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Show NepM, Juab County, Utah 84648 Thursday, May 22, 1969 53Tf)c NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE WillTax Sale No. iam John Bates Beg. at a pt. on Nly bdy. line of Lot 10, Notice la hereby given that Blk. 1, Plat C, Eureka City on Wednesday, the 28th day Survey, being 14 ft. S. 79 of May, 1969, at ten oclock 54 W. of NE. comer of Lot a.m. at the front door of the 10, S. 1143 E 110.65 M. County Courthouse In Nephl, or L to pt on S. bdy. line of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Golden Juab County, Utah, I will offer Lot 10, S. 7841 W. 60.76 ft for sale at public auction and M. or L, th. N. 5" W. 112.6 of San Diego, California visit CONSOLE SPINET PIANO WANTED Older home sell to the highest bidder for ft. to a pt. on Nly bdy line ed on Thursday with Mr. and Will sacrifice to responsible with lot zoned for animals, or Mrs. Rue Golden. to the Lot N. 47.6 of 7954 E. cash, pursuant provls 10, Call party In this area. Cash or building lot In this zone ions of Section Utah ft. M. or L. to beg. Mrs. terms. Write: Credit Manager, Richard Greenhalgh, phone 623 and Mrs. Bruno Scott Code Annotated 1953, the fol Paul Bailey and daughters Gay Tallman Piano Stores, Inc., 0410. 21 lowing described real estate Tax Sale No. N. S. and Paula visited at Salem, Oregon 97308. 2021 situate in said county and now Sanderson care of Leland San- the home of Mr. andSaturday TV NEED FIXING f Mrs. HarS.O.S. INCORPORATED held by It under preliminary derson Com. at NE comer old Jackson, DELMARS TV SERVICE Young, energetic capable, tax sale. No bid for less than of Lot 17, Blk. 1, Plat D, EurIn Nephl each Monday, Tuesday girls will do housework. the total amount of taxes, In eka City Survey, th. S. 4,22 Visitors on Mothers day at and 1 Call Wednesday. Phone 623 terest, penalties and costs E. 131.50 ft., th. S. 7954 W. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ir1169. 2026 IncL which are a charge upon such 55 ft., th. about 125 ft. vin Jarrett were Mr. and Mrs, Nly be real estate will accepted. M. or L. to N. bdy line of said Robert D. Price and family of SINGER SEWING MACHINE MAKE beaten down carpet nap SALES AND SERVICE th. N. 7 4 28 E. 40 ft. to Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Lot, : Tax Sale No. Kenneth G. Kay and family of Thursday at doorways bright and fluffy week at every beg. Plumbing & Builders Supply Kearns, and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Plumbing & Builders Sup- again with Blue Lustre. Beg. 3 rds. 15 Iks. S. of NE. and family of Nephl. Jarrett Tax Sale No. ply, 66 South Main, Ph. Plumbing and Hardware at 66 Mar cor of Lot 1, Blk. 28, Plat A la Berry South Main where you can Lot 1, Blk. A, RobGolden of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nephl Townslte Survey, th. W. inson Townslte, Mammoth City rent an electric shampooer for 11 rds. 8 ft, th. S. 155.1 ft. Henderson, Nevada visited on 31.00. Survey. GIFT LIST for every to bdy line of sd. Lot 1, th. E. Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs Rue Golden. They also attended 64.56 ft to pt. 89.56 ft. E. of wedding reception. Tax Sale No. Bert LAWN MOWING AND Mrs. NEPHI LUMBER CO. the SW. cor. of sd. Lot 1, th. C. Wheelock Lot 23, Blk. D, the funeral services for 55 7 In law, West 2 North Ph. TRIMMING Golden's Don brother N. 6.5 rds., th. W. 18 ft,, th Middletown, Mammoth City Cliff Davis at Robin Johnson and Arden Hill N 11.85 ft., th. E. 142.94 ft. to Survey. Santaquin. Mr. mow lawns and trim them and Mrs. Rue Golden accompanE. bdy. line of sd. lot 1, th. N. ITS EASY TO USE with will Call 623-10or ied them to the services. 