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Show w- - f WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 1, wooded acre of ground surrounds this charming split level home The 4 levels are adorned with 5 bedrooms 3 baths family room with built-i- n bookcases game room, etc etc etc The back yard boasts a children s playhouse and gas LIVING See the unspoiled beauty of this country766-032-contem- Jim porary soon ERA ChrisLarimer 376-071- 1 tiansen Inc Realtors 773 21 17 114 CLOSE AND CONVENIENT AND WITHIN walking distance to dll schools White brick rambler 2 fireplaces in the basement extra parking pad for with 5 bedrooms, entrance outside Priced vehicles recreational realistically at $54 900 See it ERA soon Jim 766-032Christiansen Inc Realtors 773-2- 1 17 R4 PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP AREAI THIS CAPE Cod home will excite you1 The wooded lot 8nd terrific yiew will enchant you Main floor utility room and family room, walk-i- n closets and a deck across the back Brand-ne- home with liberal floor and jighting allowances Bring your family to see this home soon ERA Christiansen Jim 766-032- 7 Inc Realtors 773 21 1 7 R4 SOMERSET FARM QUAINT ENGLISH Tudorm exclusive Somerset Farm, with trees and a stream 4 plus Bdrms loft, family room Must see to appreciate Call Shirley at 867-533or Century 21 All Seasons Realty Inc at 867 5011, 363 5011 R4 HOMES by builder - ready for occupancy now Layton 4 bedroom $69 900 Layton 3 bedroom $67,900 Roy 3 bedroom on Vi acre $67 900 Clearfield 3 bedroom $50 700 Call Robert Lovell 773-172- 2 or ' SavCom 773-728R3 4 NEW OWNER - Brick & Cedar split entry in new Kaysville area 4 1 3A baths 2 brick bedioonvs fireplaces, central ai'r. auto Garage opendr, fenced yard, family room, 2 car garagte below market interest rate available on conventional $66,900 appointment 295-790- cond fenced comer lot, King Clarion , for cars & RV Hills Kaysville 376-245- 1 R1-- 3765657 3rd 2-- executive home Situated on acre lot, this home will please the prestige home buyer Huge entertainment room with conversation pits sunken living room mam floor laundry extra RV parking and much more1 Carrol 86 7 2103 Biorg 867 5258 Red Rock Realty SUNDAY 6 with sundeck, north Layton a brick & alum walkout bs.Tit, 2 bdrms sliding glass doors to sundeck, nice garden spot berries and fruit trees, 2h yrs old Exceptionally nice starter home Listed at $45,000 00 Submit an otter In s 1 STEPHENSON REALTY EMI 8 825-036- 1 3. 1614 EAST KAYS CREEK LAYTON (North oH Cherry 825-160- Signs) Lane-Follo- w Fireplace bricked area for free standing fireplace to finish in ready recreationgame room Located in exclusive E Layton Area 825-300- 3 Joe 825-740- 2 Ron 773-48- George II IN I I 1 tiful $39,000 $42900 $42900 $49,900 $49,500 $50,000 $99,900 $107,000 OWN a brand new Cape Cod in Kaysville3 We ve situated in got the one Rolling Green Subdivision featuring 3 large bedrooms and 2 full baths formal dining room tiled entry built in china closet and the price is right' Bjorg 867-210Carrol 867 5258 R4 Red Rock Realty 290-249OAK FOR EST 9 9 4 9 2 9 9 (77) (94) (55) (91) (71) (92) (72) CLEARFIELD h9room Cone-Stat- e money Good assumption bedroom bedroom - FMA-Vbo droo mo - Low down, FHA, Va Just like now Convenient Location DoNfhttui to show Capo Cod - ROY (93) (9) (79) $49,500 $52,000 $93,900 $96,000 $72,000 $91,000 $110,000 $117,900 this lovely lot in the Will (76) (94) (93) (79) $109,500 Ed ERA tab contract V aero 4 bodroom 9 bodroom - Croat neighborhood 1 aero bodroom 9 4 bodroom Kiel. Townhouso 10 Unit Apartmont houaa 9 bodroom - Contra! Hoopor Mini (arm 1 ClUt Largo custom home (ST) LAND AND LOTS 766-055- 360 So. State, Clearfield 773-13- 4 ie-i- S&turday, March 3 12 to 5 P.M. -- 1159E. 1150S., Clearfield s This beautiful executive home is located in Valhalla, 1725 sq ft brick and aluminum with split shake roof, 3 large bedrooms, IV, plus to baths, large living room with beautiful drapery, family room on mam floor with rock fireplace Central air, large