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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 Include the folowing: Willis Bryan, Nephi Doris Buchanan, Goshen Vila Dawn Casteele, Santa-qul- 0Hl Jilt Patients at the Juab County Hospital, according, to the list released at n. H. C. Crane, Nephi Hilda Duncan, Loa Ada Kay, Mona Jeanette Powell, Nephi Edward Ostler, Nephi Edna Sherwood, Levan Pearl Snow, Nephi Rodney C. Wankier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wankier, Nephi 10 a.m. Wednesday, Fuel or lubs needs? Cancer Fund Tops Senior Citzens Meet Quota in East At Ephraim Recently Juab County Area Make the Rest of Your life the Best of Your Life was the theme of an informative Central Utah Seminary for Senior Citizens held recently at the Snow College in Ephraim. Representatives of Millard, Sevire, Sanpete, Carbon, Utah and Juab Counties were in attendance session sponsored at the y by the Utah Council of Aging, the Six County organization, U. S. U. Extension Services and Snow College. Representing Juab County were Commissioner Alton S. Gadd, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. James P. Christensen of Levan, together with representatives of the Untie district. Commissioner Gadd discussed the subject What the Government is Doing for Senior Citizens". Other discussions were on what Churches are doing, and what is being done in Utah for the aging. It has been pointed out that at the present time there are 123 enrolled in the Senior Citizens organization in East Juab County enjoying, the benefits sponsored by federal, state and local governments. It was stressed that Senior Citizens should, as far as possible, live In their own homes where special interests and activities can be developed, Representatives from Salt Lake City included Dr. Melvin A. White, State Director and Ivan Moore, State Supervisor of the Utah Council of Agings Those attending enjoyed a dinner furnished by Snow College in the cafeteria lounge. Juab County became the 14th county of the state to reach its goal and go over the top1 in the recent Cancer Crusade, according to the County chairman Ruth Howard, and crus-adchairman Elden C. Sherwood. What you need, we have. Fuel for all your equipment. A lubricant for every part. life-savin- 623-133- 1. 623-163- 1. OIL MAN IN NEPHI CHRISTENSEN 623-064- 8 LEO Standard OH Company of California Furnished FOR RENT Collard apartment Apartments, 148 West 1st N, phone Asparaus: County Home Agent Gives Preparation Advice Its time of the year to enjoy 623-076- 3. EE LOOKING FOR QUALITY AND ECONOMY IN A NEW all-da- "The money contributed by the generous folks In East Juab County will be of great g efforts of help in Mrs. HowFOUND Owp-e- r those with cancer Parakeet may have by identifying and ard stated. Chairman Sherwood extend paying 75c for this adv. Call ed his thanks to members of the Levan, Mona and Nephi Lions Clubs, and to members of WANTED immediately furnished home for the sum- the Variette, OptiMrs, and mer Call Ralph E. Chase at Chalice Clubs, for their efforts in behalf of the crusade. TNT'S CALL YOUR STANDARD CAR?--S- Page Five Thursday, May 22, 1969 lots of delicious fresh asparagus. Here are some buying tips furnished by Gloria Ludlow, U. S. U. Extension agent for Juab County. Look for closed, compact tips and smooth, round spears The with a fresh appearance. stalks should be covered with a rich green color and should be tender almost as far down as the green extends. Avoid tips that are open and spread out, decayed or ribbed These are signs of spears. aging, and mean tough aspar- the new ee MAVERICK AND CORTINA at PARKIN MOTOR 131 South Main Also agus and poor flavor. avoid excessively sandy aspar-agu- e, because sand grains are difficult to remove in washing. For the best quality asparagus, use it within two days of purchase. Allow about 2 pounds for six servings. And for added taste treats, try dash of mustard seed .caraway