36 ft to place of beg. Also an electric cleanor manual Tax Sale No. rug Bert lnt. in and to the undivided conC. Wheelock aryl its Lot 24, Blk. D, Mrs. Verda Kendall, Mrs. ing appliances EXPERT SHARPENING following,: Beg. at SW. cor. of and has ZB rug stain City Grant Sperry and Mrs. Norma centrated said Lot 1, th. N. 6.5 rds., th. Middletown, Mammoth Knives Scissors Saws remover MATE RUG Thats Bryan attended a dance review E. 25 ft., th. S. 6.5 rds., th, Survey. All Tools Mowers at Nephl Lumber rug Shampoo Eldred Senior Citizens at the W. 25 ft. to place of beginning. W. (Bill) TUNBRIDGE at Tax Sale No. Center Wednesday evening, In Co., 55 West Second North In V. 52 West 1st South (new locaW. Bennlon care of George which daughters of Mrs. Bryan Nellie Tax Sale No. SE. Orme Beg. at NE. comer Bennion SW, SW and Mrs. Sperry participated. EXCELLENT, efficient, econ- tion). Phone of Sec. 18, T. 11 S., R. of Lot 1, Blk. 20, Plat B, Ne- SE. Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. omical . . thats Blue Lustre WARDS HOTTEST W., SLM. Cont. 80 acres phl Townslte Survey, th. W. 13 carpet cleaner. Rent an elect TIRE SALE! Mackey had as their guests on rlc rds., th. S. 13 rds th. E 16.5 shampooer, 3100. Chapman 4th HST tire FREE Buy Mothers Mackey Roger day, 198 E. 124 th. ft., Tax Sale No. ft., th. N. Furniture Co., 27 South Main, 2 and save Our most popMrs. and Mr. of Cedar City, W. Bennion care of George ft, th. N. 90.5 ft. to beg. ular tire tested to withstand Brent Edmunds and son Wes- Nephl. sustained high speed driving. Juab Bennion SE.NE NE.NW , NSec. ley of West Jordan, Mr. and Tax Sale No. NE , H U of Rolled tread edge for greater County Economic Development 18, T. 11 S., R. 8 W., SLM. Mrs. Clark Mackey and son LIST GIFT WEDDING AND Curtis of Salt Lake City. Beg. at S. E. Cor. of Cont. 160 Acres. Corp. new gift items now In stock. stability, fortified for longer tread-wewear. Full Lot 2, Blk. 26, Plat B, Nephl Mrs. Harry J. Irons spent Nephl Jewelry Co. Wards stands Townslte Survey, th. running guarnteed. Mothers day with her son In Tax Sale No. behind their guaranteed. Come W. 84.5 ft., th. N. 13 rds., th. W. Bennion care of George law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. in or call E. 100 ft., th. S. 13 rds., th. NEW WATCH BANDS Bennion W. 4 NW. Xi of Kermit Cook in Fountain W. 15.5 ft. to beg. most beautiful Latest styles Other guests at the Sec. 20, T. 11 S., R. 8 W SLM., Green. Nephl Jewelry, 17 POSITIONS OPEN Juab Cont 80 acres. Cook home were Mr. and Mrs. types Tax Sale No. Juab School District is acNorth Main, Nephl, Utah of Economic Development Granger. County Jay Worthington for the cepting applicalins of cor. SW. at Beg. Owen Tax Sale No. Corp. of custodian for the position Association The State Utah Lot 2, Blk. 26, Plat B, Nephl Bennion care of George BenWEDDING GIFT LIST With 1969-197- 0 school year. Those of Hairdressers met on SunTownslte Survey, th. N. 214.5 nion SW. N. , SE U most usable gifts for the desiring to apply should pick up the HairSafe. Mlckelsons at day ft. to the NW. cor. of sd. tot SW. , S. Sec. of SE. K D 20, Plumb- application forms at the School bride and groom 2, th. E. 130 ft., th. S. 214.5 T11S, R. 8 W., SLM. Cont. dressers from Juab, Sanpete, ing & Builders Supply, 66 So. District Office 305 East First were and counties Lot Sevier sd. S. of 2, line to the pres200 Acres. Phone North Street. ent. Ellen Bowles, Gladys Tol- Main, th. W. 130 ft. to the place atT. Susan and Garrett of beg. ley Tax Sale No. Glynn S.O.S. INCORPORATED FOR SALE Bass guitar In Bennion care of George tended from Nephl. Young, capable, energetic Juab No. excellent condition. Call Tax Sale Randy NW. Vi, SW. Bennion Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wilkey