oversized double garage Large fenced yard, redwood sundeck, covered patio, sprinkler system This is truly a beautiful home 5- - Host: Ralph Boyd WEST 773-287- 4 KAYSVim ROY, UTAH 84067 Star Realty brick side by side with extra garage, storage & corral on a large lot Very good Kaysville area Call Gil or Bobbie Jackson at 7660100 or Century 21 All Inc at Seasons Realty 867 5011, 363 501 1 R4 825-090- (f, 5519 SOUTH 1900 DUPLEX trees surround this Gen OPEN HOUSE Realty Btdidlno Iota - Clinton Vtow lot Layton aroa Small homo comm, lot Cloarfloid 1 or TUe&t FRUIT HEIGHTS KAYSVILLE the 1978 Thayne Lovaly homo, Immacuiata 4 phi 2964621 Jim 7660327 Inc Realtors Christiansen 773 21 7 R4 OF GOOD BUY! bedroom, lVj both Rambler in Syrocuse Beautiful Kitchen with efficiently designed work area complete with oil built-inHuge family room with fireplace, two car bench area Permanent play ground equipplus garoge acre ment, fruit trees, berry bushes, and best of all, zoned for animals Don t be sorry call Ernie Millgate 3 A FAMILY AFFAIR LAYTON Homes Syrocuse plus beau- NOT on residential building same subdivision as Weber Co Parade of STARTER HOME basement alum & brick 2 bedroom roughed tor 2 more bedrooms Has patio, fenced yard, built-in- s and other extras Owner very anxious and only asking $47,900 00 Make otter In Clearfield, CUSTOM SUILT COUNTRY LIVING 766-12- 88 OOH LA LA' REDUCED S. make offer P.M. 2-- 6 3298 W. 700 MOSS REALTY 13 dbl carport much more' Quality Rentals 394-268- 1 R4 R4 2 OPEN HOUSES R-- ADJACENT TO Oakridge Country Club Spectacular six bedroom BUY OPTION' huge 5 Br 4 bath home in E Laytoni 2 fireplaces 4 On your home tour today, this is a must to see. Terrific family home. 5 bedrooms, two family rooms, and acre of play and garden area. Zoning is S so you can have animals. Pressure irrigation all in for your convenience in planting the spring garden. Price reduced to $65,000. OAKRIDGE VILLAGE WANT DELUXE LIVING?? Clearfield (Valhalla Estates) Look at these features, light bnck, 1542 sq ft. large master bedroom, 2 more on mam floor, one bedroom in bsmt, central insulated - attached double garage, a cond 100 detached garage for pickup & camper, etc , pantry oft kitchen, formal dining room, water softener, automatic spnnklmg system, 12 x 12 steel shed, patio, cedar fence Special carpets, drapes, lighting fixtures and plumbing fixtures Many more attractive features Asking $88,000 00 Ftere it is UTAH MONEY' Nice clean home on 1 ' 3 acre fenced lot Swamp cooler and lots of storage Call OWNER 3 bedroom. 2 baths Fm room, Franklin fireplace air BY 2211 N. VALLEY VIEW. LAYTOH 2902495J13 PRICE 3) SAT., MARCH laundry on mam formal dining room - in Grand Oaks Subdivision Bjorg 867 2103 Carrol 867-525Red Rock Realty WHY 1979 1 OPEN HOUSE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING THIS BEAUTY features 1800 sq ft (each floor) of class1 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms - MARCH formal dining A C, brick front Lloyd s Elite Kaysville Rhone for 1 800 square feet on the main floor with two more to go1 Can you believe it1 This spacious 2 story is located oft Highway 89 in E Kaysville and boasts a spectacular view features 5 plus bedrooms main floor family room double ovens oak covered lot and more Carrol 867 5258 Biorg 867 2103 Red Rock Realty 290-249R3 PLENTY BY KAYSVILLE ALMOST CLASSY LEADER 1974 RAMADA Mobile Home 24x64 3 Bdrm den 2 bath LUXURIOUS A COUNTRY RETREAT! A DELIGHTFULLY barbeque 1979 0 - 773-98- 42 REALTY 376-42- 31 YOUR REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST 57 financing R3 4 766-142- 5 BY OWNER - NO AGENTS CHOICE TWO bedroom, 1 1 50 sg ft home w basement located in 13 acre lot Will Syracuse or sell below appraised value of 773-551or 45,000 00 Call 376-966R2 BY OWNER AGENT 4 BEDROOMS, 2 full baths, 2 2 kitchens, fenced fireplaces, yard Great aisa of Laytoh, 2456 N 490 W in Laytoh, all brick new paint Priced to sell at $57,900 00 Call owner even825-446R4 ings "LAYTON IN TOWN TO shopping and all