seed, sesame seed or tarragon in the butter sauce. - Nephi, Utah Your FORD and MERCURY Dealership SPECIALS FOR BALANCE OF MAY BUILDING MATERIALS Your Dealer for Kiwanis Club Honors Young Men Graduates Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winter and son Craig visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nielson and family. The occasion was the sixth birthday anniversary of Brett Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd returned to their home recently after spending a week in Logan as guests of their son In law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Coffey and fam- On Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Francom had as their visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Dosh Steneckert of Los Angeles. Mrs. Steineckert Is a niece of Mrs. Francom. Homer Shepherd of Spanish Fork visited with his parents, POSITIONS NOW OPEN FOR PROFESSIONAL NURSES ily. HOUSEKEEPER LAUNDRESS NURSES AIDS KITCHEN HELP Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd on Saturday of last week. On Mothers day, guests at the Shepherd home were Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shepherd and their Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Man-gelsRobyn of Salt Lake of Provo were week end daughterMr. and Mrs. Delwin City; guests at the home of his par- Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Heber Shepherd of Levan. Mangelson. Evon Starry of Twin Falls, Recent guests at the home Idaho is visiting for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepwith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sher- herd were Mr. and Mrs. Joe wood. Graves of Salt Lake City. n, Mrs. Wanda Burridge had as her guests on Mother's day, The Nephi Kiwanis Club was her daughter, Mrs. Barbara B. host to the boys from the grad- Strong and uating class of Juab High Mrs. Charlotte Buzianes and r, School on Wednesday evening. baby of Tooele. The Youth Services Committee with Lynn Esplln as chairman was in charge of the program. Following the dinner, each boy introduced himself and told briefly of his future plans. Principal Newell and senior class advisors Mr. Talbot and Mr. Johansen represented the fac- W- 623-051- 1 THE Week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Powell were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Powell and sons Mark find Frank of Malad, Idaho; Clyde Powell of Pleasant Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Powell and son Richard of Nephi. Guests over the Mothers day week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackman were her father, Henry Peterson of Fountain Green; and their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nulph of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francom visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Hay Francom. n, INTERVIE- Colonial Manor Nursing and Convalescent Home Ruel Mortensen of Ogden was a visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. Floy Mortensen, on Friday and Saturday of last week. On Sunday, Marvin Mortensen and family of Bountiful were guests at the Mrs. Floy Mortensen home. Mrs. Kitty Beard and Miss Phyllis Beard entertained at a baby shower recently for Mrs. Katherine Sorbe Brazieal, who recently has returned to Levan from Oregon. Refreshments and games were enjoyed by the following guests: Inez Sorbe, Venese Taylor, Vivian Mangelson, Verna Gardner, Bessie Jackman, Anna Shepherd, Nina Taylor Ruby Winter, Mary Jane Winter, Velma Andrew, Janet Baxter, Rhea Rosquist, Melba Ballow, Sheryl Stephen-seBlanche Stephensen, Judy Hall, Maurlne Stephenson, Barbara Powell, Sadie Bowers, Vinnie Christensen, Faye Mam-greFloy Harper, the guest of honor, atherine Sorbe Brazieal, and the hostesses, Phyllis Beard and Kitty Beard. grand-daughte- CALL FOR INSURANCE MAN For your home our HOME-OWNE- R it is the way Policy to get the most coverage for the money! Larry Peterson CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE AGENCY 33 South Main Street Office 623-025- 0 bought rite- -, aged rite... trimmed rite... priced rite ulty. Wayne D. Rose, USU Extension Agent, was the speaker. He spoke on the subject Youth and America. He challenged the boy graduates to make sure their children and grandchildren would have the same opportunity - to be bom free as they had.