Howard at girls win do housework. County Economic Development W. Vt SW. Vi, SE. Vi SW. Vi 1 CaU Sunday in Ogden where Beg. at NW. cor., of of Sec. 28, T. 11 S., R. 8 W., spent visited Corp. with Mrs. Wilkeys they lawn and garden time Lot 3, Blk. 26, Plat B, Nephl SLM. Cont 160 Acres Its mother, Mrs. George Hone, and we have a fine supply of Townslte Survey, th. E 212 with other relatives. ft. to a pt. 2 ft. W. of the Tax Sale No. garden tools, garden and lawn NE cor. of Lot 3, th. S. 214.5 Elipse Mining & Milling ComMr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs hose, peet moss, sprays and come In toft. W. of the pany ft., to a pt. 2 bug controllers Lot. No. were in Provo last Tuesday. Jessamine, Hardware at 66 SE. cor. of Lot 3, th. W. 212 3857. 10.55 acres. day James H. Crane of Salt. Lake South Main In Nephl! ft., th. N. 214.5 ft. to beg. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City visited on Saturday with Juab have hereunto set my hand and his mother, Mrs. H. C. Crane, TORO & JACOBSEN LAWN Tax Sale No. County Economic Development official seal this 16th day of and with his father, who is in SCHWINN MOWERS the Juab County Hospital. All of Lot 4, Blk. 12, April, 1969. Corp. Lawn Mower & BICYCLES Plat D, Nephl Townslte SurService of Bicycle Miss Salt Betsy Bailey A. K. JOHNSON, vey. Also beg. at a pt. 112 (SEAL) Lake City has been visiting Lawn Mowers sharpened and ft. E. of the NW. comer of Juab County Auditor with her RPM Gear Lubricants keep We have tires, engrandmother, Mrs. H. repaired. Lot 3, Blk. 12, Plat D, Nephi blades wheels metal surfaces moving and C. gine parts, and with her grandCrane, Townslte Survey, th. S. 214.5 All property here offered for AH sizes of most mowers. quietly; cut wear. for smoothly, C. a H. Crane, patient tires and ft. M. or L. to the S. line of sale and which has not been father, for and tubes, parts at the Juab County Hospital. sd. Lot 3, th. E. 102.5 ft. M. stricken off to a private purSaws bicycles and tricyces. or L. to the SE. cor. of sd. chaser is hereby stricken off Mrs. Merle H. White and Mrs. machine filed and .set. Leave or L. M. Lot 3, th. N. 214.5 ft. and sold to the County of Juab, Helen Lee the week end word at Clarks Market In Neto the NE. cor. of sd. Lot 3, and I hereby declare the fee in Salt Lakespent On Sunday phl or with Kenneth Hoyt In City. CALL YOUR STANDARD OIL th. W. 102.5 ft. M. or L. to beg. simple title of said property to they were dinner guests of Levan for pick up and delivery MAN IN NEPHI be vested in said county. 39 So. WESTHNSKOWS Mrs. Lees son, Ron Lee, and LEO CHRISTENSEN 11 Gunnison. Juab tf of Linda Miss Tax Sale No. Ogden. Main, Hipwell Dates of publication: May -County Economic Development 8, Standard Oil Company of California 1969 In The and 15, 22, Beg. at NW. cor. of Times-New- s, Corp. Utah. Nephi, Lot 3, Blk. 13, Plat D, Nephl Townslte Survey, th. S. 69 ft., th. E 122.5 ft., th. S. 105 ft., PROBATE AND GUARDIANth. E. 92 ft. to E. line of sd. Consult SHIP NOTICES. Lot 3, th. N. 174 ft. to NE. County Clerk or Respective cor. of sd. Lot 3, th. W. 214.5 Signers for Additional Infor ft. to beg. mation. 123-196- 4: NEPHI LOCAL, ft SOCIAL ITEMS ALKERS 4, 124-196- WANTED A couple to take 1 bedroom FOR RENT over Ward Agency. Apply at apartment. Bicycles repaired. store or call For spring Cleaning, we sell SWIPE Marvin Garrett,, 384 FOR SALE Transistor home North Main, Nephl, Utah organ, and Walnut Spinet piFOR SALE Farm machano, this area. Take over small Power take-of- f inery. hay monthly payments. For details mower and side delivery rake write: Credit Manager, Box on rubber. Used on 6179, Sugar House Station, Salt tractor. Lewis, 343 East Lake City, Utah. 720 S., Orem. Phone 623-112- 4. Allic-Chal-me- rs 225-054- 3. Page Four CARD OF THANKS We would like to sincerely express our appreciation to all for their many acts of kindness and words of consolation following the recent death of our Rick, and the accident of our son Rusty. We will always gratefully remember the compassion and thoughtfulness you have extended to us. Ron and Ann Olsen 4: 623-033- 4-- D 4-- 4-- D D 136-196- 4: 137-196- 4: 623-014- 623-103- 0. 