. The grand champion was sold to Quality IGA Market at Delta for 65c per pound and the reserve ohampdon was sold to Other animals purchased by Nephi Businesses were lambs exhibited by Dennis Stuart, a hog exhibited by LaMonte Dan-si- e of Mona, and a steer exhibited by Richard Kay, also of Mona. Purchasers were Forrest Anderson, Sinclair; Whiting Bros. Stations and First Security Bank. Whiting Bros Stations and Kaibab Lumber Co. purchased the Grand Champion fat hog for 37c per pound. The boys exhibiting express Mlckelsons Restaurant, First Security Bank and Painter appreciation to all buyers for Motor Co. of Nephi for 39c per their support, and for the excellent prices paid, and for the pound. Ne-ph- j 4-- H DEALERSHIP HUH STATI NATIONAL NEWSPAPER FounJeJ ASSOCIATION I Frit Press A 1881 NNA SUSTAINING Key MEMBER -1- Roy E. for Construction, Road Material and Agriculture. Company will finance to responsible person or business supporting a satisfactory financial statement. Published Thursdays at Nephi, Juab County, Seeond class Utah. Utah. entry at Nephi, Office: 96 South Main 969 Phone 623-052- 5 For information, Contact James Painter Nephi Enterprises Editor and Manager Gibe-o- $4.00 per year, payable in advance. Subscription: BONELESS-FULLC- JELL-- 0 Bailey and two children of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jorgensen of Salt Lake City. They were in Nephi to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Emily j Jackson. SWIFTS PREMIUM BOLOGNA - Chunk, lb 49c SLICED per pound 59 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CARD OF THANKS It is with deep appreciation that we extend thanks to our relatives and friends for their kindnesses during the illness and following the death of our husband and father. We appreciate greatly the services of the Fourth Ward Relief Society in taking care of the flowers and assisting, with a lunch; the Bishopric of the Fourth Ward for their many kindnesses; to those who participated in the funeral services or helped in t any way. Mrs. A. J. Bowers and family --- WESSON LETTUCE BANANAS (R7 Shiquiea brand ? PAItiT 10 ICAMPBELLS SOUPS 81 Chicken Vegetable - Turkey Vegetable o o Beef NoodlChicken Rice e- Mix - 2 lbs for 25 - Chicken PAINT o. SEMI GLOSS for interior walls and wood work. Dries lost to a latex enamel. Easy CTHIrl EL REG. 8.29 MEAT PIES 6 for 89 WESTERN FAMILY VEGETABLES - 7 pbgs 100 ORANGE JUICE 479 LEMONADE 11 for 100 RASPBERRIES OR STARWBERRIS 4pkgs 100 RANCHO quolity Kd- - wood Stoin to pr.iwv. wood, Mhonn breyty. OAL. LOVE COUPON oR FREE I I doalr Bring thii coupon to ony Bonnottt of (tort and rocoivo - for 00 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000 MUSHROOMS 3 for 100 DUNCAN HINES ANGEL CAKE MIX Regular packages - - each 57 reg. can PIERCES CORN -- Whole Kernel or Cream Style - 5 for 100 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' SPRING GARDEN PEAS 7 cans 100 Regular cans 5 for 100 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to keep clean. Clean up with soap and water. White and Hght colon. Redwood - J for 1.001 Vegetable Soup MANDARIN ORANGES LATEX SEMI GLOSS Stars Turkey Noodle -- Chicken Noodle Mix Or Match o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 RUBBER LATEX for Interior woll surface. Scrubboblo. Dries foil to a Rot finish. Easily applied. Clean up with soap and water. White and light colors. WALL o 51 .00; or Mafch 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 NEW SHAFTER POTATOES -- per lb 6 VIKO Ixtorlor lotox drl in 30 minutoi doom up with wotar. Eaty to apply, xctIUnt durability. For wood or moionry, White and light colon HOUSE pound OIL-24oz-- 47 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ROYAL TREAT MO! --10 PIERCES TOMATO JUICE 46 oz cans 4 for 1.00 DOUBLE LUCK BEANS - Regular can 10 WESTERN FAMILY PORK & BEANS No. 300 size cans - 8 for 1.00 20 oz. DEL MONTE CATSUP- -3 bottles 89 UT- PORK STEAKS -l- b 57 SWIFT CHEESE CHUNK very good lb 9 MORRELL PRIDE FRANKS All Meal-- lb 57 T BONE STEAKS lb 1.39 GROUND CHUCK Economical - - Lean - lb 69 ARMOUR COLUMBIA SLICED BACON -- lb 49 ----pkg- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ er EXCLUSIVE MEMBER GRADE TOM lb TURKEYS 33 MORRELL PALACE BACO- N- 2 lb pg 1.23 ROUND STEAK lb 98c lb PORK ROAST 55 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo B AA on pair of purpose VINYl Glovos. Oroat for al houi.hold chores painting, gardening, doaning wells, ovons or dishw. Clip this coupon and bring It with yaw. - I I .1 EXTERIOR PAINT PAD to Bare HEREFORD CORNED BEEF -- 12 oz can 53 POWDERED SUGAR pound packages - - 5 for 1 00 BLUE BONNETT pound - - 39 OLEO WESTERN FAMILY pkg 9 BISCUITS 1 BPai toOmi oarer tor I & 9x12 Plastic Drop Clotha 5 Of. PlaBfk Paib India or Mani Poly Raincoat MarcHtvare flleEpfoS ILcacmiQpec YOUR CHOICE 10; " your TtfW8tWH&ysT0REmW' NEPHI Phana 55 Watt 2nd North tfVtmrg A93-A- 147 sf 6 rMyo'Vt h rlUWn ft to rfa IB b'VYtngfl c MEATS GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES-.RIOC- E mt "7 J, |