- He said that on the other side, of the freedom The coin is "responsibility. future of this country is in the hands of the youth, he pointed out. SCdcdgCi lb. BLADE CUT WELDWOOD PRE-FINISH- ED Impossible Years Is Highlight at Venice SH0ULDFER A movie for all trying to raise parents and all parents trying, to raise teens will be playing at the Venice The Theatre this week end. Impossible Years stars David Niven as a respected and dis tingulshed psychiatrist. His wife is portrayed by Lola 91 e bright and they have two POT teen-age- 4 x 8 ft. panels, priced at 4-4- 9 up up JUST CARLOADS DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOO- DARRIVED-- 2 H in. 4x8 C. D. (with Vi exterior glue) 4.19 sht. Va in 4x8 A. D. one side) 34 (sanded -- 3.88 (sanded -one side) 6.29 per sht. one side) -- 7.88 per sht. inch SANDED SHOP PLYWOOD 4x8 -- sht. ENJOY YOUR HOME MORE THIS a rw.'.'.'.w paw mve One of them daughters. seems an impossible girl to Niven. She is loved by the boy next door whos father is played by Ozzle Nelson who believes parents should unite you have nothing to lose by your Of course, the show alkids. so brings in the bearded motorrun-in- s cyclist hippy, set-in- s, with police and a secret marriage. The mpossible Years (May 22, 23 and 24) Is rated as a fun movie for the entire family. Starting Sunday, May 25, in 4x8 A. D. (sanded per sht. 7. 12 SUMMErT The Sellers: y.wi ASPHALT SHINGLES 300 lb. 25-ye- ar Shingles bonded - per square Half inch thickness 38 - 115 ft. sheet 55 -- Peter ft. sheet Also available in 8, 10, 12 14-fo- ot and TEXAS lb each (Mi -- lb IFROZEN1FOODS1 for BANQUET DINNERS MEAT P I E S - each ENTREES - BAG - each 6 oz cans 7:30 a.m. Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. Saturday CLOSED AT Chevron Gasolines keep engine parts clean. Boost fuel mileage. IGA CUBED- SOLID LETTUCE 6 P.M. EXCEPT FRIDAY I 00 15 387-23-84 623-004- LEO Oil MAN IN NEPHI CHRISTENSEN 623-064- 8 4 Standard Oil Company of California for your convenience ASSORTED FLAVORS pkq No. 212 can PORK & BEANS HUNTS 21 CORNED BEEF LIBBY'S 12 oz can 59c SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES No. 200 box 23 CATSUP 14 oz ADMIRAL OLEO bottle PIERCES mm sausagesk, PINK SALMONS ST COTTAGE CHEESE lb FREE GOLD STRIKE at STAMPS 'imm myo 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI PHONE 623-11- FREEZING 7 p.m. FRIDAY CALL YOUR STANDARD m MIX 31 CUSTOM CUTTING, WRAPPING, OPEN UNTIL 211 A PINK GRAPEFRUIT CRISP 303 - BANANAS OPEN ICLFIM3 TO CUilO A tSTTCt COMMUNITY FOR MONTE COCKTAIL DEL 24 No. cans CHUNKS No. PINEAPPLE CRUSHED TID BITS can 23 MEDIUM dozflOO IB U T T E R 3 U -for EGGS RIPE GOLDEN TIP TOP lengths CHEESE Table Fresh Produce FRUIT CARD OF THANKS We express our appreciation BANQUET to Sheriff A Duane Sperry and IN BOIL others who assisted In any way In apprehending the Individual who was detected burglarizing our farm home Monday evening. We appreciate the prompt action of the Sheriff and of the Court in bringing the case to a rapid climax. Burnett Stephensen Roland Parkin Want more milssga? lb ROAST FRUIT DRINKS inch thickness 4x8 l starring If youve ever been plays through Tuesday. SHEET ROCK 4x8 235 tb. 15 year bonded Shingles per square Party to a wilder party than this one, you should be arrested accordin gto critics. The Party UU PADCO rs ten-ag- in 4x8 A. D. ROUND STEAK lb 79 BONELESS MILD LD cS1pAST?1 W CHAROAL 101b BRIQUETS bag ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Values fo 39c gUBjiiiEITi LSD 5EME? oz YOUR CHOICE each rt?. V Buy Now for MEMORIAL DAY 1 |