69 138-196- 4: 142-196- 4: Le-no- re 4: 623-018- 0. 143-196- 4: 15. Le-no- re 4: ar 144-196- 4: Le-no- re 623-112- 4. 4: 145-196- 4: 4-- ft 623-119- 9. 146-196- 4: 4: 623-040- 8. 623-033- Gears grinding? 170-196- 4: 4-- D effcJJgHcl! asms 4: JOHNNY and DARLENE CLAYTON POPULAR ENTERTAINERS WHO WILL BE FEATURED AT THE BIG 23-0648 4: Looking for action? Here's where to start. NOTICE TO CREDITORS WenTax Sale No. SE. Vi N. dell Hansen Estate of Leora C. of Sec. 1, T. 13 S., R. 1 E., deceased and ThomasBelliston, Clifton S.L.M. Cont. 80 acres. Creditors Belliston, deceased. Jer- will present claims with vouchTax Sale No. ers to the undersigned at the L. Dressell, office of Will ald A. Drussell, Gail L. Hoyt, AttornAll of Lot 60, Blk. j. t. ey at Law, Nephl, Utah, on or 4, Plat B, Eureka City Survey before the 18 day of August, except 6 by 25 ft. in NE. cor- 1969. Claims must be presented Anabel to Mooney. in accordance ner deeded with the provisions of Sec. Utah Code ShirNo. Sale Tax Annotated 1953, with proper a at Beg. verification as required therein. ley H. Petersen pt. 50 ft. N. 6254 E of NW. John Gordon Belliston comer of Lot 10, Blk. 6, Plat Administrator B, Eureka City Survey, N. 62 E. S. 2810 38.12 54 E ft., Dates of publication: May 15, to S. line of said Lot 10, S. 22 and 29 and June 5, 1969, lii 3820 W. to a pt. 50 ft. E. The Times-NewNephl, Utah, of W. bdy. line of said Lot 10, Nly to beg. "Cold Shoulder" The expression "cold 4: 116-196- K FISHERMAN'S DANCE ARMORY HALL SATURDAY MAY 24 Ass pspfar pxSup gass to fe Usaigt&s Gite'jy to pin mousy. te 4: 75-9-- 5, 119-196- 4: s, BIG ASSORTMENT OF GOOD USED CARSAII - Safety Inspected! shoulder originated as a result of a change in menu Sizzling roasts of meat were served to welcome guests, but for those who overstayed their welcome, cold shoulder and other "leftovers began to ap pear at the dinner table. Odd hour emergencies? Naturally, with Wolverine Action boots. This 9" boot is made for hunting, for work, for any rough handling leather thats you care to dish out Made of water repellent and acid resistant, with speed laces and moccasin toe. And theyre comfortable as only Wolverinecan make them. See for yourself. Come in for a pair and then head out into the action. If it's Wolverine, if s built for action. extra-sturd- ESE32 BOVS LORD) GARRETT Nephi -- 623-054- Tm one of AUTO CO's BOYS" I'JOLUERKIE Service isnt service unless you get it when you need it 7 NAYLOR DODGE y CALI YOUR STANDARD MAN IN NEPHI 110 CHRISTENSEN j OIL 323-064- Standard 0B Company of California , SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLY 123 South Main Nephi 623-014- Several lengths, In fact Like offering pickup boxes that range In length from 6V4 feet to a huge No matter what size you prefer, youll get a full measure of Chevys Pacesetter Value with each model. For instance: the biggest power choice among popular pickups. Six or V8. And the smoothest ride In trucks. Inside the double-stecabs, youll find such Pacesetter Values as thick foam seats. Which provide stretch-ou- t room for three. Wrap it all up In a small price and It becomes pretty clear: Chevy will go to great lengths to please you. el 6 Chevrolet Pacesetter Values America first choice tracks every since 1937. |