services is where you will find this 3 extra nice full brick rambler CLOSE 1 and 3A bath bedroom fireplaces and double garage Carlin Maw Lakewood Realty the address R4 Call t s ' I I I & custom I G2BEBIEEEB O0G irvnvm mums (TO Prices from Layton to $92,000 Many 10 yr features R4 Country Living Near Lsgoonl ELEGANT HOME in Fruit Heights' 2 Family rooms in basement' 5 Large bedrooms! Energy efacre with full ficient' Asking panorama view' $144,900 Must see to believe' Mel Charlie Century 21 Grant Call warranty l: or for 000 mm wnrnm Will sell overstocked until April 1 5 at last yr s prices 6 houses in choice Davis County locations. Fruit Heights, Kays- $62,000 i 0 ffiDGMimj BUILDER ville k 394-518- 766-129- 6 033? 376-596- 8 ENTIRE STOCK 23 292-064- VESTED SUITS 6 CRICKET LANE 295-190- 6 Davis Co MENS 1ADIIS R4 292-724- CO-ORDINA- fund or replacement when returned, postage prepaid with tag and sales slip to Monsanto. GHSEEBOm SILVER AND GOLD CHAINS Reg. S3 to S5 (Sty 2s5 4 Lengths to choose from CHILDRENS ATHLETIC SHOES 799 SWEATER BONANZA DON! PASS ALL THIS CLASS (23?)i 0 t?r a SAG! HAVE YOU HEARD 1 VAN HEUSEN Reg. to $20 OtP Choose from a large assortment of styles and colors m OO DRESS SHIRTS m 3 Reg. to 17.98 80 x 90 size 30 mso C 0 SB 02 H223 3m 4-- Pc 0P fiffa r SEJ GBD S2i iSBPisrai'i 4 PC SOFT SIDE LUGGAGE SETS SAVE 50 Nested Luggage Sets AssL prints and solids BATII TOWEL prints Brushed nylon and terry in soft pastel colors 1 99 123 2 GIRLS SPRING TOPS YT0O Short sleeve styles, many colors l m 1j3 KEI23B3 DOUBLE KNIT SUCKS nr TO REALTY Four popular styles, white 9 99 2 ANN POULTER S25-722- Bath, Reg. $4 S 75 North Main, Clearfield, Utah Reg. $158.00 Hand, Wash, Reg. 2.75 Reg. 1.30 r Rg. to $28 Choose from vinyls and juniors styles in assorted colors and sues 9 OO ' Brushed denim styles, star pocket c memm mp Reg. to 13.50 CBIDSilDQnEID OP '5 ijjjs PqP jflSKESlS i1i3Q 249195 Reg. 349.95 22". 8 Track tape player, cassette player, recorder, speakers, turntable MENS KNIT FARAH JEANS 10 99 Reg. $15 $33 Reg. 47.50 only Popular solid colors in western Complete safety features Several colors Layaway now! m Jl COMPACT STEREO CENTER STROLEE LADIES JACKETS 773-671- S 99 CAR SEATS OA Reg. to 4.50 THUNEHERDIRD 9 99 Reg. $14 2J12J LADIES BRAS CALL BOYS FASHION JEANS a." 2331 2 6 99 (3j Reg. to S36 Short sleeve (Rspi HJ!D -- b iF.nrm.iMTt LAMES SPRING PANTSUITS solids and stripes 22', 24', 26' cases and totes made of heavyweight vinyl in tin, brown, blue and red. mwmrnjQ INFANT STRETCH SITS V 3ESJ3J' ENSEMBLE Rose or poppy design, colorful print on white solids and patterns. MENS 3 A 4" Reg. to $9 Our entire stock ot short sleeve Van Heusen Dress Shirts in Reg. to $4 0 Reg. 5.49 AssL solid colors Will! off Reg. to $14 50 8 99 assL colors LADIES UMBRELLAS Out in Syracuse country there is a 5 bedroom 2 bath full basement home on apacre with 12x24 prox. greenhouse 3 car garage and oodles of out buildings Save now on our entire stock o) handsomely tailored suits in solids and stripes. One and two pant styles, popular colors. LAMES CHAIR PADS fulfil White with blue stripe both home on Vi ocre on oak covered lot 2 car garage many extras. A real deal. 295-943- 1 THERMAL BLANKETS GZBaSlS KffiiCffilli 0D4BS3III&3' 4 bedroom 23 MALL PHONE COTTON 376-136- ) 1643 li talents INVESTMENT CO. SOUTH MAIN STREET Milhken Visa, wear dated by Monsanto. . . new exclusive non-glittpoplin stitch double knit polyester in beautiful spring colors. If you are currently an active salesperson or broker desiring to devote more of your to investment oriented real estate thru sales, financial participation, and management, the opportunity now exists to join an established firm. Proven exceptional producers can gam high commissions, split, plush office facilities, and encouragement to excel in their own direction. Call 5 or Gary Nelson LAKEWOOD! 5 POINTS BOUNTIFUL 1979 FOR SPRING OF ASSOCIATES 30 TES BUT IY ALL TOGETHER REAL ESTATE 376-869- Reg. $90 to $165 style polyester knit jeans, sizes S 30-3- |